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Politics ... USA
G.O.P. Senators’ Letter Clouds Talks on Deficit

G.O.P. Senators’ Letter Clouds Talks on Deficit

I am appalled by the politics of Washington and the party posturing that has become the norm. The politicians do not seem to understand that the social and political policies that have been used for the best part of 40 years have created an almost perfect storm of failure. The golobal social and economic instability is something like that of the 1920s and the 1930s, and few people today have much knowledge of those times. As many have said, if you don't know history, you will repeat it.

Peter Burgess

WASHINGTON — As a powerful Congressional committee searched desperately for ways to reduce the federal budget deficit, conservative Republicans and progressive Democrats hardened their positions on Thursday by drawing lines that will make it more difficult for the panel to find consensus.

A group of 33 Republican senators sent a letter to members of the panel insisting on “no net tax increase.”

The letter, circulated by Senator Jim DeMint, Republican of South Carolina, said that any deficit-reduction deal should also “balance our budget within 10 years, place entitlements on a path to fiscal solvency” and include “comprehensive tax reform that lowers rates and promotes economic growth.”

In an exchange of proposals last week, Republicans on the 12-member committee offered a package of spending cuts and new revenues. A Republican aide said on Thursday: “The letter is a warning to Republican members of the supercommittee. The $600 billion tax hike floated last week is a nonstarter.”

Democrats said the letter was a serious setback for efforts to strike a bipartisan deal to achieve the goal of reducing deficits by at least $1.2 trillion over 10 years. Democrats say any deal must include spending cuts and increases in tax revenues, as recommended by fiscal experts who testified this week at a hearing of the panel, known as the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction.

Signers of the letter include three Republicans from a separate bipartisan group known as the Gang of Six, whose earlier deficit-reduction plan included tax changes that could raise additional revenue. The three Republicans were Senators Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and Michael D. Crapo of Idaho.

Mr. Chambliss saw no inconsistency. “I have consistently stated that I am not in favor of tax increases,” Mr. Chambliss said. “I also consistently said I am in favor of significant tax reform to lower rates, simplify the code and close loopholes, actions that experts believe will increase revenues and improve America’s fiscal solvency.”

The action came as restive Senate Democrats demanded more information about the work of the secretive joint committee.

The Senate Democratic caucus met Thursday to hear from the three Democratic senators on the panel: Patty Murray of Washington, Max Baucus of Montana and John Kerry of Massachusetts.

Until Thursday, the panel’s members had generally refused to tell colleagues what they were doing in the committee, which is authorized to consider every provision of the tax code and virtually every dollar of government spending.

The committee is supposed to make its recommendations by Nov. 23. The Senate and the House are supposed to vote on the package by Dec. 23, with no amendments allowed.

Liberals like Senators John D. Rockefeller IV, Democrat of West Virginia, and Bernard Sanders, independent of Vermont, had sought the caucus meeting on Thursday because they felt their concerns were being overlooked by the committee.

Mr. Rockefeller, a senator for more than 25 years, said, “I am getting worried that this committee is headed in a direction where we end up with a series of cuts aimed at Medicare and Medicaid without any sacrifice asked of corporations and the very wealthy.”

In an interview, Mr. Sanders repeated his message to the Democratic caucus and the committee members: “The American people are saying, in demonstrations all over the country and in opinion polls, what they want. The wealthiest people, who are doing phenomenally well, and corporations with record-breaking profits must pay their fair share of taxes, more than they are paying now, to help with deficit reduction and job creation.”

Sentiments expressed in the caucus indicated that even if the committee can agree on a deal to reduce the deficit — a big assumption — there is no guarantee it will be approved by the full Senate.

On the other side of the Capitol, Speaker John A. Boehner said, “The mood is one of nervousness.”

“We have to come to an agreement. It is important for the supercommittee to succeed.”

Mr. Boehner said “there is room for revenue” in a deal to reduce the deficit. He said he had told President Obama, “I will put revenue on the table, but there has to be real reform of entitlement programs” like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

When Republicans speak of additional revenue, they include the proceeds of selling radio spectrum licenses, higher Medicare premiums for some beneficiaries and the increase in revenues expected to result from economic growth. Democrats talk about higher taxes on high incomes.

For the third time in a month, the Senate on Thursday rejected a version of Mr. Obama’s jobs bill that would have been financed entirely with a tax on income exceeding $1 million. The bill would have provided $60 billion for roads and bridges and other transportation and infrastructure projects. The Senate voted 51 to 49 to take up the bill, but 60 votes were needed.

Mr. Boehner disclosed Thursday that Republicans would soon move forward with their own effort to create jobs and build highways — financed with revenues from an expansion of American energy production, including more drilling for oil and gas.

Democrats said Republicans were blocking legislation to help the economy because they wanted Mr. Obama to fail in his bid for re-election.

The Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, said, “I’m now convinced that the president actually believes he would be benefited by the committee not succeeding” because success “would step on his story line that we can’t do anything on a bipartisan basis.”

A version of this article appeared in print on November 4, 2011, on page A19 of the New York edition with the headline: G.O.P. Senators’ Letter Clouds Talks on Deficit.

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