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The Value Metrics Ecosystem
Redefining Value: The New Metrics of Sustainable Business
Conference Program

The program for redefining value using The New Metrics of Sustainable Business is a very useful sub-set for the TrueValueMetrics initiative


Peter Burgess

7.30am: Registration
8.00am: Breakfast

9.00am: Opening Remarks

9.10am: Measuring What Matters - The Big Questions Driving Shift in 21C Business Jules Peck, Trustee, New Economic Foundation; Chair, Edelman's Sustainability Group; Founding Partner, Flourishing Enterprise

A new vision of what it means to be prosperous and to flourish as individuals and societies is taking hold in parts of the business world. It's inspired by the coming together of disparate disciplines including psychology, welfare economics, neuroscience, and marketing.

For a long time there have been counter-intuitive signs leading Nobel prize winners like Amartya Sen, Joseph Stiglitz, and Dan Kahneman to question the meaning of prosperity. Since Robert Kennedy's 1968 speech questioning GNP as a measure, evidence such as the Happy Planet Index and Genuine Progress Indicator are helping challenge assumptions about the link between wealth, growth and wellbeing and prosperity. These indicators show for instance, that despite continuing exponential economic growth since the 1970's, in the rich world, life-satisfaction has flat-lined. Work by academics and think tanks shows that, above a level of income we have all inthe rich world long since achieved, only 7% of our wellbeing comes from income. The key things which increase wellbeing are connection to friends, family and community; giving back and volunteering; being physically active; having life goals and continuing to learn; and taking notice and being engaged. In this kick-off talk, Jules will share research and metrics attached to the 'five ways to wellbeing', which is now becoming central to UK Government Policy.

9.40am: The Metrics of Reputation
Jeff Smith, Partner, Prophet

Jeff will discuss findings from Prophet’s 2010 Reputation Survey and discus the process for measuring reputation and determining drivers that matter. He will look across categories, discuss key trends and illustrate how building reputation is not just about influencing policy makers and investors, it is critical to the commercial success of a business.

10.10am: Best Practices in Product Metrics
Libby Bernick, Vice President, TerraChoice

What are the best practices in product-focused sustainability metrics? Current practices in developing greener product sourcing frameworks by B2B procurement experts and B2C category managers might not be what you expect. Are they aligned with what customers and consumers want, the products that suppliers make, and the biggest global sustainability challenges sustainability experts see ahead? This presentation will explore the results of some recent benchmarking on product metrics and sustainable sourcing, and discuss strategies and challenges for today’s sustainability leaders.

10.40 - 11.00am: Morning Break

11.00am: Leveraging CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) Data to Drive Business Value
Roberta Barbieri, Global Environmental Project Manager, Diageo
Michal Pelzig, Manager, Reporting, Hess Corporation
Moderated by Jim Sullivan, VP, Strategic Advisor, SAP

According to the 2011 Carbon Disclosure Project Report, companies in the Carbon Disclosure Leadership and Performance Index delivered approximately double the total return of Global 500 companies between January 2005 and May 2011, suggesting a strong correlation between good climate change disclosure and performance, and higher financial performance. This session will detail how best in class companies such as Diageo and Hess are using analytics provided by the CDP Reporter Services program to assess and maximize their return on investment from cost-saving greenhouse gas reduction activities and strategic business opportunities.

11.45am: Context-Based Metrics: Taking Sustainability Literally
Mark McElroy, PhD, Executive Director, Center for Sustainable Organizations and leading researcher in context based metrics

This session examines the advent of a new class of indicators in sustainability measurement and reporting known as context-based metrics, or CBMs. Unlike most of what passes for best practice today, CBMs express organizational performance relative to norms, standards or thresholds for what such impacts would have to be in order to be sustainable. Thus, they provide more literal measures of sustainability performance than are typically used, while also responding to the call for context in measurement by the world's leading sustainability reporting standard: GRI. The session will begin with a brief synopsis of contemporary metrics followed by an introduction and description of CBMs in details, with examples included.

12.30 - 1.30pm: Lunch

1.30pm: Poverty Footprinting: Valuing Business Contribution to Development
Heidi Koester, International Public Affairs, The Coca-Cola Company
Jonathan Jacoby, Policy and Campaigns Manager, Private Sector Department, Oxfam America

Coca-Cola is partnering with Oxfam America on Poverty Footprinting to assign a tangible value to the contribution of business on development. Heidi will address the background and objectives for the project as well as share emerging metrics associated with it.

2.00pm: Human Value Added: People as an Asset on the Balance Sheet
Paul Herman, Founder & CEO, HIP Investor With others

Wharton 1989 Alum Paul Herman, Investment Advisor and Author, The HIP (Human Impact & Profit) Investor in conversation with pioneers on the subject of 'human resource valuation'

2.30pm: Integrating Financial, Ecological, Social and Health Metrics to Drive Business Process, Change and Reporting
Dave Stangis, VP Corporate Social Responsibility, Campbell Soup Company

Campbell Soup has made a significant commitment to ‘bake in’ corporate social responsibility into it’s mission “to build the world’s most extraordinary food company by nourishing people’s lives everywhere, every day.” In this session, Dave will share how Campbell is creating new business systems to drive progress and change, and what it takes to get an organization to mobilize and make decisions in support of its goals by leveraging a wide set of financial, ecological, social and health metrics. He will also share his ongoing learning about integrating financial and non-financial reporting with the goal of making the connection between the two

3.30 - 4.00pm: Afternoon Break

4.00pm: Moving Environmental Impact onto the Balance Sheet
Reiner Hengstmann, Global Director PUMA.SAFE, Puma
Tom Beagent, Assistant Director, Sustainability & Climate Change, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Reiner Hengstmann joins us virtually from Vietnam to discuss an alternative approach to solving the challenges the company is faced with in regards to putting a value on environmental impact and incorporating it in to the balance sheet.

4.20pm: Valuing Eco-System Services: Inside the Dow Chemicals/Nature Conservancy Partnership
Judy Gunderson, Dow Chemical Company
Michelle Lapinski, Director of Corporate Practices, The Nature Conservancy

Dow Chemicals and The Nature Conservancy have partnered in a breakthrough collaboration aimed at demonstrating the power of a systematic approach to understanding and factoring into corporate decision-making the value of nature, biodiversity and ecosystem services. The partnership is formed to help manage risk, identify investment opportunities to maximize ROI and shape Dow’s next generation sustainability goals while taking a science-based approach to protecting the planet with global reach and impact.

4.55pm: Modeling the Shared Value of Industry Collaboration
John O'Connor, VP Sustainability Research, Gaia Metrics (formerly, World Bank, IMF)

In this sesision, John suggests a model for applying models typically used to value 'own account intangibles' like capitalized R&D and brand equity to industry or shared intangibles, such as pre-competition collaboration and supply chain information systems. Case studies from diverse industries (computers & electronics, pharmaceuticals, textiles & apparel, mining, and alcoholic beverages) will be used to show how shared or industry wide intangibles can play a significant role in shareholder value, in some cases exceeding the contribution of the company's purchased or own account intangibles.

These case studies will be used to propose a tentative typology for how businesses seem to use industry intangibles to maximize shareholder value. Topics for discussion include how businesses seem to use industry intangibles to maximize shareholder value, how examples presented might apply to other industries, and how the value of industry collaboration might be connected to income and expense data, to support return on investment metrics.

5.30pm: Closing Remarks and Cocktails

The text being discussed is available at
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