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TVM Dialog List 1067
3301 - 3350
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Country ... Iceland

Iceland Was Right, We Were Wrong: The IMF
Open file 3301
Books and Papers
How to Publish

Jim Edwards ... How To Create an eBook (in 24 Hours)
Open file 3302
Books and Papers
How to Publish

Jim Edwards ... 10 REAL Steps To a SERIOUS Online Business
Open file 3303
Country ... USA
Activism ... Occupy

AJE Inside Story Americas ... What happened to Occupy? ... We ask if, a year on, the popular grassroots movement is dead or has simply evolved into a new form of democracy.
Open file 3304
Country ... USA
47% of Americans are not worth caring about

Paul Krugman writes about Romney's and Republican's Disdain for Workers
Open file 3305
Country ... Pakistan
Workplace Safety

Hundreds killed in Karachi factory fire ... More than 280 people killed in southern city, with many victims caught in basement with locked doors and no fire exits.
Open file 3306
Country ... Pakistan
Workplace safety

Shock and grief over Pakistan fires
Open file 3307
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Romney's tax return for 2011

Rachel Maddow doing something of a rant about Romney's 2011 tax returns released on Friday September 21, 2011
Open file 3308
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... the Senior vote

Rachel Maddow puts focus on Paul Ryan and the AARP .. the idea that Ryan is more popular than Romney with AARP is surprising
Open file 3309
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Romney campaign

Rachel Maddow on the quality of the Romney campaign ... is Romney campaigning enough or still fund raising
Open file 3310
Country ... USA
Veterans Affairs

Rachel Maddow talks about the issue of the way we treat vets ... shows how popular this issue is among the audience
Open file 3311
Country ... USA
Democracy and voting

Rachel Maddow ... Elections are important ... how much of the noise is pure sham. Playing games with voting does not become America!
Open file 3312
Islam ... and Islamophobia

There are extremists who seek to make religion a basis for bigorty and hate ... but in the bigger scheme of things it is only a small number. Sadly they can still do a lot of damage.
Open file 3313
World Media

Listing of AlJazeera Witness Programmes as of September 20, 2012
Open file 3314
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Obama -v- Romney

Who wins in the recent Political Conventions ... a beautiful music video
Open file 3315
Country ... USA

Mayor Bloomberg acting to reduce the consumption of sugary drinks that may be a partial cause of US obesity crisis
Open file 3316
Challenging conventional wisdom

Vandana Shiva ... Myths about industrial agriculture ... Organic farming is the 'only way to produce food' without harming the planet and people's health.
Open file 3317
Agriculture, Science, Drought, etc

A collection of AlJazeera as of September 2012 reporting on food around the world
Open file 3318
World News List
September 24, 2012 from AlJazeera

In Depth Opinion from AlJazeera English September 24 2012
Open file 3319
What causes bees to die ... disappear

An Avaaz campaign to ban pesticides that might be causing the death of bees ... no bees ... no pollination, and a serious breakdown in the natural order of things
Open file 3320
How the US economy works

It's the entrepreneurs, stupid! ... The entrepreneurial spirit that guided every great surge of innovation in America's past is as alive as it's ever been.
Open file 3321
Country ... India
The caste system

AJStream takes on the issue of caste in India and what steps are best taken to improve the situation
Open file 3322
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... another take on Mitt and Ann Romney

THROATCHOP POLITICS ... Partly Sunny, with a slight chance of unprovoked violence ...MITT AND ANN ROMNEY: THE VERUCA SALT COUPLE
Open file 3323
Doping ... a huge problem

Cycling ... US Anti-Doping chief received ‘death threats’ ... Travis Tygart tells French publication he received death threats during investigation of Lance Armstrong case.
Open file 3324
Country ... Afghanistan
War was never the way to win

Welcome to Saigonistan ... The US/NATO strategy to 'win' Afghanistan is now dead and buried, according to author.
Open file 3325
Creative Convergence Inc.

