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A listing of files associated with Environment

Basic observation
Environment was given little attention in the first 100 years of the industrial revolution. Today it is recognized that environment needs to be given due consideration within planning for development investment.
Prevailing response
Environment has tended to be an issue that has been used to stop development in order to preserve environment, yet a lot of big established corporate entities continue to do bad environmental things in places where law and regulation are weak.
A better response
Environment needs to be incorporated into mainstream planning and the metrics for measuring development progress so that it is not merely the policy and the activism that gets attention but the actual practices used. Poverty is more damaging to the environment than wealth, and with wealth there is the resource to do remedial work where it is needed.

Green Economy
Mangrove Action Project (MAP)
The mangrove is one of the most important parts of the global ecosystem ... especially fisheries and coastal seafood.
Open file 693
Green Economy
Center for Alternative Technology (CAT)
Center for Alternative Technology (CAT) ... Britain's major centre for environmental inspiration and courses.
Open file 694
Economy and the Environment
Earthrise Programmes
A series of programmes sponsored by AlJazeera English to identify initiatives to improve the global environment
Open file 738
Economy and Environment
Reinventing Fire
Amory Levins ... Getting three sets of benefits: better life, better profits and better environment
Open file 739
Green Economics
The Stream - Australia expected to pass strict carbon tax law
The country could become a world leader in tight regulation of carbon emissions, but some fear the economy will suffer.
Open file 786
Economy and Environment
Solar Panels in Canada
VIDEO RMR: Rick installs Solar Panels in Oshawa Canada where financing done by a solar utility
Open file 848
Society and Economy
Nature is the 99%, too
The economy is built on the idea of relentless growth, which is an environmental and health disaster for all but the 1%.
Open file 1189
Environment, Ecology and Society
Land Temperature Anomaly Video
The global warming debate continues, but these data suggest that there has been a recent temperature rise
Open file 1202
Environment and Society
About Climate Change
A climate scientist, Ethan Siegal claims to expose a climate science fraud
Open file 1273
Environment and Society
What to do?
Environmental historian Angus Wright calls for planetary patriotism and collective action in the face of climate change.
Open file 1279
Environment, Society and Economy
Companies want to pollute
Protect the Ohio River from Mercury Dumping! ... PPG wants to avoid tougher pollution rules. Corporate profit more important than protecting the water
Open file 1699
Environment, Society and Economy
The 'green economy'
I believe Bjørn Lomborg is arguing that 'seeming green' is more a fashion front than serious economic reform
Open file 1894
Environment, Society and Economy
Rivers must flow: The case against big dams
January 2012 ... Lori Pottinger writes that large dams threaten the planet's riverine lifelines and action must be taken soon.
Open file 1991
Environment, Society and Economy
Health, DDT and the fight against malaria
A dialog about DDT and malaria courtesy of Paul Driessen
Open file 2094
Issue ... Environment
Stormwater Runoff
Open file 9208
Open PDF ... Honda-green-dealer-guide-2014
Air pollution standards for electic power generation in the USA being proposed by EPA, June 2014
Open PDF ... EPA-pollution-standards-epa-plan-summary-June-2014
Open PDF ... UNEP-Nigeria-Environmental-Assessment-of-Ogonoiland-2011
Open PDF ... Environmental-Leader-Insider-Knowledge-Report-2014
Open PDF ... WeSpire_Slides_PPT
Environmental Pollution
Sewage / Human Waste
As Rio bay waters show, we badly need innovation in treating human wastes
Open file 11749
Open PDF ... EPA-water-steam-electric-final-rule-factsheet-151001.pdf

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