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Investigative journalists from AlJazeera reporting on their work in Africa

Overview of the Monrovia Freeport in Liberia

TPB Note: This video starts with the journalist looking back to his work in Liberia in 2000 when Charles Taylor was still in power.

I had my own adventure in Liberia around the same time.
The first week of January, 2000 I travelled from Ghana to Liberia to explore the potential for the natural wealth of the villages in the country to be used to provide the material resources needed for the development of the community and to improve the quality of life for the people.
I was in touch with several Liberians including someone ... a General in the Taylor army ... who said he was the brother of Charles Taylor. I saw his Diplomatic Passport which supported this, but maybe it was fake, one never knows!
I knew something of the rich natural resources, including diamonds, gold, timber, iron ore, etc that are in Liberia. I had been coming to Liberia, and other parts of West Africa since the 1970s and understood something of the nature of the Liberian people and their leadership, going back to the Tolberts. Obviously things had changed a lot since the Doe coup and then the civil waw, but I was fairly confident that my thinking would be fairly well received.
I never got to see Charles Taylor myself ... but instead was kept away by several high level army officers who were demanding payment in advance to see Taylor. They were 'gatekeepers' and nothing more, and were using their position simply to extract bribes.
Eventually, after a few days and many meetings, I said 'no way' very bluntly to one of these Generals who was furious and walked out angrily. About an hour later just as it was getting dark, a truckload of soldiers started to circle the hotel I was staying at in the middle of town (Monrovia). This was not good. I was the only guest in the hotel ... the Holiday Inn ... but no connection with the Holiday Inn of the United States.
I had been planning to stay in Liberia at least a few more days, but at this point I decided enough was enough. I waited until about 9 pm, and when the army truck was on the other side of the hotel, walked and ran away from the hotel, got into a nondescript local taxi and headed for the airport.
The airport, Robertsfield, is about 50 km outside Monrovia. There were military checkpoints every few kilometers, and I was scared stiff that they would be alerted to my disappearance from the hotel.
In retrospect, the soldiers at the checkpoints were probably more concerned about the possibility of 'rebels' heading into Monrovia to stir up trouble than a single expatriate heading out of town ... but that did not occur to me until a lot later. I got to the airport and was incredibly relieved when I got through the boarding formalities and onto a plane. A couple of hours later I was back in Ghana!


Thousands of examples / Ineffective systems to hold parties to account

Corruption ... Financial Malfeasance ... Medicines funded by GFATM being stolen
Partners in crime: theft of Global Fund Mmdicines by national partners
Open file 0055
AlJazeera English ... Middle East Missing Iraq cash 'as high as $18bn'
Iraq's parliament speaker tells Al Jazeera unaccounted reconstruction money is three times the reported $6.6bn.
Open file 0099
Corruption is about People
10 of the Most Notorious Money Laundering Cases of the 20th Century
Open file 0235
Liberia ... Corruption ... Charles Taylor may have $400 million out of reach
WikiLeaks: In the Telegraph ... Charles Taylor, the former Liberian president, may have some $400 million hidden away
Open file 0365
Corruption ... The airline sector in India
Huge fund flows changed the structure of the airline sector in India ... a maybe huge corruption
Open file 0463
Corruption ... Fraud and Corruption – Where has Iraq's Money Gone?
The US administration in Iraq has totally failed to do essential accounting in all aspects of the Iraq adventure
Open file 0534
Corruption ... Fishing Industry
NAMIBIA ... Anatomy of a Bribe | Al Jazeera Investigations
Open file 17854

