Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures
Key Takeaways of the 2018 Status Report of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
- The majority disclose some climate-related information. The majority of companies reviewed disclosed information aligned with at least one recommended disclosure, usually in sustainability reports.
- Financial implications are often not disclosed. While many companies disclose climate related information, few disclose the financial impact of climate change on the company.
- Information on strategy resilience under different climate-related scenarios is limited. Few companies describe the resilience of their strategies under different climate-related scenarios, including a 2°C or lower scenario, which is a key area of focus for the Task Force.
- Disclosures vary across industries and regions. Companies’ areas of focus in terms of climate-related financial disclosures vary significantly. For example, a higher percentage of non-financial companies reported information on their climate-related metrics and targets compared to financial companies; but a higher percentage of financial companies indicated their enterprise risk management processes included climate-related risks. In terms of regional differences, a higher percentage of companies in Europe disclosed information aligned with the recommendations compared to companies in other regions.
- Disclosures are often made in multiple reports. Companies often provided information aligned with the TCFD recommendations in multiple reports—financial filings, annual reports, and sustainability reports.
Open PDF ... TCFD-Status-Report-2018-P180918
- 2°C—2° Celsius
- 3°C—3° Celsius
- 4°C—4° Celsius
- AI—Artificial Intelligence
- AIGCC—Asia Investor Group on Climate Change
- ANZ—Australia New Zealand Bank
- CDSB—Climate Disclosure Standards Board
- CEO—Chief Executive Officer
- CFO—Chief Financial Officer
- CO2—Carbon Dioxide
- CO2e—Carbon Dioxide Equivalent
- CRD—Corporate Reporting Dialogue
- CSR—Corporate Social Responsibility
- EBRD—European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- ESG—Environmental, Social, and Governance
- FAIRR—Farm Animal Investment Risk and Return
- FSA—Financial Services Agency (Japan)
- Financial Initiative
- G20—Group of 20
- GHG—Greenhouse Gas
- GRI—Global Reporting Initiative
- ICMM—International Council on Mining and Metals
- IEA—International Energy Agency
- IGCC—Investor Group on Climate Change
- IIF—Institute for International Finance
- IIGCC—Institutional Investors Group for Climate Change
- IIRC—International Integrated Reporting Council
- IPCC—Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- kg—Kilogram
- METI—Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (Japan)
- MOE—Ministry of the Environment (Japan)
- OECD—Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
- PRI—Principles for Responsible Investment
- TCFD—Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
- R&D—Research and Development
- SASB—Sustainability Accounting Standards Board
- UN SDGs—United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- UNEP FI—United Nations Environment Programme
- WBCSD—World Business Council for Sustainable Development
- WEF—World Economic Forum
TCFD Implementation Guide ...
Using SASB Standards and the CDSB Framework to Enhance Climate-Related Financial Disclosures in Mainstream Reporting
This paper is the first in a series of practical, TCFD-focused resources CDSB and SASB intend to develop and make available in the coming months and years, as climate-related tools and reporting practices continue to mature.
By offering how-to guidance, this publication aims to help companies enhance the robustness, consistency, comparability, and utility of TCFD implementation and reporting through SASB and CDSB’s market-tested frameworks, standards and resources.
Regardless of whether an organization has a sophisticated approach to managing climate risks and opportunities or is just getting started, it can use this guidance to move forward in supporting improved decision-making, enhanced market resilience, and more sustainable economic growth.
Open PDF ... TCFD-implementation-guide-2019-sasb-cdsb