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Organization ... AMV Foundation
American Muslim Voice Foundation

Living in Harmony ... Introducing the American Muslim Voice Foundation

This is an initiative to build a world where friendship becomes more common than fear. Fear is built into the human psyche ... but it is friendship that makes for quality of life and a community that is worth living in. This organization is working to sideline 'islamaphobia' and I wish them success. This was distributed just before a press conference in Washington DC on Capitol Hill on March 28th.

Everywhere I have worked around the world I have found that most people would like to be friendly ... want to be friendly. In too many places being friendly is controlled by the authorities and may even be against the law. This was the case in Burma when I worked there in the early 1980s. Government employees had to report on all contact with foreigners, no matter how trivial. When you have observed repression at this level and worse, the value of freedom becomes real, and worth fighting for.

Some of the recent ... 2011/2012 ... events in North Africa and the Middle East have been violent. People oppressed by authoritarian corrupt regimes are fighting for freedome and a better life. In Syria more than 15,000 have been killed and the fighting goes on (July 2012) but in the end the people ae going to get a more free and fair society. They have paid for this with their blood.
Peter Burgess

Introducing the American Muslim Voice Foundation

Dear new friends,

Thank you so much for sending me your photos. Please send me an email if your group would like to become our peace partner. Here are the details about our new campaign.

AMV Foundation is trying to host a press conference on Monday March 28th at 11 am at one of the House buildings.

Please let me know if it is possible for you to attend or send a representitive from your group?

I know that it is a short notice but would be beneficial for our nation and all of us. I would greatly appreciate a quick response so I can add you to the list of our peace partners.

Best regards,

Samina Sundas
American Muslim Voice Foundation
Fostering friendships among ALL Americans
From fear to friendship ... National Invite Your Neighbors to Dinner Day

For immediate release:
Contact: Samina Sundas 650-387-1994
March 28th, 2011

Washington DC. The American Muslim Voice Foundation along with Multifaith groups and community organizations is calling upon all Americans to join our new campaign to ensure our nation’s safety and security.

We will not build a safe, secure or harmonious nation by having hearings to demonize Islam and Muslims, vandalizing Mosques or hating each other. Our safety, security and peace lies in getting to know our neighbors and colleagues. We must reject hat rated and fear mongering to build a safe, secure, and peaceful America, where we all feel at home. Please join AMV Foundation in launching the new campaign by making 1st Sunday of October a 'National invite your neighbors to dinner day.' Our goal is for all Americans to move 'From Fear to Friendship.'

The American Muslim Voice Foundation is seeking global partnerships for its 'Miracle Movement of Peace and Friendship.' We strongly believe that in order to build peace, we must shatter all barriers, get to know each other and form friendships. We are encouraging all Americans and global communities to start getting to know each other by nurturing old friendships and sowing the seeds of new ones, so we can replace the culture of despair, division, hate and violence with a culture of hope, inclusion, love and peace. Together we can build a peaceful, inclusive and beloved world, we would be proud to leave behind for our future generations!

Here are some of the AMV Foundation’s and peace partners ongoing campaigns that are paving the path for a beloved, inclusive and harmonious America.

Open Homes, peace picnics, teach INS at schools, colleges, universities, places of worships, national and regional conventions and conferences and at retreats, dinners and dialogs, share the joy of Ramadan and Eid with your fellow Americans and Peace conventions. We organized these events as our ongoing efforts to build a beloved community and peace in our world.

What: 'National Invite Your Neighbors to Dinner Day'

Why: To ensure our nation’s safety and security by getting to know each other. We are also encouraging all American to move “From fear to friendship.”

Who: Samina Sundas, Founding Executive Director of the American Muslim Voice Foundation and Representatives of Multifaiths

When: On Monday, March 28th 2011
Where: Washington DC
Time: 11 am

American Muslim Voice Foundation was founded in July 2003 by American Muslims to work for and with all Americans. We work with all Muslim, multi-faith, community organizations/groups and individuals that share our vision of a peaceful, harmonious and inclusive world. The Miracle Movement of Peace and Friendship is but a part of AMV Foundation’s mission. We are striving to foster friendships among all Americans by bridging the cultural and religious gap. We are a grassroots, nonviolent and inclusive organization dedicated to preserving and protecting civil liberties and constitutional rights for all. We believe that working alongside neighbors and strangers towards a shared goal - strengthening the fibers of our world and eradicating cultural fault lines - forges bonds and often sparks friendships. AMV Foundation is also committed to builds alliances & genuine partnerships with like-minded groups and individuals. Our goal is to unite us all under the umbrella of our common humanity. We celebrate diversity & value all human beings regardless of race, religion or creed.

Please join hands with us as we walk on the path Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. paved for us. Become full partners in “The Miracle Movement of Peace and friendship” by becoming our peace partner.

In Islam the rights of neighbors include help them in fulfilling their necessities, give them loans, if they are happy greet them, and if they are sad, share their sorrow, if they are sick, visit them and if they die offer funeral prayers for them and stay with them until they are buried. (Tafseer Roohul Bayaan, part 5/page 530)

Who is a neighbor?

Hazrat Hasan was asked 'Who is a neighbor?, he replied, 'Forty houses to the left, forty houses to the right, forty houses in front and forty houses behind your house.' (Aladabul Mufarad) Based on this saying we have to build good relations with at least 40 neighbors in all 4 directions so that our beloved Prophet Mohammad will be pleased with us. May Allah guide us all to fulfill the rights of our neighbors? Ameen.


American Muslim Voice Foundation

Our Peace Partners

September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
Amnesty International, Western region
Asian Americans for Peace & Justice
Asian Law Alliance
Buddhist Peace Fellowship, West Bay Chapter
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR National)
Code Pink
Council of Churches of Santa Clara County
Dalai Lama Foundation
Ecumenical Peace Institute
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Global Exchange
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Los Altos Voices for Peace
Micahs Call
Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice
Muslim Peace Fellowship
Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)
National Japanese American Historical Society
National Peace Academy
The Nihonmachi Outreach Committee, San Jose
Olive Branch Interfaith Peace Partnership
Our Developing World

Pax Christy of Stanford, CA
Peninsula Peace & Justice Center, Palo Alto, CA
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Priority Africa Network
Raging Grannies Action League
Rahima Foundation
Reach and Teach
Shalom Center
South Bay Department of Peace
The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
The South Alameda County Peace & Justice Coalition
United Muslims of America (UMA)
Veterans for Peace (National V. President Sharon KufeIdt)

Samina Sundas
March 25th 2011
The text being discussed is available at
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