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The International Multi-Stakeholder Platform for the “Future of Sustainability Reporting” ... October 6/7, 2014 ... Berlin ... Speakers and Panels


Peter Burgess

Home Reporting 3.0 Conference Speakers Schedule Supporters Registration Impact R3_signet_rz Welcome to the Platform on the Future of Sustainability Reporting Vision Mission Concept ... The International Multi-Stakeholder Platform for the “Future of Sustainability Reporting” will work in collaboration with organizations and participants, to support nations, cities and companies to manifest their contribution towards a sustainable future with tangible lasting results. To realize this goal, the existing reporting practice needs to be transformed. The Reporting 3.0 Platform delivers newly evolved approaches and ideas. October 6/7, 2014 2ND ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE REPORTING 3.0 PLATFORM Reporting at the crossroads – ensuring purpose, practicability, performance Microsoft / Berlin Sponsored side event: Big Data for Sustainability – using IT and big data for the future-ready company 2 days Conference More then 25 hours of valuable workshops in 3 separated core Conference themes Great speakers Worldwide crew of experts and practitians from international companies and institutions Core Conference themes The conference addresses the complexity of sustainability reporting by consistently following 3 streams in the course of the two days, in order to respond to the complexity of this topic on different impact levels: Impacting the world Defining ambition levels, metrics and data needs for future-ready reporting strategies Impacting the company Using future-ready information to integrate sustainability strategies on all levels of the company Impacting stakeholders Satisfying the information needs of demanding external stakeholders? Map data ©2014 GeoBasis-DE/BKG (©2009), Google Terms of Use Report a map error Map Satellite 200 m Great speakers with great topics Meet our Speakers Keynotes Experts Practitioner ...

Keynotes Meet our Speakers Keynotes Experts Practitioner ... John Elkington Volans Towards breakthrough capitalism – the role of reporting in a change of age About John Founding Partner & Executive Chairman of Volans and Co-Founder of SustainAbility. John co-authored together with former PUMA CEO Jochen Zeitz the book 'The Breakthrough Challenge: 10 Ways To Connect With Tomorrow’s Bottom Line'. ... Said Dawlabani The Memenomics Group Designing the next-generation economic and reporting system About Said Said is a Lebanese-American cultural economist, author, theorist and consultant, specializing in macromemetic systems and cultural change based on the value-systems approach.

Michael Meehan Global Reporting Initiative Envisaging a longer-term roadmap About Michael Michael Meehan, Chief Executive of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the global standard-setter in sustainability reporting. As a CEO in the sustainability sector for almost two decades, Michael has built several successful clean-tech businesses and also served as advisor for the White House and UNFCCC. ... Ernst Ligteringen Special Advisor GRI Creating a roadmap for transition About Ernst Ernst Ligteringen has been the Chief Executive of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) from 2002 until August 2014. Ernst served as a board member - and later a council member - of the International Integrated Reporting Committee, as a board member of the Natural Capital Coalition, as a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Role of Business and a member of the international advisory board of the ETHOS Institute of Brazil. Prior to joining GRI Ernst worked for more than 20 years in the international development field, helping to lead a number of high-profile non-governmental and international organizations. ... Jan Noterdaeme CSR Europe Impact Measurement & Sustainability Reporting for Small & Medium Enterprises About Jan Co-founder of CSR Europe. Now he acts as Senior Advisor - External Relations for CSR Europe, on behalf of the European C’homme’pany. In 2008 he initiated the process towards CSR Europe’s current flagship “Enterprise 2020” that was launched in 2010 in support to Europe’s Strategy 2020. Jan has also been active in the EC Expert Group and during the EU Trialogue negotiations for the adoption of an EU Directive on Non-Financial Transparency of Enterprises ... Peter Kromminga UPJ Impact Measurement & Sustainability Reporting for Small & Medium Enterprises About Peter Peter acts as the Executive Director of the German National Corporate Citizenship and CSR Network UPJ with small, medium, large and very large corporate members. Moreover UPJ provides quality information, runs programmes and consults businesses on CSR. Through the project CSR Regio.Net UPJ currently qualifies and consults around 75 SME’s on CSR strategies. To further promote and develop responsible business practice UPJ partners with econsense, CSR Europe and Business in the Community. Peter contributes towards it through several mandates e.g. as a member of the European Expert Group on CSR and SMEs convened by GD Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission, and as member of the National CSR Forum, which advises the German Government on the development and the implementation of its CSR Strategy. ... Mark Tulay Global Initiati ve for Sustainability Ratings Rankings and Ratings About Mark Mark Tulay is the COO for the Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings (GISR) and is also the Founder and CEO of Sustainability Risk Advisors. Mark has served in leadership roles in sustainability initiatives for over 20 years. He was the Program Director and the first employee of Ceres, the organization that co-founded the Global Reporting Initiative. He worked at the Nature Conservancy and Greenpeace and served in leadership positions at several sustainability research providers and investment firms, including Citizens Funds and KLD. ... Felix Dodds Global Research Institute Corridors for long term goal setting About Felix Felix Dodds is a Senior Fellow at the Global Research Institute at the University of North Carolina and a Fellow at the Tellus Institute in Boston. For twenty years he was the Executive Director of Stakeholder Forum. In 2011 he chaired the United Nations PDI NGO Conference Sustainable Societies Responsive Citizens. He has edited and written ten books the latest is The Plain language Guide to Rio+20: Preparing for the New Development Agenda. ... Jürgen Janssen United Nations Global Compact Corridors for long term goal setting About Jürgen Jürgen works for the German agency for international cooperation, GIZ, as the coordinator and