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US Politics

Sign now: Representative Paul Gosar must be expelled

Original article:

Peter Burgess
MoveOn: Paul Gosar must be expelled

Paul Gosar Alert (via MoveOn)

11:34 AM (13 minutes ago) to me

Dear MoveOn member,

Congress must act to expel Rep. Paul Gosar and stand with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after Gosar's threatening and violent social media posts.

Paul Gosar—a Republican from Arizona who reportedly collaborated with the planners of the January 6 riots—shared a video fantasizing about killing an enemy with the face of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and violently battling President Biden.1

Representative Gosar's support of violent insurrection should have been enough to have him expelled from Congress, and these latest threats of incitements to violence make it clear that Congress must act to expel him immediately.

Expel Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona. His support and threats of violence against fellow members of Congress are unconscionable and grounds for expulsion.

Sign the petition to expel Paul Gosar from Congress

It would be bad enough if these were the deranged fantasies of a fringe, right-wing lunatic—and would warrant investigation and intervention by law enforcement. It's even more atrocious and dangerous that this is by a member of Congress.

And it's not the only time he's been part of violence against Congress. Rep. Gosar has consistently supported the white supremacists whose deadly insurrection took lives and threatened members of Congress—including Rep. Ocasio-Cortez—on January 6 in one of the bloodiest days in the history of U.S. Capitol. And it's been reported since then that he had actively collaborated with the riot's organizers in advance, even promising them blanket presidential pardons for their actions.2

There need to be consequences for actions such as these, both to limit Gosar's ability to incite violence and to deter other Republicans in Congress from following his lead. Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has shown no intention to take on the violence within his own caucus. Speaker Pelosi, the House Ethics Committee, and the full membership of the House of Representatives should act to expel Gosar immediately.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.

Thanks for all you do.

—Justin, Isbah, David, Chloe, and the rest of the team


1. 'Twitter flags GOP lawmaker's anime video depicting him killing Ocasio-Cortez, attacking Biden as 'hateful conduct,'' NBC News, November 8, 2021

2. 'EXCLUSIVE: Jan. 6 Protest Organizers Say They Participated in ‘Dozens’ of Planning Meetings With Members of Congress and White House Staff,' Rolling Stone, October 24, 2021

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