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Burgess Manuscripts
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GO Open PDF ... 188 pages
GO Open PDF ... 334 pages
GO Open PDF ... 95 pages
GO Open PDF ... 394 pages
GO Open PDF ... 72 pages
GO Open PDF ... 118 pages
GO Open PDF ... 441 pages
GO Open PDF ... 361 pages
GO Open PDF ... 81 pages
GO Open PDF ... 430 pages
GO Open PDF ... 269 pages
Society's Systemic Failure (2008)
GO Open PDF ... 17 pages

TrueValueMetrics GO
BOOK draft ... True Value Accounting book ... incomplete from 2015 GO
Turning Development Upside Down GO
IRAQ: A New Direction - Published via in 2006 GO
New Wave for Development - Draft from 2011 GO
Books / Work-in-Progress / MDIA-2014 - Multi-Dimension Impact Accounting - Draft GO

Hundreds of Issues that Impact Relief and Development Performance
This text originated in the early 1990s and resulted in a book published in 2006 to highlight the need to have multi-issue initiatives to solve complex enviro-socio-economic problems. A single bullet will not solve problems!
This was published using print on demand
There are ISSUES that have to be addressed in every society ... in every human organization ... and in every system. Most times, an effective outcome in addressing an issue cannot be achieved by a single simple 'silver bullet' but requires system thinking and addressing many ISSUES in parallel. This was the theme of much of the thinking that preceded TVM in the 1990s and into the 2000s.
TPB/TVIA commentary:
Far too much of policy making during the past 50 years has attempted tp solve a problem ... and issue ... with a single issue focus and response. This might have worked in earlier times, butas the world has become more and more interconnected this approach is bound to fail. Take for example, the United Nations, which has a lot of specialized expertise in its various specialized agencies all of which are organized on single sector lines. In the real world at the country level the poblems overlap many sectors, and this need for multi-sector solutions persists to every community on the planet. The same critique applies to other organizations like, for example, the World Bank and most national governments.
My work in international development and humanitarian assistance was successful when there was the opportunity to engage multi-sector initiatives, whereas single sector projects rarely worked.
The text may be viewed in this single webpage Open bk005A-Z
The text may be seen via this navigation Open bk005A-Z-navigation
The text may be viewed via this PDF
Open PDF ... TAN-report-0032-060821b-Hundreds-of-issues

The Basic Concepts of True Value Metrics
The Basic Concepts of True Value Metrics ... Table of Contents - Detail
The latest set of revisions to manuscripts about True Value Accounting
Open bk00000000

BOOK draft ... TrueValueMetrics
Working drafts of a book about TrueValueMetrics, meaningful metrics for a smart society. This is a WORK-IN-PROGRESS for discussion. There are about 20 chapters in development.
Contents bk0090003

BOOK draft ... True Value Accounting book ... incomplete from 2015
Open PDF ... 72 pages

Turning Development Upside Down
The Essential Reforms Needed for Peace and Socio-Economic Progress
Updated November 2011
Turning Development Upside Down
This material was written and rewritten by Peter Burgess from 1996 to 2006 ... It is about the essential reforms needed for peace and socio-economic progress in the field of international socio-economic development.
This material has been updated and merged with other material to support the mission of TrueValueMetrics and the development of True Value Impact Accounting.
Navigation to Text
Turning Development Upside Down ... CONTENTS
Contents bk0010001
Turning Development Upside Down
Download the complete book ... about 400 pages
Open PDF ... 432 pages
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 1 - Why This Book? Open PDF ... Chapter 1
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 2 - Development Has Failed Open PDF ... Chapter 2
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 3 - Why So Much Failure Open PDF ... Chapter 3
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 4 - Ways Forward Open PDF ... Chapter 4
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 5 - Community Focus Open PDF ... Chapter 5
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 6 - People / Human Resources Open PDF ... Chapter 6
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 7 - Organization / Organizations Open PDF ... Chapter 7
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 8 - Resources / Natural Resources Open PDF ... Chapter 8
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 9 - Enabling Environment Open PDF ... Chapter 9
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 10 - Community Productivity Open PDF ... Chapter 10
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 11 - Information Dimension Open PDF ... Chapter 11
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 12 - Sector Perspectives Open PDF ... Chapter 12
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 13 - Sector: Governance / Government Open PDF ... Chapter 13
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 14 - Sector: Infrastructure Open PDF ... Chapter 14
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 15 - Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Open PDF ... Chapter 15
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 16 - Sector: Industrial Sector Open PDF ... Chapter 16
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 17 - Sector: Trade and Logistics Open PDF ... Chapter 17
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 18 - Sector: Service Sectors Open PDF ... Chapter 18
Turning Development Upside Down - Chapter 19 - Afterword Open PDF ... Chapter 19

