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Date: 2024-10-25 Page is: DBtxt001.php L0200-PE-PEOPLE-list
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Navigation for PEOPLE

Separate page navigation for PEOPLE alphabetical
AAA go to TOP
Amrote Abdella
Sir Fazle Hasan Abed
Jack Abramoff
Peter Aiken
Nii Akueteh
Rifaat al-Assad
Abdiweli Mohamed Ali
Philip Alston
Ray Anderson
Richard Armitage
Daniel Aronson
Julian Assange
Abdel Bari Atwan

BBB go to TOP
Trevor Bales
Ken Banks
Roger Bate
Milton Bateman
David Batstone
Michel Bauwens
Vincenzo Bavoso
Jem Bendell
Boris Berezovsky
Benazir Bhutto
Joe Biden
Bin Laden
Steve Biko
Larry Birns
Marwan Bishara
Bob Bishop
Rajiv Biswas
Benjamin Black
Bill Black
Conrad Black
Bob Blain
Lloyd Blankfein
Sam Bliss
David Bloom
Michael Bloomberg
Mark Blyth ... Professor at Brown University
Speaker Boehner
Gary A Bolles
Brooksley Born
Victor Bout
Mark Bradbury
Russell Brand
Paul Bremmer
Peter Bretsher
Rebekah Brooks
Ellen Brown
Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland
Paul Buchheit
Warren Buffett
Stephen Bullock
Peter Burgess
Wes Bush

CCC go to TOP
Herman Cain
David Cameron
Eric Cantor
George Carlin
John Cassidy
Ray Chambers
Robin Chase
Delton Chen
Dick Cheney
Jeff Cherry
Noam Chomsky
Shafi Chowdhury
Governor Christie
President Bill Clinton
D'Maris Coffman
Leonard Cohen
Chip Conley
Bill Conway
Chris Cook
Storm Cunningham
Marie Curie
Brian Czech

DDD go to TOP
Dalai Lama
Herman Daly
Mitch Daniels
Richard Dawkins
Neil deGrasse Tyson

David DeGraw
J. Bradford DeLong
Frank Diana
James Dillan
Jamie Dimon
Lou Dobbs
Bill Domhoff
Chris Dodd
Paul Driessen
Tammy Duckworth
Senator Dick Durban
Bob Dymond

EEE go to TOP
Professor William Easterly
Robert Eccles
Roger Ehrenberg
Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich
Queen Elizabeth II
John Elkington
Hilal Elver
Gregory Esau
Matt Evans

FFF go to TOP
Ideas ... Paul-Farmer
Niall Ferguson
Carl Forti
Max Fraad-Wolff
Pope Francis
Ben Freeman,
Director of the Foreign Influence Transparency Initiative at the Center for International Policy / Tomgram
Milton Friedman
Tom Friedman
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
Richard Fuld

