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Wages and Salaries
Not for Profit Sector

Listing of top salaries in the not for profit sector ... 2012 ... more than 100 organizations ... some very high remunerations.


Peter Burgess

2012American Cancer SocietyJohn Seffrin, Chief Executive Officer$722,716Greg Bontrager, Staff President and Chief Operating Officer$627,684
2012American Diabetes AssociationLarry Hausner, Chief Executive Officer$571,888Greg Elfers, Chief Field Development Officer$358,679
2012American Kidney FundLaVarne Burton, Chief Executive Officer$412,267Donald Roy, Executive Vice President$219,265
2012Annenberg Foundation Trust at SunnylandsGeoffrey Cowan, President$219,763Janice Lyle, Center Director$184,693
2012Boston FoundationPaul Grogan, President$556,401Mary Jo Meisner, Vice President Communications$240,492
2012Boy Scouts of AmericaBob Mazzuca, Chief Scout Executive$1,781,092Wayne Brock, Deputy Chief Scout Executive$647,757
2012Boys & Girls Clubs of AmericaJames Clark, President$658,020Roxanne Spillett, Senior Executive Vice President$509,789
2012Brown FoundationNancy Pittman, Executive Director$284,336Kathleen Hays, Chief Grants Officer$200,000
2012California Community FoundationAntonia Hernandez, Chief Executive Officer$419,097John Kobara, Chief Operating Officer$253,160
2012California EndowmentRobert Ross, President$709,617Ruth Wernig, Chief Investment Officer$750,849
2012Camp FireCathy Tisdale, President$197,069Geri Anne Elsen, Chief Operating Officer$104,490
2012CAREHelene Gayle, Chief Executive Officer$419,284Jon Mitchell, Chief Operating Officer$222,709
2012Carnegie Corporation of New YorkVartan Gregorian, President$699,444Kim Lew, Co-Chief Investment Officer$591,874
2012Casey Family ProgramsWilliam Bell, President$750,200Joseph Boateng, Executive Vice President$1,107,000
2012Catholic Charities USALarry Snyder, President$318,663Candy Hill, Senior Vice President for Social Policy and Government Affairs$189,576
2012Catholic Relief ServicesCarolyn Woo, President$400,000M. Schuyler Thorup, Executive Vice President$214,366
2012Charles Stewart Mott FoundationWilliam White, Chairman$500,000Michael Smith, Chief Investment Officer$1,294,822
2012ChildFund InternationalAnne Goddard, President$268,242Isam Ghanim, Executive Vice President$316,840
2012Christian Broadcasting NetworkGordon Robertson, Chief Executive Officer$379,412Michael Little, President$332,467
2012Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryBruce Stillman, Chief Executive Officer$529,064W. Dillaway Ayres, Chief Operating Officer$409,565
2012Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater BostonBarry Shrage, President$482,932Gil Preuss, Executive Vice President$305,882
2012Community Foundation for Greater AtlantaAlicia Philipp, President$293,294Lesley Grady, Senior Vice President for Community Partnerships$157,900
2012Conservation FundLawrence Selzer, President$431,292Richard Erdmann, Executive Vice President$335,197
2012Conservation InternationalPeter Seligmann, Chief Executive Officer$512,738Russel Mittermeier, President$377,854
2012Cross International AllianceJames Cavnar, President$164,592David Adams, Vice President for Missions$173,312
2012Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteEdward Benz Jr., President$1,059,212Michael Constantine, Medical Director Hematologic Oncology at Milford Regional Medical Center$930,810
2012Daniels FundLinda Childears, Chief Executive Officer$443,050Jeb Dickey, Chief Financial Officer$281,165
2012Direct Relief InternationalThomas Tighe, Chief Executive Officer$356,007Bhupi Singh, Chief Operating Officer$291,549