The TDUD material was the basis for a book published under the title 'REVOLUTIONARY CHANGE for Relief and Development' in 2006
Another book has been published under the title 'IRAQ, A NEW DIRECTION, A Strategy for Peace'.
Both these books were published through

A New Direction - A Strategy for Peace

SPublished via in 2006
Written in 2006 and Published on LuLu ... A strategy for Peace and Methodology for Rapid Socio-Economioc Progress ... About 290 pages

Open PDF ... Book-IRAQ-A-New-Direction-2006/Book-IRAQ-A-New-Direction-2006-061205fg

Revolutionary Change for Relief and Development - Draft from 2006
Written in 2006 and Published on LuLu ... The sad state of the relief and development sector and what to do about it ... About 320 pages
The PDF is 394 pages
Open PDF ...

New Wave for Development - Draft from 2011
Based on Turning Development Upside Down ... written around 2009 ... Some Critical Reforms to Catalyze Socio-Economic Progress ... About 400 pages
Open PDF ...

Management Information for Relief and Development - Incomplete Draft from 2005
Incomplete Book Draft from 2005 / Management-Information-for-Relief-and-Development
Based on experience from the 1970s to the early 2000s ... draft written around 2005 ... Some Critical Reforms to Catalyze Socio-Economic Progress ... 95 pages
This contians many anecdotes about personal experience in both corporate management and working as a consultant for the World Bank, the United Nations and others.
Open PDF ...

Value Accountancy - Draft from 2011
BOOK draft ... TVM Value Accountancy
TVM Value Accountancy has been drafted over the past four years to be the foundation for massive reform of the core metrics used for investment decisions. This material is being merged with other material into a bigger book TrueValueMetrics
Contents bk0030001

Introduction to True Value Metrics - Draft from 2014
BOOK draft ... Introduction to TrueValueMetrics
'Introduction to TrueValueMetrics' is another approach to the development of a book about TrueValueMetrics. This material is being merged with other material into a bigger book TrueValueMetrics
Contents bk0060001

Thousands of Issues - Published by LuLu in 2007
Burgess BOOK ... Thousands of Issues
This is the text from a book authored by Peter Burgess in 2007 ... 'A single silver bullet' will never be a successful policy option ... many things are wrong and systemic solutions are needed. Available on

The Basic Concepts of True Value Metrics
The Basic Concepts of True Value Metrics
This is navigation to the book draft 'Basic Concepts of TrueValueMetrics' version of October 2010
Open list 2003
The Basic Concepts of True Value Metrics of ??? )
This is navigation to the book draft 'Basic Concepts of TrueValueMetrics' version of ???
Open list 2011
Basic Concepts of TrueValueMetrics (SUPERCEDED by Introduction to TrueValueMetrics)
This is navigation to an early version of the book draft 'Basic Concepts of TrueValueMetrics
Contents txt20060000
TrueValueMetrics (TVM) Concepts
in sequence established in the Burgess Press book
These files organize the information by Chapter and Section
Open list 0200

Community Accountancy
Community Accountancy (SUPERCEDED by TVM Value Accountancy)
A manuscript prepared in 2007/2008 ... Community Accountancy was an early version of the TrueValueMetrics concept
Contents txt20030000
A manuscript prepared in 2007/2008
Open list 0300
Selection of materials about Community Accountancy
Some of the material prepared in connection with the concept of community accountancy, and subsequently incorporated into MDIA
Open list 2010

Community Analytics
TVM-Community-Analytics-100201j-131219-151129 ... a manuscript that was started in 2009
Open PDF ... TVM-Community-Analytics-100201j-131219-151129

Community Metrics for Accelerating Socio-Economic Progress
Community Metrics for Accelerating Socio-Economic Progress
Book-005-061110b-RDS-Community-Metrics ... a manuscript that was started in 2006
Open PDF ... Book-005-061110b-RDS-Community-Metrics

