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Technology and Unreality
Investment hype and misinformation ... BS on steroids

The $15.7 Trillion “McCarthy Chip” “It’s about to unlock a fortune for America’s tech giants, the Pentagon, and early investors.”


Peter Burgess
Tech scientists from Facebook and Amazon… to Stanford and Yale PhDs are on the verge of introducing:
The $15.7 Trillion “McCarthy Chip” “It’s about to unlock a fortune for America’s tech giants, the Pentagon, and early investors.” – Jeff Brown, Silicon Valley venture capitalist with a 93% success rate
Dear Reader,

More than 6,000 miles away from Silicon Valley…

In a building four times bigger than Yankee Stadium…

5,000 contractors are buzzing 24/7 to finish one of the world’s top technology factories.

There’s a reason this high-tech facility carries a $20 billion price tag — bigger than the economies of many small countries.

Every tiny detail has to be perfect.

Giant air filters make sure it’s 10,000 times cleaner than a hospital operating room.

Room temperature, humidity, and noise are carefully monitored.

And the few scientists permitted inside have to wear sterile coveralls (they call them “bunny suits”) to prevent contamination.

Nothing is left to chance.

Because they’re about to start churning out what Bloomberg describes as “the most efficient and powerful [technology] on the planet. ”

A tiny device just like this one…

I call it the “McCarthy Chip.”

1,000x More Powerful Than Existing Technologies Smaller than your pinky fingernail… the “McCarthy Chip” is 1,000 times more powerful than chips currently out there.

As you’ll see, this tiny chip is at the heart of a transformative, new technology.

It’s captured the imagination of some of the world’s top tech minds… from Facebook to Google… to Ivy League PhDs.

In all my years as a tech investor and executive, it’s the most important technology I’ve seen.

My name is Jeff Brown.

I spent nearly three decades at the forefront of chip innovation in Silicon Valley and Japan, the “Silicon Valley of the East.”

As an executive at chip giants like Qualcomm and General Instrument, touring facilities like the “McCarthy Chip” factory was part of my daily routine.

It’s why I’m convinced…

Investing in this breakthrough today could be the only investment you’ll ever have to make.

Tech billionaire Mark Cuban believes the miracle taking place in this factory — and a few others like it — could even mint the world’s first trillionaire.

All in all, this development is set to unlock $15.7 trillion in new wealth over the next 10 years, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers.

That’s bigger than the size of every world economy — except for the U.S.

I suspect that’s why Warren Buffett, who famously avoided tech investments for decades, admitted this innovation will be “enormously disruptive.”

In a private Silicon Valley meeting last year, Google CEO Sundar Pichai called it “the most important thing humanity’s ever worked on.”

Here’s what most people don’t know about Google…

They are now pivoting away from the search engine that was the company’s bread and butter for decades.

Instead, Google’s number one priority is now the “McCarthy Chip.”

Microsoft is also going all out on dominating this technology.

The company now has over 8,000 engineers working exclusively this incredible new technology.”

And while Jeff Bezos never said it publicly…

One of his top executives admitted Amazon is going all in on these tiny chips, too.

They are using an early version of this chip to process 8 million orders each day and get them to you as fast as within an hour of your order.

And it’s not just tech giants.

With $15.7 trillion up for grabs… businesses from all walks of life are now racing to get their hands on it.

Car companies like Ford, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW are betting big on it (Ford alone plans to spend $1 billion on it). The U.S. Department of Transportation says it has the potential to slash deadly car accidents by 94%.

It will even help mining firms find their next big discovery. Giant Rio Tinto saw an instant $10 million windfall when it tested this technology in one project.

Hungry for big gains, venture capital firms are also pouring money in this technology — $25 billion just last year.

And as you might imagine, a breakthrough this big is also getting a lot of political attention.

So much attention, in fact, that Bloomberg describes the situation as “the new space race.”

It’s as if the world’s most powerful governments are locked in a race to outbid each other.

Russian president Vladimir Putin mandated his government to write a $2 billion check.

He is on record saying that “whoever controls this technology will become the ruler of the world.”

It explains why the Chinese are investing in it like there’s no tomorrow.

Reuters reports one city in northeastern China alone committed $16 billion to this tiny kind of chip.

