Pepsi and Nestlé are listening!
Fatah Sadaoui, Unsubscribe
7:30 AM (46 minutes ago)
to me
Big news! Pepsi has just announced that it will stop buying palm oil from Indofood -- and Nestlé has ended a 13 year Joint Venture Partnership with the palm oil villain -- after huge pressure from hundreds of thousands of SumOfUs members like you.
Our people-powered campaign has pushed two of the palm oil industry’s biggest players into protecting our rainforests, the orangutans, and palm oil workers!
Thank you, Peter.
Despite the great news, we need to keep up the pressure on Pepsi until we obtain what we want -- a stronger palm oil policy that applies to all of Pepsi’s operations, including suppliers and business partners like Indofood.
Because punishing rogue companies like Indofood should be the rule, not the exception.
Please help us secure a final victory by making a small monthly donation today.
Image of orangutan
Indofood’s palm oil subsidiary IndoAgri is one of the industry’s worst offenders. Multiple investigations have exposed a culture of intimidation towards its workers, the destruction of rainforest orangutan habitat and labour violations, including the use of child workers.
Since the summer, over 150,000 SumOfUs members like you signed the petition telling Pepsi’s departing CEO Indra Nooyi to clear her legacy of Indofood’s palm oil violations. Over 4000 of us sent her tweets, and 69,000 people watched our campaign video online -- putting even more public pressure on the company and CEO. We were also piling the pressure on Nestlé.
In a statement just released, PepsiCo said;
“We have taken steps to ensure our direct suppliers have placed a moratorium on sourcing [palm oil] from IndoAgri. We will review this decision on a regular basis, taking into consideration developments in the RSPO complaint process and actions taken by IndoAgri.”
But while Pepsi has decided to punish Indofood this time, it still hasn’t fixed a loophole in its existing palm oil policy that normally allows its business partners and suppliers to destroy the rainforest and exploit workers. And Pepsi still holds a Joint Venture Partnership with Indofood, co-branding products in Asia.
Can you make a small monthly donation now to help keep up the pressure on Pepsi to be a true sustainable palm oil leader? We’ve come so far, and Pepsi is clearly listening to our campaign, so your donation can help push it over the line soon.
Yes - I’ll make a small monthly gift to help secure more palm oil victories from Pepsi, to protect the orangutans, Indonesia’s rainforests and palm oil workers for good.
Pepsi and Nestlé’s announcements, to cut Indofood out of their supply chains for now, are a really positive step in the right direction -- and could set a new precedent for industry standards.
But we’re still calling on Pepsi to enshrine gold standard, comprehensive “No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation” rules into its palm oil policy - and to require all its business partners (like Indofood) and palm oil suppliers to do the same. And if Pepsi’s partners don’t comply, it needs to drop them for good like Nestlé has done this week.
Yes - I’ll make a small monthly gift to help secure more palm oil victories from Pepsi, to protect the orangutans, Indonesia’s rainforests and palm oil workers for good.
For now, let’s celebrate the significant progress we’ve made.
Persuading Pepsi to suspend sourcing palm oil from one of the industry’s worst offenders is a big step forwards. And Nestlé’s decision to end its partnership with Indofood for good is even bigger!
It almost certainly wouldn’t have happened if not for the pressure of hundreds of thousands of SumOfUs members like you, speaking up to defend our rainforests, the orangutans, and palm oil workers.
So once again Peter, thanks for everything you do,
Fatah, Rebecca and the team at SumOfUs
More information:
PepsiCo drops palm oil supplier known for human rights abuses, Food Dive, 27 September 2018
PepsiCo: Profits Over People and Planet, Rainforest Action Network, April 2017
Why junk food giants are cutting ties with palm oil producers, New Daily, 3 October 2018