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Initiative ... Breakthrough Capitalism

A conference in London on June 14th

Breakthrough Capitalism Forum

At the Breakthrough Capitalism Forum held on 29 May 2012 in London we explored and debated themes such as:

  • Capitalism Unplugged - outlining the growing sense that our challenges relate to systemic failures
  • Breakthrough Innovation - how investors, entrepreneurs & policy-makers, among others, are driving change
  • System Dynamics - where barriers to breakthrough exist and how they can be removed, and
  • Scaling Solutions - how breakthrough solutions can deliver system-level change.
Full Speaker list here

Watch videos of the Forum here


John Elkington - Introduction

Curator: John Elkington

Three scenarios will be introduced: 'Breakdown', 'Change-as-Usual' and 'Breakthrough'. This first session will spotlight ways in which current forms of capitalism are in crisis and, in some areas, teetering on the edge of Breakdown. Speakers will challenge key assumptions about capitalism, map critical system dynamics and look beyond today's Humpty Dumpty Economy to a Green Growth Economy, a central theme of the impending Rio+20 Summit.

Session 1 | CAPITALISM UNPLUGGED John Elkington - Introduction Three scenarios will be introduced: 'Breakdown', 'Change-as-Usual' and 'Breakthrough'. This first session will spotlight ways in which current forms of capitalism are in crisis and, in some areas, teetering on the edge of Breakdown. Speakers will challenge key assumptions about capitalism, map critical system dynamics and look beyond today's Humpty Dumpty Economy to a Green Growth Economy, a central theme of the impending Rio+20 Summit.

02 Pamela Hartigantrong
in Session 1 | CAPITALISM UNPLUGGED ... 'Beyond the Humpty Dumpty Economy,' Pamela Hartigan

'Beyond the Humpty Dumpty Economy,' Pamela Hartigan (Director, Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford)

03 David Orrell
in Session 1 | CAPITALISM UNPLUGGED ... 'Breakthrough Economics,' David Orrell

'Breakthrough Economics,' David Orrell (author of Economyths)

04 Dimitri Zenghelis
in Session 1 | CAPITALISM UNPLUGGED ... 'Accelerators-and Brakes-on the Road to a Green Growth Economy' Dimitri Zenghelis

'Accelerators-and Brakes-on the Road to a Green Growth Economy' Dimitri Zenghelis (headed Lord Stern's team during Economics of Climate Change review, is Cisco's chief economist for climate change, and is a visiting researcher at LSE Grantham Centre on Climate Change)

05 Casper ter Kuile
in Session 1 | CAPITALISM UNPLUGGED ... 'The Gen Y Agenda for Breakthrough Change,' Casper ter Kuile

'The Gen Y Agenda for Breakthrough Change,' Casper ter Kuile, UK Youth Climate Coalition strategist and World Economic Forum Global Shaper

06 Bronwyn Kunhardt
in Session 1 | CAPITALISM UNPLUGGED ... The Future's Already Here - Part I

Snapshot 1: 'Perceptions of Capitalism,' Bronwyn Kunhardt, Co-Founder, Polecat

07 Caroline Mason
in Session 1 | CAPITALISM UNPLUGGED ... The Future's Already Here - Part I

Snapshot 2: 'A Personal Perspective on Breakthrough,' Caroline Mason, Chief Operating Officer, Big Society Capital

08 Marshall Clemens
in Session 1 | CAPITALISM UNPLUGGED ... The Future's Already Here - Part I

Snapshot 3: 'A Change Agent's Map of Capitalism,' Marshall Clemens, Founder, Idiagram

Session 2 videos

09 Kelly Clark - Introduction
Session 2 | BREAKTHROUGH INNOVATION Curator: Kelly Clark, Director, Tellus Mater Foundation Curator: Kelly Clark, Director, Tellus Mater Foundation The future's already here, said science fiction author William Gibson, it's just not evenly distributed. Speakers in the second session will focus in on the Gen Y agenda - and on key sectors like Agriculture & Food, Culture, Energy, Social Innovation and Sport.

10 David Stubbs
Session 2 | BREAKTHROUGH INNOVATION 'The Olympic Race to Zero,' David Stubbs 'The Olympic Race to Zero,' David Stubbs, Head of Sustainability, London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games

11 Pete Baxter
Session 2 | BREAKTHROUGH INNOVATION 'Breakthrough Innovation Demands New Tools for Visualization, Prototyping, and Modeling,' Pete Baxter 'Breakthrough Innovation Demands New Tools for Visualization, Prototyping, and Modeling,' Pete Baxter, Vice President, Autodesk

12 Patrick Holden
Session 2 | BREAKTHROUGH INNOVATION 'The Critical Role of Breakthrough Policy Frameworks in Organic Farming and Food,' Patrick Holden 'The Critical Role of Breakthrough Policy Frameworks in Organic Farming and Food,' Patrick Holden, former Director, The Soil Association

