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CHRIS MACRAE ed3envoyUN ... will youth ever be sustainability generation? ![]() Original article: Peter Burgess COMMENTARY Peter Burgess | ||
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Feminine Economics Intelligence - Junior's Last Story
Chris Macrae MA DAMTP CantabStatus is online
Chris Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab
MathsDaos.com EconomistDiary.com Economistlearning.com 50th year as stats guy in Ad & Ai Agency now goes meta across NY HK Dhaka, Glasgow & 10 supercity united beeings.app nftsdgs.com 2025report.com
455 articles
May 6, 2023
ED: KC3.dev: Junior died because his parents didn't have good intel on water. They started a university so that no California child need die from parents and kids being too late in mediating life saving intel. 24 years earlier in Calcutta arguably the greatest media hero in the english language died of diarrhea serving his Queen's charter to change constitutions all over Asia which Empire (& EIC corporate world's worst) had falsely turned new world's marketing into.
Spare a thought for freedom on this the Day of Charles: couldn't UN2.0 be correct in saying the 2020s is our last chance to celebrate public servants who lead in valuing 8 billion's G8 livelihoods, G7 solar, G6 water, G5 Women's Spirit, G4 EdU, G3 Health, G2 Food, G1 whose intel can market shape the way 8 billions need to be Dismally the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century's first half spent most of their lives trying to end war games. If you read all about the last 7 years of lives of V Neumann and Einstein , they demanded that parent never let artificial economics erase the quest for intelligence that could help all of us map a kinder smarter human intelligence. After all (as Covid may have asked us) why do we rush to examine intelligence until or unless we know the global and local interconnectivity differences of good and ba?. Why do we turn the biggest mistakes lonely old men power over us into official secrets. Why do we call maths artificial? Why dont we trust the experience of the royal families of the UK Netherlands and Japan who are at least concerned with the global mistakes their histories trapped the Asian two thirds of women and men, young and old in. Will one US or EU media outlet ask these kinds of questions as commentary to today's crowning moment? I doubt it but that's why every parent needs to from this day on whenever and wherever world staged events happen. Its quite simply really: millennials need to twin their superstars with those bring FEI wherever Juniors spirit lives on. Have a kind day every day please. EconomistLearning.com No alt text provided for this image Bonus points. In 2001, 3 wise men (Jobs-Abed-Gates) started to meet to discuss what if the 2020s saw at least 60 universities rise around sharing graduate womens intel. Intriguingly all three had found something else too urgent for their early adult minds to CGPT than a 4 year paper certificate. The map they scribbled resembles the 7-in-one system transformation map the UN started to assemble at the first annual women-inspired review of sdg4 education at UN HQ. It was discovered that New Yorkers didnt know that its Swiss twin (Inter-Tele-Uni) had started valuing cooperative communications in 1865. To which, if eagles dare, we can add: This week sas 2 best news items District of Columbia has ever seen- Chicago came to town to ask when is market shaping smarter than governance by numbers; and may your god bless Banga: in the merry go round that is the 30 plus one people doing most to share worldwide sustainability intel, BIP now leads - in the mindsets of Bulgaria India and Portugal we sail forth. !Very interesting : countries to revisit since 1492 when Columbus and native peopes first sought to know each other. One moore clue - if the UN has a budget of around 65 billion dollars and the west's pesion funds 50 trillion dollars regards sustainability solutions as not asset grade, we are going to need to unite far more HAI than ever the money men's lifetime knowhow can see. We should expect all sorts of fake stores about trusting Human Augmented Intelligence but then this is a 73 year long conversation between team Von Neumann and Queen Victoria's team Economist. Published by Chris Macrae MA DAMTP CantabStatus is online Chris Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab ... MathsDaos.com EconomistDiary.com Economistlearning.com 50th year as stats guy in Ad & Ai Agency now goes meta across NY HK Dhaka, Glasgow & 10 supercity united beeings.app nftsdgs.com 2025report.com Published • 2w 455 articles See profile for Chris Macrae MA DAMTP CantabStatus is online Chris Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab 1st degree connection1st MathsDaos.com EconomistDiary.com Economistlearning.com 50th year as stats guy in Ad & Ai Agency now goes meta across NY HK Dhaka, Glasgow & 10 supercity united beeings.app nftsdgs.com 2025report.com 1w Coming this summer HAISDGS -take our world tour from Human-centric AI Stanfiord http://www.economistlearning.com to SDGs - lets start in EconomistAfrica.com with HAISDGS 2 and the hi-trust lesson of Rice-Flow. Thanks to UNwomens top 30 cooperation platforms of last half century http://www.abedmooc.com we can now map why and how more of the world's population depend on this crop's local and climactic food security (let alone intel) than any other food. Do your primary schools' teachers know the generative consequence of nutrition- by, for, and with millennials without borders? Do the UN2's web3 storytellers for SDGs http://www.sdgmetaverseprize.org http://www.economistgames.com ?Indeed, does bard or chatgpt stimulate enough viral rice intel to help http://www.ed3dao.com http://www.worldclassdaos.com let alone UN2 celebrate every sdg curriculum deeply matched to communities most needing to linkin chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk http://www.economistdiary.com coming soo final cooperation edition 2025report.com begun 1984 to accompany steve jobs vision 1 https://www.worldrecordjobs.com/search?q=steve http://www.haisdgs.com ed3envoyUN will youth ever be sustainability generation? ed3 nftsdgs.com 637 subscribers
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