GGG go to TOP
Brian Gately
Bill Gates
Bill Gates
AlJazeera English Features ... Bill Gates to support 'Robin Hood' tax The wealthiest man in the US has put his support behind a tax targeting the wealthy which would be given to the poor.
Open file 620
Bill Gates
People - Philanthropy ... Bill Gates on Malaria ... Bill Gates at Long Beach California Feb2009 1 of 2 Mosquito & Malaria
Open file 1037
Bill Gates
WEF 2008 ... Bill Gates Issues Call For Kinder Capitalism ... Famously Competitive, Billionaire Now Urges Business to Aid the Poor
Open file 2145
Timothy Geithner
Timothy Geithner
People ... Bankers and Finance ... Spotlight Fixed on Geithner, a Man Obama Fought to Keep
Open file 1233
Mahatma Ghandi
Mahatma Ghandi
Three videos about the life of Gandhi
Open file 1855
Mahatma Ghandi
A very relevant set of ideas from Mahatma Gandhi
Open file 1820
Wael Ghonin
Wael Ghonin
Egypt's Revolution A Letter to Marshal Tantawy Wael Ghonim writes a letter to Marshal Tentawy about the revolution in Egypt
Open file 502
Bjorn-Soren Gigler
Bjorn-Soren Gigler
Event Book Launch in Washington DC Book Launch: Closing the Feedback Loop - Can Technology Bridge the Accountability Gap? ... Thursday, June 19, 2014, 3:30–5:00pm, World Bank Room MC 13-121
Open file 7708
Ideas ... Gigler
Björn-Sören Gigler ... Closing the Feedback Loop
Gigler, Björn-Sören; Bailur, Savita. 2014. ... World Bank ... Closing the Feedback Loop : Can Technology Bridge the Accountability Gap?
Open PDF ... Gigler ... Closing the Feedback Loop
Newt Gingrich
Newt Gingrich
People ... USA Politics ... Gingrich calls Palestinians 'invented' people ... Republican presidential hopeful defends Israel and says Palestinians are Arabs who 'had a chance to go many places'.
Open file 1680
Newt Gingrich
Politics ... Gingrich earned twice as much as previously disclosed from ethanol lobbying group
Open file 1740
Newt Gingrich
Riding Israel: A tragicomedy ... Senior political analyst explains why Newt Gingrich is no Tom Cruise, and why touting Israel is a mission impossible.
Open file 1875
Newt Gingrich
People ... US Politics ... Rachel Maddow Show ... Newt Gingrich as of January 20, 2012 ... and especially the CNN debate in South Carolina
Open file 2102
Newt Gingrich
People ... US Politics ... An article that puts the question 'Did Gingrich leave speakership 'in disgrace'?' in perspective
Open file 2132
Newt Gingrich
Open file 2365
Todd Gitlin
Todd Gitlin
Professor at Columbia University in New York
Open file 1869
Ideas ... Raz Godelnik
Raz Godelnik
Sustainable Consumption is so Capitalism 1.0 – The Future (Capitalism 2.0) is all about Sustainable Communities
Open file 6160
Mark Goyder
Mark Goyder
Message to Mark Goyder as he takes on the role of Chief Executive at Tomorrow's Company
Open file 8788
Barbara Gray
Hank Greenberg
Alan Greenspan
David Ray Griffin
Jonathan Gruber
Rudy Guiliani
Rajat Gupta
Christa (Chris) Gyori

HHH go to TOP
Chuck Hagel
Chuck Hagel
Open file 3937
Robin Hahnel
Robin Hahnel Open file 202
Ideas ... Christopher-Halburd
Open PDF gia-article-christopher-halburd
Lisa Hall
Lisa Hall
Open file 625 Lisa Hall
Robin Halnel
Robin Halnel
Open file 202
Nick Hanauer
Gretchen Hancock
Robin Harrison
Taj Hashani
Sheik Hasina
Paulo Hawken
Paulo Hawken
Open file 231
Peter Head
Chris Hedges
Lloyd Helferty
Hazel Henderson
Peter Herring
Dan Hind
Thomas Hoenig
Eric Holder
Adam S. Horowitz
Adam S. Horowitz
What's a Nice Jewish Boy Doing in a Convent? — adam horowitz

Open external link
Adam S. Horowitz
What's a Nice Jewish Boy Doing in a Convent? — adam horowitz's_a_Nice_Jewish_Boy_Doing_in_a_Convent__-_3.9.19.pdf
Open PDF
People: Adam Horowitz
About Nuns and Nones ... What’s a Nice Jewish Boy Doing in a Convent? ... Nuns, Millennials, and the Call to Community
Open file 16410
Vanessa Houlder
Johnny Howarth
Jeffrey Huber
Michael Hudson
Arianna Huffington
John Huntsman
Will Hutton

III go to TOP
Samira Ibrahim
Joi Ito

JJJ go to TOP
Ellen Jackowski
Steve Jobs
Jamie Johnson

KKK go to TOP
Max Keiser
Professor Markus Kerber
Wadah Khanfar
Mikhail Khodorkovsky
John Kiehl
Jim Kim
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Rita J. King
Theo Kitchener
Joseph Klein
Joseph Klein
Naomi Klein
Koch Brothers
Paul Krugman

