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Energy ... Fracking in the USA
Stop the fracking initiatives

Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy and


Peter Burgess

A message to the President

Dear Mr. President:

I am concerned that your administration may decide whether or not it is in the national interest to export natural gas overseas without considering all the evidence. While DOE has conducted two studies intended to analyze the economic impact of exports, your administration has not conducted a single study to assess the environmental and human health impacts associated with extracting gas destined to be shipped overseas.

As I’m sure you’re aware, the U.S. can only become a net exporter of natural gas if it extracts shale gas by hydraulic fracturing. “Fracking”, the underground injection of millions of gallons of toxic fluid to develop even a single gas well, threatens our drinking water supplies. The process is known to pollute the air and there is a growing body of evidence that shale gas, during its entire life cycle, produces more harmful greenhouse gases than so-called “dirty” coal.

At a time when the world needs to quickly move to renewable energy sources, the United States should not be promoting reliance on a new generation of fossil fuels either at home or abroad.


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Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy PO BOX 103 Fremont Center, NY 12736 Or donate through our PayPal account:

To donate to, send your check to: PO BOX 103 Fremont Center, NY 12736 Or donate through our PayPal account:

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We are a tax-exempt, not-for-profit organization that depends upon your donations. Because we are an all volunteer organization, no money goes to pay salaries, every penny we receive goes directly into the fight against fracking. Because we are actively engaged in lobbying, we are incorporated as a 501 (c) 4, so donations are not tax-deductible.

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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.