Books / Work-in-Progress / MDIA-2014 - Draft
Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-0-2014
Open PDF ... Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-0-2014
Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-1-2014
Open PDF ... Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-1-2014
Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-2-2014
Open PDF ... Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-2-2014
Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-3-2014
Open PDF ... Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-3-2014
Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-4-2014
Open PDF ... Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-4-2014
Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-5-2014
Open PDF ... Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-5-2014
Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-6-2014
Open PDF ... Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-6-2014
Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-7-2014
Open PDF ... Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-7-2014
Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-8-2014
Open PDF ... Multi Dimension Impact Accounting - TVM-Book-Section-8-2014

The sontributor's workbook was drafted in 2009 to facilitate the collection of comunity level data
Open PDF ... Community-Analytics-Contributors-Workbook-090801

True Value Accounting ... BOOK draft from 2015
Open PDF ... Book-TVA-Volume-1-Dysfunction-of-the-Global-Socio-Enviro-Economic-System-151224d

Conceptual Overview of Community Analytics
Conceptual Overview of Community Analytics
This is a 90 page manuscript CA_M_000_Summary_01_090726 ... a 89 page paper written in 2009
Open PDF ... CA-M-000-Summary-01-090726

Community Accountancy
Read pdf ...TAN_CAS_000_Contents_080731.pdf
Open PDF About 5 pages.
Chapter 1 - Society's Systemic Failure
This chapter sets out the issues that need to be addressed ... the issues that are the root cause of society's systemic failure
Read pdf ... TAN_CAS_001_SSFailure_080731.pdf
Open PDF About 17 pages.
Open webpage for Society's Systemic Failure Open file bk003 0100
Chapter 2 - Accounting's Key Concepts
This text sets out the key concepts of accountancy and how these are very powerful for the community and society as well as for the corporate world.
Read pdf ... TAN_CAS_002_1_KeyConcepts_080731.pdf
Open PDF About 9 pages.
Open webpage for Accounting's Key Concepts Open file txt20030200
Chapter 3 - Community Focus
This text describes how Community Focus helps to make complex issues simpler using the balance sheet concept of accountancy.
Read pdf ... TAN_CAS_002_2_CommFocus_080731.pdf
Open PDF About 9 pages.
Open webpage for Community Focus Open file txt20030300
Chapter 5 - About Data and Dataflows
This text sets describes data and the dataflows needed for Community Accountancy.
Read pdf ... TAN_CAS_002_3_DataFlows_080731.pdf
Open PDF About 12 pages
Open webpage for About Data and Dataflows Open file txt20030500
Chapter 4 - Functional Structure
This text sets out functional structures that needed to make deployment of Community Accountancy successful.
Read pdf ... TAN_CAS_002_4_FuncStruc_080731.pdf
Open PDF About 12 pages.
Open webpage for Functional Structure Open file txt20030400
Chapter 6 - Cost Accounting
This text decribes something about cost accountancy ... and how it works for both the business world and the community. (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Read pdf ... TAN_CAS_003_01_CostAcc_080731.pdf
Open PDF About 12 pages.
Open webpage for Cost Accounting Open file bk0030600
Chapter 7 - Cost, Price and Value
This text sets out the issues that need to be addressed. (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Read pdf ... TAN_CAS_003_02_CostPriceValue_080731.pdf
Open PDF About 12 pages.
Open webpage for Cost, Price and Value Open file txt20030700
Chapter 8 - Standard Variance Analysis
Read pdf ... TAN_CAS_003_03_StdVarAnalysis_080731.pdf
Open PDF About 17 pages.
Open webpage for Standard Variance Analysis Open file txt20030800
Chapter 9 - Value Chain This text sets out the issues that value chain analysis can addressed and especially issues relating to multi-level value chains. (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Read pdf ... TAN_CAS_003_04_ValueChain_080731.pdf
Open PDF About 12 pages.
Open webpage for Value Chain Open file bk0030900
Chapter 10 - Wealth Transfer
This text descibes the problem of wealth transfer and how it must be addressed. (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Read pdf ... TAN_CAS_003_05_WealthTransfer_080731.pdf
Open PDF About 12 pages.
Open webpage for Wealth Transfer Open file txt20031000
Chapter 11 - Sustainability
This text sets out the issues that need to be addressed. (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Read pdf ... TAN_CAS_003_06_Sustainability_080731.pdf Open PDF About 12 pages.
Open webpage for Sustainability Open file txt20031100
Chapter 12 - Spatial Comparisons
This text outlines some of what might be learned from spatial comparisons (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Read pdf ... TAN_CAS_003_07_SpatialComparisons_080731.pdf Open PDF About 12 pages.
Open webpage for Spatial Comparisons Open file txt20031200
Chapter 13 - Times Series Comparison
This text sets out som of what might be learned from time series comparisons. (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Read pdf ... TAN_CAS_005_04_MicroFinance_01_080731.pdf Open PDF About 12 pages.
Open webpage for Time Series Comparisons Open file txt20031300
Chapter XX - Community Data
This text describes some of the data needed to described the community. The paper describes how to get started with a new community. (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Read pdf ... TAN_CAR_005_02_Community01_080731.pdf Open PDF About 30 pages.
Open webpage for Community Data Open file txt20031200
Chapter XX - Reporting About Microfinance
This text describes the analysis used by the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh to encourage progress in the villages of Bangladesh (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Read pdf ... TAN_CAS_005_04_MicroFinance_01_080731.pdf Open PDF About 12 pages.
Open webpage for Reporting About Microfinance Open file txt20030200
Chapter XX - Reporting About Malaria
This text describes the data and analysis needed to have a successful malaria control program in cooperation with CA/IMM. (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Read pdf ... TAN_CAS_005_05_MalariaFocus_01_080731.pdf Open PDF About 12 pages.
About Malaria
This text describes some of the data about malaria (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Open file NNNN
Open PDF About 12 pages.
Open webpage for About Malaria Open file txt20030200

