Coal mining / Oilfields / Pipelines / Flaring / Refineries / Power generation pollution / Transort Pollution
Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock usually occurring in rock strata in layers or veins called coal beds or coal seams.
Lest we forget, it was coal that powered the industrial revolution ... making steam that powered everything for decades. During the 19th and 20th centuries coal and steam changed everything and enabled huge improvements in the standard of living of billions of people.
The downside is that there was massive pollution, which has now become a very big problem that needs to be addressed.
Crude Oil
Natural Gas
Tar Sands
Without the sun, planet earth would be a very different place. It is the energy from the sun that has made everything on planet earth possible ... including life itself.
Compared to the years when I was growing up, people know a lot more about how things work. but compared to what we don't know this knowledge is tiny.
In the end, it is the laws of nature and not of humankind that will prevail.
Temperature rise
Global temperatures are on the rise again as 2016 has been marked as the hottest on record.
Open file 12947
Global ocean temperature anomolies from 1880 to 2016
The temperature rise post 1980 has been continuous ... reflecting the massive increase in scale of industrial activity in the post war years.
Very long term temperative change ... a period of 10,000 years
The temperature rise in the last hundred years is 'off the chart'
Correlation and Causality for Temperature Rise
Global temperature and Carbon Dioxide
The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased significantly over the same period 1880 to 2016
Ice Melt
Arctic Ice Melt
Observation of ice melt has been going on for several decades. There are indications that the process of ice melt is accelerating rather than going more slowly.
Sea Level Rise
Sea Level Rise ... 1992 to 2016
Multiple measures for sea level rise show sea level rise has been substantial in recent years
Sea Level Rise
The population of many major cities will be adversely affected by sea level rise
Superstorm Sandy ... October 2012
Superstorm Sandy
A coastline destroyed: Terrifying pictures show the devastation wreaked on New Jersey's shores by Sandy
Open file 12948
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Impact of Superstorm Sandy on New Jersey
Homes, flooded after Hurricane Sandy made landfall on the southern New Jersey coastline, on October 30, 2012 in Tuckerton, New Jersey.
The Economic Damage Associated with Superstorm Sandy
An aerial photo of Jan 18 2013 shows thousands of cars damaged during Superstorm Sandy and stored on the runways at an airport in Calverton, N.Y.