LLL go to TOP
Frederic Laloux
Eric Lander
Annie Leonard
Gerd Leonhard
Donald W. Light
Jin Liqin
Bjorn Lomborg
Nikolai Lugansky
MMM go to TOP
Wangari Maathai Open list0300-PEOPLE
Chris Macrae Open list0300-PEOPLE
Norman Macrae Open list0300-PEOPLE
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow hosts a show on MSNBC about US and global politics and other issues. Some of her video pieces.
Open detail file
Jeff Madrick Open list0300-PEOPLE
Bill Maher Open list0300-PEOPLE
Ibrahim Bare Mainassara Open list0300-PEOPLE
Nelson Mandela Open list0300-PEOPLE
Tony Manwaring Open list0300-PEOPLE
Nic Marks Open list0300-PEOPLE
James McNerney Open list0300-PEOPLE
Doug McDavid Open list0300-PEOPLE
Sean McElwee Open list0300-PEOPLE
Bill McGibben Open list0300-PEOPLE
John McKay Open list0300-PEOPLE
Scott McNealy Open list0300-PEOPLE
Gertjan Meeuws Open list0300-PEOPLE
Krishen Mehta Open list0300-PEOPLE
President Menem Open list0300-PEOPLE
Ebrahim Metari
Allan Metzler
Branko Milanovic
Ken Miller
Gary Miner
Abdiweli Mohamed Ali
Zhang Monan
George Monbiot
Alan Moore
Michael Moore
Jeff Mowatt
Bill Moyers
Rupert Murdoch
President Pervez Musharraf
President of Pakistan 19nn - 19nn
Elon Musk
NNN go to TOP
Ralph Nader
Dennis Nally
Crown Prince Nayef of Saudi Arabia
Dr. Peter Neidecker
Benjamin Netanyahu
Sir Isaac Newton
Erik Nielson
Peggy Noonan
Helena Norberg-Hodge
Jacqueline Novogratz
Joseph S. Nye
OOO go to TOP
President Obama
Peter Ongele
Keith Olbermann
Tony Olumela
Jean Oelwang
Ken Ofori-Atta
Mr. Ken Ofori-Atta is the Executive Chairman of the Data Bank Limited
Tim O'Reilly
Daniel O'Neill
PPP go to TOP
Bishop George Packard
Vikram Pandit
James Park
Dorothy Parvez
Ron Paul
Gunter Pauli
Henry Paulson
John Perkins
Rick Perry
Boone Pickens
Baudouin Piscaer
Thomas Piketty
John Pilger
Pope Francis
Lori Pottinger
Colin Powell
Thomas Power
C.K. Prahalad
Princess Elizabeth Bagaya of Toro Open L0600P-Princess-Elizabeth-Bagaya
Vicky Pryce
President Putin
QQQ go to TOP
RRR go to TOP
Dylan Ratigan
Dylan Ratigan
Open file 2314
Dylan Ratigan
Open file 2317
Dylan Ratigan
Open file 2330
Ideas ... Kate Raworth
Open PDF ... Kate-Raworth-Econ-101-Quiz-What-century-are-you-in-140929
Open PDF ... Kate-Raworth-Oxfam-Discussion-Paper-a-safe-and-just-space-for-humanity-130212
William Rees
William Rees Open file 0242
Robert Reich
Robert Reich
Robert Reich on reviving the economy... Washington Pre-Occupied - The biggest question in America these days is how to revive the economy.
Open file 1083
Robert Reich
Society and Economy ... USA ... Robert Reich on reviving ther economy ... Washington Pre-Occupied - The biggest question in America these days is how to revive the economy.
Open file 1083
Robert Reich
Robert Reich on 2012 ... My Political Prediction for 2012: It’s Obama-Clinton
Open file 1814
Robert Reich
Ideas ... Economy ... Robert Reich: The GOP's Economic Plan Has No Basis In Reality ... In this as in other domains of public policy, Republicans have not shown a particular affinity for facts.
Open file 8841
Robert Reich
Ideas ... Economics ... Robert Reich's 2014 year in review
Open file 8886
Trade ... Trade Agreements
Robert Reich ... Why the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Is a Pending Disaster
Open file 8925
Dennis Ritchie
Another tech pioneer, Dennis Ritchie, passes
The foundations of current computer technology revolutionised the industry into what it is today.
Open file 759
Ken Robinsom
Ken Robinson
TED Talks ... Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity ... Sir Ken Richardson is easy to understand ... quite funny ... but his subject is incredibly important. This video was recorded in 2006
Open file 375
Sir Ken Robinson
TED Talks ... Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! ... Sir Ken Robinson follows up in this TED Talk on the ideas he talked about in 2006. While his ideas make a lot of sense, the education establishment is not jumping up to embrace these ideas.
Open file 376
Open file 2323
Kenneth Rogoff
Kenneth Rogoff Open file 3876
Kenneth Rogoff
Ideas ... Geopolitics ... Kenneth Rogoff ... Do Economic Sanctions Work?
