UDC Forum: Physics and the New Economy
Hello and welcome to another edition of UDC Forum. I'm Dr. Sandra Jowers-Barber, assistant professor of history at the University of the District of Columbia and your host. When someone opens a discussion about the state of the economy, it might initially lead to a debate over access to capital, innovation, the rate of inflation, technology, unemployment rate, gross national product, housing sales, the Dow, debt reduction, trade balances, global financial markets, and certainly US government policy---But how about physics—the realities of planet earth? Physics and the New Economy is the title of a new book co-authored by my guests and UDC colleagues, Dr. Sabine O'Hara, Dean of the College of Architecture Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences---also known as CAUSES, which is also the title of Dr. O'Hara's television series seen here on UDC-TV; and Prof. Thomas Kakovitch, Professor of Environmental Sciences here at the University of the District of Columbia and author of The Fifth Force a book that examines the physical nature of force prior to the existence of mass, electric charges, weak and strong nuclear charges.
I've invited Dr. O'Hara and Prof. Kakovitch to join me on this edition of UDC Forum to talk about their new book and to help us all understand the relationship between physics and the 'new' economy.
- Dr. Sandra Jowers-Barber, assistant professor of history at the University of the District of Columbia
- Dr. Sabine O'Hara, Dean of the College of Architecture Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences
- Prof. Thomas Kakovitch, Professor of Environmental Sciences
Gmail Peter Burgess
Re: Urban aquaponics, education, and sustainability project
2 messages
Jerome Peloquin
Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 12:08 PM
To: Malcolm Childress
Cc: Sacoby Wilson , Peter Burgess , 'William W. Hare' , Greg Casten , Yahr Linda
I am fully in accord with your interest and intentions. I believe that our ‘Sustainable Eco-Campus,’ model and position paper (link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fngh7ez7xh0n5hf/GICA Position Paper 100313a.pdf is fully compliant and even prescient in it’s vision for a more rational vision of development for us and the world. In addition, Dr’s O’Hara and Yakovitch’s book: Physics and The New Economics, (HR Press) deals directly with the issue of homeostasis and entropy as it effects the greater sphere of environmental sinks and productive outputs on the planet. (link) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV0LyHEJaXk There is a second book on the way. My belief is that both should become the basis for a fundamental collaboration between economics and the hard sciences.
Another resource both key to, and relevant to the issue of ‘Externalities,’ is accounted for my Peter Burgess in his, http://www.trucvaluemetrics.com another potential team member. The NSF RFP is far reaching and, as noted, I believe we are well ahead of the curve in addressing both the letter and the spirit of the document. I am doing an exhaustive read of the requirements and will respond to all with my thoughts shortly.
I would very much like to collaborate with you on this. I will make myself available at any time during your DC visit. Let us schedule adequate time to cover the issues involved.
Jerome Peloquin
The Family Fish Farms Network, Inc
717 Lawrence Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017
Web: www.thefamilyfishfarmsnetwork.com
(410) 227-0498
'Local Food, When and Where You Want it.'
On Feb 14, 2014, at 4:58 AM, Malcolm Childress wrote:
I'm very interested in the NSF proposal on urban sustainability. I see it has a April 24 deadline and is the last call for proposals in this round of funding. Let's communicate more about your ideas on that submission, and if I can make a contribution and define a role in the work I would be very excited about it. Will be in DC on Feb. 19 and would like to try to meet on the weekend of Feb.22-23 or during an evening the following week. Look forward to seeing you in DC.
On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 6:22 AM, Jerome J. Peloquin wrote:
We now have a team working on such projects ...this is real progress and a support network.
----- Original message -----
From: Fredrika Moser
To: Sacoby Wilson
Cc: 'Jerome J. Peloquin' , 'jfrederi-contact' , 'greg@profish.com' , 'dwane.jones@udc.edu' , Adel Shirmohammadi , 'whare@udc.edu' , Laura Dalemarre
Subject: Re: Urban aquaponics, education, and sustainability project
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2014 16:19:17 -0500
Keep us in the conversation on this one as I think Adam's education efforts might provide a broader impacts component. In addition, our communications group (video, writing stories) might also have something to contribute to broader impacts and so we would be interested in seeing where you want to go with this.
On Feb 6, 2014, at 4:12 PM, Sacoby Wilson wrote:
Great call everyone. NSF has a Sustainability RFP. Please review the following:
The goal of the Sustainability Research Networks (SRN) competition is to bring together multidisciplinary teams of researchers, educators, managers, policymakers and other stakeholders to conduct collaborative research that addresses fundamental challenges in sustainability. The 2014 SRN competition will fund research networks with a focus on urban sustainability. SRNs may link existing centers and networks and will develop new partnerships and collaborations. Networks will be multi-institutional and may include international partnerships.
Proposals should identify an ambitious and nationally important theme in urban sustainability, present a creative and innovative research agenda that builds upon existing work in this area, and describe how a network of researchers and other stakeholders will be supported that integrates a variety of disciplines, sectors and backgrounds in order to create new perspectives and yield significant new understanding and knowledge.
Further information may be found at: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14534/nsf14534.htm?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click
Sacoby Wilson, PhD, MS
Assistant Professor
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Director, Community Engagement, Environmental Justice, and Health (CEEJH)
Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health
School of Public Health
University of Maryland-College Park
Phone Number: 301-405-3136
Email address: swilson2@umd.edu
If you are unable to reach me, please contact Laura Dalemarre, CEEJH program associate, at ldalemar@umd.edu.