WikiLeaks' obvious truth
People must seek to protect not only WikiLeaks, but also the mechanism by which the information enters into our purview.
Open file 427
How it works in Commercial Real Estate
A bit of dialog about metrics and transparency in commercial real estate. Better data and transparency is better
Open file 535
More corruption ... less development
Corruption and development ... Corrosive corruption is a constraint on development
Open file 1621
Bradley Manning didn’t break the secrecy system
It was already broken but the WikiLeaks suspect is the only person held accountable
Open file 1729
The keys to change across the Arab world
Transparency, accountability and citizen's rights must take centre stage in new constitutions across the region.
Open file 1843
Julian Assange: The Rolling Stone Interview
January 2012 ... Under house arrest in England, the WikiLeaks founder opens up about his battle with the 'Times,' his stint in solitary and the future of journalism
Open file 2096
Transparency ... Whistleblowers
Blowing the whistle on Obama's America ... Do the threats facing whistleblowers under Obama's presidency mean Americans know less about what their government does?
Open file 2496
Transparency and Whistleblowers
WikiLeaks, whistleblowers and wars ... The crackdown on whistleblowers is a study in contradictions, hurting both press freedom and foreign policy decisions.
Open file 2497
Establishment hates transparency
John Pilger ... The Assange case means we are all suspects now
Open file 2521
Why are US, UK and Sweden so concerned about Assange?
UK threatens to “assault” Ecuadorian Embassy to arrest Assange ... how much is sex a smoke screen?
Open file 2890
Governments hate transparency ... therefore WikiLeaks
UK issues 'threat' to arrest Assange ... Ecuador says any action to enter its London embassy to detain the WikiLeaks founder would be considered a 'hostile act'.
Open file 2891
Governments do not want transparency
WikiLeaks, whistleblowers and wars ... The crackdown on whistleblowers is a study in contradictions, hurting both press freedom and foreign policy decisions.
Open file 2892
WikiLeaks, Manning and Government Embarrassment
WikiLeaks, Manning and the Pentagon: Blood on whose hands? ... The bodycount that resulted from Pfc Manning's leaks have amounted to zero thus far, while his accusers stand bloody.
Open file 2893
Assange and WikiLeaks threat to who?
UK threatens to 'assault' Ecuador Embassy to arrest Assange
Open file 2894
Ecuador grants asylum to Julian Assange
Ecuador says any action to enter its London embassy to detain the WikiLeaks founder would be considered a 'hostile act'.
Open file 2895
Asylum for Assange: What are his options?
AJE Features ... WikiLeaks founder has been granted asylum by Ecuador, but there are logistical issues involved in avoiding arrest.
Open file 2896
USA Government and Transparency
A revolution against 'the culture of leaks'? ... The US government has been intolerant of whistle blowers under the Obama administration.
Open file 2897
Assange ... another point of view
Toronto's Globe and Mail editorial ... Ecuador should not give Assange asylum; and he should step out and defend himself
Open file 2900
WikiLeaks versus Extreme Power
Assange's mother fears US execution for son ... Christine Assange is 'terrified' that WikiLeaks founder could face death sentence if eventually extradited to US
Open file 2906
Rule of law versus what is right and just
Julian Assange's right to asylum ... Given the travesty that is American justice, WikiLeaks' founder is entitled to seek asylum and well-advised to fear extradition
Open file 3003
Assange and WikiLeaks under attack
No sign of breakthrough in Assange asylum row ... Ecuador says WikiLeaks founder will remain in its embassy in London as long as he is denied safe passage out of UK.
Open file 3008
The establishment does not want transparency
Assange addresses media from Ecuador embassy ... WikiLeaks founder thanks Ecuadorian leader for showing 'courage' in granting him asylum, in speech from London embassy.
Open file 3021
The establishment does not want transparency
AJE Inside Story ... The curious case of Julian Assange ... Ecuador has granted the Wikileaks founder asylum but will the UK grant him safe passage out of the country?
Open file 3022
Assange and WikiLeaks for transparency
RussiaToday ... 'Manning a hero, US war on whistleblowers must end' - Assange FULL SPEECH August 19th in London
Open file 3024
Assange and WikiLeaks
Julian Assange, the balcony Bolívar of Knightsbridge ... The WikiLeaks founder blew a giant raspberry in the face of William Hague from the Ecuadorean embassy in London
Open file 3026
Official Development Assistance (ODA) / Transparency and Accountability
Dialog profitinafrica with fulcrumecosystems in 2003
Open file 3110
Rethinking Accountability
2004 ... Social Edge members discuss the challenges of civil society accountability and governance
Open file 3122
This explains why major organizations do not want transparency
Democracy Now September 2011 ... Whistleblower Brad Birkenfeld Rewarded Record $104M for Exposing How UBS Helped Rich Evade Taxes
Open file 3249
Rule of Law ... the Assange case
UK and Ecuador fail to agree on Assange fate ... Officials fail to end deadlock over WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange that has lasted 100 days.
Open file 3365
Whistleblowers and WikiLeaks
Alleged WikiLeaks source offers guilty plea ... Bradley Manning offers to plead guilty to lesser offenses; no response from prosecutors.
Open file 3555
The Bradley Manning WikiLeaks Case
Lawyers for WikiLeaks suspect urge dismissal ... Defence team for US soldier Bradley Manning argues that case was mishandled by prosecutors and must now be thrown out.
Open file 3556