The EU already committed a whopping $20 billion to it.

And here in the U.S., “the government is making a massive push in this technology.” That’s according to The Wall Street Journal.

President Trump recently signed an executive order that makes the “McCarthy Chip” technology one of America’s top priorities.

Government spending on this technology is predicted to grow 44% per year through 2022.

The Pentagon alone pledged to spend $2 billion on it so far.

And according to a recent NASA recent memo, the “McCarthy Chip” could play a vital role in putting the man back on the Moon.

The money pouring into this technology from all sides points to one thing:

We’re on the verge of a massive tech boom today.

But there’s one huge problem…

You might not hear about this issue on CNBC.

But it’s keeping executives at places like Google, Amazon, and other tech companies up at night.

If it doesn’t get fixed quickly, it could derail the rollout of the “McCarthy Chip”… relegating it to obscurity.

And the $15.7 trillion windfall will vanish into thin air. Gone before it ever happened.

“We Don’t Have Enough Chips”

Here’s the thing…

With all these companies rushing to get their hands on “McCarthy Chips,” there simply aren’t enough of them to go around.

The Wall Street Journal reports that “demand for these chips is growing at such a pace the industry can barely keep up.”

Many of the biggest chip companies got caught completely off guard by this sudden surge.

Intel, for example, has been facing severe delays with their chip production for months.

Meanwhile, prices of the “McCarthy Chip” are soaring — as much as 50% in the past year alone.

This shortage is driving the world’s biggest companies up the wall.

The New York Times quotes a former Microsoft engineer who fumed that “the chips are simply going out of stock. And the problem is just getting worse.”

These “McCarthy Chips” are taking the world by storm. And the scramble we’ve seen so far is only just the beginning.

Demand is set to explode another 40x just in the next five years.

That’s why the $20 billion factory I mentioned earlier is so critical.

Without this technology, Google, Amazon, and Facebook’s explosive growth will come to a screeching halt.

So it’s no wonder these top tech companies are locked in a bidding war to secure this technology for themselves.

According to estimates from Barclays, Apple has an order for 65 million chips from this factory for its 2020 iPhone.

Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba recently also placed a larger order for chips from this factory.

And one Amazon executive admitted the factory is critical for Amazon’s success with this technology.

As this industry advances, “the world will change in ways we can’t even imagine,” according to The Wall Street Journal.

The Economist agrees this one factory’s opening will give birth to “the world’s most advanced chipmaker.”

Trillions of dollars in new wealth will be created…

And investors who get in front of this boom today stand to make a fortune.

Tech giants like Amazon, Apple, and Google are all waiting in line for the first shipments.

Which is why the obscure company behind this single factory is about to see a massive payday.

Over the next 12 months, one low-profile chip company stands to outstrip the rest, and pocket a $9 billion windfall from the “McCarthy Chip.”

That’s almost a third of their total revenue last year.

You might be wondering how this could happen.

Can the world’s biggest tech firms really find themselves at the mercy of a little-known chip company? It seems hard to believe.

But this is precisely what happened during similar tech booms before. And investors who saw it coming made a fortune.

Bigger Than Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon?

Well, It Happened Before

You might not know this… but stocks of chip companies just like this one produced some of the biggest gains we’ve ever seen.

Way bigger than household tech names, in fact.

For example, Microsoft was the big winner of the personal computer (PC) boom in the 1990s.

As PCs were being introduced into our homes in the 1990s, Microsoft’s stock soared 2,058%.

Enough to turn Bill Gates into the world’s richest man.

Yet, at the same time…

Shares of Qualcomm — a chipmaker that paved the way for the rise of PCs — soared an incredible 16,063%.

Just $2,500 invested in this chip stock would have turned into $400,000 in less than ten years.

Or take Amazon, the company that forever changed the way we shop.

Now, over the past decade, Amazon became much more than just your go-to online retailer.

Today, the company drives innovation in dozens of breakthrough technologies — from robotics to cloud computing.

In the process, its stock rose over 500%… making many investors fabulously rich.

Meanwhile, chipmaker Nvidia that powers Amazon’s server computers saw its shares explode 1,376%.

That would have turned every $5,000 invested into nearly $70,000 in just a few years.