representative of the German Global Compact Network, which brings together more than 300 business and non-business participants to promote the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact and head the sustainability agenda in Germany. Besides, his current work focuses on the role of finance and innovation in promoting sustainability, sustainability reporting as well as on sustainable business and management models that actively endorse diversity. ... Andrew Rzepa Gallup Breakthrough in stakeholder information demand About Andrew Andrew Rzepa, Senior Consultant, leads Gallup’s Government consulting in Europe. Andrew develops research-based data-led solutions for global organisations within the private, public, and nongovernmental sectors. He leads the Gallup team that assists the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on the ‘Voices of the Hungry’ project, which annually tracks global food security. Andrew serves as a member on a number of steering groups include the Measuring ‘National Well-Being Technical Advisory Group’ within the UK Office for National Statistics, the ‘Attitude Change’ Strategic Planning Work Group for the International Special Olympics and is a member of ESOMAR. ... Robert Rubinstein Triple Bottom Line Investors Sustainability benefits for stakeholders About Robert A pioneer of sustainable investing with a proven track record, Robert Rubinstein through his TBLI GROUP moves private capital by focusing on what really moves markets: self-interest, opportunity and money flows. Combining eco-effectiveness with market rate returns, TBLI makes the case and the connections for smart sustainable investment. One of the largest international networks in sustainable finance, our activities and products include networking events, advisory services and a knowledge center highlighting scalability and best practices. ... Peter Paul van de Wijs GlobeScan Sustainability benefits for stakeholders About Peter Paul Senior associate at GlobeScan. He is an expert in reputation and sustainability management and works with companies to capturing the full value of their sustainability efforts in an ever changing world. Peter Paul is a former Managing Director of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and has been responsible for public reporting at The Dow Chemical Company. ... Robin Wood ThriveAbility Foundation Breakthrough in stakeholder information demand About Robin Dr. Robin Wood is Founder of the ThriveAbility Foundation. The ThriveAbiliy Index and Assessment enable organisations to take transparent strategic decisions that enhance the thrival of their key stakeholders with a lower footprint through irresistible innovation breakthroughs. ... Adrian de Groot Ruiz True Price Foundation Breakthrough in true costing, true pricing, true taxation About Adrian Executive Director of True Price, a social enterprise that promotes transpancy about true prices and helps companies achieve lower true prices and higher true profits. Previously, Adriam was Assistant Professor of Finance at Radboud University, where he specialized in behavioral economics and sustainable finance. Adrian holds an MSc in econometrics and a PhD in Economics. He is member of the Global Shapers community of the World Economic Forum, member of the think tank Worldconnectors and blogs on the Huffington Post. ... Richard Mattison Trucost Breakthrough in true costing, true pricing, true taxation About Richard Chief Executive of Trucost, the leading provider of natural capital measurement and valuation. Richard has advised various UN bodies and governments on environmental reporting and ecosystem services and has led groundbreaking projects including developing the world’s first Environmental Profit and Loss account for PUMA, valuing the environmental externalities of the world’s 3,000 largest companies for the UN Principles for Responsible Investment, and producing the UK Government’s Environmental Reporting Guidelines for Business. ... Rodney Irwin WBCSD Science-based sustainability goals About Rodney Managing Director of Redefining Value and Education at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in Geneva. In this role, Rodney is responsible for a portfolio of projects designed to advance the measurement and valuation of externalities to take sustainable development into the mainstream reporting of an organization. ... Mark McElroy Center for Sustainable Organizations Science-based sustainability goals About Mark Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Sustainable Organizations and the original developer of the Context-Based Sustainability method. Mark is a principal at Thomas & McElroy LLC, creators of the MultiCapital Scorecard™, and a veteran of management consulting, including time spent at PwC, Deloitte and KPMG. He as well is the lead author of 'Corporate Sustainability Management – The Art and Science of Managing Non-Financial Performance'. ... Bill Baue Sustainability Context Group Corporate growths perspectives About Bill Internationally recognized expert on Sustainability Context and Co-Founder of the Sustainability Context Group. Bill teaches in the Marlboro Sustainability MBA, and serves on the Technical Advisory Group of the WWF / WRI / CDP 'Mind the Science, Mind the Gap' initiative on setting science-based carbon targets. ... Bastian Buck GRI Materiality and Integrated Thinking About Bastian Director Reporting Standard for the Global Reporting Initiative. Bastian's recent project portfolio included the management and facilitation of all G4 multi-stakeholder expert Working Groups and the other due process related content creation for the G4 Guidelines. Bastian is now focusing with his team on supporting the roll-out of G4 and organizing the future technical revisions projects. ... Thomas Scheiwiller SASB Materiality and Integrated Thinking About Thomas Advisory Council Ambassador of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and former global managing Partner of PwC’s sustainability team. Thomas was heading the Governance, Risk & Compliance team for PwC Switzerland between 2003-2012. From June 2012 to June 2013 he was a Director with AccountAbility heading their Advisory business. Since June 2013 he is a fully independent advisor and member of several advisory boards. ... Geoff Kendall Future-Fit-Business Benchmark Science-based sustainability goals About Geoff Co-founder of 3D Investment Foundation. The purpose of this non-profit entity is to help shift the economic system onto a more sustainable footing, through the creation and promotion of a new open source benchmark that helps business leaders and investors assess the 'future fitness’ of companies. Geoff holds a PhD in artificial intelligence, and co-founded two software businesses.