This report evaluates the disclosure practices of 100 major emerging market multinationals headquartered in 15 countries and active in 185 countries. The report is part of a series on corporate reporting published by Transparency International since 2008. Initially focused on the world’s top multinationals, the series was expanded to include a first report on emerging market multinationals in 2013. To enhance comparability, the company sample for this report is primarily based on the 2013 edition of the Transparency in Corporate Reporting: Assessing Emerging Market Multinationals report.
This report assesses the public disclosure practices of emerging market multinationals based on three dimensions: first, the reporting of key elements of their anti-corruption programmes; second, the disclosure of their company structures and holdings; and, third, the disclosure of key financial information on a country-by-country basis. This information was gathered from corporate websites and other publicly available sources by a team of Transparency International researchers.

TPB Note
Transparency International (TI) was founded in the late 1980s and has been successful in enabling a conversation about corruption ... but the level of corruption has remained incredibly high. Why is this? In my view (TPB) the main reason is that TI has never understood the vital importance of accounting as a precurser to transparency and accountability. Corporate behavior changed significantly when the auditing profession was institutionalized in the late 19th century, but in the modern economic world a huge proportion of the economy operates in the shadows. There are many beneficiaries of this quagmire of corruption including 'reputable' banks, corporate organizations and investors who choose to look the other way and not see what really is in plain sight.

Open PDF ... TI-2016-Transparency-In-Corporate-Reporting

Accountability and Corruption ... Indian elites' rude awakening
Anti-corruption movement reflects rising middle class's dissatisfaction with messy democracy as usual.
Open file 0573
Corruption ... The Fix ... in Sport
Investigating the international criminal network of gamblers that is undermining the integrity of professional football.
Open file 2657
Corruption ... Bribery in Nigeria
Multi-Million Dollars Hidden Bank Accounts Of Jonathan’s Minister Of Justice, Bello Adoke Exposed -
Open file 2053
Corruption ... Bribery in Nigeria
Nigeria: Wikileaks - Aondoakaa Wrote Election Judgement, After Yar'Adua Offered $57 Million Bribe
Open file 2054
Corruption, Society and Economy
Nigeria and the Energy Sector
The Damning KPMG Report Prepared in 2010 for FG about NNPC that Ministers Do Not Want Nigerians To See – Premium Times
Open file 2069
Corruption, Society and Economy
Kenya's unwinnable war
Can Kenya's war on corruption be won? Kenyans gather in the Cafe to debate the challenges.
Open file 1928
Corruption, Banking, Society and Economy
The bankrupting of Jefferson County, Alabama
The scandal of the Alabama poor cut off from water ... and the incompetence, irresponsibility and corruption of both bankers and politicians
Open file 1724
Corruption, Society and Economy
Energy companies important funders of US politics
Corporate money flowing to politicians is a present danger ... analysis of what BP has paid
Open file 1627
Corruption, Society and Economy
Money subverts the whole system
Fundraising Addiction and the Private-Money Corruption Machine
Open file 1591
Corruption, Society and Economy
Kenya's unwinnable war
Can Kenya's war on corruption be won? Kenyans gather in the Cafe to debate the challenges.
Open file 1928
Corruption and Accountability
India Anti-corruption campaign fails reality check
India's movement towards implementing the Lokpal Bill has been fractured by political interests.
Open file 1481
Accountability, Media and Investigations
Africa Investigates ... It is four o'clock in the morning ...
Exposing the real hurdles stunting development in much of Africa: corruption, cronyism and the politics of fear.
Open file 1235
Society and Economics ... USA
Money in Politics
Meet the Shadowy Spenders Trying to Buy the 2012 Elections
Open file 996
Society and Economics
Who controls politics?
About the control of the US Senate
Open file 997
US Politics
Campaign Finance
Supercommittee rakes in corporate donations ... A military contractor and a pharmaceutical giant are among those writing checks to protect their business interests
Open file 725
Organizations ... Against Corrption
The UNCAC Coalition
The UNCAC Coalition is a global network of over 240 civil society organisations (CSOs) in over 100 countries
Open file 731
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
The global economy's corporate crime wave
Jeffrey Sachs ... Advanced economies with 'good governance' are facing alarming incidents of business corruption at the highest levels.
Open file 732
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
How the US taxpayer got plucked in Iraq
The US bought a $2.58m chicken factory in Iraq without any market research for a nonexistent fresh chicken market.
Open file 690
Corruption and Accountability
US Department of Defense
A government report describes how corruption is handled ... Fraudulent Defense Contractors Paid $1 Trillion
Open file 801
Corruption and Accountability
The US Department of Defense
A huge number of contractors have been involved with corrupt practices, but remain key contractors.
Open file 800
Global Corruption
The Hard Facts of Global Corruption ... Action rarely follows rhetoric when it comes to global corruption.
Open file 8694
Global Corruption
A map of the world showing the Corruption Perception Index (CPI)
Open file 8695
Corruption ... Fishing Industry
NAMIBIA ... Anatomy of a Bribe | Al Jazeera Investigations
Open file 17854
Corruption ... Dominica
Al Jazeera Investigations | Diplomats for Sale
Open file 17855