2012Disabled American VeteransArthur Wilson, Chief Executive Officer$287,010Christopher Clay, General Counsel$198,558
2012Ducks UnlimitedDale Hall, Chief Executive Officer$352,736Randy Graves, Chief Financial Officer$286,896
2012Duke EndowmentEugene Cochrane Jr., President$464,199Rhett Mabry, Vice President and Director of Child Care$252,960
2012Easter SealsJames Williams Jr., Chief Executive Officer$677,485Donald Jackson, Chief Operating Officer$514,211
2012First BookKyle Zimmer, President$180,000Jane Robinson, Chief Financial Officer$158,373
2012Food for the PoorRobin Mahfood, President$391,627Angel Aloma, Executive Director$250,952
2012Ford FoundationLuis Ubiñas, President$951,551Eric Doppstadt, Chief Investment Officer$1,141,033
2012Foundation for the CarolinasMichael Marsicano, President$416,109Laura Wellman, Executive Vice President$243,500
2012Goodwill Industries InternationalJim Gibbons, Chief Executive Officer$533,765Steven Krotonsky, Chief Operating Officer$256,447
2012Gordon and Betty Moore FoundationSteven McCormick, President$690,611Denise Strack, Chief Investment Officer$1,614,653
2012Greater Houston Community FoundationStephen Maislin, Chief Executive Officer$326,409K.C. Eynatten, Vice President$179,343
2012Greater Kansas City Community FoundationDeborah Wilkerson, President$242,453Janeen Kammerer, Senior Vice President Finance$154,198
2012Greater Miami Jewish FederationJacob Solomon, Chief Executive Officer$460,676Jeffrey Levin, Chief Development Officer$164,640
2012Greater Twin Cities United WaySarah Caruso, President$310,070Benjamin Knoll, Chief Operating Officer$189,458
2012Habitat for Humanity InternationalJonathan Reckford, Chief Executive Officer$269,233Rick Hathaway, Vice President for Area of Asia and Pacific$357,981
2012Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of AmericaJanice Weinman, Chief Executive Officer$200,187Rick Annis, Chief Financial Officer$397,711
2012Heritage FoundationEdwin Feulner Jr., President$1,162,696Phillip Truluck, Executive Vice President$738,755
2012Houston EndowmentAnn Stern, President$509,179Sheryl Johns, Executive Vice President$340,183
2012Humane Society of the United StatesWayne Pacelle, President$347,675G. Thomas Waite, Treasurer$203,839
2012Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical GardensSteve Koblik, President$410,255Alison Sowden, Vice President for Financial Affairs$244,843
2012J. Paul Getty TrustJames Cuno, President$1,064,020James Williams, Chief Investment Officer$1,103,409
2012JDRF InternationalJeffrey Brewer, Chief Executive Officer$0Richard Insel, Executive Vice President of Research$560,773
2012Jewish Communal FundSusan Dickman, Executive Vice President$290,193Jose Virella, Senior Vice President$175,242
2012Jewish Community Foundation of Los AngelesMarvin Schotland, President$358,073Michael Januzik, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration$234,049
2012Jewish Community Foundation of San DiegoMarjory Kaplan, Chief Executive Officer$343,600Jeremy Pearl, Chief Financial Officer$165,887
2012Jewish Federation/Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan ChicagoSteven B. Nasatir, President$622,343David Brief, Chief Investment Officer$443,789
2012Jewish Federations of North AmericaGerrald Silverman, Chief Executive Officer$615,931Samuel Astrof, Chief Financial Officer--
2012John E. Fetzer InstituteLawrence Sullivan, President$491,327Robert Lehman, Chairman of the Board$263,115
2012John S. and James L. Knight FoundationAlberto Ibarguen, President$653,259Belinda Lawrence, Chief Administrative Officer$327,254
2012KCET/Community Television of Southern CaliforniaAl Jerome, President$409,432Ms Debbie Hinton, Executive Vice President Finance and Development$207,480
