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TVM Dialog List 1051
2501 - 2550
A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Region ... Europe
The financial health of the Euro-Zone

German Finance Minister: 'Europe and the euro are healthy' ... We ask Germany's most senior diplomat if the collapse of the eurozone is just a matter of time.
Open file 2501
Region ... Europe
Finance ... Euro-Zone

Saving the euro ... As European leaders try to keep the euro stable, we ask if Europe is facing a leadership problem or a structural crisis.
Open file 2502
Region .... Europe
Financial ... the debt crisis

Q&A: Eurozone debt crisis ... Al Jazeera takes a closer look at why the eurozone debt crisis matters, and possible solutions to the problem.
Open file 2503
Region ... Europe
Incompatible Politics and Finance

Europe: To Be or Not To Be ... As Europe's crisis worsens without any solution in sight is a shift in political power a sign of hope on the horizon?
Open file 2504
Banking and Finance
Views about Goldman Sachs

'Goldman Sachs rules the world' ... A self-described financial 'expert' makes incendiary remarks about bankers but former Goldman traders disagree.
Open file 2505
Region ... Europe
Policy Possibilities

Counting the Cost ... Lessons for Europe from Japan's 'lost decade' ... As Europe struggles with its financial crisis, we ask if there are lessons it can learn from the East.
Open file 2506
Region ... Europe

Just how corrupt is Europe? ... New report reveals corruption due to lack of transparency and accountability contributing to the eurozone's debt crisis.
Open file 2507

Open file 2508
Big Banking
Systemic Corruption

People & Power ... Dirty money ... Why does the international banking system make it so easy for corruption to flourish?
Open file 2509
Country ... USA
US Activism ... Occupy

STOP & FRISK HAS GOT TO GO! Solidarity with #occupyharlem.
Open file 2510
Country ... USA
US Activism ...

Dr. Cornel West on Occupy Wall St. (Real Time)
Open file 2511
Region ... Arab World
Rights of Women

Talk to Al Jazeera ... Why Arab women still 'have no voice' ... Amal al-Malki, a Qatari author, says the Arab Spring has failed women in their struggle for equality.
Open file 2512
Region ... Arab World
Role of Women

Rebellion: Smashing stereotypes of Arab women ... Women have been at the forefront of various Arab uprisings, forging their own identity in the process.
Open file 2513
Country ... USA
Policing Practices

Thousands March Silently to Protest Stop-and-Frisk Policies
Open file 2514
Country ... USA
Policing Practices

Activism ... Sunday, NYC: Silent March to End Stop and Frisk
Open file 2515
Country ... USA
Activism ... Occupy

Posted On June 4th, 2012 ... #Occupied: Reports From the Front Lines
Open file 2516
Country ... Greece
Activism ... Potato Movement

Greece's 'potato movement' grows in power ... A growing group of grassroots activists are cutting out agricultural middlemen and connecting farmers and shoppers.
Open file 2517
Ralph Miliband ... Labour Politics

Manueal Barcia ... If only Miliband were alive ... The world needs to get rid of neo-liberalism and regulate capitalism, which could be the cure to the economic struggle.
Open file 2518
Richard Porty ... Philosopher
Santiago Zabala ... Five years without Rorty ... Dismissed by analytic philosophers as a 'subversive', Richard Rorty was actually a model philosopher.
Open file 2519
Activism and the Arab Spring

Hamid Dabashi ... Revolution: The pursuit of public happiness ... Can using Hannah Arendt's prism of viewing the American Revolution help us understand the Arab Spring?
Open file 2520
Establishment hates transparency

John Pilger ... The Assange case means we are all suspects now
Open file 2521
John Pilger

John Pilger Biography
Open file 2522
Country ... Iraq
Failed development in electricity

AJE Witness ... Generator Man ... As Iraq's national power grid struggles to provide electricity, a new form of entrepreneur has started to fill the gap.
Open file 2523
Country ... USA
US gun control

Fast & Furious Inanity Reaches New Heights ... a fairly ridiculous invented controversy
Open file 2524
World News
AlJazeera Programming

