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People ... Amanda Mackenzie OBE Initiative ... Project Everyone


Peter Burgess

amanda mackenzie OBE CCMO at Aviva & Chair Project Everyone, Mothercare NED, National Youth Orchestra Board London, Greater London, United KingdomInsurance Current Project Everyone, Mothercare, Lord Davies Review on women on boards Previous British Gas, HP, BT Education INSEAD 500+ connectionsSend a messageEndorseMore options

Project Everyone

Global Citizen Global Citizen Subscribe41,101 Add to Share More 9,247 views 41 23 Transcript English (Automatic Captions) 0:00this is Liam Neeson I just need one minute of your time 0:04when here's a unbelievable plan 0:07that is actually been agreed by all the countries in the world 0:11and injustice and extreme poverty fight climate change 0:15mess trying to add and every said mr. 0:18in the world 0:21I was told that the person to deal with this John Haggerty at the BX 0:25you jump at the opportunity have doing a piece a creative work that 0:29hopefully this helping save the world's I said I've got this idea 0:33which i think will be fantastic and he said it says in the UN it's about the 0:37announcement at the 0:39goals in the pile and that he said but 0:42the key thing is that everyone in the land all 0:46animals so if you're making an animation idea 0:49then working with altman is just pretty there almost certainly the best in the 0:53world 0:54when they purchased but we have a plan I but me it was a no brainer 0:58absolutely the classic no brainer because it's like a mini 1:02a meal all a frustum it is a nice is a big time to play actually 1:07it had a fantastic creative team behind it John Richard that was 1:11extremely compelling and then most importantly it's about something that 1:15means something it has 1:16it's important subject to were killed so it will he will get behind it 1:21able to feel good about it listing this is so important 1:24creatively for us the big decision was how to design yells 1:28how far to and super more fires than so we're not saying we have 1:33artists who are creating our character signs we have CGI artists who are 1:38creating all 1:39characters and environments they comprise of 1:42smaller teams to you deal with the actual animation 1:46the texturing the rendering as old monitor processes 1:50events making this film so I just thought the the animal it introduces 1:54%uh the commercials you don't realize you're going to suddenly see animals 1:58is a llama and I just find bob was just 2:01very funny 2:03CC the law by Goethe just a sketch 2:06to what looks like a sort about Matic that violates this perfectly realized 2:11as it were realistic evolved very lucky to have 2:14so involved in this because course what they've done is they've managed to 2:18a.m. get all the cinemas globally and they were the first people to come on 2:22board say let's try to do something that's trying to add 2:25every Sat Mar the world simple really 2:29sites me about it apart from being on cinema is that you know we're also going 2:33to demonstrate how the cinema now 2:35well talk directly to the audience not just in terms of imagery 2:39but actually follows through what we doing this said to me 2:42is we're asking people to leave their mobile as on leave the 2:46leave their their phones on on silent obviously and 2:49the actual ad on the screen will communicate with your phone 2:52and Leah base is the voice of God at the and 2:56I and this is just going to be such an exciting 2:59too but surcharge towards the end to get this add 3:02I'm hoping that people will see the ad remember it 3:05talk about it share and that look into it 3:08actually find that if you're a person who cares passionately about the world 3:12in 3:13anyway these goals are going to be one of the big machines by which changes 3:17happened so I hope people will watch last 3:21share AKD 3:25and Published on Jun 25, 2015 Project Everyone was founded on the principles of ending injustice, ending extreme poverty and fighting climate change. In preparation of the UN's Global Goals announcement in September, world renown ad agency, BBH and animation studio, Aardman have joined forces to create the first global cinema campaign for worldwide release. Category Nonprofits & Activism License Standard YouTube License

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