2012Kemper and Leila Williams FoundationPriscilla Lawrence, Chief Executive Officer$180,000Michael Cohn, Chief Financial Officer$119,274
2012Kresge FoundationRip Rapson, President$546,600Robert Manilla, Vice President for Investments$928,670
2012Lilly EndowmentN. Clay Robbins, President$603,000Thomas Lofton, Chairman$608,400
2012Lincoln Institute of Land PolicyGregory Ingram, Chief Executive Officer$384,759Kathryn Lincoln, Chief Investment Officer$280,000
2012Longwood GardensPaul Redman, Executive Director$336,558Sharon Loving, Horticultural Department Head$179,638
2012Lumina FoundationJamie Merisotis, President$560,517Holiday McKiernan, Chief of Staff and General Counsel$276,552
2012Lutheran Services in AmericaCharlotte Haberaecker, President$185,683Bruce Cropf, Vice President Finance$125,000
2012Make-a-Wish FoundationDavid Williams, President$446,980Kurt Kroemer, Chief Operating Officer$256,670
2012March of Dimes FoundationJennifer Howse, President$526,679Joseph Simpson, Senior Vice President for Research and Global Programs$378,081
2012Marine Toys for Tots FoundationHenry Osman, President$257,900Major William Grein, Vice President for Marketing and Development$156,000
2012Museum of Fine Arts, HoustonGary Tinterow, Director$577,238Gwendolyn Goffe, Associate Director of Investment and Finance$608,832
2012Museum of Modern ArtGlenn Lowry, Director$1,050,712James Gara, Chief Operating Officer$885,357
2012National Academy of SciencesRalph Cicerone, President$699,233Harvey Fineberg, President of the Institute of Medicine$738,430
2012National Association for the Exchange of Industrial ResourcesGary Smith, President$256,209Robert Gilstrap, Chief Financial Officer$143,294
2012National Cancer CoalitionRobert Landry, President$290,816Thomas D. Roane, Vice President$174,185
2012National Christian FoundationTerrill Parker, Founder$226,190David Wills, President$207,633
2012National Multiple Sclerosis SocietyCynthia Zagieboylo, Chief Executive Officer$286,430Joyce Nelson, Former President$411,883
2012National Trust for Historic PreservationStephanie Meeks, President$417,366David Brown, Executive Vice President$293,693
2012National Wildlife FederationLarry Schweiger, President$339,449Jaime Matyas, Chief Operating Officer$236,321
2012Natural Resources Defense CouncilFrances Beinecke, President$376,317Peter Lehner, Executive Director$259,300
2012Nature ConservancyMark Tercek, Chief Executive Officer$561,278Joseph Keenan, Regional Director$431,141
2012New York Community TrustLorie Slutsky, President$762,824Mary Z Greenebaum, Chief Investment Officer$305,759
2012Operation Blessing InternationalWilliam Horan, President$333,405Pamela Erickson, Vice President for Procurement and Corporate Relations$131,796
2012Oregon Community FoundationMaxwell Williams, Chief Executive Officer$263,654Gregory Chaille, Strategic Advisor$255,960
2012Perot Museum of Nature and ScienceNicole Small, Chief Executive Officer$216,760Dan Kohl, Vice President for Innovation$194,921
2012Rhode Island FoundationNeil Steinberg, President$336,838Carol Golden, Executive Vice President$184,945
2012Robert W. Woodruff FoundationRussell Hardin, President$212,700Lee Tribble, Treasurer$120,355
2012Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalJohn Hewko, General Secretary$69,395John Osterlund, General Manager Rotary Foundation$181,862
2012Salvation ArmyWilliam Roberts, National Commander$74,945, Director of Development and Community Relations$219,516
2012Samaritan's PurseFranklin Graham, Chief Executive Officer$437,255Phyllis Payne, Vice President for Corporate Affairs$316,087
2012Save the ChildrenCarolyn Miles, President$403,857Mark Shriver, Senior Vice President for U.S. Programs$250,431