DRAFT prepared prior to 2015
Burgess Book Manuscript ... TVA ... Section / Volume 1
Context / Dysfunction of the Global Socio-Enviro-Economic System

from the DRAFT of a True Value Accounting book ... still incomplete from 2015 ... (version 151224d)
Open PDF ... 72 pages

DRAFT prepared between 2007 and 2010
By chapter / section detail ... 24 pages
Also short summary for each chapter
Open PDF ... Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Context
This chapter sets out to introduce the write, establish his credibility in this subject area and the set the context for the development of True Value Metrics (TVM) or something like it. Though the book is very critical of established metrics and global socio-economic performance, the book aims to be optimistic about a future that uses better metrics!
Open PDF ... Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - How True Value Metrics Improves Quality of Life
This chapter introduces the way TVM puts data at the center of everything … but data that are about value as well as just about money. This chapter introduces the framework for analysis that is used in TVM and how with this framework there can be more decision making utility without catastrophic data overload.
Open PDF ... Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Data Types and Attributes
Data is at the center of TVM … but exactly what data? This chapter describes different characteristics of data that are used by TVM, and the importance TVM puts on knowing about time and place in connection with all the data.
Open PDF ... Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - Analysis Methods
This chapter is about the ways in which TVM data are used in analysis … the importance of the value component as well as the money component. This chapter shows how the basic money accounting framework is used and how a community perspective is different from an organization perspective.
Open PDF ... Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - State, Progress and Performance
This chapter goes into more detail about the three core elements of TVM analysis … the state, the progress and the performance. These are modifications of the core business accounting idea of balance sheet and profit and loss account that enable the value aspect of society to be part of a similar construct. The chapter also includes the value version of costs, revenues and profits or losses.
Open PDF ... Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Entities for Value Analysis and Reporting
This chapter describes the change in perspective that there is with TVM compared to the organization perspective that dominates business money accounting, and organization centric performance analysis. TVM makes people and the performance of the community central to the metrics.
Open PDF ... Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Enabling Technology
This is a short chapter. This chapter does not attempt to describe technology, but merely to alert the reader to the idea that technology is extremely powerful and can enable data analysis in ways that were impossible just a few years ago. It also alerts the reader to some of the issues that are emerging related to information infrastructure.
Open PDF ... Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Using True Value Metrics
This chapter is a primer on how TVM can be used by anyone anywhere. For some readers this may the the only chapter they bother with … so it aims to be practical while having enough of the driving concept of TVM embedded in the practical guidance. (A LOT OF WORK TO DO ON THIS CHAPTER!)
Open PDF ... Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - MISC220 (not circulated!)
This section of the text is misc material moved out of the main text, but not yet deleted. It also has a collection of simple quotations, most of which appear in the main text.
Open PDF ... Chapter 9

