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Multi Dimension Impact Accounting (MDIA)

Open PDF ... TVM-MDIA-White-Paper-131006f.pdf

This paper introduces the Multi Dimension Impact Accounting (MDIA) system as a better alternative to the financial accounting systems that are presently being used to account for and report money profit performance, and the many CSR and sustainability reporting initiatives that have been introduced over the past few years.

MDIA combines accounting for money profit with rigorous metrics about impact on people and planet. Many of MDIA's money profit accounting principles are identical to prevailing accounting standards but applied differently using multiple reporting boundaries so there is accounting and reporting about place and product as well as organization.

With MDIA, analysis about impact on people and planet use a system of value quantification that is based on 'standard values' rather similar to how standard costs are used in 'cost accounting'.

The paper identifies the well known issues with the prevailing metrics, and suggests how the metrics and reporting should be modernized. In MDIA, an economic activity located in a place is the focal point for data about money flows and profit, impact on people and impact on planet. Performance of organization and place are developed by a system of aggregation. The same may be done for products as they flow from one economic activity to another through the supply chain, their use and into the waste chain. Progress is determined by change in 'state, primarily in the place.

The paper has a focus on the impact of economic activity on people, recognizing that the end result should be better quality of life for ALL people and reduced stress on the planet.

NOTE: This paper on Multi Dimension Impact Accounting (MDIA) is a summary of a book length manuscript in preparation. Work is going on in parallel to implement the MDIA initiative as 'prototypes' to demonstrate the concepts in a variety of different situations. Constructive critical feedback is welcomed ... please email to peterbnyc(at) with 'MDIA Feedback' as part of the subject line.
Open navigation to these working papers

This is a two page introduction to the MDIA system
Open PDF ... TVM-MDIA-Brief-131016a.pdf

The is a short presentation about the main elements of MDIA. Open PDF ... A 12 slide presentation
Download 12 slide Powerpoint presentation

This is a short presentation (not finalized) about the core concepts of accountancy that are being used to develop MDIA
Open PDF ... A 12 slide presentation
Download 12 slide Powerpoint presentation

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