Date: 2025-02-09 Page is: DBtxt001.php L0700-ML-zMISC-MATERIAL
How MONEY works
Modern MONEY is a mess
Economic theory has it that money is an economic measure, a store of value and a medium of exchange. The US dollar has does none of these things well. See how the purchasing power of the US dollar has declined during the 20th century!
On the other hand this quote from Keynes has validity. Inflation and the loss of purchasing power is a very subtle way of rewarding owners of real assets and defrauding those that work for their livelihood.
This is very thought provoking ... but is essentially wrong, not so much because of the detail of how 'money' is created, but because it ignores the mechanisms within natural capital and social capital by which wealth and prosperity are created.
Wealth and prosperity are created because the PROCESSES of the ECONOMY are able to 'harvest' the VALUE ADD of the PROCESSES of NATURAL WORLD and also the VALUE ADD of the ACTIVITIES of PEOPLE.
The financial processes being described in this video explain very well how the value created by human effort and natural systems is extracted by the banking and financial system to renrich this segment of the system at the expense of everyone else.
Financial Inclusion ... Accion-CFI-Uniting-Tech-and-Touch-Kenya-2017
36 page paper prepared by Alexis Beggs Olsen in November 2017
While Kenyans are comfortable conducting transactions digitally, other key aspects of the financial service customer journey are not adequately handled by digital means alone
Pavlina R. Tcherneva Levy Economics Institute of Bard College 26 pages
Money, in this paper, is defined as a power relationship of a specific kind, a stratified social debt relationship, measured in a unit of account determined by some authority. A brief historical examination reveals its evolving nature in the process of social provisioning. Money not only predates markets and real exchange as understood in mainstream economics but also emerges as
a social mechanism of distribution, usually by some authority of power (be it an ancient religious authority, a king, a colonial power, a modern nation state, or a monetary union). Money, it can be said, is a “creature of the state” that has played a key role in the transfer of real resources between parties and the distribution of economic surplus.
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