A 12 slide set about the Economics of a Village in pdf format. Prepared in December 2006 through Tr-Ac-Net ... the Transparency and Accountability Network'
Open PDF ... Economics-of-the-Village-ver01-061212
This is a 9 page essay written jointly by Peter Burgess and Kirimi Kaberia and presented at the INR Roundtable on Africa's Economic Future in April 19, 2002. Africa has an enormously untapped potential. It is an enormous place. Geographically, Africa is bigger than China and India and Europe and the USA and Argentina combined. It is home to around 800 million people. The continent has lots of “living space”. But most of Africa is desperately poor, and too many are hungry. What is the problem and what should be done?'
Open PDF ... paaa000120051017


bk010 ... a working paper using material from Chapter 3 of Turning Development Upside Down
Open file bk010 0300
COMMUNITY ACCOUNTANCY Chapter 1 - Society's Systemic Failure
This chapter sets out the issues that need to be addressed ... the issues that are the root cause of society's systemic failure
Read pdf ... TAN_CAS_001_SSFailure_080731.pdf
Open PDF About 17 pages.
Community Accountancy Chapter 1
Open file bk003 0100

A BURGESS BOOK from 2010 addressing issues related to the Haiti earthquake emergency
Plan Haiti
From Relief to Rebuilding: Continuum from Relief to Rebuilding and Sustainable Progress Multi-Sector Area Development: A Planning Framework for Sustainable Socio-Economic Progress
Plan Haiti / From Relief to Rebuilding / Continuum from Relief to Rebuilding and Sustainable Progress
Multi-Sector Area Development / A Planning Framework for Sustainable Socio-Economic Progress
By Peter Burgess
Published by Tr-Ac-Net Inc.
Open PDF ... Book-Haiti-001-170502wip.pdf

A BURGESS BOOK written in 2006 to highlight the many isisues that needed to be addressed
INTRODUCTION to ISSUES There are ISSUES that have to be addressed in every society ... in every human organization ... and in every system. Most times, an effective outcome in addressing an issue cannot be achieved by a single simple 'silver bullet' but requires system thinking and addressing many ISSUES in parallel. This was the theme of much of the thinking that preceded TVM in the 1990s and into the 2000s.
This text originated in the early 1990s and resulted in a book published in 2006 to highlight the need to have multi-issue initiatives to solve complex enviro-socio-economic problems. A single bullet will not solve problems!
Open bk005A-Z
Navigation to a Selection of Key Issues
Open L0200-ISSUES-Sel-A
DRAFT / True-Value-Impact-Accounting-Summary
An essay being developed to describ True Value Metrics
Open TVM-171019a-True-Value-Impact-Accounting-Summary.pdf
Navigation tp L070-TPB-c2003
Various slides that were used c2003 to describe the systemic dysfunction of development
Open L070-TPB-c2003

UNDP Horn of Africa Programme
Sustainable Develoment Programme for Reintegration of Displaced Persons and Returned Refugees and the Rehabilitation of Host Communities in Northwest Somalia and Eastern Ethiopia
TPB Note: This work was led by DeeDee Angagaw of UNDP. I provided a range of technical support activities to assist in converting all the imput from two teams of local consultants into a coherent integrate plan and the related documentation. One of the consulting teams was comprised on local consultants from Somaliland (sometimes referred to as Northwest Somalia) and another team from Ethiopia. This was the first time that professional teams from Somalia and Ethiopia had worked together in cooperation since the Somalia / Ethiopia war of 1978 about 20 years before. The team visited the affected region of Eastern Ethiopia and a three daya workshop to coordinate the findings took place in Jijiga. A second three day workshop took place in Hargeisa in Somaliland following field work in Somaliland. The team leaders coordinated closely with the Government of Somaliland. The draft final report was presented to the UN Resident Representative in Addis Ababa at the conclusion of the field work. The UNDP Assistant Res Rep opined that it was impossible for our team to have done the work in the time we had taken, which might have been true if we had relied on international experts from outside the region, but by involving very experienced local consultants our time was highly producive. My 'push-back' to the ctiticism was simply that we could have done the work in half the time, if I had been able to type twice as fast. This was a perfect example of local experts knowing what needed to be done ... with the contribution of international experts merely to make it possible to get done. Outside the direct scope of this UNDP work, I travelled to the African Development Bank in Cote d'Ivoire to try to enable ODA funding for the programme, recognizing that Somaliland was not an official independent country, but a part of Somalia, even though it was totally governed from Hargeisa with no involvement at all from Mogadishu. These discussed proved fruitless, even though several high level ADP staff were from Somaliland.

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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.