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Gun Violence


Aleppo, Syria

Sanaa, Yemen

Mosul, Iraq

Gun Violence in the USA ... the blame game

Blaming Muslims - yet again ... 110723
Looking to place blame for the attacks that took place in Norway, many looked no further than the Muslim community ... AlJazeera English ... Features
Open file 0140
Guns, Society and Economy ... There are times when a gun is needed
911 Tells Mom 'Do What You Have To Do': Okla. Mom Sarah McKinley Kills Intruder Justin Martin ... 110127
Open file 1925
Guns, Society and Economy ... 120709
Guns in the USA ... Obama on the murders in Colorado
Open file 2586
Guns, Society and Economy ... Guns in the USA
Obama on the murders in Colorado ... Rachel Maddow Show July 19, 2012
Open file 2683
Guns, Society and Economy ... Gun tragedy in Colorado, USA
Gun tragedy in Colorado ... what response should there be. Guns really do kill ... More on gun tragedy ... part of this is religion and the idea of a civic state and a good society
Open file 2687

Open file 2800

Open file 3860

Open file 3873

Open file 3917

Open file 3929
Guns ... USA
The Army’s New Handgun: A Weapon for Criminals?
Open file 8873

Gun Violence in the USA

Open PDF ... Gun-Violence-our-precious-daughter-160110
Open PDF ... CREDO-Action-Gun-control-now-160613
Gun Violence
Post Orlando Activism
It’s time to put your constituents before the NRA. Bring a real gun control legislation package, which includes a ban on assault weapons, to the floor of the House and the Senate.
Open file 11339

Violence against women

Country ... USA ... Women's Issues in US Politics
Republicans and abortion rights ... ideology run riot ... Rachel Maddow Show July 19, 2012
Open file 2685

Enabling violence ... Arms Trade

Arms Trade, Society and Economy ... Big profits and low risk of being held to account
Mick Ranger ... an arms dealer who sold rifle used in Hungerford massacre jailed for trafficking deadly missiles ... Paul Cheston ... 20 July 2012
Open file 2689

Gun violence in the United States

Chicago shooting victims ... 2998 in 2015
The map shows where people were shot in Chicago, broken down by community area. Darker shades of blue indicate greater numbers of victims in those community areas.
Open external link
USA - Gun Violence
Chicago Shootings and Murders Surged in 2015 ... 468 murders in Chicago in 2015 compared with 416 the year before.
Open file 11420
USA / Gun Violence ... Data show it is going down
Mike Males ACTIVISM / The Big Reason Young People Don’t Debate Gun Control the Way Older Generations Do ... A dramatic 25-year reduction in gun violence among youth puts high schoolers in a unique position to influence debate.
Open file 14785
Anti gun violence activism / CREDO

Open PDF ... CREDO-Action-Gun-control-now-160613
EveryTownResearch ... a source of information about US gun violence
Open external link
Data about gun violence in schools
Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to understanding and reducing gun violence in America. We conduct groundbreaking original research, developing evidence-based policies, and communicate this knowledge to the American public. Learn more online at
Open PDF ... EveryTownResearch-analysis-of-school-shootings-2013-2015
EveryTownResearch Report: Mass Shootings in the United States: 2009–2016
A bit of the conclusion: '... the majority of mass shootings in the United States are related to domestic or family violence. Furthermore, there are often warning signs in advance of these shootings—“red flags” indicating that the shooters posed a risk to themselves or others.'
Open PDF ... EveryTownResearch-Analysis-of-Mass-Shooting-2009-2016-170621
0140 1925 2586 2683 2685 2687 2689 2800 3860 3873 3917 3929 8873 11339 14785
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