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PDA SUNDAY TOWN HALL Chat dialog for Sunday, March 13th 2022 Original article: Burgess COMMENTARY Peter Burgess | |||||||||
Original article:
Igor … what is going on in Ukraine right now is having an unexpected impact on me. I was born in January 1940 and lived in a suburb of London for the duration of WWII. Young children in Ukraine are experiencing much worse than we did in London 80 years ago … but memory is weird. I am remembering all sorts of tiny experiences from that time because deep down I know that young Ukrainian children will be going through all sorts of experiences without understanding any of it. Thank heavens the Ukrainians are standing up in an impressive way … and in many cased paying the ultimate price. But they are doing today what the Battle of Britain did in 1940 … Britain was the only country left standing after the Nazi onslaught, and at the moment it is only Ukraine that is standing up against the Putin aggression. Thanks … I am scared stiff about what Putin might do next. Best … Peter Burgess gmail … peterbnyc@gmail.com Skype PeterBinBushkill From Mike Hersh to Everyone 04:00 PM A friendly note, disruptive behavior in the meeting –- unmuting out of turn or personal attacks, either verbal or written, or aggressive discourse unrelated to the session or topic/spamming with links -- will be cause for removal from the meeting From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:00 PM Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Astrid Jarvis to Everyone 04:00 PM Astrid Jarvis, Douglaston, Queens, NY From Mike Hersh to Everyone 04:01 PM Thank you every single one of you for spending your Sunday with us! From Gonzalo Lopez to Everyone 04:01 PM Hello from Gonzalo in San Diego County, California From Mary Mathena to Everyone 04:01 PM hello from Mary Mathena in Virginia Beach, VA From Aaron Essif to Everyone 04:01 PM Aaron E. Tinytown, AZ (aka Marana) From Mike Fox to Everyone 04:01 PM Please type your name and where you're located! Mike Fox, St. Petersburg, fL From Brian Schneider to Everyone 04:01 PM Brian Schneider Douglaston, New York From Valerie Cornelius to Everyone 04:02 PM Hey from Valerie from Clermont, Fl From Jeffery Tardaguila to Everyone 04:02 PM jefftard22@gmail.com Sac CA. From Molly Muro to Everyone 04:02 PM Hello from Molly Muro in Placentia, California in North Orange 🍊 County From David Sonneborn to Everyone 04:02 PM David Sonneborn, Orange, CA.Adelante,all! From Susan Gilbert (she/her) to Everyone 04:02 PM Susan Gilbert Denver PDA/PDA Colorado From Dorrine Marshall to Everyone 04:02 PM Dorrine Irvine CA From Jane Gruen to Everyone 04:02 PM Jane in Piermont, NY From Padma Dyvine to Everyone 04:02 PM Hi from stolen land of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee, Bat Cave, NC From Paul Karsh to Everyone 04:02 PM Paul and Carol, Martinez, CA From James Devine to Everyone 04:02 PM James Devine, Lambertville NJ 732-340-1980 or 3401980@gmail.com From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:02 PM Danett in Orange, CA on unceded Kizh and Tongva land From Lynn Harvey [she/her(s)/ella] to Everyone 04:02 PM Lynn Harvey, L.A., CA From Bonita Chambers to Everyone 04:02 PM poor connection From Peter Deutsch to Everyone 04:02 PM Peter Deutsch, Ph.D. of PA CD-17, in south western PA and in Congressman Conor Lamb’s district. From John Schreiner to Everyone 04:02 PM John Schreiner, St Petersburg FL From Ruth Seeley to Everyone 04:03 PM Ruth Seeley (she/her) Arlington, VA From Progressive Democrats Of America to Everyone 04:03 PM Today’s Progressive Town Hall is LIVE now on YouTube (available later ON DEMAND) Please share and also please give us a LIKE on today’s Progressive town hall https://youtu.be/9CmZ89Z6Vrk Your support is appreciated! From Pat Irwin to Everyone 04:03 PM Newton (Boston), MA :) From Erika Jahneke to Everyone 04:03 PM phonebanker Erika, phoenix, used to be hohokam, I think From Mike Fox to Everyone 04:04 PM Great to see you, Erika! Phonebankers RULE! From Elaine Branjord to Everyone 04:04 PM Greetings from Fort Collins, Colorado Sound is fine for me, Bonita. From Judith Miller to Everyone 04:04 PM Phonebanker Judy Miller - Hi to ALL! ,,,from Tacoma, WA🥰 From Erika Jahneke to Everyone 04:04 PM thanks, mike f. From Mike Hersh to Everyone 04:05 PM A friendly note, disruptive behavior in the meeting –- unmuting out of turn or personal attacks, either verbal or written, or aggressive discourse unrelated to the session or topic/spamming with links -- will be cause for removal from the meeting Everyone please stay muted unless called upon? From Dorothy Stoneman to Everyone 04:05 PM Hello from Belmont, Massachusetts. From Lydia G. Sanchez-Bracamonte to Everyone 04:05 PM Saludos desde la Montana's californias. Greeting from the Windy montañas of California. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:05 PM If you are identified with anything other than a name, please rename yourself. Thanks Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From John Hays to Everyone 04:07 PM Hello from WeHo From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:09 PM Tell Biden to Push Green https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-the-petition-to-president-biden-assist-ukraine-and-accelerate-the-energy-transition?source=direct_link&referrer=group-progressive-democrats-of-america Tell Congress to Pass Oil Windfall Tax https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/sign-the-petition-big-oil-rakes-historic-profits-while-gas-prices-surge-pass-a-windfall-profits-tax-2?source=direct_link&referrer=group-progressive-democrats-of-america And it's time to change that! From Pat Irwin to Everyone 04:10 PM Please post these links on the website :) From Kaifi Jamil to Everyone 04:11 PM I completely agree with Donna, all war is a crime, and we must elect leaders who believe and practice peace. From Jim Carpenter to Everyone 04:11 PM https://countercurrents.org/2022/03/putins-invasion-of-ukraine-unjustified-but-us-responsible-for-pushing-russia-to-the-brink/ From Alan Minsky to Everyone 04:12 PM 21st Century Economic Bill of Rights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZQDPDw4c-s From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:12 PM Tell Biden to Push Green https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-the-petition-to-president-biden-assist-ukraine-and-accelerate-the-energy-transition?source=direct_link&referrer=group-progressive-democrats-of-america Tell Congress to Pass Oil Windfall Tax https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/sign-the-petition-big-oil-rakes-historic-profits-while-gas-prices-surge-pass-a-windfall-profits-tax-2?source=direct_link&referrer=group-progressive-democrats-of-america From Astrid Jarvis to Everyone 04:12 PM Totally agree with Donna. We don't need war. We need peace. from Astrid Jarvis From Myla Reson to Everyone 04:13 PM YES! The Zero Hour is a great show. I highly recommend it.💖 From Shlomo Orr to Everyone 04:13 PM Correct Donna. The War Law: The rich and powerful send the masses (esp. the poor) to die for their interests. From Mike Hersh to Everyone 04:13 PM A friendly note, disruptive behavior in the meeting –- unmuting out of turn or personal attacks, either verbal or written, or aggressive discourse unrelated to the session or topic/spamming with links -- will be cause for removal from the meeting From Ira Dember to Everyone 04:13 PM Ukraine - another view… https://www.thenation.com/article/world/ukraine-palestine-occupation From Alan Minsky to Everyone 04:13 PM 21st Century Economic Bill of Rights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZQDPDw4c-s From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 04:13 PM A to do is click and like to help increase our reach. Please share and also please give us a LIKE on today’s Progressive town hall https://youtu.be/9CmZ89Z6Vrk From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:15 PM Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From (h)Dr Bill PDA Calif Honigman to Everyone 04:16 PM I'm a Liaison for CA45 Porter. It's great and easy. From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 04:16 PM Volunteer to phone bank: https://pdamerica.org/volunteer/ From Mike Hersh to Everyone 04:16 PM I’m a liaison for Rep Jamie Raskin MD08 From Jim Carpenter to Everyone 04:16 PM All war is mass murder by another name. Go to www.worldbeyondwar.org for arguments that war is NOT inevitable. From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 04:16 PM Please share and also please give us a LIKE on today’s Progressive town hall https://youtu.be/9CmZ89Z6Vrk Your support is appreciated! From Russell Greene to Everyone 04:17 PM I have been a CD 32 Liaison since it was called the Brown Bag Vigil! CA CD 32 Brad Sherman From Erika Jahneke to Everyone 04:17 PM I was 15, Janis. From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 04:17 PM I clicked liked and subscribed - so easy! From Alan Minsky to Everyone 04:17 PM Split your donation with Senator Fort's campaign and PDA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From John Sonin to Everyone 04:17 PM John Sonin, Douglas, Alaska, liaison with Don Young From jan Krick to Everyone 04:17 PM Hi, this is Jan in Boulder. I joined PDA to be an activist; I phone bank, and am on the Econ and Labor Team, the Climate Liaison Team and the Congressional Liaison Team. It’s why I’m here (: From Alan Minsky to Everyone 04:17 PM Split your donation with Senator Fort's campaign and PDA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Me to Everyone 04:18 PM Greetings from the Poconos of PA … but OUCH … I believe in peace, and have worked for peace for all my adult life … but from time to time war is needed as it was during my young life during the Battle of Britain in 1940. I cannot imagine what would have happened if Churchill's Britain had not stood up to Hitler's regime. I am scared stiff of what might emerge in the next few days, weeks and months., From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:18 PM Jan ROCKS! From Julius Hayden to Everyone 04:18 PM Liaison to GA US House Dist 4, Hank Johnson From Alan Minsky to Everyone 04:18 PM Split your donation with Senator Fort's campaign and PDA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Paul Heller to Everyone 04:18 PM Who do you have as a liaison for Colin Allred here in north Texas. He a pretty good guy and after very recent redistricting, he is now my Congressperson. From Vincent Fort to Everyone 04:18 PM hey julius! From (h)Dr Bill PDA Calif Honigman to Everyone 04:18 PM COVID & MFA REALITY CHECK 966,260 Total COVID19 deaths in US to date* 386,504 US COVID19 deaths prevented with MFA** *Harvard Univ Daily Tracker, https://geographicinsights.iq.harvard.edu/coviduscongress **Lancet Comm, Feb 2021, https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)32545-9/fulltext From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 04:19 PM Information gathered for Dr. Bill by fellow staffer Deb: COVID-19 STATS FOR March 13, 2022 https://pdamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/COVID-stats-3-13-2022.pdf From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:20 PM Thanks so much James Devine and Ruthie Seeley for signing up to be a PDA Congressional liaison! Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Mike Fox to Everyone 04:20 PM A really good goal would be $2900 -- the max any individual can give. If we all pile on together, we should be able to do that! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From John Sonin to Everyone 04:20 PM I just 'Liked' (I hope?) w/o subscribing. From James Moss to Everyone 04:20 PM Jim Moss from Santa Fe, NM signing in a bit late. From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 04:21 PM West Virginia is still a hotspot. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:22 PM Hi Jim! Welcome! From Ira Dember to Everyone 04:22 PM “liked” the youtube — your turn! From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 04:22 PM Today’s Progressive Town Hall is LIVE now on YouTube (available later ON DEMAND) Please share and also please give us a LIKE on today’s Progressive town hall https://youtu.be/9CmZ89Z6Vrk Your support is appreciated! From NurseJudy (herself) Hemet, CA to Everyone 04:22 PM My congress person is Dr. Raul Ruiz presently representing CD-36 which will become CD-25 in January of 2023. His new district will become a powerful district because it's eastern border is the entire California side of the Colorado River, half of the California border with Mexico on its southern boundary and includes the entire Salton Sea with its environmental issues and will be developing lithium mining. so we could use more liaisons for the region From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:22 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Shlomo Orr to Everyone 04:22 PM Re Ukraine, watch this conversation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppD_bhWODDc From Russell Greene to Everyone 04:23 PM +++++ Dr. Bill From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 04:23 PM Information gathered for Dr. Bill by fellow staffer Deb: COVID-19 STATS FOR March 13, 2022 https://pdamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/COVID-stats-3-13-2022.pdf From Alan Minsky to Everyone 04:23 PM https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/13/david-scott-house-agriculture-worries-527015 From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:24 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Shlomo Orr to Everyone 04:27 PM Sorry, I meant this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppD_bhWODDc From Ira Dember to Everyone 04:28 PM True, Georgia. Also true, ‘President Manchin’ dominates. From James Devine to Everyone 04:28 PM It seems like the progressive movement has surrendered in New Jersey... From John Pribula to Everyone 04:28 PM John Robert Pribula, Phoenix AZ. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:30 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Lynn Harvey [she/her(s)/ella] to Everyone 04:31 PM Welcome, Candidate Fort! From Mike Hersh to Everyone 04:31 PM A friendly note, disruptive behavior in the meeting –- unmuting out of turn or personal attacks, either verbal or written, or aggressive discourse unrelated to the session or topic/spamming with links -- will be cause for removal from the meeting From Mike Fox to Everyone 04:33 PM Thanks for your kind donations Dr. Deutch,, Schlomo, Nadine, Phonebankers Aaron, Michael, Erika and Jane, Dr. Bill, Jennifer, Kaifi, Sally, Liaison Valerie,and Jim C, and special thanks for your MORE THAN KIND $500 Mark Z! Who can match or beat Mark? Any amount greatly appreciated! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:33 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Alan Minsky to Everyone 04:34 PM Support Senator Fort and PDA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From geoffrey saign to Everyone 04:36 PM Is Vincent Fort supportive of aggressive climate change? From (h)Dr Bill PDA Calif Honigman to Everyone 04:37 PM I donated to PDA/Vincent Fort just now. ❤️ From Alan Minsky to Everyone 04:37 PM Yes, Senator Fort is a progressive climate champion From geoffrey saign to Everyone 04:37 PM great to hear! From Alan Minsky to Everyone 04:37 PM Support Senator Fort and PDA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:38 PM Everyone needs to get arrested. Get in the streets! From Mike Fox to Everyone 04:39 PM Thank you Michael, phonebanker Besty, and phonebanker Jane AGAIN for your kind donations. Who's next? Solidarity! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 04:39 PM Senator Fort will know how to make the changes that are necessary! That is so important! From geoffrey saign to Everyone 04:40 PM Exciting to have more candidates like this. From Mike Fox to Everyone 04:40 PM Thank you Nurse Judy and James! Who will show solidarity with Nurse Judy, James, and our other kind donors? Pile on! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Myla Reson to Everyone 04:41 PM Follow Vicent Fort on Twitter: https://twitter.com/fortforatlanta From huwaida arraf to Everyone 04:41 PM Hello all! I’m running for Congress in MI 10, a 50/50 open seat. The Republican candidate is scary (referred to abortion as genocide) and extremely well-funded. I intend to fight his millions with my energy and ground game. I would love to win PDA’s endorsement. https://www2.democracyforamerica.com/endorsement_applicants/3084-huwaida-for-congress?source=tw_mem YES to civil disobedience! YES to universal healthcare! YES to urgent climate action! YES to protecting voting rights now! Money out of politics! @huwaida4mi From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 04:41 PM Every LIKE on YouTube kicks up those algorithms expanding the PROGRESSIVES reach. Please share and also please give us a LIKE on today’s Progressive town hall https://youtu.be/9CmZ89Z6Vrk From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:41 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Alan Minsky to Everyone 04:42 PM Support Senator Fort and PDA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From geoffrey saign to Everyone 04:42 PM Huwaida, you sound great. From Myla Reson to Everyone 04:42 PM The Democratic Primary in Georgia is May 24th - so let’s get busy to help Vincent Fort win that primary. From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 04:42 PM Nothing is more important than voting rights at this moment! Let's help elect Vincent Fort! From huwaida arraf to Everyone 04:43 PM Thank you Geoffrey! BIG ovation to future Congressman Vincent Fort! From John Sonin to Everyone 04:43 PM Thanks honorable Fort!✌🏻 From Ruth Seeley to Everyone 04:44 PM 👏 for Vincent Fort! From Terence Dicks to Everyone 04:44 PM Great! Job!!! From Alan Minsky to Everyone 04:44 PM Support Senator Fort and PDA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Kaifi Jamil to Everyone 04:45 PM By the way, who or what are Blue Dog Democrats? From geoffrey saign to Everyone 04:46 PM blue dogs more centrist From Larry Holman to Everyone 04:46 PM Larry Holman from Philadelphia, PA From Mike Fox to Everyone 04:46 PM At about $1500 of our first goal of $2900. If all who haven't donated yet can just toss in just $5-$10 we nail that minimum goal. Solidarity! Who's in? https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:47 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Mike Fox to Everyone 04:48 PM Thank you Mary and Huwaida! Who's next? Solidarity! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort Thank you Dr. Sonneborn! Who's next? https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort Good trouble! From Alan Minsky to Everyone 04:48 PM Support Senator Fort and PDA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Mike Fox to Everyone 04:49 PM Thank you Nina! Who's next? https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:49 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From huwaida arraf to Everyone 04:49 PM You’re welcome. Very modest as I’m raising for my own campaign, but wanted to pitch in something. From Mike Fox to Everyone 04:49 PM Thank you Chad! We're on a roll! Who's next? https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Kaifi Jamil to Everyone 04:50 PM I actually like Mastercard commercials, as far as commercials go, at least. (lol) From (h)Dr Bill PDA Calif Honigman to Everyone 04:50 PM 100% agree. So needed for the discussions on Truth Racial Healing and Transformation. From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 04:50 PM Paul, there are Texas liaison's who can address Rep Allred in other cities and organizations in Texas, but I know of none who are in his district. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:52 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Alan Minsky to Everyone 04:53 PM Support Senator Fort and PDA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:53 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Myla Reson to Everyone 04:53 PM Good question From Alan Minsky to Everyone 04:53 PM Support Senator Fort and PDA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Mike Fox to Everyone 04:54 PM Thanks Laurie! Who's next? https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:55 PM @Patrick,we have several PDA liaisons for Allred From David Sonneborn to Everyone 04:55 PM TY for the question, Jim Carpenter… and Sen Fort for the answer. From Mike Fox to Everyone 04:55 PM Thanks Janis! Who's next? https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 04:55 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Mike Fox to Everyone 04:56 PM ++++No No Fly Zone! From Myla Reson to Everyone 04:56 PM @Mike Fox - I agree 💯% From Hillary Keyes to Everyone 04:57 PM Humanitarian, yes. Military, no. From Janice Hill to Everyone 04:58 PM Sarah Kendzior in 'Hiding in Plain Sight' talked about this Russian money and Trump's International Crime Syndicate masquerading as a government. Her partner on 'Gaslit Nation', Andrea Chalupa, a Ukrainian made the film 'Mr. Jones' about Stalin's genocide and murdering of journalists exposing Stalin's starvation of Ukrainians. Our FBI knew about all of this. From Alan Minsky to Everyone 04:58 PM Support Senator Fort and PDA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 04:58 PM Thank you! I stand corrected. I think there was a request for the names of advocates already connected to Allred. I'd also like to have those names. From David Sonneborn to Everyone 04:58 PM and +++ Sen Fort for the answer. From Kaifi Jamil to Everyone 04:58 PM I would love to see elected leaders reduce the Pentagon budget and reduce the Military Industrial Complex too. From Garth Saalfield to Everyone 04:58 PM Gasoline price increase is all speculation! Isn’t that profiteering? From Janice Hill to Everyone 04:59 PM Thanks to Vincent Fort I was motivated to contribute at Act Blue today. Thank you for posting the link!! From Mike Fox to Everyone 04:59 PM Thank you Kim! We're still short on goal. Time's almost up. Who's next? https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Alan Minsky to Everyone 04:59 PM Thank you Janice From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:00 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:00 PM Thank you Donna and Dr. Deutch again! Pile on! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 05:01 PM We need to make Sen. Manchin irrelevant by electing progressive candidates in the House and Senate like Congressional candidates like Vincent Fort! From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:01 PM Thank you Jeanine! Who's next? https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:02 PM @sally— ‘President Manchin’ … he is the one calling the shots From Alan Minsky to Everyone 05:02 PM Support Senator Fort and PDA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:02 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 05:02 PM Actually, Garth, its called exploitation! Notice that all financial institutions, like insurance, are using inflation as an excuse for raising their premiums dramatically! They're all Repugs! From Erika Jahneke to Everyone 05:02 PM Sorry I can't hang, but I have calls to make! From Kaifi Jamil to Everyone 05:02 PM Definitely would like to reduce the influence of politicians like Manchin and Sinema in Congress. There are not enough progressives in Congress. From James Devine to Everyone 05:03 PM senatorfort@fortforcongress.com Is that right? From Ruth Seeley to Everyone 05:03 PM @Kaifi Could not agree more!! From Alan Minsky to Everyone 05:04 PM yep - that's correct From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:04 PM @pat H — the large private company that owns my self-storage unit just jacked my rent 24%… why? Must be because of their higher labor and fuel costs— Oh. Wait. They don’t have any. From John Seeley to Everyone 05:05 PM when does registration close for the primary? are there non-partisan groups doing it in your area that we should support, Senator? From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 05:05 PM If you have not done so yet, please give us a LIKE on today’s Progressive town hall https://youtu.be/9CmZ89Z6Vrk From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:05 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 05:06 PM Thanks for jumping in Ira! You understand the Jedi mind game that financial institutions play to justify exploitation! From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:07 PM @John Seeley— Georgia primary registration closed 11 March I think From Alan Minsky to Everyone 05:07 PM Support Senator Fort and PDA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:08 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:08 PM @John S — auto-correct changed your last name to “seedy” :-) Me to Ahjamu Makalani (Direct Message) 05:08 PM Would love to talk privately at some time … I am in my 80s and have worked in more than 50 countries around the world for a very long time. It is tragic how messed up so much of this world continues to be … obviously there are racial issues to address but also the wealth extraction by those at the top from all those in the underclasses. It's a mess !!!!!!!! Best PeterB … Peter Burgess truevaluemetrics.org From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:08 PM Thank you Mark Z for your more than kind ADDITIONAL $250 donation!! That's $750 in one day, gang. Time for us to show solidarity with Mark and match his kind donation! I'll toss in $100. Any amount greatly appreciated! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 05:09 PM And, BTW, Ira, I've developed this tic wherein I always ask the financial corps clerk if they've gotten a raise. From Ruth Seeley to Everyone 05:09 PM @Ira - I find that hilarious since I have the same last name (same spelling) … and, my paternal grandfather’s name was John, so seeing that name pop up in this chat was wild. From Alan Minsky to Everyone 05:10 PM Support Senator Fort and PDA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Myla Reson to Everyone 05:10 PM I would love to hear that extended conversation between Ahjamu & Senator Force From Ahjamu Makalani to Everyone 05:10 PM I minored in Pan African studies. From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 05:10 PM Thank you Sen. Fort! From Ginger Harris to Everyone 05:12 PM I’d like to send some foreign policy info to Ahjamu. Pls ask him to email me his email address. Mine is gngr8s@gmail.com. Thanks! From David Sonneborn to Everyone 05:13 PM Regrets, Janis Kay, my screen only gives me a rebounding sound to this zoom without letting me give a “like” to your ask. From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:13 PM We're at about $1900 towards $2900. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From ROXANA H DARNELL to Everyone 05:13 PM My screen went black. spent several minutes to get it back. From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:14 PM Thank you for your outstanding work, Sen. Fort! From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 05:14 PM Please share and also please give us a LIKE on today’s Progressive town hall https://youtu.be/9CmZ89Z6Vrk Your support is appreciated! From Astrid Jarvis to Everyone 05:15 PM Thank you for an encouraging and informational program. Have to leave, from Astrid Jarvis. From Judith Miller to Everyone 05:15 PM Thank you, Sen. Fort!!! So glad you are here! From Ahjamu Makalani to Everyone 05:15 PM I come out of the radical African political tradition we are not liberals like Congress woman Waters, Barbara Lee or Karen Bass or for that matter the Black Mascot of Wall Street Barak Obama. From John Sonin to Everyone 05:15 PM ✌🏻 From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 05:16 PM David - If you get a repeated sound on the YouTube you may just click the like immediately then leave it. OR pause the YouTube video and sound will not be there 🙂. From (h)Dr Bill PDA Calif Honigman to Everyone 05:16 PM Sen. Fort is the real deal. No doubt about it! ❤️ From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:16 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Alan Minsky to Everyone 05:16 PM and Alan Minsky, who gave $100! From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:17 PM @ahjamu— damn right about America’s first Hawaiian president From Astrid Jarvis to Everyone 05:17 PM I just donated. from Astrid Jarvis From (h)Dr Bill PDA Calif Honigman to Everyone 05:17 PM TY Mark Z, Alan M, and everyone! From Sheila Goldner to Everyone 05:17 PM I did $10. From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 05:18 PM We are at 55 likes. Surely with almost 200 folks here we could hit 100 - please give us a LIKE on today’s Progressive town hall https://youtu.be/9CmZ89Z6Vrk From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:18 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Alan Minsky to Everyone 05:18 PM Support Senator Fort and PDA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From ROXANA H DARNELL to Everyone 05:18 PM I can be a liaison. From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 05:18 PM There has always been containment that came from the Soviets overran eastern Europe, and many have been surprised that Putin waited so long to go after Ukraine. Progressives favorite POTUS, Richard Nixon, visited Russia in 1994, and warned the US and western world that Russia would try to retake as much of E Europe as it could. That was the whole point of NATO to keep Russia under a violent aggressive dictator from overrunning Europe. We didn't start this war and invasion of Ukraine. From Kaifi Jamil to Everyone 05:18 PM Thank you for introducing me to the PDA Youtube channel itself! From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 05:18 PM Click, quick like then you won’t be bothered with echo sound of the YouTube version: https://youtu.be/9CmZ89Z6Vrk From (h)Dr Bill PDA Calif Honigman to Everyone 05:18 PM Click it, click it, click it. The YouTube link and 'Likes' gives us more social media reach. From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:19 PM Pull $100 out my pocket by donating $100 or more now: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort Solidarity, Mark Z! From ROXANA H DARNELL to Everyone 05:19 PM Putin has made no attempt to go green. From Garth Saalfield to Everyone 05:20 PM Got my split with PDA & Nina Turner & working my liaison for PDA & Food and Water Action with my Legislative Assistant! Life is grand; but, I’ve got to step away! 