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Kim Chandler McDonald ExecVP, Flat World Navigator, Speaker, Author of upcoming !nnovation: How World-Class Innovators Rock Their Roles Sydney Area, AustraliaInformation Technology and Services Current KimmiC, Griffith Enterprise, Frost and Sullivan - Growth Innovation and Leadership Community Previous Annual World Congress of Cloud Computing 2012, Lokimee, Room to Read 500+ connections Send a messageMore options au.linkedin.com/in/kimchandler/ Contact Info Activity Roger Santos endorsed the skills and expertise of Kim Chandler McDonald Kim is endorsed for Digital Innovation. Endorse Connections Like Comment 4 days ago Background Summary Kim is a thought leader in disruptive approaches & transformational trends such as Flat World Navigation, meHealth, the Semantic Web and EndUser Empowerment. Her tenacity, work ethic & people skills have placed her in a perfect position to be the world’s first branded Flat World Navigator. Kim is a topnotch communicator, highly adept at cross-cultural team building & building & maintaining dynamic relationships at a local, national and global level. Kim has built & maintains a far-reaching network of global thought leaders. Many of whom were the inspiration for her ‘Capital I Innovation’ Interview Series, which celebrates Innovations and Innovators. Her new book, '!nnovation: How World-Class Innovators Rock Their Roles' will be published in 2013 by Kogan Page in print and as an eBook. It will also be available as an enhanced eBook/online ecosystem, which integrates the latest interactivity, web publishing & cloud technologies along with KimmiC's FlatWorld 'secret sauce'. If you would like to be informed when pre-ordering of the enhanced eBook/online ecosystem is available simply send an email to: bookinfo@kimmic.com KimmiC, which Kim co-founded with her husband & business partner Michael, specializes in disruptive approaches using robust technologies & leading edge innovations such as FlatWorld™, a Cloud based combination of corporate grade technology and processes that enables the dynamic, secure fusion of data more simply, securely and inexpensively than existing approaches. FLATWORLD™ turns big data into SMART DATA. Formerly, Kim was a writer/editor for national & international newspapers & magazines &host/producer of an award winning radio/TV program. During this time she interviewed 100s of fascinating people such as: former US Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright; former President of South Africa, FW de Klerk; film director, Terry Gilliam; theoretical physicist, Brian Greene; & authors John Irving, Amy Tan & Tom Wolfe. Specialties:Empowered EndUser Advocate, Expert/Experience Designer, Networking, Creative Communication, Flat World Navigation, Capital I Innovation, Collaboration, Creative Thought Leader, Entrepreneurship, Capital I interviews, meHealth, 'disruptive' transformational technology Publications The 'Capital I' Innovation Interview Series (Introduction)(Link) June 2011 '‘Capital I’ innovators deserve recognition, not just for their innovations, but for the very fact that they have refused to bow down to banality and boredom while they avoid or ignore the labels thrust upon them – even if the label begins with a ‘Capital I’.' The Semantic Web: Out of School and Into the Business World(Link) ARMG-USA May 19, 2010 This article looks at how the Semantic Web can easily assist in the B2B mileu. No longer is the Semantic Web secreted in the folds of academia; now it can solve real, business to business problems. 'The marketplace is becoming a part of the ‘flat world.’ Companies across the world, large and small, are now equal competitors on the commercial playing field.' Experience Exec. V.P., Dir. of Comms, Flat World Navigator, Author: 'Capital I' Innovation Interview Series KimmiC August 2009 – Present (3 years 9 months) KimmiC specializes in disruptive approaches using robust technologies and leading edge innovation. KimmiC’s latest product offering is FlatWorld™ is a web based, but not bound, transformational technology that is the nervous system which connects disparate technologies in a vendor neutral platform, and ensures that they are easily accessible and able to be dynamically linked/connected. FlatWorld™enables users to utilize, integrate and collaborate securely with technology, people and processes simply, easily and inexpensively. (Open)1 honor or award (Open)7 recommendations, including: Leif Rask Director, jajoza Connected Solutions For Safer Internet Day 2012, schools and kids around Australia enjoyed the jajoza Collaboration Centre – an innovative...View Linda Bernardi Author- Provoke, Why the Global Culture of Disruption is the Only Hope for Innovation: Technology Strategist , Investor 'Kim Chandler McDonald, in a nutshell is one of the most engaging individuals with whom I have had the pleasure of working...View 5 more recommendations Advisory Board Member Griffith Enterprise September 2011 – Present (1 year 8 months)Brisbane The