Practitioner ... Jvan Gaffuri RobecoSAM Rankings and Ratings About Jvan Jvan Gaffuri is a senior sustainability manager in the Sustainability Services team within RobecoSAM. He joined RobecoSAM in 2006 as a senior equity analyst in RobecoSAM’s research team covering the technology and pollution control sectors. From 2001 to 2006 he worked as a Portfolio Manager/Financial Analyst for Japanese and Asia/Pacific (deputy for USA) equities at Swiss Life managing several mutual funds. Before that, he worked a number of years in the Investment Research department of the Banca del Gottardo. Thereby he was in charge of the analysis of equity markets in Japan and in the Asia/Pacific region. Jvan Gaffuri studied economics at the University of St. Gallen. He holds a diploma as Certified EFFAS Financial Analyst (CEFA). ... Volker Weber Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen Sustainability benefits for stakeholders About Volker Volker Weber is CEO of MAMA Sustainable Incubation AG, located in Berlin. Focusing exclusively on sustainability, the company funds and develops innovative and profitable technologies, projects and companies and actively supports go-to-market, business development and internationalization ventures. Volker Weber acts as chairman of the board of directors of the “Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V” (FNG) since September 2007. Before he was employed as senior director by several financial Institutions in Germany and Switzerland. ... Julia Täschner Deutsche Börse Group Rankings and Ratings About Julia Since January 2009 Julia Täschner has been responsible for the Corporate Responsibility engagement of Deutsche Börse Group. Julia and her team have pooled and expanded the group wide activities and support the departments in advancing the Group’s sustainability initiatives in line with the overall strategy. In addition, Julia Taeschner is in charge of the Group’s own sustainability reporting and represents Deutsche Börse Group internally and externally with regard to Corporate Responsibility. ... Guido Axmann THEMA 1 Sustainability benefits for stakeholders About Guido A graduate in Medicine, Guido Axmann is co-founder and managing director of THEMA1, an independent Berlin-based think-do-tank specialised in accelerating societal change. THEMA1 initiates projects in the fields of sustainable consumption, renewable energy, a green music and entertainment industry, and mass mobilisation of the public towards a vibrant sustainable future. Each of THEMA1’s activities is defined by the strong belief of its founders that ‘Talk without action means nothing‘. ... Helle Bank Jørgensen Global Facilitator for the UNGC Board Programme / Chairmwomen eRevalue Envisaging a longer-term roadmap About Helle Helle Bank Jorgensen has worked with leading companies and organizations within sustainability and climate change for 25 years. She is a global board facilitator for the UN Global Compact Board Programme and the Head of the UN Global Compact in Canada. Helle gained the majority of her experience during various roles at PricewaterhouseCoopers, including 11 years as a Partner in Denmark and the US. Originally a business lawyer, Helle graduated with a Master of Science degree in business administration and auditing in 1994, when she also became an Environmental Management Systems consultant. She qualified as a state Authorized Public Accountant (CPA) in Denmark in 1997. She was the creator of the world’s first green account, assisted in creation of the world’s first integrated report and is working on Natural Capital Accounting. Further, she is the principle organizer for NVIR, the CEO/Investor-network for Business Ethics and Non-Financial Reporting, and has led many international assignments within strategy, supply chain responsibility, reporting, stakeholder engagement and assurance. Helle has extensive experience providing strategic and operational guidance to all functions within an organization. Helle has also completed the Global Reporting Initiative Certified Training Course based on G4 Reporting Guidelines. ... Ben Ramsden Pants to Poverty Breakthrough in true costing, true pricing, true taxation About Ben With a track record in sales and marketing, international development, grass routes mobilisation and organisational development, Ben Ramsden established the underwear brand Pants to Poverty in 2005, in order to develop a prototype for a business model that is profitably aligned with the needs of society and the environment. The Pants to Poverty value chain community - including Chetna Organic and Armstrong Knitting Mills and retail outlets across more than 20 countries - is supported by the charity Pi Foundation which has developed a new social, environmental and financial accounting toolkit, the 3DPnL, to enable companies to measure, monetise and maximise their profits in all 3 dimensions. This prototype is now being adopted by networks of businesses and proving that business is better in 3D. ... Clara Barby Bridges Ventures Impact Measurement & Sustainability Reporting for Small & Medium Enterprises About Clara Partner & Head of IMPACT+. At Bridges Ventures, Clara takes the lead on the fund’s IMPACT strategy throughout the investment cycle. In addition, Clara leads IMPACT+, Bridges’ advisory efforts to promote the growth of the wider sustainable and impact investment sector. Before joining Bridges, Clara focused her career on investing in innovative high-impact businesses. Clara is a member of the Standards Advisory Council of the Global Impact Investing Rating System (GIIRS) and on the Admissions Panel of the Social Stock Exchange. ... Sibylle Duncker Otto Group Breakthrough in true costing, true pricing, true taxation About Sibylle Sibylle Duncker, Senior Manager Social Compliance for the Otto Group. As a biologist she started in 1998 to work for the Otto Groups Environmental and Social policy, main focus on the implementation of Environmental Management Systems. From 2001-2003 she additionally worked as a senior consultant for Systain developing and implementing sustainability concepts, sustainability reports and social responsibility in the Supply Chain. Since 2005 she is responsible for developing and implementing the Social Management System for the Otto Group. ... Andreas Renner B-Corporation Germany Impact Measurement & Sustainability Reporting for Small & Medium Enterprises About Andreas Andreas Renner is founding CEO of GEXSI Capital Partners, an impact investment advisory firm based in Berlin which evolved from an initiative launched at of the World Economic Forum in 2001: GEXSI - The Global Exchange for Social Investment. Andreas is a member of the board of several