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Organizations ... Against Corrption |
The UNCAC Coalition > About Us > About the Coalition About the Coalition IMAGE UNCAC Coalition demonstration during the 3rd UNCAC Conference of States Parties, Doha, Qatar, November 2009 Download our flyer Who we are The UNCAC Coalition is a global network of over 240 civil society organisations (CSOs) in over 100 countries, committed to promoting the ratification, implementation and monitoring of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). Established in August 2006, it mobilises civil society action for UNCAC at international, regional and national levels. The UNCAC's framework is so comprehensive that it is relevant for a wide range of CSOs. Consequently, the Coalition includes international, regional and national groups working in the areas of human rights, labour rights, governance, economic development, environment and private sector accountability. The member groups include AccessInfoEurope, AfriCOG, Basel Institute on Governance, BRAC University Institute of Governance, Christian Aid, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, GAATW, Global Witness, Institute for Security Studies in Africa, PSI Link, Tax Justice Network, Tearfund, Transparency International, UNICORN and many many more. The secretariat for the Coalition is provided by Transparency International, one of its founding members. What we do The Coalition engages in joint action around common positions on the UNCAC, facilitates the exchange of information among members, and supports national civil society efforts to promote the UNCAC. Coalition members share views via the Coalition website and internet mailing list and ad hoc working groups. The Coalition's primary campaign objective during 2006 – 2009 was to secure an effective, transparent and participatory monitoring mechanism for the UNCAC. To this end, members engaged in joint advocacy ahead of and during key intergovernmental meetings. This phase ended with the adoption, in November 2009, of an UNCAC review mechanism that started operation in July 2010. The Coalition now seeks to ensure that civil society groups can contribute to the review process and to support them in making quality submissions. It also aims to gain government agreement to publish review reports for public scrutiny. The Coalition also sets advocacy targets in relation to specific UNCAC-related topics, such as access to information, asset recovery and protection of whistleblowers and anti-corruption activists. A particular focus for the Coalition will remain the sessions of the UNCAC Conferences of States Parties (CoSP)—the next session will be in Morocco in October 2011. Coalition members attend these intergovernmental meetings as observers. They meet with government delegates, submit statements, publish a newsletter, produce blogs, press releases and hold press briefings and much more. Why joint action is important Effective anti-corruption work demands efforts not only from governments, but also from civil society organisations, the private sector and the greater public. The need for participation of civil society and the importance of access to information are explicitly recognised in Article 13 of the UNCAC. Without pressure from civil society groups, government anti-corruption commitments may remain mere window dressing. Without coordinated global action by a wide range of civil society groups, the UNCAC may not achieve its promise. Home Get Involved! What can you do? Blogs Application for Membership About Us About the Coalition Coordination Committee Coalition Governance Members List Photo Gallery Learn More About the UNCAC CoSP Articles Archive Newsletter Resources Review Member Area The UNCAC Coalition > About Us > Members List UNCAC Coalition Members Organisation Country Website 5th Pillar United States - Access Info Europe Spain - Actions for Genuine Democratic Alternatives (AGENDA) Liberia - Africa Centre for Open Governance (AfriCOG) Kenya www.africog.org Africa Youth for Peace and Development Sierra Leone - African Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ) Nigeria - African Youth Empowerment Nigeria - Agape Foundation for Literacy @ Rural Development. Nigeria - Aktion Finanzplatz Schweiz Switzerland www.aktionfinanzplatz.ch Alpha - Fundación de Estudios Estratégicos Argentina - AMAN-Transparency Palestine Palestine www.aman-palestine.org American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative United States - American University's Washington College of Law United States - Anti Corruption Coalition Uganda Uganda www.accu.or.ug Anti Slavery International United Kingdom - Anti-Corruption Trust of Southern Africa (ACT-Southern Africa) Namibia - Anti-Corruption Unit Cambodia Cambodia - Arab office for law Egypt - Arab Organization for International Cooperation (AICO) Egypt - Arab Thought Forum - - ARTICLE 19 United Kingdom - ArtIdea Georgia - Asociacion Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia Argentina - Asociacion para una Sociedad mas Justa Honduras - Asociacion Transparencia Bolivia Bolivia - Asociacion Transparencia y Libertad Spain - Asociatia Romana pentru Transparenta Romania - Associação Contas Abertas Brazil - Association Burundaise pour La Défense des Droits des Prisonniers (ABDP) Burundi - Association Law Group (ALG) USA - Association of Comittees for Monitoring Parliamentarians and Elected Officials (TUMIKOM) Turkey - ATTAC Hungary Hungary - B P Mehta Foundation India - Baholalao Integrity Safeguard Committee Madagascar - Bahrain Transparency Society Bahrain - Bangladesh NGO Network for Radio and Communication Bangladesh www.bnnrc.net Batool Welfare Trust Pakistan - Blossom Nigeria Project Nigeria - BRAC University Bangladesh - Bread for All Switzerland - Buddhism and Social Development Association (BSDA) Cambodia - Bunge la Mwananchi Kenya - Business for Integrity 2020 Philippines - CAFOD United Kingdom - Cameroonian League for Human Rights Cameroon - Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale (CRBM) Italy - Canadians For Accountability Canada - CCLP Worldwide India www.cclpworldwide.com/esi CDA Innovations for Change - - Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD) Azerbaijan - Center for Egyptian Women's Legal Assistance Egypt - Center for the Study of Democracy Bulgaria www.csd.bg Center for Transparency & Accountability Liberia - Center Transparency International Russia Russia - Centre for Applied Sociology India - Centre for Community Economics and Development Consultants Society (CECOEDECON) India - Centre for Law and Democracy Canada - Centre for Public Policy Studies Malasya - Centre of Information and Data for Anti Corruption (CIDAC) Indonesia - Centro Ecuatoriano de Derecho Ambiental Ecuador - Cercle d'initiative Commune pour la recherche, l'environnement et la Qualité (CICREQ) Cameroon - Cerdas Bangsa (Tangerang) Indonesia - Chile Transparente Chile - Chr. Michels Institute (CMI) Norway - Christian Aid United Kingdom - Citizens Forum Zambia - CIVICUS South Africa - Civil Society Development Foundation Hungary - Club-Journalists against Corruption Bulgaria - Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative India - Community Empowerment NWFP Pakistan - Community Research and Development Centre (CREDC) Benin - Contraloría Ciudadana para la Rendición de Cuentas Mexico www.contraloriaciudadana.org.mx Corporacion Ocasa Colombia www.ocasa.org.co Corporación Transparencia por Colombia Colombia - CPI The Lebanese Center for Public Information Lebanon - Creative Union TORO - Transparency International National Contact in Ukraine Ukraine - Criminologists Society of J&K India - CRT UK - Development Dynamics Nigeria - Development Organization for Human Rights & Envieronment Pakistan - DISCOVER Pakistan - Dochas Ireland - Ecole nationale d'administration publique Canada - Education on Human Rights Public Association Azerbaijan www.ehr-az.org EHED Foundation Pakistan - Ehem Anticorruption Group - Society of Jesus Philippines - EITI - NGO's for Extractive Industries Transparency Azerbaijan - ELSDA Institute Indonesia - Equity Advocates Nigeria - Etica y Transparencia Nicaragua - ETRAC Foundation India - Evangelical Fellowship of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone www.efls.org Evelio B. Javier Foundation, Incorporated Philippines - Federation of Environmental and Ecological Diversity for Agricultural Revampment and Human Rights (FEEDAR & HR) Cameroon - Financial Intelligence Council United States - Forum Civil Senegal - Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights Hungary - Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policy Argentina - Foundation Open Society Institute - Macedonia F.Y. Republic of Macedonia - Free World Foundation Ghana - Fundacion Mujeres en Igualdad Argentina - Fundacion Nacional para el Desarrollo (FUNDE) El Salvador - Fundacion Pro Acceso Chile - Fundar, Centro de Analisis e Investigacion Mexico - GGS Institute of Information Communication Technology INDIA www.ggsict.net & www.ggsnews.com Ghana Integrity Initiative Ghana - Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) Thailand - Global Financial Integrity United States - Global Network for Good Governance Cameroon - Global Network for Good Governance(GNGG) CAMEROON www.gngg.info Global Watch Group - - Global Witness United Kingdom - Good Thinkers Organization for Human Development (GTOHD) Pakistan - Governance Institutions Network International (GINI) Pakistan - Gram Bharati Samiti (GBS) India - Grass Root Anti-Corruption Awareness Network Initiative Nigeria - Groupe d'action de paix et de formation pour la transformation (GAPAFOT) Central African Republic - Grupo Civico Etica y Transparencia Nicaragua - Grupo de Mujeres de la Argentina - Foro de VIH MUjeres y Familia Argentina - Grupo de Trabajo