Open file 8885
John Rohm
John Rohm
Open file 2224 John Rohm
Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney
Rachel Maddow explains how Mitt Romney is a big part of the American problem
Open file 1607
Mitt Romney
January 9, 2012 ... Rachel Maddow doing a piece mainly about Mitt Romney
Open file 1996
Mitt Romney
Rachel Maddow Show ... Mitt Romney as of January 20, 2012
Open file 2103
Mitt Romney
January 2012 ... Romney Parks Millions in Cayman Islands. This is legal, but who writes the laws that make it legal?
Open file 2085
Mitt Romney
Rachel Maddow Show ... Mitt Romney and his money
Open file 2088
Mitt Romney
Rachel Maddow ... Mitt Romney moves up from 22% approval to something much higher ... but tax rate of 15% is the new issue. Mitt Romney defends wealth
Open file 2078
Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney on Monday, January 16th, 2012 in a Republican presidential debate in Myrtle Beach, S.C. says U.S. Navy is smallest since 1917, Air Force is smallest since 1947
Open file 2131
Andy Rooney
Andy Rooney
People ... Andy Rooney dead at 92: We loved his knack for life’s small worries
Open file 1095
Charlie Rose
Charlie Rose Open file 319
Charlie Rose Open file 417
Nir Rosen
Nir Rosen
Open file 572 Nir Rosen
Nir Rosen
Open file 574 Nir Rosen
Nir Rosen Open file 663
Nir Rosen
People ... Reporters ... Nir Rosen came to our attention for his reporting on the uprising in Syria in October 2011
Open file 976
Paul Rosenberg
Paul Rosenberg
Ideas ... Remuneration ... Let’s All Screw the 1 Percent: The Simple Move Obama Could Make to Strengthen the Rest of Us ... You're working more hours and not getting paid for them. We can fix that -- and put more people to work. Here's how.
Open file 8842
Hans Rosling
Hans Rosling Open file 233
Hans Rosling
Hans Rosling makes the case for the washing machine. Rosling shows us the magic that pops up when economic growth and electricity turn a boring wash day into an intellectual day of reading.
Open file 988
Hans Rosling
Hans Rosling is a Swedish professor who has significantly improved the visual presentation of complex data.
Open file 2146
Mary G Ross an engineer and early expert in space mathematics
Link to resources related to Mary G Ross
Open external link
Nouriel Roubini
Link to resources related to Nouriel Roubini Open L0500P-Nouriel-Roubini
Robert Rubinstein
Robert Rubinstein
Impact Investing Offers Opportunity for Wealth Managers!
Open file 8800
Olena Rudna
Olena Rudna
Open file 6466
SSS go to TOP
Jeffrey Sachs
Ideas ... Philip Sadler
Philip Sadler ... Tomorrow's Company
Systems thinking and the triple context
Open file 8795
Halah Sahabi
Halah Sahabi Open file 91
Haleh Sahak
Haleh Sahak Open file 91
Open PDF ... Clara-Salina-Barcode-vs-Plastic-Waste
Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders
US ... The State of the Society ... Budget Politics in Washington ... Thousands Cheer Bernie Sanders' Appeal to Obama, Super Committee: Make the Rich Pay for Deficits
Open file 523
Bernie Sanders
Senator Bernie Sanders’ war on the banks ... The socialist from OWS says withdraw your money from Wall Street
Open file 891
Rick Santorium
Rick Santorium
Some negatives about Rick Santorium being exposed by Rachel Maddow
Open file 1931
Strange Sanum
Strange Sanum Open file 228
Otto Scharmer
Open PDF ... Theory_U_Exec_Summary
Peter Schiff
Peter Schiff Open file 325
Peter Schiff / Gary Shilling
Gary Shilling Laughs Out Loud At Peter Schiff's Ignorance
Open file 1693
Peter Schiff
People ... Economist ... Peter Schiff at Occupy Wall Street: Full Version, Almost 2 Hours Long!
Open file 1691
Peter Schiff Open file 325
Peter Schiff
People ... Economist ... Gary Shilling Laughs Out Loud At Peter Schiff's Ignorance
Open file 1693
Peter Schiff
Bill Maher addresses Peter Schiff and taxes ... People ... USA ... VIDEO Bill Maher Makes Fun Of Peter Schiff's Laughable 'Cut Taxes For The Rich = Job Creator' Spin
Open file 1695
Robert Schiller
Robert Schiller
The great debt scare ... AlJazeera English ... Opinion ... Robert Schiller notes the drop in economic confidence was sharper in July 2011 than it was in 2008, due to fears of a US debt default.