Here’s another example… You probably know that people who saw Apple dominating the smartphone market made a fortune. In the past decade, Apple’s shares are up almost 800%. Of course, that’s a great return. But the smart investors bought shares of a company called Broadcom. Broadcom — along with Qualcomm, which I mentioned earlier — supplies Apple with chips for the iPhone. So it’s no surprise that its stock has been on a tear — up nearly 1,900% since 2009. A $5,000 investment in Broadcom from a decade ago would be worth more than $94,000 today. I think you’ll agree with me that these are extraordinary gains. But here’s a simple fact many people outside of the tech world don’t know about… Behind every major tech innovation are a handful of chip companies that made investors a fortune. While past performance isn’t a guarantee of future success and there are always risks with investments… I expect this time will be no different. Because behind closed doors, right here at this factory, one little-known company is about to unlock access to a $15.7 trillion fortune. And in just a moment, I’ll explain how you, too, can position yourself to profit from this landmark event. How I’ve Been Able to See 1,048% Gains From the Hottest Tech Stocks As I said, my name is Jeff Brown. I’ve always been fascinated by technology. After getting my degrees from the London Business School and Purdue University’s famous “Cradle of Astronauts”… I’ve spent 26 years in Silicon Valley and Tokyo, Japan… working for the world’s leading chip companies such as Qualcomm, General Instrument, and NXP Semiconductors. Here’s what a lot of people don’t know about these companies… Chip companies hold the keys to every major tech breakthrough… and the fortunes that come with them. It’s why Steve Jobs happily paid tens of billions of dollars just for the privilege of using our chips in the iPhone when I worked at Qualcomm. My insights into the chip industry have handed thousands of people around the world a chance to make a fortune off the hottest tech stocks. In an invitation-only meeting in February 2016, I explained why chipmaker Nvidia is the way to play the coming blockchain boom. In the following months, Nvidia exploded 1,048%. It was the best performing stock on the S&P 500 that year. More recently, I told my readers about a payment company called Square that capitalized on this rapidly advancing chip technology. Just a year later, we closed that position for a 214% gain. As an angel investor in 130 tech startups, I’ve been even more successful. I made money on 93% of my investments. In a few cases, my stakes in these tech companies are worth 100 times my investment. Even among Silicon Valley’s top venture capitalists, that’s unheard of. I’m not telling you all this to brag. But rather to show you that when it comes to profiting from the biggest tech booms, I know what I’m talking about. And right now, thanks in large part to this new factory — which is just set to open its doors… The “McCarthy Chip” will be the biggest investment story of 2019 — possibly even our lifetimes. And it will forever change our lives… and create massive profits for early investors. Those who get in front of this boom before it begins in earnest could see even a modest investment turn into a fortune. What is the “McCarthy Chip”? I use the term “McCarthy Chip” to describe specialized microchips made for artificial intelligence (or AI for short). The name comes from Stanford scientist John McCarthy, who coined the term “artificial intelligence” back in the 1950s. Now, I should make it clear that I’m not associated with the university — or John McCarthy’s rich legacy — in any way. Rather, the “McCarthy Chip” moniker is a bow to the man who helped pave the way for the biggest tech boom of our age. Artificial intelligence isn’t exactly new (you’ve probably heard about it before). Engineers all over the world have been working on it for decades. But until recently, the technology was limited to obscure tech labs and sci-fi movies and books. You see, software capable of powering artificial intelligence has been around for years. But the hardware simply wasn’t up to par. In fact, it took decades for computer chips to finally catch up. The opening of this new factory makes AI possible on a large scale. And if you make a few right moves today, you could see a modest investment turn into a fortune. $15 Trillion of New Wealth Is Up for Grabs This massive windfall alone makes AI the biggest tech breakthrough of our age. Not just for investors… but across the board. An executive at Allianz Global Investors, one of the world’s largest investment firms, said, “it could have a bigger, more profound impact on people’s lives and society than the Internet.” He’s not exaggerating. You’d be hard pressed to find an industry that won’t see massive benefits from it. Once this technology is rolled out, it will save millions of lives each year. Already today, medical devices powered by artificial intelligence can catch diseases way earlier than doctors. In one case, researchers at Houston Methodist Research Institute were able to diagnose cancer risk 30 times faster than a human doctor… and with a stunning 99% accuracy. MIT Technology Review reports it can also be used to spot Alzheimer’s years before doctors could. All this was unthinkable even five years ago. It will also be a massive boon to the $5.6 trillion global food industry. With the help of the AI, the farming giant John Deere is now helping farmers produce more food while using up to 90% less pesticide. Very soon, food on our tables could be nearly free of