2012Silicon Valley Community FoundationEmmett Carson, President$606,258Mari Ellen Loijens, Chief Business Development and Brand Officer$213,357
2012Smithsonian InstitutionWayne Clough, Secretary$511,239Thomas Ott, President of Smithsonian Enterprises$425,405
2012Starr FoundationFlorence Davis, President$506,032Courtney O'Malley, Vice President$203,876
2012Step Up for StudentsDoug Tuthill, President$197,102Kerri Vaughan, Executive Vice President for Development$131,900
2012Susan Thompson Buffett FoundationAllen Greenberg, President$479,615Turkiz Gokgol, Director of International Programs$327,058
2012Terra Foundation for the ArtsElizabeth Glassman, Chief Executive Officer$418,611Donald Ratner, Chief Financial Officer$318,540
2012The ArcPeter Berns, Chief Executive Officer$386,126Martha Ford, Chief Public Policy Officer$241,482
2012The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of BaltimoreMarc Terrill, President$501,678Mark Smolarz, Chief Operating and Financial Officer$183,212
2012The Johns Hopkins UniversityRonald Daniels, President$929,345Edward Miller, Chief Executive Officer Johns Hopkins Medicine$1,371,868
2012The YNeil Nicoll, Chief Executive Officer$456,633Kent Johnson, Chief Operating Officer$343,629
2012United Jewish Appeal-Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New YorkJohn Ruskay, Executive Vice President$3,151,000Colin Ambrose, Chief Investment Officer$726,000
2012United Jewish Foundation and Jewish Federation of Metropolitan DetroitScott Kaufman Kaufman, Chief Executive Officer$270,726Robert Aronson, Senior Development Officer$367,254
2012United Service OrganizationsSloan Gibson, President$511,316John Pray, Chief of Staff$340,197
2012United States Fund for UnicefCaryl Stern, President$476,191Edward Lloyd, Executive Vice President$370,789
2012United Way of Central IndianaEllen Annala, Chief Executive Officer$218,945Dale DePoy, Senior Vice President for Operations$137,508
2012United Way of Central OhioJanet Jackson, President$270,644Deanna Stewart, Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement$193,650
2012United Way of Greater CincinnatiRobert Reifsnyder, President$365,522Yvonne Gray Washington, Executive Vice President$231,909
2012United Way of Greater HoustonAnna Babin, Chief Executive Officer$298,860Anne Neeson, Vice President for Donor Relations--
2012United Way of King CountyJonathan Fine, Chief Executive Officer$281,857David Okimoto, Senior Vice President$130,601
2012United Way of Metropolitan DallasJennifer Sampson, Chief Executive Officer$347,180Susan Hoff, Chief Strategy Officer$200,179
2012United Way of Miami-DadeHarve Mogul, Chief Executive Officer$434,108Claudia Grillo, Chief Operating Officer$234,423
2012United Way WorldwideBrian Gallagher, President$1,220,305Joseph Haggerty, Chief Operating Officer$379,726
2012University of MiamiDonna Shalala, President$869,520P. Goldschmidt Clermont, Dean of the School of Medicine$1,177,405
2012W.K. Kellogg FoundationSterling Speirn, Chief Executive Officer$495,025Joel Wittenberg, Chief Investment Officer$646,716
2012William and Flora Hewlett FoundationLarry Kramer, President$250,400Laurance Hoagland Jr., Chief Investment Officer$2,480,654
2012WNETNeal Shapiro, Chief Executive Officer$508,409Harvey Seslowsky, Managing Director$408,801
2012World VisionRichard Stearns, President$405,975Lawrence Probus, Chief Financial Officer$229,964
2012World Wildlife FundCarter Roberts, Chief Executive Officer$561,194Marcia Marsh, Chief Operating Officer$358,890
2012Young LifeDennis Rydberg, President$349,841John Wagner, Field Senior Vice President$178,136

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