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The issue of human exploitation and human trafficking has a long history, and it is disturbing that it continues in modern times on a very substantial scale. It has been estimated that there are upwards of 27 million people who are effectively slaves in the modern world, but in reality the number may be substantially more. There are many forms of exploitation ... child labor ... sexual exploitation ... job search / migration ... and many others. It is a big problem, with hardly any incentive in the system to address the problem. Mostly we look the other way!
Audit Blasts UK Modern Slavery Efforts ... Audit Finds UK Modern Slavery Strategy ‘Inadequate’
Human Trafficking Nora Mishriky, Freedom United Unsubscribe 12:03 PM (7 hours ago)
Audit Finds UK Modern Slavery Strategy ‘Inadequate’ December 15, 2017
The National Audit Office (NAO) has issued a report calling the UK government’s modern slavery strategy “unclear” and “inadequate” in a blow to the Home Office. The NAO pointed to the inefficiency of the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) – the UK’s framework for identifying victims of human trafficking – and campaigners say that victims are often too afraid to reach out to authorities for help and those that do find a lack of support and protection.
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Hong Kong Fails Madagascar’s Domestic Workers
Hong Kong Fails Madagascar’s Domestic Workers December 17, 2017
One hundred women from Madagascar have been brought to Hong Kong to be domestic workers — the first group ever from Africa. Yet as they report abuses, some ask if Hong Kong agencies are deliberately targeting new recruitment channels in Myanmar, Cambodia, and Madagascar in order to avoid hiring Filipino and Indonesian domestic workers who are well-organized and aware of their rights.
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Pakistani Fashion Designer Shines Light on Forced Child Marriage
Pakistani Fashion Designer Shines Light on Forced Child Marriage December 17, 2017
Fashion designer, Ali Xeeshan, used the closing moment of this year’s Pantene Bridal Couture Week to shine a light on the problem of forced child marriage in Pakistan. A young girl dressed as a bride came out to walk to ramp to the shock of the audience.
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Nepali World Cup Workers ‘Systematically Exploited’
Nepali World Cup Workers ‘Systematically Exploited’in Quatar
Amnesty International says that Nepali migrant workers constructing venues for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar are being ‘systematically’ exploited. A new survey by the human rights organization found that two-thirds of workers had paid excessive or illegal recruitment fees.
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Finland Trafficking Trail Begins for Thai Berry Pickers
Finland Trafficking Trail Begins for Thai Berry Pickers
The trial of a Finnish entrepreneur, charged with human trafficking Thai berry pickers, has begun in Finland. The prosecution is calling for the businessman to be sentenced to more than three years in prison and to be barred from running another business. They also want him to pay 60,000 Euros in damages.
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Business Gives Ukrainian Survivors Fresh Start
Business Gives Ukrainian Survivors Fresh Start
Iryna was trafficked to Belarus from Ukraine, but with reintegration assistance from IOM, she and hundreds of other trafficking survivors, have opened up successful small businesses to help them get a fresh start. IOM says owning these businesses gives survivors pride while also contributing to local economic development.
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UK Lawmakers Debate Libyan Slave Markets
UK Lawmakers Debate Libyan Slave Markets
In response to a petition signed by 265,000 people – above the 100,000 threshold needed for a parliamentary debate – UK lawmakers spoke out about the atrocity of the Libyan slave markets. Lyn Brown, MP for West Ham, emphasized that 'These people matter. African lives matter. This is not a situation that we can simply take note of and move on.'
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Open PDF UNODC-GLOTIP-Human-Trafficking-Report-2014
The 2016 Global Slavery Index estimates there are 45.8 million people subject to some form of modern slavery in the world today.
TPB note: Why is there so little outrage about this in the modern world ... and the answer is that while there are massive information flows in the modern world, there is rather little reading of the information and even less understanding of what the information means! To me, solving this problem is the challenge of the era!

Open PDF GSI-Global-Slavery-Index-2016-Full-Report
Open PDF Modern-Slavery-in-Supply-Chains-by-Karen-Morris
KevinBales_2010-480p ... TED talk in 2010
Open PDF KevinBales_2010-480p
Kevin Bales
In this 2010 TED talk, Kevin Bales explains the business of modern slavery, a multibillion-dollar economy that underpins some of the worst industries on earth. He shares stats and personal stories from his on-the-ground research -- and names the price of freeing every slave on earth right now.
Open file 1136
David Batstone
Activist about human trafficking
Open file 1760
Open PDF ... US-State-Department-Human-Trafficking-Report-2015
Open PDF ... Tackling-Modern-Slavery-In-Supply-Chains
Downloaded 180113
Open PDF ... Confronting-Root-Causes-Forced-Labour-In-Global-Supply-Chains