high-impact ventures. Before joining GEXSI, Andreas worked as senior consultant for a company that pioneered participatory multi-stakeholder processes as a management tool for both the private and public sector. GEXSI has recently been nominated official country partner of the B-Lab Foundation to promote the movement of Certified B-Corporations in Germany, which by now comprises more than 1,000 companies in 36 countries around the globe. ... Ton van Keken Interface Envisaging a longer-term roadmap About Ton Ton van Keken is Senior Vice President of Operations at Interface in Europe, Middle East and Africa. The company is a worldwide leader in the design and production of carpet tiles. As a member of the European Executive Team, Ton has specific responsibility for developing and executing the Operations Strategy, which includes technology, supply chain management, procurement, distribution and manufacturing. Moreover Ton is the chairman of the Dutch Organisation of Carpet Manufacturers “VNTF” and board member of the Dutch Organisation in Fashion, Textiles, Interiors and Carpet “MODINT”. ... Thorsten Pinkepank BASF Materiality and Integrated Thinking About Thorsten Thorsten Pinkepank is Director Corporate Sustainability Relations at BASF. After completing his education in business administration and studying political science, mass-communication and psychology, he helped in establishing a political and business consulting institute. There he developed and moderated projects on sustainability issues on national and local levels for business and politics. In 2002, he moved to BASF and has held various positions in political communications. He then headed the HR advocacy and communications unit before taking over responsibility for BASF's Corporate Sustainability Relations. He is engaged in the steering bodies of several sustainability networks, e.g. the steering committees of econsense and of the German Global Compact Network (DGCN). He is Member of the Board of CSR Europe and Member of the Stakeholder Council of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). ... Florian Holl Verso Breakthrough in software technology About Florian Founding Partner VERSO and CEO Verso Central Europe GmbH. After experiencing the lack of CR information as an ingenious consumer, Florian supported the birth of VERSO and decided in 2010 to bring the idea to Central Europe. He is now responsible for VERSO´s activities in Europe and is a integral part of the strategic management team in Finland. ... Frank Müller SAP Breakthrough in software technology About Frank For more than 14 years the consultant has been active in various functions on IT supported Sustainability Management. Based on his international assignments as a researcher, entrepreneur and consultant he offers extensive know-how to design and implement intercultural, multinational projects. ... Marjella Alma eRevalue Breakthrough in software technology About Marjella Chief Executive Officer and provides the vision and gives strategic direction to eRevalue. She is a former Director of the Global Reporting Initiative - the most widely used standard for sustainability reporting. She is a technical expert in the sustainability field and she worked with regulators, government, business, stock exchanges and civil society groups in Europe and North America in the last 7 years. ... Lothar Rieth International Integrated Reporting Council Materiality and Integrated Thinking About Lothar Group Expert Sustainability at EnBW Energie Baden- Württemberg AG. Lothar is co-supervisor of the group-wide project Integrated Reporting. Previously he worked as assistant professor at the department of politics at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, doing research in fields such as CSR, sustainability and globalization studies, where he authored numerous publications. ... Geanne van Arkel Interface Corridors for long term goal setting About Geanne Sustainable Business Development Director at Inferface. Geanne has a creative, strategic approach for embedding sustainability within organizations and has been working for Interface since over eleven years. She sees sustainable development as a key driver for innovation, believing full product transparency based on life cycle assessments to be the driving force.

Conference Programme Reporting at the crossroads – ensuring purpose, practicability, performance October 6/7, 2014 | Venue: Berlin, Unter der Linden 17 (Microsoft Atrium) R3_dotties_DAY1_140707 8.00-10.00 Registration, Welcome Coffee, Networking Opportunities 10.00-10.30 Welcome By The Organizer – Introduction to Reporting 3.0 and Conference Design – Sebastian Straube & Ralph Thurm 10.30-11.15 INTRODUCTORY KEYNOTE Towards breakthrough capitalism – the role of reporting in a change of age – John Elkington, Volans John Elkington, Volans 11.15-12.30 BREAKPOINT 1 From ‚less bad’ to ‚net positive impact’ – envisaging a longer-term roadmap and defining the milestones to future-readiness in corporate reporting C-Suite Panel Helle Bank Jørgensen, Global Facilitator for the UNGC Board Programme / Chairwomen eRevalue Ton van Keken, Senior Vice President Interface EMEA Michael Meehan, Chief Executive Global Reporting Initiative Richard Mattison, CEO TruCost Ralph_Thurm_large Moderation: Ralph Thurm, BSD 12.30-14.00 Lunch break and networking opportunity Side Event: Start Up Pitch – Big Sustainability Data Analytics & Visualization Florian Holl, Verso Clusters Marjella Alma, eRevalue Markus Schulz, Changers Nils-Claudio Sierck, Crowd Impact Johnny West, Open Oil Moderator: Sebastian Straube, BSD 14.00-15.30 BREAKOUT (Round 1) Where we are and what are the major challenges? introducing 3 core conference themes Impacting the world Corporate growth perspectives in a resource-constrained world and long-term target setting– why do we read so little in sustainability reports? Geoff Kendall, 3D Investment Foundation Speaker 2 (t.b.c.) Marion Fürst, Sustainable business development Bill Baue, Sustainability Context Group Moderator: Ralph Thurm, BSD Impacting the company Materiality and Integrated Thinking in Reporting Standards – will these new concepts help to get all internal stakeholders bought in? Bastian Buck, Global Reporting Initiative Lothar Rieth, International Integrated Reporting Council Thomas Scheiwiller, SASB Thorsten Pinkepank, BASF Moderator: Sebastian Straube, BSD Impacting stakeholders Reports don’t cut it – why is it so difficult to attract stakeholders to the benefits of sustainability? Guido Axmann, THEMA 1 Robert Rubinstein, Triple Bottom Line Investors Peter Paul van de Wijs, GlobeScan Volker Weber, Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen Moderator: