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People ... Winnie Byanyima ... Executive Director ... Oxfam
A short video about the economic measurement problem and massive inequality
Open file 11633
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Oxfam-Briefing-Paper ... Reward-Work-not-Wealth-180122-Summary
To end the inequality crisis, we must build an economy for ordinary working people, not the rich and powerful.
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EVEN IT UP ... Universal health, education and other public services reduce the gap between rich and poor, and between women and men. Fairer taxation of the wealthiest can help pay for them.
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Excutive Summary ... EVEN IT UP ... Universal health, education and other public services reduce the gap between rich and poor, and between women and men. Fairer taxation of the wealthiest can help pay for them.
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Methodology ... EVEN IT UP ... Universal health, education and other public services reduce the gap between rich and poor, and between women and men. Fairer taxation of the wealthiest can help pay for them.
Open PDF ... Oxfam-Public-Good-or-Private-Wealth-Methodology-190121
The Demand Side of Impact Investing ... Elevating the perspectives of local entrepreneurs in the impact sector
A 77 page paper
Open PDF ... Oxfam-Public-Good-or-Private-Wealth-Methodology-190121
“Making Investments in Poor Farmers Pay: A
Review of Evidence and Sample of Options
for Marginal Areas,” by Melinda Smale and
Emily Alpert (2009).
“Turning the Tables: Global Trends in Public
Agricultural Investments,” by Melinda Smale,
Kelly Hauser, and Nienke Beintema, with
Emily Alpert (2009).
“Risk and Risk Transfer in Agriculture:
Facilitating Food Security and Poor Farmer
Participation,” by Leander Schneider (2010).
“From the Ground Up: Strategies for Global
Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction,”
by Kelly Hauser (2010).
“Impact of Climate Change on Response
Providers and Socially Vulnerable
Communities in the US,” by John Cooper
and Jasmine Waddell (2010).
“Climate Change and Violent Conflict: A
Critical Literature Review,” by Ellen Messer
“Under Pressure: Reducing Disaster Risk
and Enhancing US Emergency Response
Capacity in an Era of Climate Change,” by
Marc Cohen, Kelly Hauser, Ellen Messer,
and M. Cristina Tirado (2011).
“Impact of Garment and Textile Trade
Preferences on Livelihoods in Cambodia,” by
Sophal Chan and Sothea Oum (2011).
“In Need of a Better WASH: Water,
Sanitation, and Hygiene Policy Issues in
Post-earthquake Haiti,” by Figaro Joseph
“Local Capacity in Humanitarian Response:
Vision or Mirage?,” by Michael Delaney and
Jacobo Ocharan (2012).
“Systems, Power and Agency in Marketbased Approaches to Poverty,” by Chris
Jochnick (2012).
“Measuring Economic Progress and WellBeing: How to move beyond GDP?,” by
Heloisa Marone (2012).
“Land Rights, Land Tenure, and Urban
Recovery: Rebuilding Post-Earthquake Portau-Prince and Léogâne,” by Harley F.
Etienne (2012).
“Haiti Rice Value Chain Assessment: Rapid
Diagnosis and Implications for Program
Design,” by David C. Wilcock and Franco
Jean-Pierre (2012).
“From Controversy to Consensus: Lessons
Learned from Government and Company
Consultations with Indigenous Organizations
in Peru and Bolivia,” edited by Emily
Greenspan (2012).
“Community Consent Index: Oil, Gas, and
Mining Company Public Positions on Free,
Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC),” by
Marianne Voss and Emily Greenspan
“Harvesting Data: What Can 10 Years of
Official Development Assistance Data Tell
Us About US International Agricultural
Development?,” by Kelly Hauser (2012).
“Summary of reports on mining and
development in the province of Espinar,
Peru,” by Gerardo Castillo Guzmán (2013).
“US Investment in Large-scale Land
Acquisitions in Low- and Middle-Income
Countries,” by Joshua Humphreys, Ann
Solomon, and Emmanuel Tumusiime (2013).
“Local Institutions, External Interventions,
and Adaptations to Climate Variability: The
75 The Demand Side of Impact Investing
case of the Borana pastoralists in southern
Ethiopia,” by Dejene Negassa Debsu (2013).
“Local Institutions, External Interventions,
and Adaptations to Climate Variability: The
case of southern Mali,” by Rebecca Joy
Howard (2013).
“The Power of Oil Palm: Land grabbing and
impacts associated with the expansion of oil
palm crops in Guatemala: The case of the
Palmas del Ixcan Company,” by Arantxa
Guerena and Ricardo Zepeda (2013).