AJE Witness list from June 2012
Open file 2525
Country ... USA
US gun control

Rachel Maddow takes on 'Fast and Furious' ... and its insane Republican spin
Open file 2526
Country ... USA
Economics and Society

Chris Hayes has written a book ... the catastrophic failure of our elites, a book called 'Twiglight of the Elites'.
Open file 2527
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Trivial Issues

Rachel Maddow talking about the 'birtherism' ... a trivial issue popularized by Republican partisans
Open file 2528
Region ... Middle East

Cover-up campaign hits Gulf streets ... Activists in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates encourage expatriates to dress modestly and respect local culture.
Open file 2529
Good works activism

Greenpeace: From hippies to lobbyists It has offices in 40 countries, nearly three million members and a $150m budget, but where did it all begin?
Open file 2530
Working Conditions
A global problem

Qatar criticised over migrant worker 'abuse' ... Rights group calls for labour law reforms to ensure World Cup is not 'built on backs of abused and exploited workers'.
Open file 2531
Assange and WikiLeaks

Assange's appeal to Ecuador is no surprise ... The WikiLeak's founder won admiration and gratitude in the South American nation back in 2010.
Open file 2532
Assange and WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks founder seeks asylum in Ecuador ... Julian Assange takes refuge in embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden in sex-crime case.
Open file 2533
London Olympics

The Great Olympic Greenwash ... We investigate alleged violations of environmental standards by a key sponsor of the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Open file 2534
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Romney Campaign

Rachel Maddow ... Mitt Romney continues to have fellow travellers on the radical right of the Republican party
Open file 2535
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Jobs

Rachel Maddow ... Abortion more important than jobs ... the importance of vagina politics ... personhood. Also faith, family and fairness ... 'Nuns on the Bus'
Open file 2536
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Analysis

Rachel Maddow ... Once upon a time Wisconisn was important in Union progress ... Krugman on ending the recession
Open file 2537
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Funny side

Rachel Maddow poking fun ... Rachel highlights the success of another 'birther' ... Kreep beats Peed
Open file 2538
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Obama and geopolitics

Rachel Maddow ... good marks for Obama and geopolitics
Open file 2539
Country ... Egypt
Post Revolution Reform

Rachel Maddow with David Engel on the events in Egypt
Open file 2540
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Ron Paul

Rachel Maddow ... The political impact of Ron Paul on the Republicans
Open file 2541
Country ... USA

Rachel Maddow ... a very special graduation ... education matters
Open file 2542
Deeply flawed

Financial Sense: Transcript of William Black ... University of Missouri .... Institute for Fraud Prevention talking with Jim Puplava
Open file 2543
Country ... USA
What is the Conservative agenda?

Paul Rosenberg ... Why US conservatives have gone crazy ... Why Obama's courting of the right may be disastrous - both for Democrats, and for the United States.
Open file 2544

Observations by Lance Roberts at the Strategic Investment Conference - Day 1 .... Niall Ferguson: “I Did Not Come to this Country to Participate in its Decline”
Open file 2545
Country ... Egypt
Power play by the military

22 Jun 2012 Egyptians pack Tahrir to slam military 'coup' ... Cairo's iconic square is again seething with anger as the nation nervously awaited the results of the presidential poll.
Open file 2546
Country ... Pakistan
Pakistan Politics and the USA

Pakistan probe finds ex-envoy 'wrote memo' ... Investigation could lead to treason charges against Husain Haqqani, who said report was 'political and one-sided'.
Open file 2547
South Korea's Unification Church

In the Kingdom of Reverend Moon ... South Korea's Unification Church is facing its biggest challenge yet as it prepares for a future without its founder.
Open file 2548
Country ... USA
Health reform in US

Rachel Maddow / Ezra Klein ... Supreme Court and the issue of health and the individual mandate
Open file 2549
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Money in US Elections

Rachel Maddow / Ezra Klein ... What impact money is going to have on USA politics
Open file 2550
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