Thomas Petruschke, BSD 15.30-16.30 Coffee break and networking opportunity 16.30-18.00 BREAKOUT (Round 2) Where we need to move towards and what current developments helping to face the challenges? Impacting the world Sustainable Development Goals or Net-Positive Impact Goals as Corridors for aligned long-term goal-setting – what will cut the fluff? Jürgen Janssen, United Nations Global Compact Felix Dodds, Global Research Institute Marion Fürst, Sustainable business development Geanne van Arkel, Interface Moderator: Ralph Thurm, BSD Impacting the company Science-based goals for the use in corporate functions – how to plan the transition and gain buy-in for the green & inclusive economy internally? Geoff Kendall, 3D Investment Foundation Andreas Bollongino, CG Controlling Mark McElroy, Centre for Sustainable Organizations Rodney Irwin, WBCSD Moderator: Sebastian Straube, BSD Impacting stakeholders Ranking & Ratings – from best in class to proof for good for consumers and investors? Julia Täschner, Deutsche Börse Group Jvan Gaffuri, RobecoSAM Mark Tulay, Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings Paul Simpson, CDP (t.b.c.) Moderator: Thomas Petruschke, BSD 18.00-19.00 Drinks R3_dotties_DAY2_140707 8.00-9.00 Registration, Welcome Coffee, Networking Opportunities 9.00–9.15 Introduction to Day 2 of the conference – Ralph Thurm, BSD 9.15-10.00 INTRODUCTORY KEYNOTE Designing the next-generation economic and reporting system – Said Dawlabani, The Memenomics Group (Author of bestselling book ‘Memenonics’) Said Dawlabani, The Memenomics Group 10.00-11.15 BREAKPOINT 2 International hotspots in the agenda for future-fit reporting International Session – Speakers to be announced soon Ralph_Thurm_large Moderation: Ralph Thurm, BSD 11.15-11.45 Coffee break and networking opportunity 11.45-13.00 BREAKPOINT 3 Impact Measurement & Sustainability Reporting for Small & Medium Enterprises Jan Noterdaeme, CSR Europe Andreas Renner, B-Corporation Germany Gerd Hofielen, Common Economy Germany Clara Barby, Bridges Ventures Peter Kromminga, UPJ EU Commission, (t.b.c.) Moderation: Sebastian Straube, BSD 13.00-14.15 Lunch break and networking opportunity 14.15-15.45 BREAKTHROUGHS Are they possible and what agendas, participation possibilities and framework conditions are needed to foster and mainstream progressive developments? Impacting the world True costing, true pricing, true taxation as necessary breakthrough for new economic system boundaries – will they be able to reach the necessary political and corporate agenda? Sibylle Duncker, Otto Group Richard Mattison, Trucost Adrian de Groot Ruiz, True Price Foundation Ben Ramsden, Pants to Poverty Moderator: Thomas Petruschke, BSD Impacting the company Use of breakthrough software technology to serve the needs of data integration for a green & inclusive economy Florian Holl, Verso Frank Müller, SAP Marjella Alma, eRevalue Johnny West, Open Oil Moderator: Sebastian Straube, BSD Impacting stakeholders Guiding stakeholder information demand, fostering stakeholder behavior change and initiatives that enable transformation Robin Wood, ThriveAbility Foundation Helle Bank Jørgensen, UNGC / Chairwoman eRevalue Andrew Rzepa, Gallup Steve Waygood, Aviva Investors (t.b.c.) Ralph Thurm, BSD 15.45-16.15 Coffee break and networking opportunity 16.15-17.30 Synopsis: Breakpoints, Breakouts, Breakthroughs. Creating a roadmap for transition Rapporteur Team under the lead of Ernst Ligteringen, Ex-CE GRI; Reflections by Said Dawlabani, Moderator: Ralph Thurm Ernst Ligteringen, Special Advisor GRI Said Dawlabani, The Memenomics Group Moderation: Ralph Thurm, BSD 17.30-17.45 Closing of the conference by BSD and adjourn 17.45 END Download Program The Organizer reserves the rights to change the final schedule Please meet the Supporters of the Future on Sustainability Reporting Platform Supporters Transition Lab Supporters Conference Supporters Conference Sponsors Media Partners Available soon… Register today & join the Reporting 3.0 Movement Sell Tickets Online through Eventbrite Subscribe and get detailed information Worldwide Events R3_dotties_Upcoming_140707 R3_header_20008_safe Transition Lab 3 December 2014 Transition Lab 3 – Sustainable Business Models New ways of value creation and how they instigate change in reporting December 05, 2014, 1pm – 6pm GIZ House, Reichpietschufer 20, 10785 Berlin The idea of a ‚green & inclusive economy’ instigates a lively discussion about the ways to get there. While governance and incentives play an important role for consumers and investors both ways, it is mainly corporate innovation that needs to achieve new pathways through new and sustainable business models. The third transition lab is therefore starting with the question ‚ what IS a truly sustainable business model’ and then looks at various streams in which components are inherited. Think of the circular economy, regenerative or restorative business models, clean technology, or the sharing economy. We will look into the developments around a ‚sustainable business model canvas’, ways to organize entrepreneurial collaboration around the target of a ‚green & inclusive economy’, but will also return to the consequences of these for corporate reporting. How will profit/loss accounts change, what will all of this mean for the balance sheet and its interpretation, and how will ‚success’ be reported to the stakeholders in sustainability or integrated reports? R3_header_20003 Reporting 3.0 Kick Off Event China September 2014 Reporting 3.0 Roundtable Insights on the Future of Sustainability Reporting form the Chinese perspective September 05, 2014 Microsoft Accelerator Beijing, China BSD has initiated a worldwide dialog around the Future of Sustainability Reporting in various regions it is represented, building on the initial sold-out conference in Berlin, Germany, in September 2013. A one-year program of transition labs to further deepen insights on the most important issues is in full swing in 2014 in Europe, and on 6/7 October the 2nd annual conference in Berlin, Germany, titled ‚Reporting at the crossraods – ensuring purpose, practicability, performance’ has been announced. For this purpose BSD is inviting to a preparatory Roundtable in China, too. The aim of the Roundtables is to instigate a first round of input around the themes to be discussed at the 6/7 October conference in Berlin, seek high-level speakers for the conference, discuss possibilities of a delegation to be representing the region in Berlin, and to align first steps for a couple of transition labs, to be held directly in the region in 2015. R3_header_20004_safe Reporting 3.0 Kick Off Event USA September 2014 Reporting 3.0 Roundtable