Griffith Enterprise Advisory Board works as an independent reference for the strategies and governance of Griffith Enterprise. Global Advisory Board Member Frost and Sullivan - Growth Innovation and Leadership Community November 2012 – Present (6 months) The GIL Advisory Board is an independent body working closely with Frost & Sullivan management to support, develop and enhance this unique community of growth, innovation and leadership through strategic insights, thought leadership, and the network expansion of industry visionaries, innovators and leaders. Scientific Advisory Board Member Annual World Congress of Cloud Computing 2012 January 2012 – September 2012 (9 months)Dalian, China Head Writer/Editor Lokimee November 2002 – August 2009 (6 years 10 months) Contributing Editor to several international travel and inflight magazines; Arts Editor of an online publication; editor/writer for several newspapers and glossy magazines, editor of books and corporate projects. (Open)1 recommendation Nadine McNeil Chief Technical Services at United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic, BINUCA I had the pleasure of meeting Kim Chandler while we were both residing in the Netherlands, and we immediately 'clicked,' given our shared passion for global humanitarianism. Throughout the years, we've built a solid friendship as well as mutual...View Chapter Leader Room to Read the Netherlands Room to Read May 2007 – May 2009 (2 years 1 month) Initiating and leading the Dutch chapter of Room to Read was a wonderful experience and I thank all of the wonderful volunteers and friends of Room to Read who made it such a wonderful experience. Of course I still encourage everyone to support the cause, please feel free to visit www.roomtoread.org to get involved! Morning Show DJ / Producer The English Breakfast Radio Show (Double Award Winner!) April 2006 – March 2009 (3 years) Winner of the Salto Radio 2007 People's Choice Award and the Award for the Best Radio Programme! The Judges Decision: English breakfast brings, in an easy to consume but profound way, a mix of music and news from and about the capital (Amsterdam). Technically first rate and presented professionally. The program matches the quality which is so common in the Anglo-Saxon tradition. In an international city, you should be able to listen to an informative English spoken radio show. English Breakfast is such a program. (Open)6 recommendations, including: Brett Mikels Singer, guitarist, songwriter Kim is an extremely talented writer and host. She's absolutey focused on making a show, a script, an article, a novel, her...View Ekayani & Tom Glide (Glide Recordings) World class electronica with vocals inspired by spiritual India Kim Chandler is very personable and works well with her colleagues and clients never taking herself too seriously. She made...View 4 more recommendations Writer Velocity Magazine, London December 2006 – February 2009 (2 years 3 months)London Features Editor XM (Xpatriate Magazine) March 2008 – October 2008 (8 months) Editor Global Vision Magazine September 2004 – March 2008 (3 years 7 months) (Open)1 recommendation Andrew Balcombe The Hague and Amsterdam Times at Argo press While Kim balanced the responsibility of being Editor, she still was able to provide guidence and keep her finger on details, while keeping the overall content of the publication in sight. She was always one step ahead in regards to problem...View Head Writer/Editor LoKiMee 2002 – 2008 (6 years) (Open)6 recommendations, including: Kent Healy Agent of the uncommon: Location independent entrepreneur, speaker, real estate investor, artist, & author of 6 books. As an author, speaker, consultant and coach in the area of productivity and creativity I found Kim's enthusiasm, generosity,...View Tim Binks Freelance Editor/Writer Kim wrote the ‘Exploring’ chapter for our guidebook – the Amsterdam Complete Residents’ Guide. All the way through the...View 4 more recommendations Writer Amsterdam Explorer June 2007 – August 2007 (3 months)Amsterdam Co-Author of Amsterdam Explorer Travel Guide Arts and Culture Editor Amsterdam Hague Rotterdam Times newspaper October 2004 – June 2007 (2 years 9 months) (Open)3 recommendations, including: Bo van Bommel (Freelance) Creative PR & publicity @ Burobo Kim Chandler has interviewed the owner of Sugar Factory in the past and this resulted in a well written and interesting...View Margarétha Moerkerke Project Manager at The Publicity Company I've come to know Kim as a highly professional editor, with a profound knowledge of her profession and the subjects she...View 1 more recommendation Editor-in-Chief/Head Writer Dvoice Magazine July 2003 – September 2004 (1 year 3 months)Amsterdam Associate Editor I.C. Magazine Amsterdam May 2002 – September 2002 (5 months)Amsterdam Theatre Company Owner/Manager/Writer/Poet Lo Ki Wee Productions October 1990 – December 1995 (5 years 3 months)London Theatre/Writing/Editing Research Various 1985 – 1990 (5 years)Global Skills & Expertise Most endorsed for...