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Victor Pinchuk Foundation

Victor Pinchuk Foundation ... 7th Philanthropic Roundtable / 7-й Круглий стіл з питань благодійності в Давосі


Peter Burgess

WEF Davos 2015 ... 7th Philanthropic Roundtable / 7-й Круглий стіл з питань благодійності в Давосі

7th Philanthropic Roundtable organized by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation on the occasion of the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

The topic of the discussion is how to take philanthropy to the next level: how can social goals be achieved by including the private sector through gathering like-minded business leaders, each with an eye towards changing society and creating a more just and fair distribution of resources.

Participants of the panel: Mr. Bill Gates, Co-Chair and Trustee of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Sir Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group, and Professor Muhammad Yunus, Founder of Grameen Bank, Chairman of the Yunus Center, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2006). Rt Hon Tony Blair, Patron of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation moderates the discussion.

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