toxic pesticides — all thanks to this breakthrough. Or how about using it to find more gold? The world’s largest gold miner Goldcorp recently trialed AI for new gold discoveries. Their gold exploration operations saw an instant 35x boost in the process of finding gold in the ground. Just imagine what will happen to the profits of these companies — and their stock prices — once they roll this technology out across their entire businesses. In fact, we’re now seeing the first clues of this boom in the stock market. Stocks of Early Adopters Are Already Soaring Early adopters of AI have already seen their stocks explode. AMD, one of America’s chip pioneers, announced its push into artificial intelligence last year. Its stock rocketed 142% higher since then. The shares of Ocado — a major British retailer making big bets on AI — soared 91%. Lattice Semiconductors, a leading AI hardware and software firm, saw its shares jump 171% over the same period. Keep in mind we’re only in the early innings of this boom. A Harvard Business Review survey of U.S. executives shows American household names are rushing to embrace this technology. Companies like JPMorgan Chase… Procter & Gamble… and Disney, among others. It’s easy to see why demand for AI chips is about to go through the roof. As I mentioned, experts predict 40-fold growth just in the next five years. With demand this big, the opening of the $20 billion AI chip factory can’t come soon enough. You’ve seen how severe the shortage of these chips is at the moment. And you know how critical this chip factory is to the AI boom. Nearly every company deploying artificial intelligence in their business — whether it’s Google, T-Mobile, GE, or any other — will be relying on chips from this factory. This unique situation puts the company behind this factory in the sweet spot to capture the lion’s share of this exploding demand. Considering the size of the opportunity at play here… I wouldn’t be surprised if this company becomes one of the stock market’s biggest success stories. Just like Qualcomm did when personal computers were introduced into our homes… and its stock soared 16,063%. Or when Apple released the iPhone... and the shares of its chip supplier Broadcom soared almost 1,900%. But you know what’s the craziest thing about this growth story? Wall Street is Clueless About the Cash Cow Behind This Boom As Bloomberg points out, “many Americans have never heard of this company.” It’s not much different on Wall Street. Despite the potential, this low-profile chipmaker gets a fraction of the coverage companies like Amazon and Apple do. And if you search for it on Google, you get 1/20th the hits you would for well-known chip companies like Qualcomm. So as massive as this opportunity is… Don’t count on your broker to tell you about it. Not until the $20 billion factory opens… and the biggest profits are off the table. That’s why the time to act is now — before this window of opportunity shuts for good. To help you take advantage of this time-sensitive situation… I put together a special report called Microchip Millionaire: How to Profit From the Next Tech Boom. And I’ll show you how to get your hands on it in a minute. Inside, I’ve used my 26 years of high-level experience in Silicon Valley’s top chipmakers… And I’ve drawn on lessons I picked up from chip stocks that soared as much as 1,048%… To show you how you could strike it rich from this chipmaker during the coming boom in artificial intelligence. By now, you know the who’s who of the tech world is standing in line for these chips. And once the first chips come off the assembly line in a few months and billions in profits start rolling in… You’ll see Wall Street whales suddenly piling into this company. And there’s no telling how high it could soar as a result. With $15.7 trillion in new wealth in this industry on the line… It might even top the gains we saw during similar tech booms in the past. Especially since this chipmaker already cornered the market for AI chips. It commands a 50% market share… and none of its competitors come even close. In fact, when it comes to producing the most advanced chips, the competition is now dropping out of the race. They just can’t handle the growing demand for these chips. I’ve been involved with chip companies just like this one for nearly three decades… but a situation like this is unprecedented. Major players like Intel and Samsung are losing business to this chipmaker. Bloomberg reports “one company after another is now hiring this [little-known firm] to manufacture the chips.” It’s why the explosive rise of AI promises to be their biggest profit maker yet. My estimates show the company could haul in $9 billion in revenue from AI chips just next year. And in just a moment, I’ll explain how you, too, can position yourself to make a fortune off this landmark event. Hedge Fund Billionaires Are Loading Up on This Stock I’m not the only one excited about the role this company will play in the rise of AI. Some of the world’s top investors agree with me. Over recent months, they have been quietly building positions in the stock. Hedge fund titan Jim Simons owns a nice chunk of it with his $109 billion fund, Renaissance Technologies. Simons, by the way, has been one of the first investors to use AI to predict market moves — with great success. For years, his secretive hedge fund was able to consistently generate some of the highest returns you’ll ever see. Nearly 40% per year, according to Bloomberg. So if anyone on Wall Street knows artificial intelligence, it’s Jim Simons. Then there’s billionaire Howard Marks, who’s