A consulting firm based in Los Angeles that specializes in content monetization, consumer engagement solutions and business development.
Open file 3326
Country ... Spain
Activism ... S25 Protest

Thousands Expected to Converge on Spain's Parliament to 'Occupy Congress'
Open file 3327
United Nations GA 2012
USA ... President Obama Full speech: President Obama's UNGA address ...

President Barack Obama delivers an address to world leaders that calls for an end to turmoil in the Middle East.
Open file 3328
United Nations GA 2012
USA ... President Obama

AJE reporting ... Obama urges unity against global extremism ... In his address to UN, US president condemned 'mindless violence' and challenged leaders to confront causes of turmoil.
Open file 3329
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Romney's investments and reboots

Rachel Maddow taking a swipe at how Romney's bling trust investing works ... his investment in CNOOK ... the Chinese National Offshore Oil Company ... and the reboots of the Romney campaign
Open file 3330
Country ... USA
Issue about Property Taxation

Lebanon County tax foes invade Capitol together with activists ... many seniors ... from almost every county in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. HIgh school taxes too much for seniors.
Open file 3331
Country ... Pakistan
Former US Ambassador Cameron Munter

Former US Ambassador Cameron Munter to Pakistan 2010-2012 talking on September 25, 2012 at the Carnegie Endowment for Peace in Washington DC
Open file 3332
The killing of Bin Laden

AlJazeera coverage of the killing of bin Laden has been extensive ... the list shows some of the reporting
Open file 3333
Country ... Syria
Reporter killed

Press TV (an Iranian network) correspondent killed in Damascus ... Maya Nasser shot by 'insurgents' while reporting on large blasts at the Syrian army's headquarters, network says.
Open file 3334
Rule of Law

Re: Dam beavers and the government of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Open file 3335
Country ... USA
Politics and Social Media

AJStream ... US election: The week in social media ... Our regular look at how the campaign plays out online, as Obama and Romney trade barbs over taxes and secret videos.
Open file 3336
Country ... Libya
Settling scores

Libyan behind Gaddafi capture dies in France ... Omran Shaaban was being treated for injuries sustained during captivity at the hands of ex-ruler's loyalists.
Open file 3337
Country ... Myanmar
The regional drug trade

The shady players in Myanmar's drugs trade ... Drug exports from Myanmar continue to escalate, as distinctions between the illicit trade and the 'legal' economy blur.
Open file 3338
Country ... Spain
Social Activism ... the S25 protest

Spain's 'Indignados' surround parliament ... Madrid's #25S protesters continue to struggle after violent clashes
Open file 3339
Big Print Brief
Elite leadership has no solutions

Elites have done well with the money profit economy ... need a value economy and job money to fund work
Open file 3340
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... lots going on

September 25, 2012 ... Rachel Maddow talking about the polls that have Obama winning on a national basis ... and the unskewing of the polling methodology ... and the awful underground weird campaigning ... and a whole lot more
Open file 3341

An organization ... think tank ... committed to the support of Progressive initiatives
Open file 3342
Use of drones

New Stanford/NYU study documents the civilian terror from Obama's drones ... the terrorizing impact of drones in Pakistan, false statements from US officials, and how it increases the terror threat
Open file 3343
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Progressives

Ralph Nader bashes Obama for being weak on climate, Keystone
Open file 3344
United Nations GA 2012
Overview of September 26

AJE reporting ... UN Assembly remains divided over Syria ... Russia and the US maintain opposing stances regarding the Syrian crisis at the United Nations General Assembly.
Open file 3345
Country ... USA
Social Activism ... Occupy

This YouTube is a Trailer for a future video about 99 Reasons
Open file 3346
Conference on Metrics

Conference on Metrics at Wharton Business School ... The New Metrics of Sustainable Business Conference
Open file 3347
Health ... GFATM

HEALTH: A timeline of Global Fund reforms ... Changing the way it does business
Open file 3348
Health ... GFATM

HEALTH: The Global Fund adopts new funding model
Open file 3349
Health ... GFATM

IRIN Plus ... HIV/AIDS: A Rogues' Gallery
Open file 3350
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