Open file 610
Stephen Schneider
Are we consuming too much?
Open PDF ... StephenSchneider-Arrow-etal-Journal-of-Economic-Perspectives-2004
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a Democratic Representative from Florida that has a great command of the facts around the US economy
Open file 1260
Ideas ... Brett Scott
LinkedIn Dialog ... Guardian Sustainability
A hacker approach to rewiring pension funds ... In part one of a series on remodelling pension funds, Brett Scott unpicks the power structures which stymie sustainable change
Open file 6186
Ideas ... Brett Scott
The problem of the financial sector is institutional amorality ... In part two of a series unpicking pension funds, Brett Scott asks why, when investment is so political, the financial system operates in a moral vacuum
Open file 6177
Durreen Shahnaz
Open PDF ... Durreen_HW_July_2012
Durreen Shahnaz
The Social Enterprise Sector ... An impact exchange ... World's First Social Stock Exchange by Durreen Shahnaz
Open file 1242
Dureen Shahnaz Open file 2725
Rubeen Shakeel
Rubeen Shakeel Open file 3939
David Shaman
David Shaman
David Shaman is working on World Bank transparency ... email communications
Open file 1854
Bill Sharon
Bill Sharon Open file 3834
Gene Sharp
Gene Sharp
People ... Al Jazeera talks with Gene Sharp, a quiet but influential scholar of non-violent struggle.
Open file 1620
Leith Sharp
Leith Sharp
Director, Executive Education for Sustainability, Harvard Center for Health and Global Environment United StatesHigher Education Current Harvard University, Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard University, Harvard Extension School, Leith Sharp Previous Sustainable Futures Leadership Academy, Illinois Green Economy Network of 48 Community Colleges, Harvard University Education Harvard University Graduate School of Education
Nicholas Shaxson
Nicholas Shaxson
Avoiding rules and regulations ... Treasure Island ... the story of offshore business system ... by Nicholas Shaxson ... Offshore Banking and Tax Havens Have Become Heart of Global Economy
Open file 0327
Prem Sikka
Link to resources related to Prem-Sikka Open L0600P-Prem-Sikka
Open PDF ... Prem-Sikka-CSR-and-Tax-Avoidance-Revised-April-2010.pdf
Open PDF ... Prem-Sikka-Banking-in-the-public-interest-2014
Derek Sivers
Derek Sivers Open file 286
Adam Smith
Adam Smith
Open file 2390 Adam Smith
Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith commentary on US
Jeff Smith commentary on a filternews article about some legislation would change things to satisfy Occupy Wall Street
Open file 790
Richard Smith
Green Capitalism: The God that Failed ''
Open PDF ... Green-Economics-Paper-by-Richard-Smith-140109.pdf
Socrates (footballer)
The death of Socrates: celebrating a legend ... More than just a football star, Socrates was also a fearless dissenter against Brazil's military dictatorship.
Open file 1735
Guido Sohne
Guido Sohne
Some e-mail ... Guido Sohne was one of my early advisers in the management of data and use of Internet computing
Open file 1717
Willie Soon
George Soros
Richard Spencer
Richard Spencer
Richard Spencer is Head of Sustainability, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Open file 8790
Ideas ... Eliot Spitzer
Eliot Spitzer
Q&A: Eliot Spitzer ... Al Jazeera talks to former New York governor Eliot Spitzer about corporate crime, Obama, and the Arab Spring.
Open file 1195
Ideas ... Richard Stallman
Richard Stallman
People ... Internet ... Richard Stallman is a pioneer in the Free Software movement and ourspoken critic of proprietary software and its inherent problems
Open file 1644
Alex Steffen
Alex Steffen Open file 230
Robert Stevens
Robert Stevens
Wes Bush , Robert Stevens , James McNerney ... People ... CEO 1% ... War industry CEOs make tens of millions of dollars a year, putting them in the top 0.01 percent of income earners in the U.S.
Open file 1623
Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart Open file 346
Jon Stewart Open file 347
Ideas ... Joseph Stiglitz
