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Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil

Your purchase is your advocacy ... 'I do not want to consume their suffering with my morning cup of coffee.'
Open file 1151
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil

Shining a light on slavery ... This new series gives a voice to modern-day slaves, goes in search of the slave masters and asks why slavery persists.
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Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil

Slavery: Standing on the edge of extinction? For the cost of a bridge or a light-railway system, 27 million people could be taken out of slavery once and for all.
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Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil

Slavery: Alive and well in the 21st century ... Far from ending with the abolition of slavery, the trade in human beings is thriving more than ever before.
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Energy and Society
Fossil fuels, fracking and solar energy

Paul Krugman on 'Here Comes the Sun' ... laying out a challenge to the fossil fuel advocates
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Society and Economy
The reforms needed in the banking sector

End Bonuses for Bankers
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Organizations ... USA
African Leadership Project

Established in 2011, the mission is to facilitate leadership among the youth of Africa
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Organization ... USA
TOMS ... sell 1 pair, give 1 pair

TOMS ... sell 1 pair, give 1 pair
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Organization ... USA
TOMS ... sell 1 pair, give 1 pair

TOMS One Day Without Shoes 2011 - Will You Join Us? - Song 'One Day' by Matisyahu
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TOMS Eyewear - Nepal Giving Trip

TOMS Eyewear Has Started Giving ... TOMS Eyewear - Nepal Giving Trip
Open file 1160
Social Activism
Feed the Occupy Movement

An initiative by farmers in Vermont to supply food to Occupy camps
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Social Activism
A Message From Anonymous To The Global (R)evolution

A Message From Anonymous To The Global (R)evolution
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Social Activism
A message from Anonymous to Wall street, New York and the protestors.

A message from Anonymous to Wall street, New York and the protestors.
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Social Activism
Federally indicted hacker Weev speaks out on Occupy Wall Street

Federally indicted hacker Weev speaks out on Occupy Wall Street
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Social Activism
Citibank customers arrested while trying to close accounts #OccupyWallStreet

Citibank customers arrested while trying to close accounts #OccupyWallStreet
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Jhai Foundation

Jhai Foundation and Lee Thorn - next steps
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Social Activism
Occupy Wall Street

Bloomberg defends banksters yet again
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Social Activism
Occupy Wall Street

Teachers, Students and Parents Against Privatized Education Join Occupy Wall Street
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Social Activism
#OWS Bill Maher talks about Occupy Wall Street

#OWS Bill Maher talks about Occupy Wall Street ... Alan Grayson steels the show!
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Jacqueline Novogratz

Jacqueline Novogratz on escaping poverty
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Society and Economy
Capitalism Can't Build Community Web Services

Capitalism Can't Build Community Web Services
Open file 1171
Apps, Websites, etc

An application that aims to bring peopled together in a neighborhood
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Energy and Society
Production and prices of petroleum

Time to Worry: World Oil Production Finishes Six Years of No Growth
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Value Market Economy
Community Exchange System (CES)

The Community Exchange System (CES) is an example of the Local Exchange Trading System (LETS)
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Social Activism
Occupy Movement

DC Douglas' 'Why #OccupyWallStreet? 4 Reasons.' ... some history and some very current affairs
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Society and the Economy
George Carlin ~ The American Dream

George Carlin ~ The American Dream ... you have to be asleep to believe it
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Money, Banking and Financial Services
Something About the Issue of Derivatives

Bank Of America Dumps $75 Trillion In Derivatives On U.S. Taxpayers With Federal Approval
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Social Activism
Occupy Oakland

Police State in Oakland? One Reporter's Arrest Contradicts Official Story
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Politics ... USA
Electoral Outcomes by Rachel Maddow

A series of video clips ... Electoral Outcomes by Rachel Maddow
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Fox News, misinformation and spin

According to Fox there has been 'A Hollow Victory for Public Employee Unions'
Open file 1180
Money, Banking and Financial Services
Move Your Money Initiative

An article in the Wall Street Journal titled 'Credit Unions Poach Clients'
Open file 1181
Society and Economy
Financial sector misdeeds should be punished

Judge Rokoff stands for law and justice ... No Mr. Nice Guy—Just Ask Wall Street
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Society and Economy ... Iceland
Iceland does financial restructuring right

Why Iceland Should Be in the News, But Is Not ... a very important perspective on what is right and wrong
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Money. Banking and Financial Services
Community Exchange System (CES)

A description of CES prepared by the CES coordinators in South Africa
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Money, Banking and Financial Services
Move Your Money Initiative

Big Banks Plead with Customers Not to Move Their Money ... Yes, The Big Banks DO Care If We Move Our Money
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Money, Banking and Financial Services
The Vultures in the Industry

Greg Palast Tracks the Vultures of the 1 Percent: A Truthout Interview
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PBS Newshour

The PBD Newshour is streamed on the Internet live at the following URL:
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Call Me Hope -
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Society and Economy
Nature is the 99%, too

The economy is built on the idea of relentless growth, which is an environmental and health disaster for all but the 1%.
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Money, Banking and Financial Services
Alternative Money Systems

The advantages of the Community Exchange System
Open file 1190
Society and Economy
What is required for a New Economy

Occupy Wall Street Considers a New Economy
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Money, Banking and Financial Services
What is money?

TEDxTransmedia 2011 - Jem Bendell - The Money Myth
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Security and Police
Police can only function with the consent of the people

Police Brutality and Peoples Reaction a MUST SEE!!!! ... from 2009 at a football game, but may get repeated in the Occupy world
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War and the Military Economy
The morality of US wars

Even The Troops Are Waking Up
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Eliot Spitzer

Q&A: Eliot Spitzer ... Al Jazeera talks to former New York governor Eliot Spitzer about corporate crime, Obama, and the Arab Spring.
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Politics .. USA
'Occupy Wall Street' and Obama

If 'Occupy' keeps up the pressure, Obama could be compelled to adopt more progressive policies.
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Martin Luther King, Jr.

'We Shall Overcome' - inspiring words from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Security and Police
Police can only function with the consent of the people

Police Brutality ... Occupy Cal 11/9/11
Open file 1198
Freedom of Speach
You can't bank on free speech

An extrajudicial banking blockade imposed on WikiLeaks has caused a 95 per cent loss in revenue for the organisation.
Open file 1199
Ethics and Behavior
Celebrities Above the Law

Jon Stewart's Must-See 'Special Comment' on Penn State Scandal
Open file 1200
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