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TVM Dialog List 1006
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A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Muslims tackle looters and bigots
British Muslims' reaction to the riots should dispel any continued demonisation in the media.
Open file 251
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
'Corporations are people, my friend...'
Big businesses have long had the same economic rights as citizens, yet few of the moral responsibilities.
Open file 252
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Battle over US debt ceiling is a distraction
The US economy is reeling in the aftermath of poor decision making, and structural weaknesses threaten its future.
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AlJazeera English ... Americas
US railway blocked phones to quash protest
California rail transit company asked mobile providers to cut service to hamper protesters angry over police shooting.
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AlJazeera English ... Witness
Africa Rising: Ethiopia
VIDEO The extraordinary story of how a large rural area of Ethiopia is taking itself out of poverty.
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About Stuff
The Story of Electronics (2010)
VIDEO What electronics is contributing to stuff ... to waste
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About People
The Colbert Report ... Annie Leonard
Annie Leonard is an interesting analysis of the economic dynamic of 'stuff'. She makes a lot of sense.
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About Stuff
The Story of Stuff
VIDEO A rich economy has way more stuff than it needs ... this makes the point!
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About Stuff
The Story of Bottled Water (2010)
VIDEO The idea of bottled water is about as crazy as it gets
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About Stuff
The Story of Cosmetics (2010)
Cosmetics are an important part of the 'stuff' economy ... but how safe are cosmetics.
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About Stuff
The Story of Cap & Trade
VIDEO Does cap and trade encourage the best behaviors or not?
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Ecology, Environment and Economics
The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes
VIDEO Environment presentation at the Rio summit
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New Economics
INET interview with Andrew Sheng, Summer 2011
VIDEO Andrew Sheng talking about economics
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AlJazeera English ... Africa
Fleeing Libyans say Gaddafi regime crumbling
As the Libyan conflict continues, many fleeing Tripoli residents talk about growing hardship in capital.
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About Organizations
Institute for New Economic Thinkling (INET)
VIDEO An introduction to the Institure for New Economic Thinking (INET)
Open file 265
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
UK riots: To understand is not to condone
If questions are not asked as to why the violence happened, the next riot will soon be upon Britain.
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AlJazeera English ... Opinion
The manufacturing imperative
Despite the rise of service based economies, manufacturing remains an integral part of success.
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AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Putting venture mentors to work
A balance between philanthropists and venture capitalists is needed for a competitive business enivironment.
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Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
The Meatrix ... about factory farms
Food is no fun when you understand where it has come from
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AlJazeera English ... Counting the Cost
A North Atlantic economic crisis
How are the economic woes of Europe and the US impacting the rest of the world?
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AlJazeera English ... Counting the Cost
Debt, default and downgrade
Who is to blame for Italy's debt crisis - and how will it affect the global economy?
Open file 271
Microcredit and Social Business
Building a Yunus youth movement around social business
Steps around building a youth network around the Yunus and Grameen experience
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AlJazeera English ... Counting the Cost
Debt and default
US leaders argue over how to cut the $14 trillion debt, while European ministers try to prevent disaster for the euro.
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AlJazeera English ... Counting the Cost
Fighting the drought
VIDEO With 12 million people on the brink of starvation in the Horn of Africa, can Africa find a financial solution? This AJE video also covers some aspects of the debt crisis, and the idea of an international airline hub in New Zealand.
Open file 274
Political Grafiti
Haiti ... Where did the money go?
A series of five short videos showing the state of Haiti rebuilding nine months after the Haiti earthquake of January 12, 2010
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Money, Banking and Financial Services
Introduction to Bitcoins
VIDEO There are two videos here that describe how bitcoins works ...
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Sustainable Materials
Introduction to Green Chemistry
VIDEO A Lecture and also the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry
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New Economic Thinking ... Blain
Some thoughts on alternative money
Ideas on money developed by the economist R. (Bob) Blain
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What is good about bottled water? Profits. The advertising industry has done an amazing job of misinforming and confusing the public. The goal of advertising is to create unnecessary wants that are profitable while essential needs go unsatisfied.
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Manufacturing: Haiti
LEDS and solar panels in Haiti
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New Economic Thinking ... Blain
The Most Wealth for the Least Work
Read why we are not enjoying our natural destiny on earth, wealth and free time to enjoy life.
Open file 281
People: Economists
Allan H. Meltzer
Allan Meltzer, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University and a historian of the Federal Reserve,
Open file 282
Organizations: Google
Purchase of Motorola Mobile for $12.8 billion
What does this mean ... it is mainly to do with patents, and defensive
Open file 283
Organizations: Google
Purchase of Motorola Mobile for $12.8 billion
VIDEO This is mainly about patents.
Open file 284
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Syria's electronic army
Syrian computer hackers put their own spin on democracy protests in Syria.
Open file 285
TED Talks
Derek Sivers: How to start a movement
The video about starting a movement is very motivating.
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Sustainable Chemistry
12 Principles of Sustainable Chemistry
VIDEO 12 Principles of Sustainable Chemistry
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AlJazeera English ... Americas
A California bridge, made in China
Quake-proof structure being built to replace San Francisco Bay Bridge, will save US state millions of dollars.
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US divers explore WWII wrecks
VIDEO US divers explore WWII wrecks
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Shock Therapy ... Naomia Klein
VIDEO Shock Therapy ... Naomia Klein
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Food and Agriculture
Freedom ... Gluttony. Enjoy life!
VIDEO Freedom ... Gluttony. Enjoy life!
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Police Station Attacked
VIDEO The Waste Police Station in Egypt ... burnt since January 28, 2011
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Corporate Malfeasance
Dead Peasant Life Insurance
Two stories about 'dead peasant' life insurance. One is based on the behavior of Walmart, and expands from there. The other starts with Michael Moore and ABC
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First Aid
Continuous Chest Compression
VIDEO Learn Contrinuous Chest Compression ... it may save a life.
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Country: UK
The Royal Wedding in 2011
VIDEO A short videoclip courtesy of CBS
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Country: Libya
The future of Momadar Al Gaddafi
This is a most beautiful video by the opposition to Gaddafi in Libya.
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The Aid Industry
Being an aid worker
This is a cartoon presentation, with some interesting realities.
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AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Arab democrats: beware the US model
Recent events have underscored the less desirable traits of the US political system: gridlock and self-preservation.
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ALJazeera English ... Opinion
Architectures of violence: Famine and profits
The widespread scarcity of food is mistakenly viewed as a crime without a culprit.
Open file 299
AlJazeera English ... Inside Story
Are Arab economies on the road to ruin?
As economic opportunity was a major driver of the uprisings, we look at the economic impact of the Arab Spring.
Open file 300
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