Contra la Corrupcion (GTCC) / Work Group against Corruption Peru - Guards of Earth and Vulnerable Ghana - Helio International France - Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of the Republic of Macedonia Macedonia - Heungsadan (Young Korean Academy) Transparency Movement South Korea - Hills Program on Governance United States - Hoadedhdhoo Association for Development Maldives - Human Rights and Development Trust of Southern Africa Zimbabwe - Human Rights Association for Community Development in Assuit Egypt - Human Rights Trust Of Southern Africa South Africa - Humanus International Cameroon - Hungarian Africa Platform - Magyar Afrika Platform Hungary www.afrikaplatform.hu Hungarian Civil Liberties Union Hungary - Image Composers France www.village-studio.com Independent Advocacy Project (IAP) Nigeria - Indonesia Corruption Watch Indonesia - Instance nationale de protection des biens publics au maroc Morocco - Institute of Governance Studies Bangladesh - Institute of Security Studies (ISS) South Africa - Instituto Qualicidade Brazil www.qualicidade.org.br Integriteta-association for ethics in public service Slovenia - International Alliance of Women Austria - International Commission of Jurists Switzerland www.icj.org International Trade Union Confederation Belgium - Iraqi Center For Transparency and Corruption Iraq - Iraqi Institute for Economic Reform Iraq - Islamic Relief Worldwide United Kingdom - K-Monitor Hungary - K-Pact Council Korea - Kenya Tuitakayo: Citizens Coalition for Constitutional Culture (4Cs) Kenya - Koyenum Immalah Foundation Nigeria www.koyenumimmalahfoundation.org Kurdistan AC Network - - Kuwait Transparency Kuwait - La Strada International The Netherlands - Lalenok Ba Ema Hotu(LABEH) Timor-Leste - Lembaga Kajian dan Advokasi Untuk Independensi Peradilan (LeIP) Indonesia - Libertad en accion Mexico - Life Line to Citizen (LL2C) India - Ligue Congolaise de lutte contre la Corruption (LICOCO) Democratic Republic of Congo - Luta Hamutuk Timor Leste - MANS Montenegro - MAPPI - - Mauritius Council of Social Service (MACOSS) Mauritius www.macoss.info MEERA Foundation INDIA www.meerafoundation.webs.com Mexican Association for Rural and Urban Transformation Mexico - Mitigating Endemic Democratic Problems Australia - Moms Club International Nigeria Nigeria - Mother Theresa Rural Development Society India www.mtrds.com Namibia Institute for Democray (NID) Namibia - National Human Rights Coordination Body Peru - National Law Reform Consortium Indonesia - Network Africa - - NGO's Computer Literacy Shelter Welfare (NCLSW) Pakistan - Nigeria Labour Congress Nigeria - Nigeria youth environmental network Nigeria - NPA Nigeria - - Observatorio Hannah Arendt Venezuela - Observatory on Social Surveillance (OBSERVA) Peru - OMETZ Israel - Open Democracy Advice Centre South Africa - Open Society Foundation (OSF) Slovakia - Oyoun Centre for Studying and Developing Human Rights and Democracy Egypt - Oziveni, o.s. Czech Republic - Pact Cambodia - Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development And Transparency (PILDAT) Pakistan - Participacion Ciudadana Dominican Republic - Partnership for Governance Reform / Kemitraan Indonesia - Partnership for Social Development Croatia www.psd.hr Partnership for Transparency Fund - - PDP Center - - People Against Drug Dependence & Ignorance (PADDI) Nigeria - Poder Cuidadano Argentina - Pragati, Koraput India - ProDemos Public Union Azerbaijan - Proetica Peru - Professionals for Humanity Nigeria - Programa Venezolano de Educación-Acción en Derechos Humanos (PROVEA) Venezuela - Project on Organizing, Development, Education, and Research (PODER) United States - Proyecto de Transparencia e Integridad de USAID Guatemala - Public Concern at Work UK www.pcaw.org.uk Public Investigation Bureau Latvia - Public Services International - www.world-psi.org Public Services Labor Independent Confederation (PSLINK) Philippines - Publish What You Pay Nigeria Nigeria - Rachad Movement Algeria - Rainbow Warriors Core Foundation Aruba, Dutch Caribbean - Raoul Wallenberg Institute Sweden - Research Alliance for Development Cameroon - Research and Training For Real Empowerment Ltd/Gte. (RESTORE) Nigeria - Réseau des Plates-formes nationales d'ONG d'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre (REPAOC) Senegal - Rights Jessore Bangladesh - Rural Educational Development & Welfare Organization Pakistan - Rural Studies Center Egypt www.falaheen.org S A Report - - Sahkar Social Welfare Association Pakistan www.sahkar.webs.com Save Earth Nigeria Nigeria - Shaaub For Democracy Cultuer Establishment Iraq - Sherpa France - SNAPAP Algeria - Social Watch India India - Society for the Empowerment of People (STEP) Pakistan - Socio-Economic Rights & Accountability Project (SERAP) Nigeria - Solaris United States - Solidarity Development Organisation CAMEROON - South Asian Network for Social & Agricultural Development (SANSAD) India - Stat View International Guinea - Subhiksha Voluntary Organization India www.subhiksha.org Tax Justice Network United Kingdom - Tearfund United Kingdom - Telapak Indonesia - The Anti-Corruption Council of Ukraine Ukraine www.transparentukraine.org The Corner House United Kingdom - The Fight Against Corruption South Africa www.tfac.org.za The Jakarta Legal Aid Institute Indonesia - The Johanniter Germany - The Jus Semper Global Alliance United States - The National Center For Peace & Development India - Tiri United Kingdom - Towards Transparency Vietnam www.transparency.org Trade Union Elie Radu Romania - Trade Unions Congress (TUC) United Kingdom - Transnational Crime and Corruption Center Georgia - Transparencia Bolivia Bolivia - Transparencia Mexicana Mexico - Transparencia Venezuela Venezuela - Transparency and Accountability Network Philippines www.tan.org.ph Transparency and Economic Development Initiatives Nigeria - Transparency Azerbaijan Azerbaijan - Transparency in Nigeria Nigeria - Transparency International Armenia Armenia - Transparency International Australia - - Transparency International Austria Austria www.ti-austria.at Transparency International Bangladesh Bangladesh - Transparency International Canada Canada - Transparency International Chinese Taipei Taiwan - Transparency International Croatia Croatia - Transparency International Czech Republic Czech Republic - Transparency International Denmark Denmark - Transparency International Ecuador Ecuador - Transparency International Finland Finland - Transparency International France France - Transparency International Georgia Georgia www.transparency.ge Transparency International Germany Germany - Transparency International India India - Transparency International Indonesia Indonesia - Transparency International Ireland Ireland - Transparency International Israel Israel - Transparency International Italia Italy - Transparency International Korea South Korea - Transparency International Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan - Transparency International Lithuania Lithuania - Transparency International Malaysia Malaysia - Transparency International Netherlands Netherlands - Transparency International Pakistan Pakistan - Transparency International Palestine Palestine - Transparency International Philippines Philippines - Transparency International Russia Russia - Transparency International Rwanda Rwanda - Transparency International Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - Transparency International Sweden Sweden - Transparency International Switzerland Switzerland - Transparency International Turkey Turkey - Transparency International Uganda Uganda - Transparency International UK - - Transparency International USA United States - Transparency International Zambia Zambia - Transparency International Zimbabwe zimbabwe www.transparency.org.zw Transparency Maroc Morocco - Transparency Zero Corruption F.Y. Republic of Macedonia - Transparentnost Macedonia F.Y. Republic of Macedonia - Trinidad and Tobago Transparency Institute Trinidad and Tobago - U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre Norway - Uluchay Social-Economic Innovation Center Azerbaijan www.uluchay.org Ummah Fi Salam Philippines - UNICORN - Trade Union Anti-Corruption Network United Kingdom - Uniting Church in Australia Australia - Universidad Coherente Peru - Uplifting Men and Youth in Africa (UMaY Africa) Kenya - Uruguay Transparente Uruguay www.uruguaytransparente.org.uy Voice Bangladesh - VSO International United Kingdom - Water Governance Institute Uganda - Whistleblower-Netzwerk e.V. Germany - Women Environment & Development Network (WEDEN) Nigeria - Women Rights and Development Centre Nigeria - Women's Right to Education Programme (WREP) Nigeria - World Wildlife Fund UK United Kingdom - Yemen Polling Center Yemen - Young Businessmen Association in Assuit Egypt - Youth Alive! Kenya (YAK) Kenya - Youth Crime Watch of Niigeria Nigeria - Youth Education Forum F.Y. Republic of Macedonia - Youth Partnership for Peace and Development Sierra Leone - Zenu Network Cameroon - Zero Corruption Coalition (ZCC) Nigeria - Contact Us info@uncaccoalition.org What's New Newsletter September 2011 CSO experiences with the UNCAC review mechanism, Year 1, The IRG suspends Rule 17 again Coalition Statement on Promoting Asset Recovery and Countering Laundering of Corruptly Taken Assets 20 September 2011. The time has come to act. Beyond… UNCAC Coalition Statement on Article 13 22 August 2011. Transparency and Public Participation in… Training Videos on the Review Mechanism Launched 17. August 2011. The UNCAC Coalition is pleased to… © 2005 - 2011 The UNCAC Coalition | Imprint | Privacy Policy | Sitemap | Terms of Use Redeveloped by moconut.com |
The text being discussed is available at http://www.uncaccoalition.org/en/about-us/members-list.html |
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