Insights on the Future of Sustainability Reporting form the US perspective September, USA (exact date & place to be announced soon) BSD has initiated a worldwide dialog around the Future of Sustainability Reporting in various regions it is represented, building on the initial sold-out conference in Berlin, Germany, in September 2013. A one-year program of transition labs to further deepen insights on the most important issues is in full swing in 2014 in Europe, and on 6/7 October the 2nd annual conference in Berlin, Germany, titled ‚Reporting at the crossraods – ensuring purpose, practicability, performance’ has been announced. For this purpose BSD is inviting to a preparatory Roundtable in the US, too. The aim of the Roundtables is to instigate a first round of input around the themes to be discussed at the 6/7 October conference in Berlin, seek high-level speakers for the conference, discuss possibilities of a delegation to be representing the region in Berlin, and to align first steps for a couple of transition labs, to be held directly in the region in 2015. R3_dotties_Past_140707 035 1st Annual Conference September 06, 2013 1st Annual Conference of the Reporting 3.0 Platform A critical reflection of the status quo of the ongoing development of Sustainability Reporting in the European and international context September 06, 2013, 09 am – 06 pm, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Schumannstraße 8, 10117 Berlin In September 2013, BSD Germany organized the sold-out conference ‘The Future of Sustainability Reporting’ – a critical reflection of the ongoing developments of Sustainability Reporting in the European and international context.’ The event did cover a plethora of issues and trends that influence the future of non-financial reporting, e.g. the move to integrated reporting, the confusion of the current standards on non-financial reporting, the further internalization of external effects, the implications of planetary boundaries and social developments on corporate growth paradigms, as well as the growing trend of companies to deliver against ‘North Stars’ and commit to ‘net-positive’ targets. documents transition_lab_01_ico Transition Lab 1 April 29, 2014 Transition Lab 1 – Bridging the Sustainability Context Gap Improvement of Context-Based Information as a Prerequisite for Meaningful Sustainability Reports April 29, 2014, 1pm – 6pm, GIZ House, Reichpietschufer 20, 10785 Berlin UN high-level conferences in the last couple of years propagated a ‘Green & Inclusive Economy’ as a counter-model to the paradigm of ever-growing economies, consumerism and individual optimization. It involves the recognition of planetary boundaries and places the desire for human well-being at the center. But can we already measure progress and how much of the journey towards a Green & Inclusive Economy is still yet to come? Starting from the goal-state of a Green & Inclusive Economy, the first Transition Lab 1 delivered possible solutions to significant challenges in this context in an interactive and structured discussion. One particular focus was the role of reporting for the necessary change processes towards the ‘green & inclusive economy’. documents Reporting 3.0 Transition Lab by BSD Transition Lab 2 June 27, 2014 Transition Lab 2 – Convergence in Sustainability Reporting Core Elements of Future-Ready Standards and Frameworks June 27, 2014, 12 pm – 6 pm, GIZ House, Reichpietschufer 20, 10785 Berlin The second Transition Lab in 2014 contributed to the consolidation of the debate around sustainability standards and frameworks, offered opportunities to exchange views on challenges for practical implementation and, based on their convergence, demonstrated approaches that can further increase the impact and relevance of sustainability reporting. In particular, the area around ‘materiality identification’ within the context of requirements for a stable sustainability management process as well as reporting using the six capitals framework of the IIRC as a connector and initial point of comprehensive reporting, was reconsidered. It became clear that clearer convergence is needed and that the six capitals framework needs considerable extra support to take up the role it could have in the aim to create a holistic structure to define ‘sustainable value-added’. documents Contact us BSD Germany Chausseestrasse 33 A, Berlin 10115, Germany +49 1578 030 2571 Show on Google maps Any questions? Drop us a note BSD Consulting © 2014. All rights reserved. strony internetowe, differentiau, headbody, poznan

Home Reporting 3.0 Conference Speakers Schedule Supporters Registration Impact R3_signet_rz Welcome to the Platform on the Future of Sustainability Reporting Vision Mission Concept ... The International Multi-Stakeholder Platform for the “Future of Sustainability Reporting” will work in collaboration with organizations and participants, to support nations, cities and companies to manifest their contribution towards a sustainable future with tangible lasting results. To realize this goal, the existing reporting practice needs to be transformed. The Reporting 3.0 Platform delivers newly evolved approaches and ideas. October 6/7, 2014 2ND ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE REPORTING 3.0 PLATFORM Reporting at the crossroads – ensuring purpose, practicability, performance Microsoft / Berlin Sponsored side event: Big Data for Sustainability – using IT and big data for the future-ready company 2 days Conference More then 25 hours of valuable workshops in 3 separated core Conference themes Great speakers Worldwide crew of experts and practitians from international companies and institutions Core Conference themes The conference addresses the complexity of sustainability reporting by consistently following 3 streams in the course of the two days, in order to respond to the complexity of this topic on different impact levels: Impacting the world Defining ambition levels, metrics and data needs for future-ready reporting strategies Impacting the company Using future-ready information to integrate sustainability strategies on all levels of the company Impacting stakeholders Satisfying the information needs of demanding external stakeholders? Map data ©2014 GeoBasis-DE/BKG (©2009), Google Terms of Use Report a map error Map Satellite 200 m Great speakers with great topics Meet our Speakers Keynotes Experts