International Anti-Corruption Conference in Tripoli ... October 2014
Open PDF ... 16thIACC_Session-Proposal-Form
DOD Fraud Report ... 111006
Part of a Report to Congress on fraud in the Department of Defense ... lots of words with almost no actionable information!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a 21 page report ... essentially 100% boilerplate platitudes
Open PDF ... DODFraudReport_111006
Open PDF ... DODFraudReport_111006_Tables
Open PDF ... WB_VolckerReport_070913
Open PDF ... TI-2014-Anti-Corruption-Kit-Youth
Bribery and Corruption
Chicago School District
Former Public Schools Chief Indicted for Accepting Bribes and Kickbacks
Open file 10482
Open PDF ... Supply-Chain-Corruption-Survey-2015
Open PDF ... AU-ECA-IFF-main-report-Feb2016

55 99 235 463 534 573 2657
Open PDF ... TI-Corruption-in-the-Pharmaceutical-Sector-160629
Corruption, Society and Economy
Bribery in Nigeria
Multi-Million Dollars Hidden Bank Accounts Of Jonathan’s Minister Of Justice, Bello Adoke Exposed -
Open file 2053
Corruption, Society and Economy
Bribery in Nigeria
Nigeria: Wikileaks - Aondoakaa Wrote Election Judgement, After Yar'Adua Offered $57 Million Bribe
Open file 2054
Corruption, Society and Economy
Nigeria and the Energy Sector
The Damning KPMG Report Prepared in 2010 for FG about NNPC that Ministers Do Not Want Nigerians To See – Premium Times
Open file 2069
Corruption, Society and Economy
Kenya's unwinnable war
Can Kenya's war on corruption be won? Kenyans gather in the Cafe to debate the challenges.
Open file 1928
Corruption, Banking, Society and Economy
The bankrupting of Jefferson County, Alabama
The scandal of the Alabama poor cut off from water ... and the incompetence, irresponsibility and corruption of both bankers and politicians
Open file 1724
Corruption, Society and Economy
Energy companies important funders of US politics
Corporate money flowing to politicians is a present danger ... analysis of what BP has paid
Open file 1627
Corruption, Society and Economy
Money subverts the whole system
Fundraising Addiction and the Private-Money Corruption Machine
Open file 1591
Corruption, Society and Economy
Kenya's unwinnable war
Can Kenya's war on corruption be won? Kenyans gather in the Cafe to debate the challenges.
Open file 1928
Corruption and Accountability
India Anti-corruption campaign fails reality check
India's movement towards implementing the Lokpal Bill has been fractured by political interests.
Open file 1481
Accountability, Media and Investigations
Africa Investigates ... It is four o'clock in the morning ...
Exposing the real hurdles stunting development in much of Africa: corruption, cronyism and the politics of fear.
Open file 1235
Society and Economics ... USA
Money in Politics
Meet the Shadowy Spenders Trying to Buy the 2012 Elections
Open file 996
Society and Economics
Who controls politics?
About the control of the US Senate
Open file 997
US Politics
Campaign Finance
Supercommittee rakes in corporate donations ... A military contractor and a pharmaceutical giant are among those writing checks to protect their business interests
Open file 725
Organizations ... Against Corrption
The UNCAC Coalition
The UNCAC Coalition is a global network of over 240 civil society organisations (CSOs) in over 100 countries
Open file 731
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
The global economy's corporate crime wave
Jeffrey Sachs ... Advanced economies with 'good governance' are facing alarming incidents of business corruption at the highest levels.
Open file 732
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
How the US taxpayer got plucked in Iraq
The US bought a $2.58m chicken factory in Iraq without any market research for a nonexistent fresh chicken market.
Open file 690
Corruption and Accountability
US Department of Defense
A government report describes how corruption is handled ... Fraudulent Defense Contractors Paid $1 Trillion
Open file 801
Corruption and Accountability
The US Department of Defense
A huge number of contractors have been involved with corrupt practices, but remain key contractors.
Open file 800
Company: Bechtel
Bechtel in Azerbaijan but no deal
Sketchy Donald Trump Deal Eyed For Ties To Iran | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Open file 12891

