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SDTV Live: Gatwick Airport Live - EGKK/LGW - 18th January 2024

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
Gatwick Airport Live - EGKK/LGW - 18th January 2024 SDTV Live 53.1K subscribers Started streaming 2 hours ago #liveairport #airportlive #runwayviews PARTNERSHIP with RADARBOX AIRNAV SYSTEMS Download : we welcome you all along to today's stream. we welcome you all back after a long break to some live aviation. sit back and feel the thrust as we take you on a journey from your living room. we are broadcasting live on the Aviation channel We welcome along all of our new members. #liveairport #airportlive #runwayviews #liveplanespotting #aviation #planespotting #avgeek #liveplanespotting #aircraft #flying #pilots #studentpilots DISCLAIMER: ATC is used for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES only and will help in the education of future pilots, these streams are used for educational purposes. please find attached an OFFCOM statement. Our shows are used for Educational Purposes. Furthermore , for your peace of mind. you are able to make a freedom of information Request to ofcom to gain a recorded call to show our contact to the UK regulator. on the 3rd occasion we spoke to the Aeronautical Licence Licensing in regards to this. As all Revelant Departments calls are recorded the Call was made on Tuesday 15th March 2022 between the hours of 09:19am and 09:51am respectively. we are acting solely on information given to use through message and telephone calls. a slight charge may be applicable for freedom of information Request. SDTV have no affiliation with any other streaming service using our disclaimer.

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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.