Conference Programme Reporting at the crossroads – ensuring purpose, practicability, performance October 6/7, 2014 | Venue: Berlin, Unter der Linden 17 (Microsoft Atrium) R3_dotties_DAY1_140707 8.00-10.00 Registration, Welcome Coffee, Networking Opportunities 10.00-10.30 Welcome By The Organizer – Introduction to Reporting 3.0 and Conference Design – Sebastian Straube & Ralph Thurm 10.30-11.15 INTRODUCTORY KEYNOTE Towards breakthrough capitalism – the role of reporting in a change of age – John Elkington, Volans John Elkington, Volans 11.15-12.30 BREAKPOINT 1 From ‚less bad’ to ‚net positive impact’ – envisaging a longer-term roadmap and defining the milestones to future-readiness in corporate reporting C-Suite Panel Helle Bank Jørgensen, Global Facilitator for the UNGC Board Programme / Chairwomen eRevalue Ton van Keken, Senior Vice President Interface EMEA Michael Meehan, Chief Executive Global Reporting Initiative Richard Mattison, CEO TruCost Ralph_Thurm_large Moderation: Ralph Thurm, BSD 12.30-14.00 Lunch break and networking opportunity Side Event: Start Up Pitch – Big Sustainability Data Analytics & Visualization Florian Holl, Verso Clusters Marjella Alma, eRevalue Markus Schulz, Changers Nils-Claudio Sierck, Crowd Impact Johnny West, Open Oil Moderator: Sebastian Straube, BSD 14.00-15.30 BREAKOUT (Round 1) Where we are and what are the major challenges? introducing 3 core conference themes Impacting the world Corporate growth perspectives in a resource-constrained world and long-term target setting– why do we read so little in sustainability reports? Geoff Kendall, 3D Investment Foundation Speaker 2 (t.b.c.) Marion Fürst, Sustainable business development Bill Baue, Sustainability Context Group Moderator: Ralph Thurm, BSD Impacting the company Materiality and Integrated Thinking in Reporting Standards – will these new concepts help to get all internal stakeholders bought in? Bastian Buck, Global Reporting Initiative Lothar Rieth, International Integrated Reporting Council Thomas Scheiwiller, SASB Thorsten Pinkepank, BASF Moderator: Sebastian Straube, BSD Impacting stakeholders Reports don’t cut it – why is it so difficult to attract stakeholders to the benefits of sustainability? Guido Axmann, THEMA 1 Robert Rubinstein, Triple Bottom Line Investors Peter Paul van de Wijs, GlobeScan Volker Weber, Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen Moderator: Thomas Petruschke, BSD 15.30-16.30 Coffee break and networking opportunity 16.30-18.00 BREAKOUT (Round 2) Where we need to move towards and what current developments helping to face the challenges? Impacting the world Sustainable Development Goals or Net-Positive Impact Goals as Corridors for aligned long-term goal-setting – what will cut the fluff? Jürgen Janssen, United Nations Global Compact Felix Dodds, Global Research Institute Marion Fürst, Sustainable business development Geanne van Arkel, Interface Moderator: Ralph Thurm, BSD Impacting the company Science-based goals for the use in corporate functions – how to plan the transition and gain buy-in for the green & inclusive economy internally? Geoff Kendall, 3D Investment Foundation Andreas Bollongino, CG Controlling Mark McElroy, Centre for Sustainable Organizations Rodney Irwin, WBCSD Moderator: Sebastian Straube, BSD Impacting stakeholders Ranking & Ratings – from best in class to proof for good for consumers and investors? Julia Täschner, Deutsche Börse Group Jvan Gaffuri, RobecoSAM Mark Tulay, Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings Paul Simpson, CDP (t.b.c.) Moderator: Thomas Petruschke, BSD 18.00-19.00 Drinks R3_dotties_DAY2_140707 8.00-9.00 Registration, Welcome Coffee, Networking Opportunities 9.00–9.15 Introduction to Day 2 of the conference – Ralph Thurm, BSD 9.15-10.00 INTRODUCTORY KEYNOTE Designing the next-generation economic and reporting system – Said Dawlabani, The Memenomics Group (Author of bestselling book ‘Memenonics’) Said Dawlabani, The Memenomics Group 10.00-11.15 BREAKPOINT 2 International hotspots in the agenda for future-fit reporting International Session – Speakers to be announced soon Ralph_Thurm_large Moderation: Ralph Thurm, BSD 11.15-11.45 Coffee break and networking opportunity 11.45-13.00 BREAKPOINT 3 Impact Measurement & Sustainability Reporting for Small & Medium Enterprises Jan Noterdaeme, CSR Europe Andreas Renner, B-Corporation Germany Gerd Hofielen, Common Economy Germany Clara Barby, Bridges Ventures Peter Kromminga, UPJ EU Commission, (t.b.c.) Moderation: Sebastian Straube, BSD 13.00-14.15 Lunch break and networking opportunity 14.15-15.45 BREAKTHROUGHS Are they possible and what agendas, participation possibilities and framework conditions are needed to foster and mainstream progressive developments? Impacting the world True costing, true pricing, true taxation as necessary breakthrough for new economic system boundaries – will they be able to reach the necessary political and corporate agenda? Sibylle Duncker, Otto Group Richard Mattison, Trucost Adrian de Groot Ruiz, True Price Foundation Ben Ramsden, Pants to Poverty Moderator: Thomas Petruschke, BSD Impacting the company Use of breakthrough software technology to serve the needs of data integration for a green & inclusive economy Florian Holl, Verso Frank Müller, SAP Marjella Alma, eRevalue Johnny West, Open Oil Moderator: Sebastian Straube, BSD Impacting stakeholders Guiding stakeholder information demand, fostering stakeholder behavior change and initiatives that enable transformation Robin Wood, ThriveAbility Foundation Helle Bank Jørgensen, UNGC / Chairwoman eRevalue Andrew Rzepa, Gallup Steve Waygood, Aviva Investors (t.b.c.) Ralph Thurm, BSD 15.45-16.15 Coffee break and networking opportunity 16.15-17.30 Synopsis: Breakpoints, Breakouts, Breakthroughs. Creating a roadmap for transition Rapporteur Team under the lead of Ernst Ligteringen, Ex-CE GRI; Reflections by Said Dawlabani, Moderator: Ralph Thurm Ernst Ligteringen, Special Advisor GRI Said Dawlabani, The Memenomics Group Moderation: Ralph Thurm, BSD 17.30-17.45 Closing of the conference by BSD and adjourn 17.45 END Download Program The Organizer reserves the rights to change the final schedule Please meet the Supporters of the Future on Sustainability Reporting Platform Supporters Transition Lab Supporters Conference Supporters Conference Sponsors Media Partners Available soon… Register today & join the Reporting 3.0 Movement Sell Tickets Online through Eventbrite Subscribe and get detailed information Worldwide Events R3_dotties_Upcoming_140707 R3_header_20008_safe Transition Lab 3 December 2014 Transition Lab 3 – Sustainable Business Models New ways of value creation and how they instigate change in reporting December 05, 2014, 1pm – 6pm GIZ House, Reichpietschufer 20, 10785 Berlin The idea of a ‚green & inclusive economy’ instigates a lively discussion about the ways to get there. While governance and incentives play an important role for consumers and investors both ways, it is mainly corporate innovation that