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LA PROGRESSIVES LA PROGRESSIVES for February 17th 2022 Original article: https://mailchi.mp/laprogressive.com/is-democracy-going-down?e=647fc954d2 Burgess COMMENTARY Peter Burgess | |||||||||
THURSDAY, 17 FEBRUARY 2022 TIRED TEACHER Is Democracy Going Down? William Astore: War, as Orwell saw it, was a way of making huge sums of money for a few at the expense of the many, who would be left in a state where they simply couldn’t fight back or take power. Ever. https://www.laprogressive.com/democracy-going-down/ READ MORE #21715 Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend Are Both Sides Actually Getting More Extreme? Robert Reich: The left hasn’t moved much at all. We’re still against the war machine, still pushing for civil and voting rights, still fighting the power of big corporations. But the right has moved far, far rightward. READ MORE Censorship: Its Dark and Deceptive Face Ken Wolf: Ironically, censorship can be an effective way to advertise. For years now, many bookstores have featured “Banned Books” sales tables. Think about that. READ MORE minimum wage Another Minimum Wage Earthquake? Martin Bennett: Soaring inequality in the Golden State, rising costs of living, and a vast low-wage service sector are the story behind the higher wage movement. READ MORE beijing Beijing, Beijing Kylin Gao: The dragon heads chiseled on white stones are lasting reminders of the park’s first owners–the Mongols who conquered Beijing and founded their Dynasty. READ MORE Three Deadly Thought Traps Frances Moore Lappé: The assumption held by many Americans that our nation enjoys relatively equal opportunity in part reflects widespread lack of awareness of how extreme U.S. economic inequality has become. READ MORE Where Is Trumpian Fascism Headed? Bill Blum: The GOP and Trump have another opportunity to impose their will and vision, and deal a death blow to what remains of our diminished democracy READ MORE Ukraine Russia and Military Action Roger Ray: Putin tested the metal of the Budapest Memorandum and found that it was nothing but straw. READ MORE subscribe Our email address is: dick_and_sharon @yahoo.com Mt. Washington, California 90065 Copyright ©2021, LA Progressive, All rights reserved. Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp unsubscribe from this list | subscribe or update subscription preferences |