known on the Street for “seeing around the corner”… and making a fortune from these situations. Goldman Sachs is now also pounding the table on this stock. In a recent memo to clients, they said this company is about to enter “the next phase of growth.” At the most recent count, they owned more than $1 billion worth of this stock in their client accounts. That’s a massive position. It just goes to show how convinced they are this company is about to hit the motherlode. One by one, major investment firms are starting to take note of this company. And it’s just a matter of time before its stock takes off. We may never see an opportunity of this size again. Not in our lifetimes. So, if you want to learn how to profit from this opportunity, there’s no time to waste. Remember, chipmakers were the winners of every tech breakthrough in the past decades. From the rise of personal computers in the 1980s… to blockchain’s recent burst onto the scene. Many experts agree AI could be even bigger in size than any of these innovations. And with just one specific chip company at the heart of this boom... Getting in on the ground floor of this massive opportunity could be the most lucrative decision you’ll ever make. That’s why I want to rush you my special report called Microchip Millionaire: How to Profit From the Next Tech Boom today. But before I show you how to claim it free of charge… I want to alert you to another moneymaking opportunity the rise of AI brings about. Three More Names to Strike It Rich in AI The $20 billion chip factory will open the door for hundreds of companies to claim their chunk of the $15 trillion AI wealth. From Google and Amazon to BMW and Disney, among others. All these companies are ready to roll out AI into their businesses. Not in 10 years. Not tomorrow. But today. Now, here’s the thing… There’s nothing wrong with these companies. They could turn out to be solid investments for all I know. But there are three lesser-known names I believe will be the first in line to profit from this boom. Right now these AI pioneers, as I call them, are aggressively investing in this technology to get a leg up over their competition. AI Pioneer No. 1: This company is pouring more money into innovation than most other tech companies. Remember when I told you earlier that Amazon is using artificial intelligence in their business? A key AI technology in Amazon’s 75 warehouses all over North America comes from this company. And they’re just starting to reap profits of their foray into artificial intelligence. In fact, some of its business units of this company grew more than 50% last year. That’s spectacular growth! And I believe it’s just a matter of time before it reflects on the company’s stock price. AI Pioneer No. 2: The other company I want to tell you about uses AI in an even more exciting way… Right now, every car giant is zeroed in on one thing: self-driving cars. Many folks think these cars are decades away. But the market for self-driving cars is already booming like never before. By 2026, it’s expected to grow tenfold. No wonder General Motors, Tesla, BMW, and others all want a piece of it. But here’s the thing… Each of the thousands of self-driving cars you’ll soon see on the roads needs one thing to work: artificial intelligence. This one little-known AI company will help turn “the car of tomorrow” into a reality. That’s why I think its stock is primed for a big run-up in price. AI Pioneer No. 3: The last company you should have on your radar right now is using AI in the massive $5.8 trillion credit card payment industry. It’s led by a billionaire who previously founded a tech company that went public at $17 billion. Right now, he’s well on track to eclipse his previous success. This company has more than doubled in size in the past two years. And that’s just the beginning. He recently told CNBC they’re buckling up for even faster growth by buying other AI companies. Based on my analysis, this stock could at least double as the AI boom takes off in full. It’s crazy to think these three stocks are still flying well under the radar of the average investor. I think they won’t be for much longer. That’s why the time to learn about them is today. I compiled the details of all three stocks in a report called AI Pioneers: Three Ways to Make a Fortune on AI. Inside, I explain why these stocks will soar as artificial intelligence sweeps across the world. And I’ll show you exactly how you could profit as that happens. You’ll get the full stock names… ticker symbols… and details on how to shield yourself from nerve-racking stock swings. I’m going to send you this report at no cost — along with my other report called Microchip Millionaire: How to Profit From the Next Tech Boom I mentioned earlier. In return, I only ask you to give my monthly research letter, The Near Future Report, a try and see how you like it. You know by now that I’ve spent decades in the trenches of Silicon Valley. One of the benefits of being tapped into these tech circles is that I am among the first to hear about cutting-edge technologies ready to hit the market. It’s how I made money on 93% of my early-stage tech investments. As far as I know, no other Silicon Valley venture capitalist comes even close. The same philosophy also served me well in the stock market. I’ve used it to see big gains in tech stocks such as: Infospace: 743% Apptio: 136% AMD: 262% New Relic: 156% Twilio: 211% And this is exactly what The Near Future Report is all about. Every month, I show you the biggest technology trends that are just around the corner… and how to profit from