13 Q&A session

The Future's Already Here - Part II

14 Tim Helweg-Larsen
Session 2 | BREAKTHROUGH INNOVATION The Future's Already Here - Part II: Snapshot 4: 'Breaking Through in Energy,' Tim Helweg-Larsen, CEO, Energy Bank

15 Tom Lipinski
Session 2 | BREAKTHROUGH INNOVATION The Future's Already Here - Part II: Snapshot 6: 'Breaking Through in the Built Environment,' Tom Lipinski, Green Structures

16 Al Tickell
Session 2 | BREAKTHROUGH INNOVATION The Future's Already Here - Part II: Snapshot 5: 'Breaking Through in Culture,' Al Tickell, Director, Julie's Bicycle

Session 3 videos

17 Colin le Duc - Introduction
Session 3 | SYSTEM DYNAMICS Curator: Colin le Duc, Generation Investment Management Incumbent businesses struggle to innovate in their own businesses - let alone create new business models and jump into entirely new markets. Speakers in the third session will look at key dynamics of change in such areas as Energy, Finance and Health. We will also explore some of the implications of the growing influence of Asia in general - and of China in particular

18 David Blood
Session 3 | SYSTEM DYNAMICS 'Five Barriers to Sustainable Capitalism,' David Blood 'Five Barriers to Sustainable Capitalism,' David Blood, Generation Investment Management

19 Justin Adams
Session 3 | SYSTEM DYNAMICS 'The Challenges of Driving Disruptive Innovation Inside an Incumbent,' Justin Adams 'The Challenges of Driving Disruptive Innovation Inside an Incumbent,' Justin Adams, formerly with BP's renewable energy business, on barriers to change in incumbent industries and the opportunities for disruptive value creation

20 Jeremy Leggett
Session 3 | SYSTEM DYNAMICS 'The Challenges of Driving Disruptive Innovation in the Teeth of Opposition from Nuclear and Fossil Fuel Incumbents,' Jeremy Leggett 'The Challenges of Driving Disruptive Innovation in the Teeth of Opposition from Nuclear and Fossil Fuel Incumbents,' Jeremy Leggett, Founder and Chairman, SolarCentury and Chairman, Carbon Tracker Initiative

21 Paul Ellingstad
Session 3 | SYSTEM DYNAMICS 'Social Innovation as an Accelerator for Progress in Global Health,' Paul Ellingstad 'Social Innovation as an Accelerator for Progress in Global Health,' Paul Ellingstad, Director, Global Health, HP

22 Q&A session
Session 3 | SYSTEM DYNAMICS Q&A session moderated by Colin Le Duc

The Future's Already Here - Part III

23 Jennifer Morgan
Session 3 | SYSTEM DYNAMICS The Future's Already Here - Part III Snapshot 7: 'Breaking Through in Finance,' Jennifer Morgan, Senior Adviser WWF-UK; Program Leader, Finance Lab

Finance Innovation Lab VERY IMPORTANT Doing things together Incubate ideas ... help to get to scale Future of auditing New Leaders ... // ... // Purpose Breakthrough Finance Fair pension ... ??? ... Move your money

24 Isabel Hilton
Session 3 | SYSTEM DYNAMICS The Future's Already Here - Part III Snapshot 8: 'Breaking Through in China,' Isabel Hilton, Editor, ChinaDialogue

Session 4 videos

25 John Elkington - Introduction
Terri Wills

Session 4 | SCALING SOLUTIONS John Elkington - Introduction 'Cities as Incubators for Breakthrough Innovation,' Terri Wills Curator: John Elkington The final session will explore: the future role of cities as incubators of Breakthrough innovation; new tools for visualization, modeling and prototyping; new methods for incentivizing behavioral change in such areas as energy efficiency, waste management and transport; and the growing need for a radically different approach from governments in driving the evolution of the science, technology and market trajectories needed to achieve Breakthrough. 'Cities as Incubators for Breakthrough Innovation,' Terri Wills, Director of Global Programs, Clinton Climate Initiative

26 Ian Yolles
Session 4 | SCALING SOLUTIONS 'The Role of Incentives in Behaviour and Culture Change,' Ian Yolles 'The Role of Incentives in Behaviour and Culture Change,' Ian Yolles, Chief Sustainability Officer, Recyclebank

27 David Porter
Session 4 | SCALING SOLUTIONS 'Orchestrating and Funding the Breakthrough Economy,' David Porter 'Orchestrating and Funding the Breakthrough Economy,' David Porter

28 Q&A session
Session 4 | SCALING SOLUTIONS Q&A session

29 Breakthrough Prospectus Panel
and closing remarks

Breakthrough Prospectus Panel Moderated by John Elkington Closing Remarks John Elkington

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