Corruption. Corruption has many forms ... and the impact of corruption on socio-economic progress may be catastrophic.
Conferences ... and talk. Conferences and talk do very little to solve the problem of corruption. For many years prior to the mid-1980s many large organizations ... notably the World Bank Group and the United Nations ... refused to allow the subject of corruption to be discussed, let alone being part of any formal agenda at a conference. Initiatives to end corruption using accountancy and the basics of financial control were side-tracked. By the end of the 1980s the C-word was allowed in polite conversation and over the 20 years there were a series of conferences and studies on the subject of corruption. An organization called Transparency International became the definitive center for expertise about the subject of corruption.
Corruption ... as bad as ever. Even though there has been a growth in the conversation about corruption, there has been rather little progress in stopping corruption. There are three big problems:
  1. Deployment of strong accounting systems and financial controls has been lacking
  2. Many powerful people are making large fortunes as a result of corruption, and
  3. Powerful companies reduce their risks by engaging in corrupt practices ... and rule of law is inconsequential
Making Corruption Illegal ... getting money out of politics
The energy industry corrupts politics

Naturally, before we could end massive subsidies and impose a tax on carbon in the US, we'd have to get private money out of our politics. Our system of perfectly-legal corruption allows the fossil corporations (and their lawyers, consultants and subcontractors) to buy Congress. As a result, in 2016, 180 of the 535 members of Congress (34 percent) simply denied climate science. It pays to do so. On average, the 38 Senate deniers have each received $732,788 from fossil fuel interests while science-believing senators each got only $182,902. On average, each House denier has received $272,536 from the fossil corporations while science-believing members each got only $80,095.
Obviously, fixing corruption in our politics is an essential reform that must happen before global warming can be brought under control. But it's a reform that could appeal to all issue-oriented people. It is the one reform that makes all other reforms possible. You might think that a gigantic coalition of concerned residents and activists from all issue-groups would join together to make it happen. But so far you would be disappointed. Can we still make it happen? Yes, we can.
from an article in Truthout by PETER MONTAGUE
Peter Montague is a historian and journalist whose work has appeared in Counterpunch, Huffington Post, the Nation and many other publications. He has co-authored two books on toxic heavy metals.
Corruption. Corruption has many forms ... and the impact of corruption on socio-economic progress may be catastrophic.
Conferences ... and talk. Conferences and talk do very little to solve the problem of corruption. For many years prior to the mid-1980s many large organizations ... notably the World Bank Group and the United Nations ... refused to allow the subject of corruption to be discussed, let alone being part of any formal agenda at a conference. Initiatives to end corruption using accountancy and the basics of financial control were side-tracked. By the end of the 1980s the C-word was allowed in polite conversation and over the 20 years there were a series of conferences and studies on the subject of corruption. An organization called Transparency International became the definitive center for expertise about the subject of corruption.
Corruption ... as bad as ever. Even though there has been a growth in the conversation about corruption, there has been rather little progress in stopping corruption. There are three big problems:
  1. Deployment of strong accounting systems and financial controls has been lacking
  2. Many powerful people are making large fortunes as a result of corruption, and
  3. Powerful companies reduce their risks by engaging in corrupt practices ... and rule of law is inconsequential
Making Corruption Illegal ... getting money out of politics
The energy industry corrupts politics