Joseph Stiglitz Open file 199
Joseph Stiglitz Open file 332
Stiglitz ... The price of 9/11
AlJazeera English ... Opinion ... Ten years after 9/11, al-Qaeda has been greatly weakened; but the price paid by the US was enormous, and unnecessary.
Open file 0419
Joseph Stiglitz Open file 682
Joseph Stiglitz
People ... Economist ... Joseph Stiglitz Refutes Peter Schiff's Senseless Education Spending Cuts Proposal
Open file 1694
Joseph E. Stiglitz
Ideas ... BOOK Creating a Learning Society: A New Approach to Growth, Development, and Social Progress by Joseph E. Stiglitz and Bruce C. Greenwald
Open file 8606
Ideas ... David Stockman
David Stockman Open file 222
David Stockman
The actions of the Federal Reserve have created a massive bubble ...
Open file 6197
Ideas ... Michael Strong
Michael Strong
TEDxGrandRapids - Michael Strong - Innovate: Experience
Open file 8758
John Stumpf ... Wells Fargo CEO
John Stumpf ... Wells Fargo CEO
People ... Banking 1% ... Occupy Protesters Mic Check Wells Fargo CEO in talk at NC State in November 2011
Open file 1622
TTT go to TOP
Ideas ... Matt Taibbi
Matt Taibbi
Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stones explains why Occupy Wall Street Is Bigger Than Left vs. Right
Open file 906
Ideas ... Neera Tandern
Neera Tandern Open file 2759
Joss Tantrum
Joss Tantrum
Message from Joss Tantrum reference to '7D capitalism - your latest piece' December 2014
Open file 8791
Ratan Tata
Ratan Tata
People ... India... The patriarch of the Tata Group in India ... set to retire in 2012
Open file 915
Charles Taylor ... Former President of Liberia
Charles Taylor Open file 227
Liberia ... Corruption ... Charles Taylor may have $400 million out of reach
WikiLeaks: In the Telegraph ... Charles Taylor, the former Liberian president, may have some $400 million hidden away
Open file 0365
Charles Taylor
Open file 2387 President Taylor
Matthew Taylor
Matthew Taylor ... Chief Executive of RSA
Open PDF ... Matthew-Taylor-RSA-talk-140708-Transcript
Matthew Taylor
Matthew Taylor Chief Executive RSA ... The Power to Create - July 2014
Open file 8671
NAJ Taylor
An investigative journalist
Open file 776
John Timoney
Police, Society and Economy ... Even Bahrain's use of 'Miami model' policing will not stop the uprising. Former police chief John Timoney is on the Bahrain case.
Open file 1581
Richard Tren
Richard Tren
Active on health, especially malaria
Open file 705
Archbishop Tutu
Bishop Tutu
People ... Spiritual Leadership ... Celebrating Archbishop Tutu ... Dalai Lama slams China's 'immoral censorship' ... Statement comes as Chinese government is accused of blocking him from traveling to South Africa.
Open file 707
Bishop Tutu
People ... Spiritual Leadership
Dalai Lama & Desmond Tutu hang out on Google+ ... at the 80th birthday party for Bishop Tutu
Open file 943
Desmond Tutu Open file 3118
Desmond Tutu Open file 3615
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Science ... We Stopped Dreaming ....VIDEO Neil deGrasse Tyson talking about the importance of dreaming ... having vision
Open file 576
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Science Lecture about evolution ... VIDEO ... Neil deGrasse Tyson DESTROYS intelligent design
Open file 577
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Science ... Some history of science ... VIDEO Neil deGrasse Tyson motes the erosion of progress by religions ... sad and funny
Open file 578
Neil deGrasse Tyson
About Neil deGrasse Tyson ... brief CV
Open file 1698
Richard Trumka
Richard Trumka
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka sees evidence of strength in the labor movement, and criticizes Obama for lack of job focus
Open file 363
UUU go to TOP
VVV go to TOP
Michael van Notten
Michael van Notten
Michael van Notten has compiled some important material about the clan law that governs in the traditional Somali society
Open file 446
Michael Van Notten Open file 457
Paul Volcker
Paul Volcker
Paul Volcker is an elder statesman in finance ... Chairman of the Federal Reserve in the 1980s and adviser to Obama
Open file 900
Open PDF ... WB_VolckerReport_070913
