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Project Syndicate

Project Syndicate is one of the biggest coordinator of op-ed material in the world ... a very important source of Western ideas and opinions

I have not been particularly aware of this organization, but the name has been appearing more and more as I have expanded my use of the Internet as a source of interesting news and opinion. They are a major service for the media on the one side and opinion leaders on the other. It is however, interesting that their portfolio of opinion makers includes the following categories: (1) politicians and statesmen, (2) economists, (3) political scientists and philosophers, (4) global strategists, (5) scientists. (6) novelists, and, (7) activists but not categories like (1) bankiing, finance and corporate leaders, (2) lawyers and accountants and (3) engineers.

To some extent this is the gap that TrueValueMetrics wants to fill, or at least, to address in a modest way. The concept of society is sadly missing in the global dialog about economic performance, and also a solid appreciation of the difference between the real world and the academic and intellectual world view. In many ways I am not qualified to represent the real world view, but I do know that it is very important. I have had a deep appreciation of how important after working in the field during the famines of the 1980s and with refugees in conflict areas. Much of premature death is caused by man-originating foolishness and unrealistic analysis. It can be different ... it should be different.

Some of the material flowing through the Project Syndicate is very good ... in fact almost all ... but not all. Also a lot of material that would be useful for a better understanding of the state of the world does not reach this organization. It is however, a huge and useful resource.
Peter Burgess


Project Syndicate: the world's pre-eminent source of original op-ed commentaries. A unique collaboration of distinguished opinion makers from every corner of the globe, Project Syndicate provides incisive perspectives on our changing world by those who are shaping its politics, economics, science, and culture. Exclusive, trenchant, unparalleled in scope and depth: Project Syndicate is truly A World of Ideas.

As of November 2011, Project Syndicate membership included 474 leading newspapers in 151 countries. Financial contributions from member papers in advanced countries support the services provided by Project Syndicate free of charge or at reduced rates to members in developing countries. Additional support comes from the Open Society Institute.


Project Syndicate provides the world’s foremost newspapers with exclusive commentaries by prominent leaders and opinion makers. It currently offers 54 monthly series and one weekly series of columns on topics ranging from economics to international affairs to science and philosophy.

Project Syndicate is committed to maintaining the broad intellectual scope and global reach that readers need to understand the issues and choices shaping their lives. As a result, Project Syndicate's commentators reflect the world in all its variety of professions, national and cultural backgrounds, and political perspectives. Past and current contributors include:

  • politicians and statesmen, including Ban Ki-moon, Tony Blair, Jimmy Carter, Jorge Castañeda, Joschka Fischer, Mikhail Gorbachev, Václav Havel, Christine Lagarde, Chris Patten, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Javier Solana, Shashi Tharoor, and Yuliya Tymoshenko;
  • economists, including Howard Davies, Martin Feldstein, Otmar Issing, Edmund Phelps, Dani Rodrik, Kenneth Rogoff, Nouriel Roubini, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Robert Shiller, and Dominique Strauss-Kahn, and Joseph E. Stiglitz;
  • political scientists and philosophers, including Pervez Hoodbhoy, John Gray, Harold James, Nina Khrushcheva, Daoud Kuttab, Pierre Nora, Joseph S. Nye, and Peter Singer;
  • global strategists, including Zbigniew Brzezinski, Richard Haass, Richard C. Holbrooke, Sergei Karaganov, and Kishore Mahbubani;
  • scientists, including Nobel Laureates Paul Berg, Sydney Brenner, Christian de Duve, and Harold Varmus;
  • novelists, including Umberto Eco, Nadine Gordimer, Ma Jian, Arundhati Roy, Elif Shafak, Norman Manea, and Vladimir Voinovich;
  • activists, including Emma Bonino, Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Bjørn Lomborg, Morgan Tsvangirai, Desmond Tutu, and Naomi Wolf.

INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS Jagdish Bhagwati J. Bradford DeLong Barry Eichengreen Jeffrey Frankel NEW! Daniel Gros Stephen S. Roach Kenneth Rogoff Nouriel Roubini Boskin and Sinn Joseph E. Stiglitz

STRATEGIC SPOTLIGHT Shlomo Ben-Ami Castaneda, Haass, and Rocard Gareth Evans Joschka Fischer Christopher Hill Yuriko Koike Dominique Moisi Joseph S. Nye Jaswant Singh Shashi Tharoor

GLOBAL FINANCE Davies and Shiller Mohamed A. El-Erian Martin Feldstein Simon Johnson

ECONOMICS OF DEVELOPMENT Dani Rodrik Jeffrey D. Sachs Michael Spence Andres Velasco Yao and Yu

ECONOMIC AND REGULATORY POLICY Jean Pisani-Ferry Raghuram Rajan Roe and Zingales

ECONOMIC HISTORY Harold James Robert Skidelsky

ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES European Economies The Frontiers of Growth

PUBLIC INTELLECTUALS Ian Buruma Esther Dyson Bjorn Lomborg Peter Singer Naomi Wolf

Project Syndicate ... from their website
November 2011
The text being discussed is available at
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