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Geoff Kendall

Dialog TPB with Geoff Kendall


Peter Burgess

Peter Burgess (@TrueValueMetric) 08/12/2014 16:13

@geoffkendall This might interest you, my version of your initiative!…

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Message 1

Gmail Peter Burgess Re. your work on True Value Metrics 10 messages Geoff Kendall Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 6:52 AM To:

Hi Peter,

Many thanks for alerting me to your work - very interesting! Would you like to arrange a brief call to discuss where we’re both up to?

best, Geoff Dr Geoff Kendall, Co-Founder & CEO 3D Investment Foundation

E M +44 7739 159662 T @geoffkendall

Message 2

Peter Burgess Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 8:55 AM To: Geoff Kendall Dear Geoff

I would love to talk to you at your convenience ... telephone or Skype.

I have been saying for some time now that there is a growing community of people working in this space ... metrics for a better world, that is, but I argue that most of the initiatives add a lot more work for the users of these systems without adding enough value. I like the fact that you have a section that is about quantifying things and that you also appreciate that a huge amount of relevant work has already been done at the scientific level that cannot easily be used on the corporate management / investment space.

My quick impression is that the big difference between your work with your initiative and my own is that you still have the performance of the business organization / investment as the focal point. I am trying to have the data architecture such that one can look at the performance of something from a variety of additional perspectives, not only the business/investment perspective. My reason for this is that when investment results and corporate results are optimized in a world where productivity is improving, then people (who are not owners) and society are likely to be losers. Also, if the data can be used to focus on the performance of place / planet, then again there can be an optimized result.

My US (1) landline number 570 431 4385 is better than the cell phone. Skype is peterburgessnyc I am, of course in the US near New York on Eastern Standard Time.

Exciting times


____________ Peter Burgess TrueValueMetrics ... Meaningful Metrics for a Smart Society Multi Dimension Impact Accounting linkedIn: twitter: @truevaluemetric @peterbnyc mobile: 212 744 6469 landline 570 431 4385 email: skype: peterburgessnyc

Message 3

Geoff Kendall Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 9:54 AM To: Peter Burgess

Hi Peter,

Yes it’s an interesting distinction, and I see why you’ve taken the approach you have. I’m wrestling with how to ensure that this doesn’t just become about optimising within a harmful context, while at the same time framing things in a way that companies and investors will find easy to engage with. It’s far from easy to strike that balance, so it would be good to exchange thoughts. Could you speak at noon Eastern time next Tuesday (20th)?



Dr Geoff Kendall, Co-Founder & CEO 3D Investment Foundation E M +44 7739 159662 T @geoffkendall

Message 4

Peter Burgess Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 11:36 AM To: Geoff Kendall

Dear Geoff

Tuesday 20th at noon EST sounds good to me.

I think I came to my analysis architecture in large part because I am bothered by the way in which technology ---> productivity ---> less labor | more profit ---> good for owners | bad for workers., Rather, I want to see good for owners | good for workers + good for society | good for environment.

The other dimension / perspective is PRODUCT. People interact with product (goods and services) and they make the 'buy' or 'not to buy' decision. So we need a set of metrics around products that is not only about the price and the marketing/advertising message, but also about the whole impact story of the product ... the life cycle story from the raw material extraction to the supply chain processes to the use and then the post use waste chain. Getting people to make better 'buy' or 'not to buy' decisions changes the market and this changes the decisions about manufacturing.

I also like the double entry accounting construct ... change in balance sheet = profit for the period. Can we use this as powerfully for impact on people and planet as we do with conventional accounting for profit. I think we can.

As I always say ... exciting times


____________ Peter Burgess TrueValueMetrics ... Meaningful Metrics for a Smart Society Multi Dimension Impact Accounting linkedIn: twitter: @truevaluemetric @peterbnyc mobile: 212 744 6469 landline 570 431 4385 email: skype: peterburgessnyc

Message 5

Geoff Kendall Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 12:02 PM To: Peter Burgess

Hi Peter,

I’ll be about 10 minutes late if you don’t mind - need to make an emergency bank transfer!

Speak to you soon, Geoff

Message 6

Peter Burgess Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 1:06 AM To: Geoff Kendall

OOPS .... this is embarrassing

I had my own small banking crisis over the weekend which was aggravated by the Martin Luther King bank holiday on Monday ... so I got into banking mode this morning rather than attending to other things ... and then missed our telephone appointment completely


I would very much like to have a conversation to share possible common thoughts ... hopefully I will not miss a telephone appointment a second time.


____________ Peter Burgess TrueValueMetrics ... Meaningful Metrics for a Smart Society Multi Dimension Impact Accounting linkedIn: twitter: @truevaluemetric @peterbnyc landline 570 431 4385 email: skype: peterburgessnyc

Message 7

Geoff Kendall Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 12:48 PM To: Peter Burgess No problem Peter, we’ve all done something similar at some point! How about 1pm your time on Monday? best, Geoff

Message 8

Geoff Kendall Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 6:18 AM To: Peter Burgess

Peter, sorry to do this but a potential funder has requested a call today that clashes with the time you and I were due to speak, and I’m afraid I need to put the possibility of money for the project ahead of our stimulating conversation! Is there any chance you’re free to talk some time tomorrow instead?

Thanks for understanding,


Dr Geoff Kendall, Co-Founder & CEO 3D Investment Foundation E M +44 7739 159662 T @geoffkendall

Message 9

Peter Burgess Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 9:47 AM To: Geoff Kendall Geoff, no problem ... an upcoming snow event will be keeping me from moving around anyway ... you name your time


____________ Peter Burgess TrueValueMetrics ... Meaningful Metrics for a Smart Society Multi Dimension Impact Accounting linkedIn: twitter: @truevaluemetric @peterbnyc mobile: 212 744 6469 landline 570 431 4385 email: skype: peterburgessnyc

Message 10

Geoff Kendall Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 1:09 PM To: Peter Burgess

Hi Peter,

I did try you that day but couldn’t get through. Maybe the snow was so bad it knocked your communication lines out? :)

If you’d still like to talk maybe we can find time this week?



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