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TVM Dialog List 1166
8251 - 8300

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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BMI (Body Mass Index)

Why BMI Is a Big Fat Scam ... Body mass index is used to sell weight loss drugs, set insurance premiums, and counsel patients. There's just one little problem.
Open file 8251
USA ... Politics
Climate Change

Conservatives Want to Wipe Out Coal Rules…Over a Typo ... A federal appeals court took a red pen to Obamacare. The president's signature environmental achievement could be next.
Open file 8252
Physical Capital ... Infrastructure
Energy ... Climate Change

An Overlooked Contributor to Climate Change: Leaky Pipes
Open file 8253
Taxation ... Inversion

Burger King Mulls Tim Hortons Deal in Tax-Saving Canada Move
Open file 8254
New Metrics 14

New Metrics 14 ... Speaker List
Open file 8255

What Should Scare Us Most About Ebola? ... How wars and climate change affect the health of all the world’s people ... By Laurie Garrett
Open file 8256
Country - Ukraine
Background facts

Ukraine ... how big and what economy
Open file 8257
Structure of the Workforce (USA)

A slideshare presentation about the structure of the workforce in the United States
Open file 8258
Kenneth Rogoff

The Exaggerated Death of Inflation
Open file 8259
Joss Tantram

What’s the point of capitalism?
Open file 8260
SASB Questionaire for Meat, Poultry and Dairy Industry

Working paper for SASB Questionaire for Meat, Poultry and Dairy Industry
Open file 8261
Health ... Malaria
Event ... Discussion 140911

Live Q&A: prevention or cure, what’s the best approach in malaria control? ... Is attacking the mosquito or curing the patient the best way to manage this disease? Join our debate on 11 September, 1-3pm
Open file 8262
Gar Alperovitz ... Natalie Robinson

Eureka! What We Must Do: A Review of Gar Alperovitz’s “What Then Must We Do?”
Open file 8263
International Finance
Jubilee ... USA Network

Stop vulture funds and transform the global financial system ... A/68/L.57
Open file 8264
Tarek Rizk

Invisible Hand versus Squeaky Wheel ... Getting beyond short-term thinking to understand what drives corporations and what threatens the health of our financial system.
Open file 8265
LinkedIn Discussion
Group: The Purpose of the Corporation

Discussion: A new piece on combatting short-termism in The Aspen Journal of Ideas. Full disclosure, my colleague Rebecca Darr, and I contributed to the piece.
Open file 8266

Some links to IRIN reporting on issues around the world
Open file 8267
LinkedIn Discussion
Group: Impact Investing Forum

Discussion: The Supply Chains of the Future: How strategic supply chain investment could transform the garment industry
Open file 8268

ABS Opens Office in Beijing
Open file 8269
Jaguar Land Rover

Jaguar Land Rover on Trend with huge energy savings thanks to building energy management system (BEMS)
Open file 8270
Jaguar Land Rover

Jaguar Land Rover aims to create opportunities for 12 million people by 2020. But what does that mean? JLR will work with LBG (the London Benchmarking Group) to work out a consistent measurement methodology to accurately report the number of lives improved throughout the program.
Open file 8271
Jaguar Land Rover unit of Tata

Big Interview: Jonathan Garrett ... director of sustainability at Jaguar Land Rover (JLR).
Open file 8272
adidas Group

adidas Group | Case Study ... How the adidas Group prioritizes investments in energy efficiency
Open file 8273
Architecture 2030

Architects pledge to phase out carbon in the built environment by 2050 ... Architecture 2030, a not-for-profit organisation focused on climate impacts of the built environment
Open file 8274
Interbrand’s 2014 Best Global Green Brands

Ford ranked top global green brand for 2014 as carmakers race ahead
Open file 8275

Wirelessly charged hybrid buses roll into London
Open file 8276
Coca Cola

Coca-Cola rapped for using too much water
Open file 8277

Choking the Oceans With Plastic
Open file 8278
Tax dodges

Tax Dodge Used by Bain Shifts U.S. Companies Abroad
Open file 8279
Affordable Housing

'Poor Doors' Are Only the Tip of the Affordable Housing Iceberg ... The controversial practice has everyone up in arms, but there are much more pressing housing policies that need to be changed.
Open file 8280
Toxins in the food chain

Tea Time Might Be Over, Once World Wakes Up to Amount of Pesticides Inside Each Cup ... A new report released by Greenpeace reveals high toxin levels in tea from China and India.
Open file 8281

Opportunist shareholders must embrace commitment ... Nothing in economics is more important than how companies should be managed
Open file 8282

Clara Salina ... Reducing plastic waste through barcode control: 60 year old material has already fully polluted our Planet
Open file 8283

Expert Interview with Vincent Turner on Financial Planning Tools for Mint
Open file 8284

LinkedIn information
Open file 8285
Impact Investing
Green Bonds

Green Bonds Merge Investor Goals ... When it comes to investing in the environment, it’s getting easier to be green.
Open file 8286
Tau Investment Management

The Supply Chains of the Future: How Tau Investment Management is using strategic supply chain investment to transform the garment industry
Open file 8287

Unfilled Rana Plaza Fund Exposes Fashion’s Lack of Accountability
Open file 8288
Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria's Is Plagued by More Than Plagiarism—He and Other Pundits Suffer from Arrogance ... Zakaria showed his true character in his outburst on 'Charlie Rose.'
Open file 8289
State of the Economy in USA

New Poll: Americans Are More Cynical and Anxious About the Economy than Ever ... A whopping 71 percent think the recession’s impact has permanently dragged down the economy.
Open file 8290
Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria’s Problem — And Ours (8/18/11)... a contrarian view of Fareed Zakaria mot in line with my own views
Open file 8291

‘Big egos’ and inaction: whatever happened to the B Team? ... Critics say Richard Branson’s sustainability initiative has made no real progress one year after launch, Jo Confino calls for fewer press releases and more fist banging
Open file 8292
LinkedIn Dialog
Group: DuPont Sustainable Solutions

Discussion: Reflections on Sustainability at the DuPont Executive Forum
Open file 8293

Time has come for new indicators besides GDP
Open file 8294

GDP: One of the Great Inventions of the 20th Century
Open file 8295
Beyond GDP

GDP 2.0: The Inclusive Wealth Index and Beyond
Open file 8296
Beyond GDP

A New Balance Sheet for Nations: Launch of Sustainability Index that Looks Beyond GDP ... Growth Masks Fact that Natural Resources Facing Rapid Depletion in 19 out of 20 Countries Assessed
Open file 8297
Portugal ... Espirito Santo

Special Report: The billion-dollar fall of the house of Espirito Santo
Open file 8298

NEW: 90% of scientists agree on man-made climate change – but only 11% of the public knows this
Open file 8299
Coca Cola

NEW: Coca-Cola has been named a “shameless and unethical company.” But why? ... The beverage giant abandons bottling plant after using too much water.
Open file 8300
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