“Human Rights and Social Conflict in Oil,
Gas, and Mining Industries: Policy
recommendations for national human rights
institutions,” by Ben Collins and Lesley
Fleischman (2013).
“The Rice Value Chain in Haiti: Policy
proposal,” by Carlos Furche (2013).
“Housing Delivery and Housing Finance in
Haiti: Operationalizing the national housing
policy,” by Duong Huynh, et al. (2013).
“Development Assistance on Local Adaptive
Capacity to Climate Change: Insights from
Senegal,” by Henri M. Lo and Emmanuel
Tumusiime (2013).
“Agriculture Change, Land, and Violence in
Protracted Political Crisis: An examination of
Darfur,” by Abdal Monium K. Osman, Helen
Young, Robert F. Houser, and Jennifer C.
Coates (2013).
“Sustainable and inclusive Investments in
Agriculture: Lessons on the Feed the Future
Initiative in Tanzania,” by Emmanuel
Tumisiime and Demund Matotay (2014).
“Feed the Future Investment in Haiti:
Implications for sustainable food security and
poverty reduction,” by Danielle Fuller
Wimbush and Cardyn Fil-Aime (2014).
“Delivering Aid in contested Spaces:
Afghanistan,” by Erin Blankenship (2014).
“The Drivers of Economic Inequality: A
Primer,” by Nick Galasso (2014).
“Ready for gold? Assessing Haiti’s
governance and regulatory capacity for
large-scale mining,” by Scott Sellwood and
Stuart Levit (2015).
“Global Reach of the US Financial Sector,”
by Stephanie Fontana (2015).
“Climate change, equity and stranded
assets,” by Simon Caney (2016).
“Gender and Social Accountability: Ensuring
women’s inclusion in citizen-led
accountability programming relating to
extractive industries,” by Sarah Bradshaw
with Brian Linneker and Lisa Overton (2016).
“Transformative and Feminist Leadership for
Women’s Rights,” by Shawna Wakefield
“The energy challenge in sub-Saharan
Africa: A guide for advocates and policy
makers: Part 1: Generating energy for
sustainable and equitable development,” by
Nkiruka Avila, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Brittany
Shaw, and Daniel M. Kammen (2017).
“The energy challenge in sub-Saharan
Africa: A guide for advocates and policy
makers: Part 2: Addressing energy poverty,”
by James Morrissey (2017).
“Political Rigging: A primer on political
capture and influence in the 21st century,” by
Janine R. Wedel, Nazia Hussain, and Dana
Archer Dolan (2017).
“Energy and Women and Girls: Analyzing
the needs, uses, and impacts of energy on
women and girls in the developing world,” by
Rebecca Rewald (2017).
“The Rise of Populism and Its Implications
for Development NGOs,” by Nick Galasso,
Gianandrea Nelli Feroci, Kimberly Pfeifer,
Martin Walsh (2017).
“Mitigating Poverty and Climate Change:
How reducing short-lived climate pollutants
can support pro-poor sustainable
development”, by Ryan Hottle and Thomas
Damassa (2018).
“Identifying and analyzing the gendered
impact of Hurricane María on WASH
practices in rural communities of Puerto
Rico,” by Christiana Smyrilli, Pamela Silva,
Lenulisy Rosado, and Martha Thompson
“Linking Electrification and Productive Use,”
by James Morrissey (2019).
“Saving for Change in Mali: From Women’s
Financial Inclusion to Public Engagement,”
by Tara F. Deubel and Micah Boyer (2019).
The Demand Side of Impact Investing 76
“USAID’s AVANSE Project in Haiti: An
Assessment of Its Conformity with Aid
Effectiveness Principles,” by Marc Anglade,
Marc J. Cohen, and Tonny Joseph (2019).
“Accountable to Whom? Promoting Women’s
Rights through Extractive Industries
Revenue Accountability,” by Namalie
Jayasinghe, Mirna de la Rosa Jimenez,
Maritza Ruiz, Tamara Billima-Mulenga, and
Mwiinga Cheelo (2019).
“Natural Gas for Development?
Understanding the opportunities and
challenges for gas in a context of climate
change”, by Kendra Kintzi (2019).
Achieving Universal Electricity Access at the
Lowest Cost: A comparison of least-cost
electrification models, by James Morrissey
The Demand Side of Impact Investing:
Elevating the Perspectives of Local
Entrepreneurs in the Impact Sector, by
Jessica Jones (2019)