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Taxation is a key financial flow for a healthy socio-enviro-economic system ... Are American corporations overtaxed? Let’s find out!

Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

US corporate taxation has been low since the 1980s and while profits have increased, the US social safety net has been degraded, workers' wages have flatlined and household wealth in the US has declined catastrophically for the majority of people.

Since 1980, corporations and their invesors and executives have been doing great.

This has not trickled down to the common man. The middle class has flat lined for 40 years. During this time household income of the middle class has gone up a measly 20 percent.

Meanwhile, over the past four decades, corporate profits have doubled; tax rates have been cut in half and dividend payouts have gone up 400 percent ... not to mention stock buy-backs
Peter Burgess
Some History of US Corporate Taxes (via Mother Jones)
First off, here are corporate profits and tax rates since the Reagan era:
Tax rates have been going down, down, down.
Profits have been going up, up, up.

You can probably guess what this means for owners of capital: they’ve been doing really, really well. Indeed, net dividend payouts to shareholders are up more than 400 percent:
And American tax rates are really low compared to other countries:
Since 1980, obviously, corporations have been doing great.
So has this trickled down to the common man? Let’s check out how the middle class is doing:
Essentially, a flat line for 40 years.
So there you have it. Over the past four decades, corporate profits have doubled; tax rates have been cut in half; dividend payouts have gone up 400 percent; and the household income of the middle class has … Gone up a whopping 20 percent. But don’t worry. This time trickle-down economics will work. Believe me.
US corporate taxation has been low since the 1980s and while profits have increased, the US social safety net has been degraded, workers' wages have flatlined and household wealth in the US has declined catastrophically for the majority of people.
 •   US Corporate Taxation is NOT excessively high;
 •   There is massive political rhetoric that spreads misinformation.
 •   More taxation is essential to have a fair sustainable socio-enviro-economic siutation.

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