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Society and Economy
Teach in on the Occupy issues

Economist Jeff Madrick on Occupy Wall St. and teach-ins on Countdown with Keith Olbermann


Peter Burgess

Economist Jeff Madrick on Occupy Wall St. and teach-ins on Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Go to 'Occupy Wall Street News and Videos' here: -- a daily paper to keep up with and support OWS movement!

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Thanks! -Munderlarkst (Note: if you subscribe to 'Occupy Wall Street News and Videos' it will send you and new edition once a day via e-mail so you can keep updated with what's going on. Thanks!)

Above video: People like Joseph Stiglitz, Chris Hedges, Naomi Klein and Zizek have also been good at conducting 'teach-ins' around OWS. Original Air date, 10/3/11 on Current TV.

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