It is best to combine the analysis of both state (change in state) and activities as a coherent whole. This is shown in the following graphic.
The above is a good situation. The totality of the activities are 'value adding' and the state improves.
Below is a poor situation. The totality of the activities results in 'value destruction' and the state degrades.
The addition of development assistance does not operate in a simple way to improve progress.
When the development assistance is well designed it can generate impact both with the existing economic activities and from within the development activities and the result is a stong improvement in the state of the community.
When development assistance is badly designed, the results are far from satisfactory and the impact is far reaching. The following graphic shows some of the complexity.
With badly designed development assistance, the routine activities of the communities are weakened. This comes about because of various sorts of shortages that emerge, but especially because people migrate to the employment offered by the development initiatives. Taken together this results in the state ofd the community degrading in spite the injection of development resources into the communtiy.