From: Sacoby Wilson
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 9:08 AM
To: Fredrika Moser; Jerome J. Peloquin
Cc: jfrederi-contact; greg@profish.com; dwane.jones@udc.edu; Adel Shirmohammadi; whare@udc.edu; Laura Dalemarre
Subject: RE: Urban aquaponics, education, and sustainability project
We will be speaking via conference call about the NOAA opportunity via conference call at 3 pm today. Please use conference call number and access code included in previous email communivation.
Sacoby Wilson, PhD, MS
Assistant Professor
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Director, Community Engagement, Environmental Justice, and Health (CEEJH)
Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health
School of Public Health
University of Maryland-College Park
Phone Number: 301-405-3136
Email address: swilson2@umd.edu
If you are unable to reach me, please contact Laura Dalemarre, CEEJH program associate, at ldalemar@umd.edu.
From: Fredrika Moser [moser@mdsg.umd.edu]
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 8:04 AM
To: Jerome J. Peloquin
Cc: jfrederi-contact; Sacoby Wilson; greg@profish.com; dwane.jones@udc.edu; Adel Shirmohammadi; whare@udc.edu; Laura Dalemarre; Fredrika Moser
Subject: Re: Urban aquaponics, education, and sustainability project
Dear Jerry et al.,
I'm on travel and have a conference call already at 10 a.m. To be clear, as MD Sea Grant is administering part of the RFP we cannot, or I cannot be on the grant, but Adam could have a small piece of the education bit and we have discussed what that might look like.
I am glad that this is gathering momentum as I think there is terrific potential to start a research and education component for exploring aquaponics application in urban settings.
I could talk this afternoon at 3 p.m. as needed. My one piece of advice is be very clear that whatever is crafted for the pre proposal speak directly to what is being asked for in the NOAA request for proposals (of as they call it an FFO - federal funding opportunity).
Thanks so much and let me know what is up.
My cell is: 240-393-1807.
On Feb 6, 2014, at 7:33 AM, 'Jerome J. Peloquin' > wrote:
I am available this morning before noon ... we can call on Skype (peloqun01) or whatever ... events are gathering momentum here. Once more, Sacoby are we getting together at 3:00pm? etc, etc, my cell: 410-227-0498
----- Original message -----
From: Adam Frederick >
To: Fredrika Moser >
Cc: Sacoby Wilson >, 'jpeloquin@thefamilyfishfarmsnetwork.com' >, 'greg@profish.com' >, 'dwane.jones@udc.edu' >, Adel Shirmohammadi >, 'whare@udc.edu' >, Laura Dalemarre >
Subject: Re: Urban aquaponics, education, and sustainability project
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2014 10:28:50 -0500
I can be available to talk Wed after 3 and Thursday in the AM.
On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 2:00 PM, Fredrika Moser > wrote:
Dear All:
I'm out of town on Wed - Friday. However it is possible that I could call in depending on the timing.
Sacoby, you might want to consider putting Tom Miller, CBL, in this loop.
On Jan 31, 2014, at 5:02 PM, Sacoby Wilson > wrote:
I would like to schedule a time for us to chat about the proposed urban aquaponics, education, and sustainability project. I would like to discuss developing a proposal concept that can be developed and submitted in response to the NOAA opportunity but also other funding sources. The NOAA pre-proposal is due February 21st.
My earliest availability is 3 pm next Thursday. Are you available at this time? Do you have any availability next Friday or should we use a doodle poll?
Please let me know. I look forward to speaking with you.
Sacoby Wilson, PhD, MS
Assistant Professor
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Director, Community Engagement, Environmental Justice, and Health (CEEJH)
Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health
School of Public Health
University of Maryland-College Park
Phone Number: 301-405-3136
Email address: swilson2@umd.edu
If you are unable to reach me, please contact Laura Dalemarre, CEEJH program associate, at ldalemar@umd.edu.
Fredrika Moser, Ph.D.
Director, Maryland Sea Grant
University System of Maryland
4321 Hartwick Road, Suite 300
College Park, Maryland 20740
email: moser@mdsg.umd.edu
phone: 301-405-7500 (main)
fax: 301-314-5780
J. Adam Frederick
Maryland Sea Grant, Asst. Director of Education
Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology
701 East Pratt St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
p 410.234.8850
f 410.234.8896
Fredrika Moser, Ph.D.
Director, Maryland Sea Grant
University System of Maryland
4321 Hartwick Road, Suite 300
College Park, Maryland 20740
email: moser@mdsg.umd.edu
phone: 301-405-7500 (main)
fax: 301-314-5780
Peter Burgess
Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 1:19 PM
To: Jerome Peloquin
Cc: Malcolm Childress , Sacoby Wilson , 'William W. Hare' , Greg Casten , Yahr Linda
Dear Jerry and colleagues
Thanks for the kind reference.
Please note that the website for TrueValueMetrics is http://www.truevaluemetrics.org/
There is a dot com website ... but it is not up to date, and for the moment mainly serves as a security backup in case something happens to the dot org host.
TrueValueMetrics is a 'work in progress' but the architecture of this system is now fairly well developed. I sometimes refer the system as Multi Dimension Impact Accounting (MDIA) because of the need to have metrics that have multi dimensions, are about impact on people, place (planet) and profit and is based on accounting concepts rather than economics and statistics.
The URL link below maybe a shorter way to find something useful about this metrics initiative
Peter Burgess
TrueValueMetrics ... Meaningful Metrics for a Smart Society
Multi Dimension Impact Accounting
linkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/peterburgess1/
twitter: @truevaluemetric @peterbnyc
mobile: 212 744 6469 landline 570 431 4385
email: peterbnyc@gmail.com
skype: peterburgessnyc
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