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Dialog, Society and Economy
Nation of Change

A set of subjects being discussed by Nation of Change members

There are thousands and thousands of issues that need to be addressed/ The theory of the 'capitalist market economy' is that the 'invisible hand of the economic market' will take care of everything, and as an economic purist. I would perhaps agree with that. The problem is that the efficient economic market of the theory is long gone, and markets are dysfunctional in many different ways. Two of the big issues are the concentration of economic power and the role of advertising and misinformation. These are big factors in making markets function in a dysfunctional manner.

The following is a set of issues being addressed by the group 'Nation of Change'. See the original posting on their website and see dialog about the same issues in the TrueValueMetrics dialog.
Peter Burgess

Robert Reich | Healthcare Jujitsu

Robert Reich, Op-Ed: “Not surprisingly, today’s debut Supreme Court argument over the so-called ‘individual mandate’ requiring everyone to buy health insurance revolved around epistemological niceties such as the meaning of a ‘tax,’ and the question of whether the issue is ripe for review. Behind this judicial foreplay is the brute political fact that if the Court decides the individual mandate is an unconstitutional extension of federal authority, the entire law starts unraveling.”

Outrageous Lies Monsanto and Friends Are Trying to Pass off to Kids as Science

Ronnie Cummins, News Analysis: “In a blatant attempt at brainwashing, the Council for Biotechnology Information (CBI) has widely circulated what it calls a Biotechnology Basics Activity Book for kids, to be used by ‘Agriculture and Science Teachers.’ The book -- called Look Closer at Biotechnology -- looks like a science workbook, but reads more like a fairy tale.” READ

Chris Hedges | The Polite Conference Rooms Where Liberties Are Saved and Lost

Chris Hedges, Truthdig Op-Ed: The NDAA implodes our most cherished constitutional protections. It permits the military to function on U.S. soil as a civilian law enforcement agency. It authorizes the executive branch to order the military to selectively suspend due process and habeas corpus for citizens. The law can be used to detain people deemed threats to national security, including dissidents whose rights were once protected under the First Amendment, and hold them until what is termed “the end of the hostilities.” READ | DISCUSS | SHARE

Label It Yourself Campaign: Citizen Action to Label GMOs

News Report: “Citizens from across the country, concerned by the increasing scientific data indicating serious economic, environmental and public health risks associated with GMOs (genetically modified organisms), have taken matters into their own hands, labeling foods that may contain GMOs in a nationwide campaign to ‘Label It Yourself.’ Polls have consistently demonstrated that a vast majority of Americans want to know if food they are purchasing contains GMOs.” READ | DISCUSS | SHARE

Steve Horn Interviews Democratic Candidate Rocky Anderson

Steve Horn, Interview: “On November 29, 2011, Rocky Anderson – former Democratic Party Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah – announced he’d be running for President of the United States. Though the majority of his adult life a loyal Democrat, in recent years, Anderson’s criticisms of the Party have been sharp, never mincing words in describing his displeasure.” READ | DISCUSS | SHARE

Anthony Gucciardi | Activism Shuts Down ‘Pink Slime’ Plants

Anthony Gucciardi, News Report: “In response to serious health activism that has spread like wildfire over the ammonia-treated ‘pink slime’ product once commonly found in school lunches and supermarkets alike, the top producer of the toxic ingredient has shut down production in 3 out of 4 of its plants for 60 days. According to the corporate administer of Beef Products Inc, a South Dakota-based company, the ‘temporary’ closure may soon become ‘a permanent suspension.’” READ | DISCUSS | SHARE

Pentagon Silent on Whether Suspect in Afghan Massacre Took Controversial Anti-Malaria Drug

Amy Goodman, Video Interview: “As Staff. Sgt. Robert Bales is charged with murdering 17 Afghans, we speak with reporter Mark Benjamin, who revealed the Pentagon recently launched an emergency review of a controversial anti-malaria drug known to induce psychotic behavior. Metfloquine, also called Lariam, is used to protect soldiers from malaria, but has been known to have side effects including paranoia and hallucinations. It has been implicated in a number of suicides and homicides, including within the U.S. military ranks.” READ | DISCUSS | SHARE

We Screwed Up

Chip Ward, Op-Ed: “I know a better world is possible. We create that better world by reaching out to one another, listening, learning, and speaking from our hearts, face to face, neighbor to neighbor, one community after another, openly, inclusively, bravely. Democracy is not a gift to be practiced only when permitted. We empower ourselves. Our salvation is found in each other, together.” READ | DISCUSS | SHARE

Finally, OWS Gets Police to Arrest the People in Suits

Bryan Farrell, News Report: “Sometimes justice requires a little imagination. On Saturday, when much of the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York was loudly denouncing police violence against minorities and protesters, a small group of environmentalists dreamed up a way to get the police to focus on the crimes of the 1 percent, to the point of arresting five corporate suits on United Nations property. Rebecca Manski, who helped organize the action and was among the five arrested, said the police really didn’t get that she and the others were just pretending to be corporate executives.” READ | DISCUSS | SHARE

Day 191: Live Coverage of the Occupy Movement

Special Coverage: As we enter Day 191 of the Occupy movements the protests have spread not only across the country but all over the globe. Thousands of activists have descended on Wall Street these past weeks as part of the #OccupyWallStreet protest organized by several action groups. What follows is a live video stream and live Twitter feed of this event. READ | DISCUSS | SHARE

How ALEC Is Creating Florida-Style Messes in Other States

John Nichols, Op-Ed: “Wisconsin is a rod-and-gun state, with a hunting history that has fostered traditions of broad gun ownership and respect for the right to bear arms. So how did Wisconsin get saddled with a ‘Castle Doctrine’ law that mirrors some of the worst aspects of the Florida legislation that's now at the center of the controversy over the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.” READ | DISCUSS | SHARE

The National Occupation of Washington, DC Seeks to Lift Occupy to New Levels With Powerful Educational Programs

Kevin Zeese, News Report: “The National Occupation of Washington, DC which begins on March 30th and ends on April 30th will include protests, music and art but its anchor is education of the movement. The major educational activities begin on April 2nd with the ‘Control the Corporation’ conference at the Carnegie Institute of Washington.” READ | DISCUSS | SHARE

Dean Baker | The Paul Ryan Rorschach Test

Dean Baker, Op-Ed: “House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan did a great public service when he released his budget last week. By throwing a piece of total garbage on the table and pretending it is a real budget plan, he allowed us to see who in Washington is serious about the budget and who just says things that will push their agenda.” READ | DISCUSS | SHARE

Arguments Begin Before Supreme Court in Historic Health Law Case

David Lightman and Michael Doyle, News Report: “Supreme Court justices on Tuesday will enter the second and most crucial day of historic, closely watched arguments that could determine whether most Americans will have to buy health care coverage or pay penalties. The 90-minute health-care argument Monday morning had little to do with the merits or even the substance of the 2,700-page health-care law passed by congressional Democrats in 2010. Instead, opening-day arguments centered on whether lawsuits challenging the case are premature.” READ | DISCUSS | SHARE

Multiple authors
The text being discussed is available at
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