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Human Exploitation
Modern slavery
Kevin Bales: How to combat modern slavery
Open file 1136
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Sex slaves ... there are an estimated 1.4 million sex slaves in the world today and international trafficking is on the rise.
Open file 1145
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Food chain slaves ... The USA is a nation built on the abolition of slavery, but there are at least 40,000 slaves in the USA today.
Open file 1146
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Bonded slaves ... It is a form of slavery that is passed down from one generation to the next, enslaving millions.
Open file 1147
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Charcoal slaves in Brazil ... Poverty-stricken men from the north of Brazil are often lured to remote camps where they are used as slave labour.
Open file 1148
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Child slaves ... There are at least 8.4 million child slaves in the world today, many of them held as forced labour.
Open file 1149
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Shine a light on slavery ... some dialog about the issue
Open file 1150
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Your purchase is your advocacy ... 'I do not want to consume their suffering with my morning cup of coffee.'
Open file 1151
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Shining a light on slavery ... This new series gives a voice to modern-day slaves, goes in search of the slave masters and asks why slavery persists.
Open file 1152
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Slavery: Standing on the edge of extinction? For the cost of a bridge or a light-railway system, 27 million people could be taken out of slavery once and for all.
Open file 1153
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Slavery: Alive and well in the 21st century ... Far from ending with the abolition of slavery, the trade in human beings is thriving more than ever before.
Open file 1154
Modern slavery
Kevin Bales: How to combat modern slavery
Open file 1765
Human Exploitation, Society and Economy
27 million people in slavery in the 21st century
David Batstone talking about his book 'Not for Sale'and this subject in 2007 ... but as a practical matter who cares?
Open file 1759

Human Exploitation, Society and Economy
Who is making a difference to end global slavery?
Something about Professor David Batstone and his commitment to the issue of human slavery
Open file 1762
Human Exploitation
Modern slavery
Kevin Bales: How to combat modern slavery
Open file 1136
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Sex slaves ... there are an estimated 1.4 million sex slaves in the world today and international trafficking is on the rise.
Open file 1145
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Food chain slaves ... The USA is a nation built on the abolition of slavery, but there are at least 40,000 slaves in the USA today.
Open file 1146
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Bonded slaves ... It is a form of slavery that is passed down from one generation to the next, enslaving millions.
Open file 1147
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Charcoal slaves in Brazil ... Poverty-stricken men from the north of Brazil are often lured to remote camps where they are used as slave labour.
Open file 1148
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Child slaves ... There are at least 8.4 million child slaves in the world today, many of them held as forced labour.
Open file 1149
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Shine a light on slavery ... some dialog about the issue
Open file 1150
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Your purchase is your advocacy ... 'I do not want to consume their suffering with my morning cup of coffee.'
Open file 1151
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Shining a light on slavery ... This new series gives a voice to modern-day slaves, goes in search of the slave masters and asks why slavery persists.
Open file 1152
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Slavery: Standing on the edge of extinction? For the cost of a bridge or a light-railway system, 27 million people could be taken out of slavery once and for all.
Open file 1153
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Slavery: Alive and well in the 21st century ... Far from ending with the abolition of slavery, the trade in human beings is thriving more than ever before.
Open file 1154
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Prison slaves in China
China is the world's factory, but does a dark secret lurk behind this apparent success story?
Open file 1410
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Your purchase is your advocacy ... 'I do not want to consume their suffering with my morning cup of coffee.'
Open file 1151
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Shining a light on slavery ... This new series gives a voice to modern-day slaves, goes in search of the slave masters and asks why slavery persists.
Open file 1152
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Slavery: Standing on the edge of extinction? For the cost of a bridge or a light-railway system, 27 million people could be taken out of slavery once and for all.
Open file 1153
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Slavery: Alive and well in the 21st century ... Far from ending with the abolition of slavery, the trade in human beings is thriving more than ever before.
Open file 1154
Charcoal slaves in Brazil
Charcoal slaves ... Poverty-stricken men from the north of Brazil are often lured to remote camps where they are used as slave labour. This AlJazeera story describes working conditions of charcoal slaves in Brazil and how this links to high profile brands
Open file 1130
Kevin Bales: How to combat modern slavery
Kevin Bales: How to combat modern slavery
Open file 1136
Sex slaves ... Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Sex slaves ... there are an estimated 1.4 million sex slaves in the world today and international trafficking is on the rise.
Open file 1145
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Food chain slaves ... The USA is a nation built on the abolition of slavery, but there are at least 40,000 slaves in the USA today.
Open file 1146
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Bonded slaves ... It is a form of slavery that is passed down from one generation to the next, enslaving millions.
Open file 1147
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Charcoal slaves in Brazil ... Poverty-stricken men from the north of Brazil are often lured to remote camps where they are used as slave labour.
Open file 1148
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Child slaves ... There are at least 8.4 million child slaves in the world today, many of them held as forced labour.
Open file 1149
Human Exploitation
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Shine a light on slavery ... some dialog about the issue
Open file 1150
Human Trafficking
21st Century Slavery
VIDEO ... 27 million. This is the story of the sex trade between Moldovia and Western Europe
Open file 766

Human trafficking
Basic observation
This is a big problem that does not often get a lot of media attention. It is driven in large part by failed economics and promise of big rewards, real or imaginary.
Prevailing response
Drawing attention to this through media information is done from time to time, but with little real impact.
A better response
A big international effort is needed using law enforcement agencies in cooperation. At the same time address the issue of failed economics in the communities where people are hopeless and can be preyed on by organized crime
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