them. Just to be clear, I’m not recommending to take a gamble on volatile stocks of tiny companies. The Near Future Report is focused on larger tech companies that still have big growth potential… and are also safe enough for retirement money. “The Near Future Report is Making Me a Lot of Money” Fifty thousand readers from all walks of life follow my research to profit from the next big thing in tech. Like Steve S., who says… “Good stuff Jeff. It's hard to get good information about the tech space unless you're an insider. I wouldn't know anything about where technology was headed without your input.” Tech veteran Tim H. wrote in… “I have been investing and working in the technology industry since 1985. I subscribe to your research because your insight and experience is easily the best I have ever read.” Patrick S. says… “I am making a lot of money from the Near Future Report and have been watching my account balances grow very nicely. Looking forward to reading your ’Reports’ in the ’Near Future’.” And Phil H. uses my research to impress his friends with the latest in tech: “As a 78-year-old non-techie, your insights give me a perspective on technology and life that I could not get otherwise. I’m also able to amaze my friends with knowledge far beyond their ken!” And I’d like you to join me — and thousands of others — as a subscriber. As I showed you today, we’re on the verge of what could be the biggest tech breakthrough of our age: the rise of AI. To help you make a fortune from this once-in-a-generation opportunity… I’ll rush you these two reports as soon as you subscribe to The Near Future Report: Microchip Millionaire: How to Profit From the Next Tech Boom. In my three decades as a Silicon Valley executive and investor, I’ve never seen a situation where one single company is so critical to a tech boom. Thanks to its cutting-edge AI chips, this company is poised to make a fortune from the rise of artificial intelligence. No wonder hedge fund billionaires are quietly building their positions in this company. If you could only buy one stock to strike it rich off AI, this would be it. AI Pioneers: Three Ways to Make a Fortune on AI. Early adopters of every major innovation produce big fortunes for investors. We’ve seen it in PCs… the Internet… smartphones… and others. This report details stocks of three companies with a big early-mover advantage in artificial intelligence. When AI makes it into the mainstream in the coming months, these three stocks will be among the first ones to soar. Of course, every month, you’ll also get a new issue of The Near Future Report. Each issue comes with a fresh recommendation on how to profit from the hottest technologies right now — all explained in a simple, easy-to-understand way. As part of your Near Future Report subscription, you’ll also get: 12 monthly issues of The Near Future Report delivered to your email inbox on the first Monday each month. Access to The Near Future Report archive with dozens of back issues and special reports, including The God Key: Own the Most Revolutionary Biotech in History… The 5G Buildout: Profiting From the Network of Tomorrow… and more. Full access to The Near Future Report model portfolio where you can track the details of every opportunity I recommend. Exclusive subscribers-only email alerts with time-sensitive updates on our current and new recommendations. Now, I realize I’ve yet to earn your full trust. So, here’s what I’ll do… I’ll give you 60 days to try my research completely risk-free. Take all the time you need to read through the special reports I’ll send you. Go through The Near Future Report archive with all the monthly issues. And take a look at the model portfolio with all the current recommendations. If The Near Future Report isn’t everything you’ve expected it to be, simply contact our customer service team for a full refund of your subscription. It’s that simple. You might think all these potentially life-changing insights would cost thousands of dollars. After all, that’s how much some brokerage firms and banks charge for this kind of research. And between you and me, most analysts are not much better than the talking heads on TV hyping up the next big tech IPO. But I do things a little differently with The Near Future Report. I take regular people behind the scenes of tech labs and Silicon Valley board rooms — where big breakthroughs really happen. It’s why I don’t charge a fortune for my research (although I could). I’ll tell you just how affordable The Near Future Report is in just a moment. But before I do that, there’s one more urgent opportunity I need to tell you about. Another Booming Technology Has Silicon Valley Insiders Buzzing Right now Thanks to my Silicon Valley background and deep Rolodex of tech insiders, I get “early bird access” to emerging technologies. Whenever a new breakthrough tech pops up, I am among the first to hear about it. Right now, another technology is making a lot of buzz in the Valley — and not for the reasons you might think. I’m talking about blockchain — the technology behind cryptocurrencies. America’s biggest companies are quietly getting ready to launch their own digital currencies. Hundreds of millions of corporate dollars are flowing into these initiatives. Just recently, Facebook went public about its own digital currency push. It already drummed up support from major players like Visa, eBay, and Vodafone. Banks in the U.S., Europe, and Japan are also working on launching their own cryptocurrency potentially within the next 12 months. Major players like Bank of New York Mellon, UBS, and Credit Suisse.