WWW go to TOP
Scott Walker
Scott Walker
Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin ... This Republican Governor elected in 2010 is being faced with a recall movement
Open file 936
Hank Greenberg and Scott Walker
People ... Politics ... Rachel Maddow reports on Hank Greenberg, infamously associated with AIG and Scott Walker. the infamous Republican Governor of Wisconsin
Open file 2076
Yuja Wang
Yuja Wang
Music, Society and Economy ... Beautiful classical music ... Yuja Wang plays the Flight of the Bumble-Bee (Vol du Bourdon)
Open file 354
Senator Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren, a US Senate candidate and voice of reason amid madness, has a way of speaking about progressive values that makes people listen.
Open file 606
Elizabeth Warren
People ... US Politics ... Elizabeth Warren Heckled By Tea Party Supporter
Open file 1059
Senator Warren on CitiBank
Remarks by Senator Warren on Citigroup and its bailout provision ... December 2014
Open file 8751
Senator Warren
CUNY TV Special: Senator Elizabeth Warren and Paul Krugman in Conversation
Open file 8754
Senator Warren
December 2014 Youtube about Senator Elizabeth Warren urging her to run for President
Open link ...
Senator Warren
December 2014 Youtube with Senator Elizabeth Warren talking about the Dodd Frank changes included in the budget bill that was forced through Congress at the last minute
Open link ...
Political Influence
Issues ... USA ... Elizabeth Warren tells Wall Street: Enough is enough!
Open file 8894
Harriet Washington
Harriet Washington
People ... Ethicist ... 'Deadly Monopolies': Medical Ethicist Harriet Washington on How Firms are Taking Over Life Itself
Open file 1005
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
People ... USA ... Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a Democratic Representative from Florida that has a great command of the facts around the US economy
Open file 1260
Senator Elizabeth Warren
Banking Regulation ... Senator Warren
December 2014 Youtube with Senator Elizabeth Warren talking about the Dodd Frank changes included in the budget bill that was forced through Congress at the last minute
Open link ...
Jack Welch
Jack Welch
US Economy Jack Welch: How I'd Fix The Economy Jack Welch: How I'd Fix The Economy ... from an appearance on CNBC ... 2011
Open file 674
Alex Wheatle
Alex Wheatle
About People ... Alex Wheatle. novelist ... Alex Alphonso Wheatle is an award winning British novelist of Jamaican heritage described as one of the UK’s most exciting writers.
Open file 205
Allen White
Allen White
Founder | Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings
Micah White
Micah White
About Micah White ... If there’s gonna be a revolution ... Esquire honors Micah White, naming him one of the 37 most influential under 35 year olds alive today.
Open file 8865
Open PDF ... Micah-White-Metrics-on-top-of-what-you-are-doing
Richard Wilkinson
Richard Wilkinson
Society and Economy ... ... On economic inequality ... TED VIDEO Richard Wilkinson: How economic inequality harms societies
Open file 987
George Will
George Will
George Will / Charlie Rose
Open file 417
Bob Willard
Bob Willard
Sustainability Author and Speaker | Sustainability Advantage
Gary A. Williams
Gary A. Williams
CEO, wRatings Corporation CIO, MoatMakers Capital ... Principal in the Customer Value Index, a joint venture between The Porter Group, LLC, Brady Capital Research and wRatings Corporation.
Open file 7026
Stuart Williams
Open PDF ... Stuart-Williams-Making-a-Profit-while-Making-a-Difference-140920
Sarah Willis
Sarah Willis
Food, Agriculture and Fisheries ... Niman Ranch for sustainable flavorful food ... VIDEO Sustainable Abundance ... Sarah Willis presents at the Stanford Sustainable Meat Conference
Open file 249
Andrew Winston
Andrew Winston
Author, The Big Pivot ... Founder | Winston Eco-Strategies
Resiliance in a Hotter World ... article in the Harvard Business Review
Open PDF ... Andrew-Winston-Big-Pivot-Strategy
Richard Wolff
Richard Wolff
Basic CV ... an economist that periodically appears on AlJazeera English
Open file 932

