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Mark Galeotti - The Russian Ways of War are as Likely to Bring Defeat as Victory History Suggests. ... Mar 9 2024

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY
At this time ... early April 2024 ... the 'allies' are in disarray and not doing well in support of Ukraine and against the Russian aggression. This is especially true of the United States which has a lot of military power and potential but little strategic brain!

This US situtation is aggravated by US politics and an important Presidential election. I have a lot of confidence in Biden but it is not at all clear that he will win. I have a high confidence that the election of Trump would be a disaster not only for the USA but most everyone with the exception of some very nasty oligarchs including Putin!

Worse ... in the USA, there are a fairly large number of high profile thought leaders who think that support for Ukraine is 'too expensive' and want to cut back on support in order to keep more money at home for themselves. I have been appalled, for example, by a recent interview with Professor Jeffrey Sachs (see archived copy here) where he advocates for the USA backing away from support to Ukraine! It is so bad, that I am wondering whether or not it is 'for real' or is actually a 'spoof, planted by the Russians!'

I was born in the first months of WWII and grew up during the war in the near outskirts of London. My family experienced the 'blitz' and then 'doodle-bug' V1's and finally the supersonic v2's. I was too young to be scared ... but I cannot imagine what my parents must have gone through.

This informs me somewhat about what people in Ukraine are going through now and have been nore for more than two years!

But I am also reminded of the way the United States 'sat out' the first part of WWII leaving the Nazi's a free hand in Continental Europe and various parts of the olf colonial world. Britain was 'on its own' for many months and it was only Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii that brought the USA into the war on the side of the allies.

Yes ... the USA helped Britain prior to Pearl Harbor, but it was commercial help that set the stage of a massive weakening of Britain's economic situation offset by a huge strengthening of the exonomic situation of the USA.

So much of what is going on now with respect to the USA and support for Ukraine is a replay of 1939 to 1941 ... and I cannot pretend to be happy about it!
Peter Burgess
Mark Galeotti - The Russian Ways of War are as Likely to Bring Defeat as Victory History Suggests.

Mar 9 2024

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GUEST: Mark Galeotti - historian, author, security expert and academic.


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Mark Galeotti is an author and academic – by training an historian – but in practice an interdisciplinary scholar with interests encompassing politics, criminology, security studies, international relations, and anthropology. He is a specialist in transnational and organized crime, security affairs, Russian Politics, Russian History, Intelligence and Security. Mark has a PhD in Government from LSE and has worked as a Senior Lecturer and Head of Department of History at Keele University. He is a Principal Director at Mayak Intelligence, and is an Honorary Professor, SSEES at UCL. He is a Senior Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute. He has also been Professor of Global Affairs at New York University from 2009 to 2016.

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