All this is happening right this moment.

Mark my words: it’s just the start of a mass crypto adoption among the world’s largest companies.

At the moment, few people are paying attention to this massive shift.

But I believe that will soon change.

My research shows another major announcement in this space will get everyone buzzing about cryptocurrencies again.

I believe Amazon is on the verge of launching its own digital currency — a project I call “Amazon Coin.”

That’s when the biggest profits are going to be made.

Now, don’t go buying cryptocurrencies just yet.

Because there’s an easier — and more lucrative way — to profit off these events.

You see, Facebook… JPMorgan… and possibly Amazon won’t be using Bitcoin, Ethereum, or any of the popular cryptocurrencies.

Instead, they are developing their own digital currencies to process billions of dollars in transactions.

This trend is now picking up speed.

With more and more companies launching their cryptocurrencies, I think we’ll see Amazon making a big reveal in the coming weeks.

And I’ve uncovered two stocks that could explode in price as a result.

I explain exactly how to play Amazon’s coming announcement for maximum profits in a report called Amazon Coin: Two Ways to Profit from the Next Blockchain Revolution.

When you become a subscriber to The Near Future Report today, I’ll also send you this report — with my compliments.

So how much does The Near Future Report cost?

Less Than a Cup of Coffee The regular price for a one-year subscription to The Near Future Report is $199.

But to make this a complete no-brainer for you, I’ve struck a special deal with my publisher.

I’ll send you 12 months of The Near Future Report — as well as all the other special reports I just mentioned — for just $49.

That’s $150 off the regular price.

It comes down to $4 per month. Most of us spend more on coffee each month.

And once you read my research, I think you’ll agree there’s nothing out there like The Near Future Report.

Just to remind you, here’s everything you get when you subscribe today:
  • 12 monthly issues of The Near Future Report with email updates and access to all the back issues
  • Bonus no. 1: Microchip Millionaire: How to Profit From the Next Tech Boom
  • Bonus no. 2: AI Pioneers: Three Ways to Make a Fortune on AI
  • Bonus no. 3: Amazon Coin: Two Ways to Profit from the Next Blockchain Revolution
  • Full access to The Near Future Report model portfolio with all current recommendations
  • And you have a full 60 days to change your mind and get a full refund of your subscription
I hope you can see by now why artificial intelligence will go down in history as the biggest tech breakthrough of our age.

It’s about to transform dozens of industries… and generate trillions of dollars in new wealth in the process.

It’s just a matter of time before the AI stocks I told you about today go through the roof.

Especially, with the opening of the highly anticipated $20 billion AI chip factory just weeks away.

With an opportunity this big, you just can’t afford to stay on the sidelines.

Because as I said: this technology will change the world forever. And it could make a fortune for early investors as well.

Sincerely, Jeff Brown Editor, The Near Future Report August 2019

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