IDEAS ... mainly PDFs
Thousands of IDEAS that relate to the problems of the modern economy and society
| Open list 0200-Ideas
Thousands of INITIATIVES that relate to the problems of the modern economy and society
| Open list 0200-Initiatives
COMPANIES ... mainly PDFs
Behavior of COMPANIES with respect to the the problems of the modern economy and society
| Open list 0200-Companies
Behavior of ORGANIZATIONS and INSTITUTIONS with respect to the problems of the modern economy and society
| Open list 0200-Organizations
SECTORS ... mainly PDFs
SECTORS ... as in health, education, agriculture, industry, commerce, banking, etc.
| Open list 0200-Sectors
FUNCTIONS ... mainly PDFs
FUNCTIONS ... as in accountancy, law, architecture, music, engineering, health, teachers, etc.
| Open list 0200-Functions
ISSUES ... mainly PDFs
ISSUES as they relate to the problems of the modern economy and society
| Open list 0200-Issues
METRICS ... mainly PDFs
ISSUES as they relate to the problems of the modern economy and society
| Open list 0200-Metrics
Navigate to pdfs and webpages about EVENTS
Background material sorted by EVENTS in alphabetical order of organizing institution
| Open list 0200-Events
PDFs about a range of background issues
in random order (as they are organized in filing system)
| Open list 0200-A-Z
Navigate to text pages about ISSUES
This is navigation into the background material sorted by issues in alphabetical order. [This is incomplete ... but already useful] There are hundreds of issues to be considered.
See also the BOOK 'Thousands of Issues' referenced below.
| Open list 0100
Definitions for TrueValueMetrics (TVM)
The definititions needed for the development of the TrueValueMetrics framework were developed during 2011/2012. One characteristic of TVM is that it is a single system of metrics that addresses all aspects of state, progress and performance for people, place, planet and profit.
| Open list 2004
PEOPLE - Peter Burgess LinkedIn Connections
Family name alphabetical
| Open list 0600A
PEOPLE - Peter Burgess LinkedIn Connections
Unorganized listing
| Open list 0600
Navigate by SECTORS
Sector is a useful orientation because it enables a focus on technology, but it also results in excessive 'silo' thinking ... These files organize information and enable navigation via sector
| Open list 2002
in alphabetical order
| Open list 0900
Navigate by COUNTRIES
in alphabetical order by COUNTRY
| Open list
Navigate by PEOPLE
in alphabetical order
| Open list 0800
Navigate by PEOPLE
in alphabetical order
Open list 0800
'../../DBadmin/DBpeople001.php?vv1=25' > Open PEOPLE database
Navigate by PEOPLE
in alphabetical order
Open list 0800
'../../DBadmin/DBtxt001.php?vv1=list01PEOPLE' > Open list01PEOPLE
TWEETS from @truevaluemetric
There are well over a thousands tweets since October 2010
| Open list 1100
SNIPPETS ... big print briefs
Collection of one page big print descriptions of different aspects of TrueValueMetrics
| Open list 1200
BRIEFS ... Master List by Subject
Navigation using master list of subjects in alphabetical order
Open list 1300
in random order
Open list 1900
in random order
| Open list 1700
in random order
| Open list 1600