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Sustainable Capitalism - A Case for a New Future:
Discussion started by John Mulhall

Peter Burgess COMMENTARY
The ideas described here should be part of a comprehensive 'management reform' initiative.

When I was first exposed to some of the practices of 'management', more than anything else it was the need for critical 'feedback loops' and very specific identification of 'responsibility' that stuck with me.
Peter Burgess
Sustainable Capitalism - A Case for a New Future

Discussion started by John Mulhall

In Europe, we all like to think the 'worst' of the crises is over and yet Greece brings Europe back to the negotiating table again to renegotiate a deal for their homeland. It really leaves me wondering about the old saying 'we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of our past' and repeat them we seem to do with sheer enthusiasm instead of dread knowing the problems our past actions have caused.

So the world keeps on spinning and we continue to breath life in a world that seems to 'get over it' without our help.... right? I submit that we should think long and hard about our own decisions, group decision we contibute to and support at all levels on the basis of the outcome it will create into the future rather then the expected outcome based solely on past experience. In my view, if we address the following elements within our control in full or in part, would we not together and as a community make the world a little better for our children's children?
  • Intuitive Bias - learning from our past, rather then superimposing past outcomes to future scenarios
  • Unconventional Thinking - Thinking outside of the box as a creative virtue to be developed knowing creativity sparks all things new and if we value sustainability, we can apply it to productive outcome
  • Collaboration - Together we can achieve more if we exchange ideas instead of handing ideas out with no interest in feedback
  • Overarching Greed - Controlling our urge to profit unfairly from others to material gain opens ourselves to trust and community where we can acheive in the 'we' rather then take in the 'I'.
  • Never stop learning - Allowing the best in ourselves to supress Ego and continue learning through life expanding our minds eye to a better tomorrow in the process.
  • Learnt lessons - using our past to create a better future by documenting our learnt lessons (V successful outcomes) for others to use in creating a better future for all.
What do you think? Fools errand or the way forward?

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