🙏🇺🇸💝 From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:20 PM Thanks, Garth! From David Stevenson to Everyone 05:20 PM Sign me up as a Congressional Liaison for Congressmember Jahana Hayes CT-05, Danett. Jahana is the most progressive of Connecticut's House of Representative members. From David Sonneborn to Everyone 05:20 PM TY, Janis! From Pat Irwin to Everyone 05:20 PM No, we didn't start the war, but we set it up so Purin would. From Alan Minsky to Everyone 05:21 PM Support Senator Fort and PDA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:22 PM Thank you David, Astrid, Sally, phonebanker Sheila, Alan, Timothy, and Mary! Who can help bring this home: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Lynn Harvey [she/her(s)/ella] to Everyone 05:24 PM Anyone else hear background noise? That's fine. We hear you. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:24 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Lynn Harvey [she/her(s)/ella] to Everyone 05:24 PM yes From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:25 PM Support Senator Fort here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort or earmark for our climate work here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/climateemergency Who's next? From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:26 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Patricia Moore to Everyone 05:26 PM Liked PDA on YouTube! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:27 PM It's total insanity, is what it is From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 05:30 PM Note that all archived ProgressiveTown Halls are available here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLioVAdM4RjNXag2uR3d_FGD-xf2Zlh1Uv From Aaron Essif to Everyone 05:31 PM They have to meet us halfway and take jobs in the renewable industry. From Me to Everyone 05:31 PM Margot Paez is on the right track. I am very interested in the PDA agenda. but I am not an expert on politics. I have a long background in technology, economics, management and international affairs and appalled at the financialization of the modern world over the past 40 years which has dangerously weakened the Western democratic world. We have to get beyond money profit being the dominant measure of success. Social and environmental metrics are as important as money metrics and they need to be applied everywhere. My work on TrueValueMetrics.org attempts to address the management dimension of changing socio-enviro-economic behavior at ALL levels … Please get in touch … Peter Burgess peterbnyc@gmail.com From Igor Tregub he/him to Everyone 05:31 PM Thanks Margot for this excellent presentation. You’re spot on. As a Ukranian-born Jew working in solar, if you had asked me 3 weeks ago what the most exigent existential threat is, I would have told you it’s that of climate change. Now it’s apparent there are actually two related existential threats, and one of them is our dependence on fossil fuels that further allows tyrannical, murderous world leaders like Putin to exert leverage on us and makes the whole world a more dangerous place. A just and equitable transition to democratized, renewable forms of energy is the most potent solution to both crises. From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 05:31 PM Under the video to the right of the Title you will find the LIKE button for YouTube Town Hall today. Click the link then LIKE: https://youtu.be/9CmZ89Z6Vrk From John Hays to Everyone 05:32 PM Factory farming is a significant factor for methane. #vegan From Igor Tregub he/him to Everyone 05:32 PM 🇺🇦 🌞 🌻 💚 ⚡ From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:32 PM Thanks, Linda! Support Senator Fort here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort or earmark for our climate work here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/climateemergency Who's next? From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:32 PM @Igor, 💯🌍 From (h)Dr Bill PDA Calif Honigman to Everyone 05:33 PM @Igor: 100% agree, and thanks! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:33 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Alberto Saavedra to Everyone 05:35 PM Carbon capture is a Band-Aid on a bullet wound. From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 05:35 PM They are greenwashing fossil fuel climate solutions in the current infrastructure and other federal monies. Sen. Manchin is doing this in WV and as the Chair of the Energy Committee. Nuclear is not the answer either, however, and is also being put forward as a greenwashed solution. There is geothermal and the potential for wave technology. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:36 PM @Sally, 💯 From Lynn Harvey [she/her(s)/ella] to Everyone 05:36 PM https://www.treehugger.com/electrify-book-review-saul-griffith-5205165 From Alberto Saavedra to Everyone 05:36 PM After we stop burning fossil fuels we can focus on carbon capture. From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:36 PM Carbon Capture & Storage - by Juice Media - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSZgoFyuHC8 From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:36 PM Wow, information-packed presentation, Margot! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:36 PM Carbon capture is just more greenwashing. It doesn't work efficiently at all From Janice Hill to Everyone 05:36 PM Dearest Margot, We need you presenting this to colleges (where the young new voters are) in CA immediately (since you are there right now, and 'Let's Green California' has begun its campaign with a proposed bill to electrify California. I live on Maui, but we had a Honolulu victory this month closing the Navy Red Hill facility that was polluting Oahu's water with their obsolete fuel storage leaking and contaminating drinking water. Aloha, From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:37 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 05:37 PM Putin didn't go green for obvious reasons: his only tangible foreign source of revenues was oil and gas. Which gave Russia enormous control over all of Europe that increasingly became dependent on that energy source to maintain its economy and standard of living. As Europe increasingly goes green, Russia's sources of revenue and development goes down, not up, in a country that spans 11 time zones, and has had a disaster of an economy for decades, partly because 70% of the GDP was being spent on its military! I'd be really interested in the details of how we set things up to induce Putin to invade Ukraine?? From Janice Hill to Everyone 05:38 PM We need to know which politicians are taking donations from the fossil fuel industries. From Lynn Harvey [she/her(s)/ella] to Everyone 05:38 PM https://www.versobooks.com/authors/2396-holly-jean-buck From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:38 PM Thanks, Nina T! Support Senator Fort here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort or earmark for our climate work here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/climateemergency Who's next? From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:38 PM @Janice, you can look that up on Open Secrets From Christine Hemphill to Everyone 05:38 PM We did not make Putin invade Ukraine. He did that on his own, I am sure encouraged by Trump. From Peter Deutsch to Everyone 05:38 PM Is carbon capture like 'clean coal' was? I have seen an article in the Scientific American about putting CO2 into rocks From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 05:38 PM Yes. From Alberto Saavedra to Everyone 05:39 PM Do ESG company reports help? Or just greenwashing. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:39 PM @Dr. D., pretty much From Peter Deutsch to Everyone 05:39 PM But it is now exploratory. Peter Deutsch From James Moss to Everyone 05:39 PM Must leave now. Big thanks again to PDA and its great guests. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:39 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform And we see how well that worked out for Texas From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:39 PM Thanks, James! See you next week! https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0tceuhrzsvHdymeeZRwb-i7X50FJa-HMR4 From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:39 PM ERCOT designed in such a way to screw us all, here in TX From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:40 PM Thanks David Stevenson for signing up to be a PDA Congressional Liaison! Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Christine Hemphill to Everyone 05:41 PM Texas does not care about the people who live there. From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 05:42 PM The Grids are 'necessary' so that private industry can shift the cost of production to the consumer. From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 05:42 PM At 65 likes…come on 100….please click and like: https://youtu.be/9CmZ89Z6Vrk From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:42 PM Bunch of to-do's on this on the back end of Margot and Russell's presentations. Stay tuned! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:42 PM How do we tackle the problem of creating these batteries with fossil fuel production? From Igor Tregub he/him to Everyone 05:43 PM Thanks again for this presentation! Have to hop off to do speak on saving solar in CA where it is under threat by investor owned utilities. 🌞 🌻 🇺🇦 💚 🌍 From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:43 PM Thanks Igor! Do you have that Zoom link? From Russell Greene to Everyone 05:43 PM Great to have you with us Igor! From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:43 PM Go get em, Igor! See you next week! https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0tceuhrzsvHdymeeZRwb-i7X50FJa-HMR4 From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:43 PM Igor ROCKS! From David Sonneborn to Everyone 05:44 PM TY, gor! Onward! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:44 PM for signing up to be a PDA Congressional Liaison! Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 05:44 PM If we could capture the movement of trees and their limbs we could have power production at all hours. From David Sonneborn to Everyone 05:44 PM *go Igor! From John Sonin to Everyone 05:45 PM 'Demand-side management' Hello Bernie Sanders!! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:45 PM @StillFeelingTheBern From Mary Ogle to Everyone 05:45 PM How about community solar??…?.. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:45 PM Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:46 PM I was writing about demand-side management nearly 50 years ago, in the 1970s. From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:46 PM Get your congressperson on board with all of this! Become a liaison! From Barbara Warren to Everyone 05:46 PM Thank you for bringing this brilliant and extremely informative presentation to all of us! How many of us are stsrting by making our own homes energy sustainable and driving EVs ??? It's time!!! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:46 PM @Ira, you really need to run for office! From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:47 PM @danett - wash your mouth! :-) I’m a backroom guy! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:47 PM My husband is getting the Hyundai Ionic 5 but they can't make enough to keep up with the demand. From John Sonin to Everyone 05:47 PM Capitalism is private control, I don't believe it'll allow public/social/democratic control. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:47 PM @Ira, LOL! Me too. I ran for city council and that was the last time From Sheila Goldner to Everyone 05:48 PM Could Margot comment on the film 'Bright Green Lies?' From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:48 PM @danett— when someone local tells me they’re running for office, yeah, I totally get the need, but I tell them, “Congratulations and condolences!” From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:49 PM @Ira, 😆 From Mary Mathena to Everyone 05:49 PM What about storage? From Janice Hill to Everyone 05:49 PM 'Planet of the Humans' is available for free streaming. It reveals problems with wind and biofuels From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:49 PM “Market approach” — the kiss of death From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 05:50 PM As with healthcare and in all things, commodifying and placing everything in the hands of private companies (ie markets) we limit the true solutions available. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:50 PM @Sally, yes! From Larry Holman to Everyone 05:50 PM Why can't the energy sector be nationalized? From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:50 PM Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Dorothy Stoneman to Everyone 05:51 PM Margot shared a lot of information I had never heard before, Thank you. From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:51 PM @larry— energy sector CAN be nationalized from a purely economic standpoint From (h)Dr Bill PDA Calif Honigman to Everyone 05:51 PM Brilliant Margot, thanks! From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 05:51 PM Thank you Margot. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:51 PM Thanks Margot! We need to get you together with Igor. From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:51 PM @margot— Thank you, excellent press… can we get access to your slide deck? From Margot Paez to Everyone 05:52 PM yes sure. From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:52 PM You have a big brain, Margot! Thanks so much for investing it in all of this! We're all in your debt! From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:52 PM Not “press” — preso… darn autocorrect From Lydia G. Sanchez-Bracamonte to Everyone 05:52 PM can we have the books she recommended reposted or sent in a note. From Garth Saalfield to Everyone 05:52 PM Lots of necessary information! Link to Margo’s presentation? From David Sonneborn to Everyone 05:52 PM So useful info, Margot! From Margot Paez to Everyone 05:52 PM Electrification - Saul Griffith; Beyond Geoengineer - Holly Beck Jean Beyond Geoengineering From John Sonin to Everyone 05:52 PM Generating one's own electricity costs, in this paradigm, what the power company would pay to produce...that same amount of energy! ...if one remains on the Grid! From Patricia Moore to Everyone 05:52 PM Thanks, Margot! I am eager to see this thoughtful and detailed presentation — the entire deck. From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:52 PM Russell roooooooooooocks! From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 05:53 PM Concrete is huge producer of CO2, and its very energy intense to remove the CO2 from its production. That's a big piece of the Chinese pollution problem, ie concrete in the urban areas to house the massive population shifts from the rural areas that's part of the CCP economic development plans, which has led to the recent housing market collapse since the population moved into urban areas didn't have the occupational skills to pay the rent or purchase the living quarters. It would be well worth our time to look carefully at what's happened in China in terms of energy production and consumption, as well as India. And, I have to wonder why it is that no one looking at energy policy is looking at deep geothermal energy in Texas, which is safe, 100% clean, indefinite, distributed, requires no storage system, available 24/7, scalable, and dirt cheap. One reason that's its cheap is that hundreds of thousands of old abandoned wells have been drilled over the last century to transfer the planets interior heat. From Christine Hemphill and Drew Martin to Everyone 05:53 PM Great presentation. Would love to see more. From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:53 PM PDA is it possible to shut off Zoom’s autocorrect feature? Major pain in the butt From Me to Everyone 05:53 PM Margot Paez did a superb jobs … I would like to build on her work From Michele Anonymous to Everyone 05:53 PM Southern Nevada has tons of sun but our power company’s list of energy sources only includes about 1 percent solar energy. Meanwhile huge parking lots, malls, and stores that have space for solar panels or solar panel car ports are not being utilized. From Vincent Fort to Everyone 05:53 PM YW From John Hays to Everyone 05:53 PM Thanks, Margot. I hope to hear about the negative impact of animal agriculture on the environment. From Sylvia Searfoss to Everyone 05:53 PM Thank you Margo! From Bwana Payeye Kizito to Everyone 05:54 PM Thank you! From Margot Paez to Everyone 05:54 PM Feel free to email me at mpz@gatech.edu if you want slides. From Bwana Payeye Kizito to Everyone 05:54 PM You’re the best! Thank you! From Peter Deutsch to Everyone 05:54 PM Forty five to fifty years ago some people including some physical scientists urged beaming power from space back to the Earth. There were many questions then such as what the impact of beaming all that energy back through the atmosphere but perhaps some of that has been worked out. Peter Deutsch From Deborah Miller to Everyone 05:54 PM Will this be available, recorded, for late folks? From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:55 PM @pat H— concrete-plant air pollution MAJOR problem here in Houston… esp. contributing to health problems via structural racism From Mike Fox to Everyone 05:55 PM @Deborah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CmZ89Z6Vrk From Me to Everyone 05:55 PM Listening to Margot made me think a lot about the role that hydrogen as a fuel is perhaps the perfect fit. Any thoughts by anyone … PeterB … TrueValueMetrics,org … peterbnyc@gmail.com From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:55 PM Wow, didn't know that about concrete. From Timothy Bruce to Everyone 05:56 PM I wonder about the role geothermal as a reliable source From Margot Paez to Everyone 05:56 PM yes, hydrogen is a great option for managing the grid during peaks or power crises. From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 05:56 PM They are using fossil fuels to produce hydrogen. From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 05:56 PM 67 likes thus far. Please share and also please give us a LIKE on today’s Progressive town hall https://youtu.be/9CmZ89Z6Vrk Your support is appreciated! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:56 PM And CA is way behind on hydrogen charging stations From Ira Dember to Everyone 05:56 PM Washington DC hot air could fuel the entire Western Hemisphere From Margot Paez to Everyone 05:56 PM hydrogen can be generated without fossil fuels. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:57 PM SO important! Ramping down! From Alan Minsky to Everyone 05:57 PM Sally, there is green hydrogen (w/out fossil fuels) - an dthen there's blue hydrogen (made w/ fossil fuels) From David Sonneborn to Everyone 05:58 PM Peace activism, so critically and urgently needed, here (PDA) and everywhere on the planet. Onward now and for as long as it takes. From Michele Anonymous to Everyone 05:59 PM One of my professors at UNLV told us that northern Nevada has good resource for geothermal energy and southern Nevada for solar renewable energy. I think it depends on the geology of the particular area. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 05:59 PM Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 06:00 PM The Ford F-150 #1 vehicle already - and now that it is going all electric there are numerous pre-orders for the Ford F-150 Lightning - it is a game changer! I believe once they’re out there will be charging stations available all over. That will help tremendously. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:00 PM @Janis, that is what I'm hoping! From Christine Hemphill and Drew Martin to Everyone 06:01 PM Need to abolish single use plastics, From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 06:02 PM Ira, its a huge problem in Houston, and all over the state because the quarries are all over the state that provide the substrates to make concrete. So, people like me, who live outside of Austin have to deal with the local pollution that comes from our own local concrete plants on a daily basis. And, it degrades our property values which degrades the tax revenues that support more rural public schools. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:02 PM If oil goes, so does plastic Christine From Christine Hemphill and Drew Martin to Everyone 06:02 PM People need to drastically cut back on energy use and consumption to reach these goals. From geoffrey saign to Everyone 06:02 PM yes, DOA to both From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:02 PM We have several very specific to-do's. Stay tuned! From Marcia Lehman to Everyone 06:03 PM Can someone post the link to Randy Shannon’s recent article on the climate emergency? From Michele Anonymous to Everyone 06:03 PM Plastic can be made out of things like sterile hemp. and that kind can be biodegradable From Russell Greene to Everyone 06:03 PM https://www.thenation.com/article/environment/biden-climate-emergency-dpa/ From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:03 PM @Christine, absolutely. We have to change everything about how we live From John Sonin to Everyone 06:03 PM What time on 3-23-22? From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 06:03 PM Wouldn't be nice if plastics were decreased and substituted with naturally degradable organics? From Russell Greene to Everyone 06:04 PM https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/programs/energy-justice/pdfs/Climate-Emergency-Powers-Report.pdf HR 794 From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:05 PM @Patrick, some manufacturers have bio-degradable products but they are a very small portion Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Ahjamu Makalani to Everyone 06:05 PM Alan and everyone, I’m making a demand I’m not asking the ruling elite don’t ask they “DEMAND” From David Sonneborn to Everyone 06:06 PM So much so critically and urgently needed on this zoom. TY, I need to go to CA Poor Peoples Campaign zoom call, now. Onward! From Alan Minsky to Everyone 06:06 PM thank you David From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:06 PM Step 1: Become a liaison. Step 2: Join the phonebank to make calls on this. Step 3: Sign and share this petition. Tell Biden To Push Green https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-the-petition-to-president-biden-assist-ukraine-and-accelerate-the-energy-transition?source=direct_link&referrer=group-progressive-democrats-of-America And there will be an email action alert coming. From Russell Greene to Everyone 06:06 PM https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/794 From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 06:08 PM We most urgently request and anticipate your full cooperation. or support This is another way to address instaed of demanding. From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:08 PM We'll discuss before we leave our approach to the online push for HR 794 and S 838 from Bernie. (We're pushing Bernie bill as well, right Russell. From Chad Alvarez to Everyone 06:08 PM What happens to the water? From Ginger Harris to Everyone 06:09 PM I agree with Myla’s points. Also, nuclear plants require such huge infrastructures, they have huge fossil fuel footprints. From John Sonin to Everyone 06:09 PM The climate crisis is personal for each of us and requires we no-longer demarcate our interpersonal communication as a professional or personal-intimate, our egoes as private or public.. From Christine Hemphill and Drew Martin to Everyone 06:10 PM In Florida we could reduce power by 50% if people would turn down the air conditioners. From Myla Reson to Everyone 06:10 PM Thank you @Ginger Harris From geoffrey saign to Everyone 06:10 PM that we need nuclear or hydro is not accurate; that vision is based on maintaining current society, which needs to change From Myla Reson to Everyone 06:10 PM It’s not a question of 'not liking nuclear power' From Christine Hemphill and Drew Martin to Everyone 06:10 PM Nuclear in Florida has not worked and is polluting the environment seriously. From geoffrey saign to Everyone 06:10 PM nuclear would be a very bad compromise, as it always has been From Bonita Chambers to Everyone 06:10 PM “GRID LOCK”— Well stated!! From Ginger Harris to Everyone 06:11 PM AmerenUE’s director said 15 yrs ago that coastal locations should highly depend on energy from waves, tides, etc. From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 06:11 PM Its the SEED coalition through Energia Mia coalition that blocked the the expansion of the S Tx Nuclear Project, we shut that sucker completely down by going after the international money backers, raising the risk just too high. The secret is scaring the money people behind the fission energy industry. As I've already pointed out, we do have a clean alternative to fission as a clean source: DEEP GEOTHERMAL! From Patricia Moore to Everyone 06:11 PM Yes, Danett, this is a huge question. Thanks for asking it. From Ginger Harris to Everyone 06:11 PM What do you all think of the film & book 2040? From ROXANA H DARNELL to Everyone 06:13 PM I remember when Disney designed a city of the future to be builit in Florida. I thought when Puerto Rico suffered a loss of 80% of their power grid, I thought they should go green, with wind turbines and solar cells. From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:15 PM Still short on goal. Donate to our Enviro-work: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/climateemergency There will have to be pain. From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 06:15 PM It will be too late. From Mary Higgins to Everyone 06:15 PM Can we get this down through educating children in school? Can we run contests about renewable resources? From ROXANA H DARNELL to Everyone 06:15 PM Texas needs a new power grid. Those jerks at the power company won't even winterzie From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:15 PM It's our job to make it happen. From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 06:15 PM But it is not too late! From Lynn Harvey [she/her(s)/ella] to Everyone 06:15 PM How accurate is Michael Moore's film Planet of the Humans? From ROXANA H DARNELL to Everyone 06:16 PM I wish we could do this with Puerto Rico From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:16 PM It's not too late yet, but we are behind the 8 ball, like Russell said From Christine Hemphill and Drew Martin to Everyone 06:16 PM We have to work on the demand side. We don't have a tv, don't have hot water heater and don't use air conditioning. Spent a year without using electric lights. We have to look at sacrifice for those who can sacrifice. Also trees to block sunlight and green roofs. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:17 PM @Mary, the problem with that is there are many school boards who are pretty conservative and don't want that taught From Jim Carpenter to Everyone 06:17 PM Yes! Yes ! We must live more simply and stabilize population. Degrowth must be on radar. Go to www.steadystate.org. From Janice Hill to Everyone 06:17 PM I cannot vouch for accuracy of Planet of the Humans. It is more food for thought about managing and mitigating the Green New Deal issues. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:17 PM That's why we need progressives in all offices, local and otherwise From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 06:17 PM That is why voting in the right candidates matter also and why getting voting rights legislation through now is so important! From Cynthia Kinavey to Everyone 06:17 PM Check out Foundation for Climate Restoration. This group has chapters all over the world . We know there are different pathways but our focus is on Carbon Removal that’s already in the air. There is need to get our representatives educated and get new legislation/policies to make this happen. Also look up Christopher Neidl from OPEN AIR. Again , please check them out. From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 06:18 PM And the energy source for that new Texas grid is right under our feet in Texas that's not dependent on the weather! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:18 PM Carbon capture is not workable From geoffrey saign to Everyone 06:18 PM also regenerative ag isn't being talked about here, and it's a huge way to capture carbon safely in soil From Russell Greene to Everyone 06:18 PM https://news.mongabay.com/2022/03/aerosol-pollution-destabilizing-earths-climate-and-a-threat-to-health/ From ROXANA H DARNELL to Everyone 06:18 PM I wish Biden would write into law a truthfulness doctrine for the news ie. Fox News. From Bonita Chambers to Everyone 06:18 PM How can this excellent information be communicated to local municipalities, e.g., in connection their having endorsed movements like Sierra Club’s “READY FOR 100”?!!! ACTION is needed as antidote to Despair 🙂 From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:18 PM @Geoffrey, yes! From Sheila Goldner to Everyone 06:18 PM I bought gas today. It cost $77.00. From Alan Minsky to Everyone 06:19 PM +++Geoffrey From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 06:19 PM Yes! War is the largest user of fossil fuels and largest polluters! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:19 PM I was more referring to manufactured carbon capture, not natural methods From Lynn Harvey [she/her(s)/ella] to Everyone 06:19 PM Ralph Nader had an interesting guest on his radio show a few years ago who emphasized reducing energy demands: Paul Hawken author of Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming. From Gonzalo Lopez to Everyone 06:20 PM Sorry, I have to leave. This was a great meeting.Thank you for setting this up. From Nadine Karkin, Ohlone Land (Martinez, CA CD 10) to Everyone 06:20 PM Have to go, see you (on Zoom) soon. From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 06:20 PM Another reason that deep geothermal is a 'best' source of energy, which is local, thus we don't have to go to war over oil, stupid's! From Pat Irwin to Everyone 06:20 PM Exactly! From Vincent Fort to Everyone 06:20 PM what's day/date/time of pda's appearance on young turk show From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:20 PM Can we get focused on to-do's for the Climate Emergency? From Christine Hemphill and Drew Martin to Everyone 06:20 PM Does not justify Putin attacking the civilian population. From ROXANA H DARNELL to Everyone 06:21 PM Putin wants the old Soviet Union back. From Alan Minsky to Everyone 06:21 PM Vincent, We'll be on TYT tomorrow afternoon From geoffrey saign to Everyone 06:21 PM thanks everyone, great info and meet! From Lynn Harvey [she/her(s)/ella] to Everyone 06:22 PM Looks like Young Turks on youtube is on weekdays 6 pm (ET) /3 pm (PT) @Vincent From Vincent Fort to Everyone 06:23 PM ty From Pat Irwin to Everyone 06:23 PM @Christine- no, but it shows how it didn't come out of nowhere, as the corp media says From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:23 PM Stick with us, gang! We're going to get to 'to-do's' soon! From Myla Reson to Everyone 06:24 PM Please let Ahjamu speak From Lia Azeal-Davis to Everyone 06:25 PM Thank you Margot for your presentation. I think one of issues to affect change there is still too much in mainstream news of climate deniers negating the truth of climate change. Also one item I would like to state in some universities studies are funded by the same industries that are causing the problem. I would like the USA to fund more pure science research at universities not funded by industries who may benefit and be swayed by the CEO and the Board of directors and shareholders funding the studies. From Jeffrey Barkdull to Everyone 06:25 PM What You Should Really Know About Ukraine The West Wants Investor-Friendly Policies in Ukraine The US Helped Overthrow Ukraine’s Elected President US Officials Were Caught Picking the New Government Washington Used Nazis to Help Overthrow the Government There’s a Lot More to the Crimean Annexation The US Wants to Expand NATO The US Wouldn’t Tolerate What Russia Is Expected to Accept See The Memory Hole at https://fair.org/home/what-you-should-really-know-about-ukraine/?fbclid=IwAR26sSqkNoTQb16VRKkVcY7U4_Tx0PDbw8RaO6oPcJjCAEjZ0ur3FuZKzSU From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 06:25 PM The oil companies drilled all these hole into the earth for us to get oil and then abandon them. All we have to do is capture the heat from deep in those wells and turn it into electricity. The technology to do that has been around and tested for decades, and its even the focus of an entire department at SMU in Dallas! From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 06:26 PM Please share and also please give us a LIKE on today’s Progressive town hall https://youtu.be/9CmZ89Z6Vrk Your support is appreciated! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:27 PM Who's next? Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform Tell Biden to Push Green https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-the-petition-to-president-biden-assist-ukraine-and-accelerate-the-energy-transition?source=direct_link&referrer=group-progressive-democrats-of-america From Michele Anonymous to Everyone 06:27 PM In Asian studies we learned that a million people died in famine due to Mao’s Great Leap Forward. The Communist Party put someone else in charge after. Later Mao took advantage of the fact that the younger generation did not know about this and started a cultural revolution. He targeted scholars, doctors and scientists. Lots of people ended up in jail or dead because of this so-called Cultural Revolution. From Jeffrey Barkdull to Everyone 06:29 PM What You Should Really Know About Ukraine The West Wants Investor-Friendly Policies in Ukraine The US Helped Overthrow Ukraine’s Elected President US Officials Were Caught Picking the New Government Washington Used Nazis to Help Overthrow the Government There’s a Lot More to the Crimean Annexation The US Wants to Expand NATO The US Wouldn’t Tolerate What Russia Is Expected to Accept See The Memory Hole at https://fair.org/home/what-you-should-really-know-about-ukraine/?fbclid=IwAR26sSqkNoTQb16VRKkVcY7U4_Tx0PDbw8RaO6oPcJjCAEjZ0ur3FuZKzSU From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 06:30 PM What did Chairman Nao's revolution begat ultimately? Answer: massive population growth and exponential growth of energy requirements to support that population. From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:31 PM Here are the Climate Emergency Legislation action alerts. Note when you write your letter, change the bill number for the House to HR 794. https://actionnetwork.org/letters/climate-emergency-resolution-house and for the Senate to S 938 https://actionnetwork.org/letters/climate-emergency-resolution-senate From Garth Saalfield to Everyone 06:32 PM Too bad we can’t get an honest government to tell us the truth about the Climate Crisis! From Lydia G. Sanchez-Bracamonte to Everyone 06:32 PM consumer can help by doing this: transition or electric heating cooking electric cars. But the problem in with cars infrastructure not sufficient batteries. etc. people don't have money to get homes tra sitioned. From Russell Greene to Everyone 06:32 PM https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/675703/hospicing-modernity-by-vanessa-machado-de-oliveira/ From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:32 PM Tell Biden to Push Green https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-the-petition-to-president-biden-assist-ukraine-and-accelerate-the-energy-transition?source=direct_link&referrer=group-progressive-democrats-of-america From Lynn Harvey [she/her(s)/ella] to Everyone 06:33 PM www.drawdown.org = resource for climate solutions by sector. May be of interest to actions we can take in our personal lives. Paul Hawken author interviewed by Ralph Nader previously. From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 06:33 PM Please take a moment NOW - click here to SUBSCRIBE to our PDAmerica YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/pdamerica From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:33 PM Join the phone team for an hour this week calling fellow PDA folks for candidates and actions: https://pdamerica.org/volunteer/ From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:34 PM A lot of people lost hope when Bernie got railroaded again From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 06:34 PM On Twitter? Follow @PDAmerica and retweet today’s event: https://twitter.com/pdamerica/status/1503109294329409538 From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:34 PM Donate to our Enviro-work: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/climateemergency From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:34 PM Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 06:35 PM On Facebook? Follow us and share today’s event: https://www.facebook.com/PDAmerica/posts/326066499557598 From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:35 PM Global crop failures hit at 1.5-2 degrees C/Billions die at 3C/most humans dead at 4C/Earth uninhabitable at 6C/We're heading for 1.5 C by 2025/2C by 2035/4-6C by 2075 From Michele Anonymous to Everyone 06:35 PM I’m vegan because I love animals and don’t like the idea of torturing and killing them. Plus if too many of one animal are bred and fed to be killed and eaten, other animals, including wildlife, are at risk of extinction because they lose space and food sources. From Mary Higgins to Everyone 06:35 PM Why can’t gas tanks be retrofitted to use vegetable oil? I lived on an organic farm where all the vehicles had this capacity. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:35 PM @Michele, 💯 From Peter Deutsch to Everyone 06:36 PM I'm just responding to Russell's request to raise my hand. Peter Deutsch From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:37 PM Let us know if you're signed up for a phonebanking shift! From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 06:37 PM Go read the 'Limits of Growth' by the Club of Rome, published in 1972. Just do it! From Lydia G. Sanchez-Bracamonte to Everyone 06:37 PM as a healthcare provider I push vegan days 5 days a week for health because the industry is pumping the meat supply with antibiotics steroids and cattle cause serious carbon issues. it easier to present. sure we live animals but meat eaters don't respond to that. From Christine Hemphill and Drew Martin to Everyone 06:37 PM The policies leading up to the invasion and killing innocent people who had nothing to do with those decisions are not a reason to killing civilians just as the attack on Iraq by Bush Jr was not justified and was a serious violation of the human rights. From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 06:37 PM Well for many of us…a millennial is the children 🙂 From Carl Hujet to Everyone 06:37 PM i will call again this week From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:37 PM @Lydia, that is the conundrum From Lydia G. Sanchez-Bracamonte to Everyone 06:38 PM Thank you Margot for defending children. it's our job to protect them. From Christine Hemphill and Drew Martin to Everyone 06:38 PM Please come back and make another presentation. From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:38 PM Thanks for phonebanking Carl! Who will show solidarity with Carl? From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:38 PM Yes, please come back Margot! From Lydia G. Sanchez-Bracamonte to Everyone 06:38 PM huhu Carl From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:39 PM You in for calls, Lydia? From Russell Greene to Everyone 06:39 PM speaking of future generations, my daughter is here. I told her i’d be done by 3. thank you PDA! From Pat Irwin to Everyone 06:39 PM Brava, Margot! From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 06:39 PM Good to see you Russell! From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:39 PM Kiss your daughter for us, Russell! From Myla Reson to Everyone 06:40 PM Again - Arizona’s Palo Verde Nuclear Plant evaporates 27,000 gallons of water every minutes of every day - this water could otherwise be used to replenish Arizona’s dramatically depleted aquifer - we cannot “compromise” on this - Water is Life. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:40 PM COME BACK Margot!!! From Lydia G. Sanchez-Bracamonte to Everyone 06:40 PM conundrum. I was raised 8n an age/ cattle sheep ranching area. you are taught to not get emotional to most of the animals. their food not pets. pets are dogs or cats. simple From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 06:40 PM Look what happened when we went for commodity trading of medical care! Uncontrolled cost escalation! From Ginger Harris to Everyone 06:40 PM Ginger: Marguot’s point about financialization was wonderful. From William Guthrie to Everyone 06:40 PM Yea Margot!! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:40 PM @Lydia, that's the mindset we need to overcome From Judith Miller to Everyone 06:41 PM I'm a phonebanker, I'm in! From Sally Roberts Wilson to Everyone 06:41 PM Thank everyone for a wonderful presentation as always! From Bwana Payeye Kizito to Everyone 06:41 PM Thank you! From Garth Saalfield to Everyone 06:41 PM Margo seems more knowledgeable than most the folks I know twice her age! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:41 PM Incredible town hall!!! From Bwana Payeye Kizito to Everyone 06:42 PM Y’all the best! Thank you! From Garth Saalfield to Everyone 06:42 PM Thanks for the great Town Hall! From Alan Minsky to Everyone 06:42 PM https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pdafort From Lydia G. Sanchez-Bracamonte to Everyone 06:42 PM industrialization of age and food production is destroying our health. they destroy the environment via bad production planks abuse of earth failure to rotate crops and letting lands go fallow to rest. pesticides etc. From Myla Reson to Everyone 06:43 PM Ahjamu - I found your anecdote re influencing Baca particularly instructive. From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 06:43 PM At 78 likes on YouTube please give us a LIKE on today’s Progressive town hall https://youtu.be/9CmZ89Z6Vrk From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:45 PM Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform Tell Biden to Push Green https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-the-petition-to-president-biden-assist-ukraine-and-accelerate-the-energy-transition?source=direct_link&referrer=group-progressive-democrats-of-america From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 06:45 PM At 78 likes on YouTube please give us a LIKE on today’s Progressive town hall https://youtu.be/9CmZ89Z6Vrk Sign up for next week's Progressive Town Hall and bring 3 friends with you! (Me Plus 3) https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0tceuhrzsvHdymeeZRwb-i7X50FJa-HMR4 From John Sonin to Everyone 06:46 PM Thanks everyone great meeting...it's all about our climate! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:47 PM Would you like to make a difference in how our government works? Join and invite your progressive friends to join PDA’s Congressional Liaison program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNUdQNpg5zZQKmuV8P93uMbXi8-kMoprUZWgazIfgfSNUG5A/viewform Paez Margot Paez From John Sonin to Everyone 06:48 PM PAZ is Please...in spanish, I think? From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:48 PM It's PAEZ From John Sonin to Everyone 06:48 PM Yeh! I see that. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:48 PM But paz is Spanish for 'peace' From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 06:49 PM Its called 'deceleration', a movement that's been around for many decades in the post industrial world. Again, 'the limits of growth'. From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:50 PM Family planning. From Matthew Munsey to Everyone 06:51 PM Population Connection seems to have been a leader on this for a long time. From Janis, PDA National Online Media Director to Everyone 06:51 PM 80 likes…so close…let’s get a few more to hit 100! https://youtu.be/9CmZ89Z6Vrk From Me to Everyone 06:51 PM Jim Carpenter … good observation. We don't need less growth and less population as much as we need less stupidity. The socio-enviro-economic system has been gamed to make more and more growth and profit for a very few people who have power and influence. There is a huge potential for better quality of life if only we would embrace a better framework of metrics … Peter B TrueValueMetrics.org /// peterbnyc@gmail.com From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 06:52 PM If we don't limit population growth we're lost. The good ole Yankee technological fix won't save us and that's a delusional product of radical capitalism, and all its associated 'isms'. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:52 PM Fox, family planning, yes. Me and my husband consciously decided not to have children because of what we are talking about From Ahjamu Makalani to Everyone 06:52 PM I’m on the Poor People’s campaign conference call now. From Mike Hersh to Everyone 06:53 PM Election Protection Zoom TOMORROW Every Monday (with some exceptions) Event time: 5:00-6:30 p.m. ET Zoom link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYldumtrjIiH9L7_KfcFV1n8ynuO3anTGwp From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:54 PM OK, gang, I gotta go cut phone lists... From Jim Carpenter to Everyone 06:55 PM Thanks Nina and Don for support. Everyone should look at www.steadystate.org for reasons why we cannot grow without limit. From Ahjamu Makalani to Everyone 06:55 PM Oh yeah! Everyone please read that book it’s eye of metrics … Peter B TrueValueMetrics.org /// peterbnyc@gmail.com From Patrick Herndon to Everyone 06:52 PM If we don't limit population growth we're lost. The good ole Yankee technological fix won't save us and that's a delusional product of radical capitalism, and all its associated 'isms'. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:52 PM Fox, family planning, yes. Me and my husband consciously decided not to have children because of what we are talking about From Ahjamu Makalani to Everyone 06:52 PM I’m on the Poor People’s campaign conference call now. From Mike Hersh to Everyone 06:53 PM Election Protection Zoom TOMORROW Every Monday (with some exceptions) Event time: 5:00-6:30 p.m. ET Zoom link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYldumtrjIiH9L7_KfcFV1n8ynuO3anTGwp From Mike Fox to Everyone 06:54 PM OK, gang, I gotta go cut phone lists... From Jim Carpenter to Everyone 06:55 PM Thanks Nina and Don for support. Everyone should look at www.steadystate.org for reasons why we cannot grow without limit. From Ahjamu Makalani to Everyone 06:55 PM Oh yeah! Everyone please read that book it’s eye opening. From Mike Hersh to Everyone 06:55 PM Every Monday (with some exceptions) Event time: 5:00-6:30 p.m. ET Zoom link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYldumtrjIiH9L7_KfcFV1n8ynuO3anTGwp From Ahjamu Makalani to Everyone 06:55 PM What day? From Mike Hersh to Everyone 06:55 PM Monday From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:55 PM Tomorrow From Mike Hersh to Everyone 06:56 PM Tomorrow Every Monday (with some exceptions) Event time: 5:00-6:30 p.m. ET Zoom link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYldumtrjIiH9L7_KfcFV1n8ynuO3anTGwp From Christine Hemphill and Drew Martin to Everyone 06:57 PM Good points Alan. From Me to Everyone 06:57 PM Alan … so true !!!!!!!!!!!!! From Jim Carpenter to Everyone 06:57 PM Thank you Sylvia :) Yes. Voluntary simplicity ! From Christine Hemphill and Drew Martin to Everyone 06:57 PM Yes, simpler living is a great suggestion. From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone 06:58 PM We use 1/4 of the world's resources From NurseJudy (herself) Hemet, CA to Everyone 06:59 PM 'Live simply so that others can simply live' From John Hays to Everyone 06:59 PM And many other countries have far more vacation time From Christine Hemphill and Drew Martin to Everyone 07:01 PM Excellent call. From Garth Saalfield to Everyone 07:01 PM Given me a bunch to read! From John Hays to Everyone 07:01 PM Bye From Lynn Harvey [she/her(s)/ella] to Everyone 07:01 PM Thanks all. Have a good week. |