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Activism ... Freedom United
Workplace Conditions

Fight slavery in the Thai chicken industry ... Hold Betagro accountable for its supply chain


Peter Burgess

Campaign Update: July 11, 2018: Great news! Today, a Bangkok Court read its verdict in the criminal defamation case filed against the 14 workers and found them not guilty. This is a landmark ruling for migrant workers’ rights in Thailand, but we are still waiting to see the 14 Myanmar workers receive the compensation they are owed.

Fight slavery in the Thai chicken industry

“We were treated like slaves, all day and all night we had to work. I don’t want anyone else to have to face the same ordeal.” Nayto, Survivor

Late June 2016, 14 migrant workers escaped a chicken farm in the Lopburi region of Thailand. Their reports of harsh treatment, exhaustive hours and despicable work conditions made instant headlines.1

These workers are now safe, sheltered by our partner the Migrant Worker Rights Network (MWRN) in Thailand. However, with no means to survive, they urgently need to receive their owed compensation to rebuild their lives and find decent work.

The 14 workers told MWRN that they were subjected to abusive supervisors, working hours that stretched through the day and night. With little to no time off, they endured terrible living conditions – sometimes forced to sleep alongside the hatchlings. Trapped on an isolated farm, workers could only leave for a single two-hour supervised trip per week. Their passports were confiscated, preventing them from leaving.

“I worked for 4 and a half years, often cramming 2 days’ work into one. I’m tired now and want to go home.” Myint, Survivor.

Betagro are one of Thailand’s largest chicken exporters, supplying chicken for pet food and ready-made meals, and until recently, were a major buyer from this farm.2 They have the power to make sure these workers receive owed compensation, but we’re pretty sure they won’t do it unless they feel public pressure. Will you help?

Reports we have since received, suggest that exploitation is widespread in Thailand’s poultry industry – with similar cases found in other chicken farms.

Call on Betagro to show responsibility by investigating conditions for all workers in their poultry supply chains and ensuring these 14 survivors receive their owed compensation without delay.
Nan Win’s Story

Nan Win Thai Chicken Industry

Nan Win grew up in Myanmar, earning a meagre living growing rice and beans. With a need to provide more for his family, he made the decision to migrate to Thailand to work for a commercial chicken farm. But it was far from what he expected.

“I think it is like modern slavery, because we had to work so hard and got so little money.”

Nan Win’s passport was taken, his movements were controlled, and he worked 19 hours for at least 40 consecutive days, receiving just a fraction of what he was owed — the equivalent of just 45 cents an hour. He slept in a room next to 28,000 chickens, constantly monitoring the power supply to industrial fans to ensure the chickens didn’t overheat.

His opportunity to escape came when he spotted something on social media from local organization MWRN. He made contact, which led the way for the escape of all 14 workers.3

Photograph by Maximillian Scott-Murray

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International Labor Rights Forum

ILRF's leadership and commitment to labour rights around the world is an exceptional asset to our work here.
Zoe Birchall, Advocacy Officer

International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF) is a human rights organization that advocates for workers globally. It holds global corporations accountable for labor rights violations in their supply chains, advances policies and laws that protect workers, and strengthens workers’ ability to advocate for their rights. ILRF works with trade unions, faith-based organizations, and community groups to support workers and their families.

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