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Video ... C-5 Galaxy - the story of a flying whale

In my view, far too few people understand the role technology has played in modernising the world and improving performance. Much of this improvement has emerged because of military needs and the willingness of government to fund the essential investment in R&D. In some cases the investment has proved valuable not only for the military but also for civilian applications.
What is disturbing is that the application of technology in the civilian area is driven excessively by the potential to earn more profit while ignoring social impact and environmental impact. Many technologies are more productive in 2022 than they were 50 years back by an enormous amount ... in many cases by more than an order of magnitude. In recent years ... actually decades ... almost all of this increase in productivity has been used to improve profit performance and very little has been applied to social and environmental impact improvement. There is a widespread assumption that more profit is somehow better without actually addressing social and environmental impact analysis in a concrete manner.
My own interest in technological progress and aircraft goes back a long way. I crossed the Atlantic in a chartered Air France Boeing 707 in 1960 from London to New York and later back from New York to Londoon. During those flights the pilot and engineer kept us informed of fuel use and the possible need to land for refueling in either Gander, Newfoundland going West and in Iceland or Ireland travelling East. The power plants of today are much more efficient and much more powerful ... and though many aircraft have not changed much in outward appearance over a very long time, the way in which they are built and function is much improved.
Peter Burgess
C-5 Galaxy - the story of a flying whale


Mar 4, 2022

Skyships Eng ... 201K subscribers

The Lockheed C-5 Galaxy is a heavy military transport aircraft designed by the American Lockheed Corporation for the US Air Force in the late 1960s.

Created within the CX-HLS program, the C-5 aircraft was a real breakthrough in aviation of its time, giving rise to many new technologies that later spread throughout the aviation industry. With its huge size and record carrying capacity, Galaxy has practically closed the issue of the lack of transport capacity in the US Air Force. However, a huge number of innovations led to a huge number of problems, the solution of which took a lot of time, effort and money.

A total of 131 aircraft were built in the C-5A and C-5B versions. Most of the fleet is in storage, with about 50 aircraft in the upgraded version C-5M Super Galaxy active in the US Air Force.

Today we get acquainted with this giant. A big story about a big plane! Welcome aboard!

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