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Carnegie Council

Podcasts and other events ... Carnegie Council via ... December 2020


Peter Burgess
New & Noteworthy Resources from Carnegie Council Inbox Carnegie Council via 9:30 AM (3 hours ago) to me Dear Peter, We hope this note finds you safe and healthy. At Carnegie Council, we've been busy in the past month as we wrapped up our 2020 programming. We're looking forward to continuing with these same themes and initiatives in 2021. Here are some highlights: Our Doorstep podcast has been exploring new foreign policy narratives for 2021 under the Biden-Harris administration. Ethics & International Affairs, Carnegie Council's scholarly journal, finished its four-part podcast series on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. In the realm of artificial intelligence, our Senior Fellows are looking at equality with regards to this emerging technology through panel discussions and webinars. And in a timely special event, co-hosted by the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics, public health experts discussed all aspects of ethics and the COVID-19 vaccines. Please find all these resources below, complete with full transcripts. And keep watching for much more in the coming months. Happy holidays from all of us! The Doorstep The Doorstep: Connecting U.S. Foreign & Domestic Policy in 2021, with Judah Grunstein Judah Grunstein, editor-in-chief of World Politics Review, joins hosts Tatiana Serafin and Nick Gvosdev to discuss the latest U.S. Global Engagement report and preview the Biden administration's foreign policy strategies for 2021 and beyond. Plus, they analyze the prospects for U.S.-China cooperation and make predictions for the new year, focusing on Gen Z and changing nature of the global Internet. The Doorstep: Opportunities for a New U.S. Policy Toward African Nations, with Ambassador Charles A. Ray Hosts Tatiana Serafin and Nikolas Gvosdev are joined by Charles A. Ray, current chair of the Foreign Policy Research Institute's Africa Program and former U.S. ambassador to Zimbabwe. They discuss a Biden-Harris reset of U.S. foreign policy and narratives towards the diverse and dynamic nations of Africa, and opportunities for American companies to invest in tech and consumer markets, especially the growing youth populations across the region. Vaccine Ethics Vaccine Ethics: What Are We Learning from COVID-19? As the race for COVID–19 vaccines enters its next stage, we are faced with broad ethical challenges, along with specific questions of principle and practice. How should countries and the global community plan for distribution and allocation? What can and should be done to bolster trust in the vaccines? Public health experts Ruth Faden, Nicole Hassoun, Clive Meanwell, and Reed Tuckson discuss these questions and much more in this webinar moderated by Jeffrey Kahn, director of the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics. Artificial Intelligence The Technical Limits of AI Ethics In recent years, the global discussion on 'AI ethics' has succeeded in mainstreaming key principles to limit the risks that would otherwise arise from the unrestricted and unconsidered use of artificial intelligence, particularly with regards to privacy, safety, and equality. But it may have overlooked a much more fundamental and uncomfortable question: What are the limits of 'AI ethics'? This panel discussion, hosted by Senior Fellow Arthur Holland Michel, looks at this question and much more. AI & Equality Initiative: Algorithmic Bias & the Ethical Implications In this AI & Equality Initiative podcast, Senior Fellow Anja Kaspersen speaks with three researchers working with the University of Melbourne's Centre for AI and Digital Ethics about bias in data and algorithms. How can these types of biases have adverse effects on health and employment? What are some legal and ethical tools that can be used to confront these challenges? AI & Equality Initiative: The Path to Meaningful Connectivity, with Doreen Bogdan-Martin In the first AI & Equality Iniatitive (AIEI) podcast, Doreen Bogdan-Martin, director of the Telecommunications Development Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union, joins AIEI Senior Fellow Anja Kaspersen to speak about her career in telecommunications and her dedication to using connectivity as a tool to promote equality and fairness, particularly with respect to women and girls across the world. What does this approach look like in practice? How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted her work? The United Nations at 75 The United Nations at 75: Looking Back to Look Forward, Episode 4, with Bertrand Ramcharan In the fourth and final installment of 'The United Nations at 75: Looking Back to Looking Forward,' host Margaret P. Karns speaks with Bertrand Ramcharan, former acting high commissioner for human rights. In this candid talk, Ramcharan discusses why he thinks the 'UN human rights system is in crisis' and details the complicated role of the high commissioner. Plus, ahead of the 72nd anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, he explains why it is 'the rallying document of our civilization.' CONNECT WITH US: Podcasts | RSS | YouTube | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram Carnegie Council's programs, including our free podcasts, audios, and videos, are made possible through the generous donations of supporters like you. Please consider making a tax-deductible gift to the Council. We thank you very much for your support. DONATE/JOIN To host or sponsor a Carnegie Council event, or to dedicate an event to a friend, family member, or colleague, please call Melissa Semeniuk at 212-838-4120 ext. 247. 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