Open file 2268 Richard Wolff
Richard Wolff
Open file 2269
Richard Wolff
Open file 2275
Richard Wolff
Capitalism Hits the Fan Film Screening and Q&A with Professor Richard Wolff | The New School | Screened March 2010
Open file 3546
Professor Richard D. Wolff
People ... Professor Richard D. Wolff is an economist that has spent his career on the outside ... maybe he was right all along!
Open file 3874
Richard Wolff
Country ... USA Economics Inside Story Americas ... Has capitalism proven its durability? ... Richard Wolff and Chris Hedges
Open file 3875
Paul Wolfowitz
Paul Wolfowitz
Rachel Maddow talking about how wrong was Paul Wolfowitz ... over and over again! Where is there accountability?
Open file 1004
Paul Wolfowitz
Ideas ... Paul Wolfowitz and Michael O'Hanlon ... Plan Afghanistan ... Why the Colombia model -- even if it means drug war and armed rebellion -- is the best chance for U.S. success in Central Asia.
Open file 8603
Mary Christina Wood
Bill Moyers ... Mary Christina Wood
Bill Moyers: The Ingenious Project to Save Our Climate Using an Ancient Legal Theory
Open file 8898
Edward N. Wolff
Edward N. Wolff
Much of this article is based on the work of Edward N. Wolff at New York University
Open file 1443
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Abdel Fattah Younes
Abdel Fattah Younes
Libya ... People Abdel Fattah Younes: Libya’s rebel chief who never won trust
Open file 154
Muhammad Yunus
About Muhammad Yunu Open L0600P-Muhammad-Yunus
ZZZ go to TOP
Fareed Zakaria
Zakaria's world view on GPS and in Washington Post ... Obama’s leadership is right for today
Open file 7576
Ory Zik
Ory Zik
CEO, Founder | Energy Points ... #SustyGoals 4: Math Not Myth – Energy Points’ Ory Zik on Normalized Energy Target Setting being interviewed by Bill Baue
Open file 7380
Ory Zik
CEO, Founder | Energy Points ... Text of LinkedIn profile ... Greater Boston Area ... Renewables & Environment
Open file 7471
Slavoj Zizek
AlJazeera English Opinion ... Zizek and Gaddafi: Living in the old world ... A prominent European philosopher who argues that the Arab Spring is over, simply can't fathom a new, hopeful world.
Open file 393
Slavoj Zizek
People ... Philosopher ... Capitalism with Asian values ... the philosopher discusses the momentous changes taking place in the global financial and political system.
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Robert B. Zoellick
Robert B. Zoellick
Global Economics Official Development Assistance (ODA) Beyond Aid Beyond Aid. Speech by World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick
Open file 622
Robert Zoellick
Open file 622 Robert Zoellick
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Gretchen Hancock
Project Manager, Corporate Environmental Programs | GE
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