Naturally, before we could end massive subsidies and impose a tax on carbon in the US, we'd have to get private money out of our politics. Our system of perfectly-legal corruption allows the fossil corporations (and their lawyers, consultants and subcontractors) to buy Congress. As a result, in 2016, 180 of the 535 members of Congress (34 percent) simply denied climate science. It pays to do so. On average, the 38 Senate deniers have each received $732,788 from fossil fuel interests while science-believing senators each got only $182,902. On average, each House denier has received $272,536 from the fossil corporations while science-believing members each got only $80,095.
Obviously, fixing corruption in our politics is an essential reform that must happen before global warming can be brought under control. But it's a reform that could appeal to all issue-oriented people. It is the one reform that makes all other reforms possible. You might think that a gigantic coalition of concerned residents and activists from all issue-groups would join together to make it happen. But so far you would be disappointed. Can we still make it happen? Yes, we can.
from an article in Truthout by PETER MONTAGUE
Peter Montague is a historian and journalist whose work has appeared in Counterpunch, Huffington Post, the Nation and many other publications. He has co-authored two books on toxic heavy metals.

This report evaluates the disclosure practices of 100 major emerging market multinationals headquartered in 15 countries and active in 185 countries. The report is part of a series on corporate reporting published by Transparency International since 2008. Initially focused on the world’s top multinationals, the series was expanded to include a first report on emerging market multinationals in 2013. To enhance comparability, the company sample for this report is primarily based on the 2013 edition of the Transparency in Corporate Reporting: Assessing Emerging Market Multinationals report.
This report assesses the public disclosure practices of emerging market multinationals based on three dimensions: first, the reporting of key elements of their anti-corruption programmes; second, the disclosure of their company structures and holdings; and, third, the disclosure of key financial information on a country-by-country basis. This information was gathered from corporate websites and other publicly available sources by a team of Transparency International researchers.

TPB Note
Transparency International (TI) was founded in the late 1980s and has been successful in enabling a conversation about corruption ... but the level of corruption has remained incredibly high. Why is this? In my view (TPB) the main reason is that TI has never understood the vital importance of accounting as a precurser to transparency and accountability. Corporate behavior changed significantly when the auditing profession was institutionalized in the late 19th century, but in the modern economic world a huge proportion of the economy operates in the shadows. There are many beneficiaries of this quagmire of corruption including 'reputable' banks, corporate organizations and investors who choose to look the other way and not see what really is in plain sight.

Open PDF ... TI-2016-Transparency-In-Corporate-Reporting

Corruption (grand corruption)
Basic observation
A big failure of ethics. Grand corruption has distorted decision making and made a few very rich at the expense of the vast majority.
Prevailing response
Used to be ignored. Now there are discussions about corruption and workshops, conferences and so on. Few incitements of any significance. Corruption is difficult to stop because too many powerful people and corporations benefit from the practice.
A better response
Use information to make it easier to do things right. Accounting should be simple, and easily accessible and verifiable. Government accounting should be under scrutiny by all people everywhere. Good people do not like corruption, but have to live with it. Use accounting to give clarity to what is happening with the money. Do not fund things that are not transparent.

Corruption (petty corruption)
Basic observation
Petty corruption is highly undesirable, but often is expected because low salary scales make it impossible for junior grade staff to support themselves legitimately.
Prevailing response
Not very much on the prevailing priority agenda.
A better response
Make it possible for more people to have jobs that pay reasonable wages so that “dash” is not needed for a family to live adequately. Make the accounting better in all organizations and raise the bar for ethical behavior.
SITE COUNT Amazing and shiny stats
Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.