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The Trump Saga
It ain't over yet

An out-of-control tornado ... Donald Trump is making every effort to burn the house down behind him as he is forced to exit.


Peter Burgess
An out-of-control tornado Inbox via 10:11 AM (2 hours ago) to me Blumenthal for Connecticut Peter – With his disastrous tenure in the White House coming to a close, Donald Trump is making every effort to burn the house down behind him as he is forced to exit. From rushing to confirm his dangerous and unqualified nominees for federal agency positions, to rejecting much-needed EPA rules reducing deadly air pollution, to undermining long-standing protections for federal workers, he has shown himself to be an out-of-control tornado – inflicting chaos like a petulant child. But Trump has reached a new low with his attempt to abuse the presidential pardon power preemptively to protect himself, his family, and his cronies. His corruption knows no bounds, and the need for transparency and accountability has never been more urgent. That's why I introduced the Abuse of the Pardon Prevention Act in the Senate -- not only to hold Trump accountable for this brazen corruption, but to ensure no future president is able to follow his misguided path. I'm working around the clock to make sure this vital legislation gets passed – but I need your help. Will you click here to automatically add your name to the petition demanding the Senate take action to prevent Donald Trump from abusing his pardon powers? Only those who have already been convicted of a crime seek a pardon. It's an admission of guilt. It cannot – and must not – apply to future crimes. A president seeking a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card is conduct unimaginable in any other administration, but there is no action too egregious for this president, who has shown time and again that he believes he and his cronies are above the law. This abuse of power is as rotten as it is unsurprising. We cannot stand by and allow Trump to carry out this final act of corruption from the White House. Please, I'm counting on at least 10,000 people to speak out before midnight tonight, and I really need you to be one of them. Click here now to automatically sign the petition and tell the Senate: Immediately pass legislation to prevent Donald Trump from abusing his pardon powers. This is far too important to remain silent. Thank you so much for taking action, today and throughout the past four years. We are just under a month away from swearing in a president who will take every action to build a better future for our country and for all Americans and we will secure that future – together. Dick This email was sent to To unsubscribe from the Blumenthal for Connecticut email list, please click here. Paid for by Blumenthal for Connecticut empowered by Salsa
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