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The Wicked Orchard by Sidra Owens ... Why Are Republicans So Stupid?

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Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
Why Are Republicans So Stupid? The Wicked Orchard by Sidra Owens March 8th 2023 Back in the beginning of 2020, when most of the country was mourning Kobe Bryant, I was paying attention to news clips about a new virus. I will acknowledge that when it first hit, I played it off, thinking it would be a new form of flu. And then Italy closed. I’m going to let that sink in for a minute. Italy closed. Not some neighborhood in America called Italy. Not some restaurant. But the country. The entire muthafuckin’ country closed. My boyfriend and I had been paying attention to things up until that point, and when I read that I said to him, “Maybe I should go to the store and start stocking up.” He agreed. I was on spring break from graduate school and my child was on spring break from elementary school. I told my mom that this was going to be serious and she told me to calm down. But before we knew it, my kid and I were both having remote classes and I was working from home. And steadily people started getting sick. And steadily people started dying. Then they told us that the first line of defense was wearing a mask. I have taken healthcare classes all my life, so the shit made sense to me. It would be an adjustment, but adjusting for the sake of the survival of myself and my family made sense to me, too. But not republicans. No, no. They had to make it about their goddamn rights. I’m not against rights, but I don’t give a shit about the rights of those who make a living off of denying the rights of others. No care for public safety. No care for their own safety. We heard bullshit like wearing a mask is akin to slavery. Really muthafuckas? Slavery? If you had it your way, you’d erase the fact that slavery ever existed, and what would you compare it to then? And due to their outrage, American stupidity heavily collided with the American love of lawsuits, to create a perfect storm of dumbass court decisions that have essentially hamstringed the government from protecting us when the next pandemic hits (I mean, if we can make it out of this one. Just in case you hadn’t realized, the world wide pandemic isn’t over. It’s just that most people have taken the YOLO way out.). And there will be another pandemic. There always is. So, in many places, health departments and governors cannot force mask mandates, they cannot close schools, they cannot do anything to prevent the spread of another potentially deadly outbreak. Because…. Their rights. That’s it. But if Black people say hey, stop killing us for no reason, or stop imprisoning us for no reason, or stop denying our existence as sentient beings for no reason, those same dumbass, conservative, republicans will say oh, it isn’t us… uh, Black-on-Black crime. Uh, it’s the emasculating of Black men by single mothers… it’s… its how they are. Our rights don’t amount to shit. And because dumbasses deeply desire to live free, kill others and die stupid, we have dumbasses in congress like Marjorie Taylor Green. With her walking around, white women everywhere should shake their heads in shame, much like Black folks do about Clarence Thomas. And why don’t they like wearing masks? The number one reason I’ve heard is because they can’t breathe. Isn’t that ironic? A Black man in a choke hold says he can’t breathe and they laugh. But they can’t breathe, because of a piece of cloth that weighs less than a few ounces and they sue, protest and condemn us to a potentially deadly fate. Could it be that it’s not stupidity? Is that were I’m missing the mark? Should this article be called ‘Why are republicans so racist?’ It would work just as well; wouldn’t it? All of the republicans that you hear about daily are racist as fuck. Majorie Taylor Green. Ron DeSantis, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Donald Trump. They are all verified racists. All you have to do is listen to the rhetoric or examine their record. And they keep getting supported. They keep getting elected. But the majority of us, and I don’t mean white people, I mean the sixty percent of us who want better gun laws, universal healthcare, free state educations, legalized marijuana, the ones who want to actually do something to reverse climate change or take away all the power handed to corporations… The rest of us go unheard, under represented and underserved. Why? Because the racists vote in the racists, and the supposed leftists vote in the status quo and the most progressive of us pull out our hair and scream into the wind about the certified, national stupidity that we all are forced to endure while countries that “patriots” consider to be less than the United States do a better job of caring for its people. Maybe I should call it, ‘Why do republicans want us all to perish?’ They don’t want us to be protected from deadly viruses, so they can run around with their faces hanging out and unprotected. They don’t want anyone to have control over their own lives, so they pushed for fifty years and finally got Roe v. Wade overturned. They don’t want anyone to love who they want to love, so they target same sex marriage. They don’t want anyone to be who they want to be, so the target and denigrate trans-individuals. They don’t want Black people to even exist, so they uphold and support every racist institution, as if they were born from their own collective womb. It just sounds to me as if they’d be more than happy, if only they existed, screaming into their echo chamber of idiocy, controlling each other until there’s no one left standing. Maybe this American experiment is nothing more of the slow demise of another empire. A cautionary tale for future nation builders. I don’t have any solutions to offer for this one. Nothing positive or hopeful at least. Maybe you all can uncover a silver lining; a diamond in the rough of madness. I’m fresh out today. -If you enjoyed this article, “Our Government Does Not Want Us To Survive.” or “Our Government Does Not Want US to Survive: 2020.” Check out all things wicked! Listen to my Podcast! Follow Sidra Owens Facebook Twitter Covid 19

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