needs to achieve new pathways through new and sustainable business models. The third transition lab is therefore starting with the question ‚ what IS a truly sustainable business model’ and then looks at various streams in which components are inherited. Think of the circular economy, regenerative or restorative business models, clean technology, or the sharing economy. We will look into the developments around a ‚sustainable business model canvas’, ways to organize entrepreneurial collaboration around the target of a ‚green & inclusive economy’, but will also return to the consequences of these for corporate reporting. How will profit/loss accounts change, what will all of this mean for the balance sheet and its interpretation, and how will ‚success’ be reported to the stakeholders in sustainability or integrated reports? R3_header_20003 Reporting 3.0 Kick Off Event China September 2014 Reporting 3.0 Roundtable Insights on the Future of Sustainability Reporting form the Chinese perspective September 05, 2014 Microsoft Accelerator Beijing, China BSD has initiated a worldwide dialog around the Future of Sustainability Reporting in various regions it is represented, building on the initial sold-out conference in Berlin, Germany, in September 2013. A one-year program of transition labs to further deepen insights on the most important issues is in full swing in 2014 in Europe, and on 6/7 October the 2nd annual conference in Berlin, Germany, titled ‚Reporting at the crossraods – ensuring purpose, practicability, performance’ has been announced. For this purpose BSD is inviting to a preparatory Roundtable in China, too. The aim of the Roundtables is to instigate a first round of input around the themes to be discussed at the 6/7 October conference in Berlin, seek high-level speakers for the conference, discuss possibilities of a delegation to be representing the region in Berlin, and to align first steps for a couple of transition labs, to be held directly in the region in 2015. R3_header_20004_safe Reporting 3.0 Kick Off Event USA September 2014 Reporting 3.0 Roundtable Insights on the Future of Sustainability Reporting form the US perspective September, USA (exact date & place to be announced soon) BSD has initiated a worldwide dialog around the Future of Sustainability Reporting in various regions it is represented, building on the initial sold-out conference in Berlin, Germany, in September 2013. A one-year program of transition labs to further deepen insights on the most important issues is in full swing in 2014 in Europe, and on 6/7 October the 2nd annual conference in Berlin, Germany, titled ‚Reporting at the crossraods – ensuring purpose, practicability, performance’ has been announced. For this purpose BSD is inviting to a preparatory Roundtable in the US, too. The aim of the Roundtables is to instigate a first round of input around the themes to be discussed at the 6/7 October conference in Berlin, seek high-level speakers for the conference, discuss possibilities of a delegation to be representing the region in Berlin, and to align first steps for a couple of transition labs, to be held directly in the region in 2015. R3_dotties_Past_140707 035 1st Annual Conference September 06, 2013 1st Annual Conference of the Reporting 3.0 Platform A critical reflection of the status quo of the ongoing development of Sustainability Reporting in the European and international context September 06, 2013, 09 am – 06 pm, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Schumannstraße 8, 10117 Berlin In September 2013, BSD Germany organized the sold-out conference ‘The Future of Sustainability Reporting’ – a critical reflection of the ongoing developments of Sustainability Reporting in the European and international context.’ The event did cover a plethora of issues and trends that influence the future of non-financial reporting, e.g. the move to integrated reporting, the confusion of the current standards on non-financial reporting, the further internalization of external effects, the implications of planetary boundaries and social developments on corporate growth paradigms, as well as the growing trend of companies to deliver against ‘North Stars’ and commit to ‘net-positive’ targets. documents transition_lab_01_ico Transition Lab 1 April 29, 2014 Transition Lab 1 – Bridging the Sustainability Context Gap Improvement of Context-Based Information as a Prerequisite for Meaningful Sustainability Reports April 29, 2014, 1pm – 6pm, GIZ House, Reichpietschufer 20, 10785 Berlin UN high-level conferences in the last couple of years propagated a ‘Green & Inclusive Economy’ as a counter-model to the paradigm of ever-growing economies, consumerism and individual optimization. It involves the recognition of planetary boundaries and places the desire for human well-being at the center. But can we already measure progress and how much of the journey towards a Green & Inclusive Economy is still yet to come? Starting from the goal-state of a Green & Inclusive Economy, the first Transition Lab 1 delivered possible solutions to significant challenges in this context in an interactive and structured discussion. One particular focus was the role of reporting for the necessary change processes towards the ‘green & inclusive economy’. documents Reporting 3.0 Transition Lab by BSD Transition Lab 2 June 27, 2014 Transition Lab 2 – Convergence in Sustainability Reporting Core Elements of Future-Ready Standards and Frameworks June 27, 2014, 12 pm – 6 pm, GIZ House, Reichpietschufer 20, 10785 Berlin The second Transition Lab in 2014 contributed to the consolidation of the debate around sustainability standards and frameworks, offered opportunities to exchange views on challenges for practical implementation and, based on their convergence, demonstrated approaches that can further increase the impact and relevance of sustainability reporting. In particular, the area around ‘materiality identification’ within the context of requirements for a stable sustainability management process as well as reporting using the six capitals framework of the IIRC as a connector and initial point of comprehensive reporting, was reconsidered. It became clear that clearer convergence is needed and that the six capitals framework needs considerable extra support to take up the role it could have in the aim to create a holistic structure to define ‘sustainable value-added’. documents Contact us BSD Germany Chausseestrasse 33 A, Berlin 10115, Germany +49 1578 030 2571 Show on Google maps Any questions? Drop us a note BSD Consulting © 2014. All rights reserved. strony internetowe, differentiau, headbody, poznan

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