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Date: 2025-01-23 Page is: DBtxt001.php L0500-FairCoop


FAIRCOIN2 In this group we discuss various aspects of FairCoin2 the new fair version, launched already in 18 july 2017 You can read updates here: Look at the code development here: The form for registering a CVN is here:
--------------------------------------------------------------- What? BUMBUM 02/09/2014 MAIN MENU FairCoop: Earth’s cooperative for economic fairness is an open global cooperative, self-organized via the Internet and remaining outside nation-state control. Its aim is to make the transition to a new world by reducing the economic and social inequalities among human beings as much as possible, and at the same time gradually contribute to a new global wealth, accessible to all humankind as commons. understands that the transformation to a fairer monetary system is a key element. Therefore, Faircoin was proposed as the cryptocurrency upon which to base its resource-redistribution actions and building of a new global economic system.
FairCoop introduction from on Vimeo. Faircoin and a new economic system from on Vimeo. The Earth Cooperative for a Fair Economy 17/09/2014 Coop Forest 17/09/2014 The Earth Cooperative for a Fair Economy MYLIU 17/09/2014 GENERAL ECOSYSTEM, PRESS LEAVE A COMMENT in a glance is an open global cooperative which organizes itself through the Internet and stays off-limits from nation-state control. A primary objective of Fair.Coop is to build a new global economic system based on cooperation, ethics, solidarity and justice in our economic relations, so that all human beings can live a fuller, more equitable life. For this matter we ask ourselves some questions: Why do we do this? What are we after? How will do it? When? We will now answer them for everyone to have a glance at the initiative we are developing and a chance to form their own opinions. WHY do we do it? Currency exchange through forex markets negatively impacts on people’s purchasing power and therefore increases economic inequality, causing impoverishment, cheap labor, plunder of natural resources through speculative devaluation, etc. Global financial system is dominated by a minority. Economic models based on perpetual growth are causing destruction of many life forms on the planet, natural cycle mismatches, overexploitation of natural resources, etc. Central governments and corrupt politicians focused on following the dictates of hegemonic power are plundering even the most essential resources needed for a decent life. Individualism and competitiveness are the values we are constantly forced to have. Privatization of knowledge and technology plays against the advance of the human species. WHAT do we want to achieve? A new global economic system based on cooperation, ethics, solidarity and justice in economic relations. An autonomous, independent system based on a common strategy to allow economic empowerment of active social change subjects and all the people who are not getting the minimum required for subsistence. Based on the open cooperative concept where commons equals fair, and with a name to clearly show its goals: – Restore economic and social north / south balance – Enhance the seed of cooperation, the common good and economic justice expanding to all corners of the planet. – Use the properties of cryptocurrencies, namely Faircoin, which has some characteristics that make it suitable for this purpose, enhancing its use as a reference currency in the areas of fair trade and ethical consumption. Everything under the principles of: Redistribution and peer exchange Open political participation Decentralization of organizational forms Production of commons Share and distribute open knowledge Economics, politics, knowledge, cooperation, production, all peer to peer and openly and cooperatively HOW will we do it? Initially it is important to notice that in general, a currency should: 1. Be a medium of exchange for goods and services 2. Be a store of value 3. Be a reference value (price system) Up until now the official Banking System, based on central banks and fiat currencies, has been the only option that allowed all three options. Alternatives based on Social Currencies, as they are usually referenced to a fiat currency, are facing similar challenges as fiat money, for they are also inflationary, etc. Furthermore they are mainly intended for local use and are not very interconnected so far. Therefore, is developing a series of tools and concepts, both technological and monetary, that will allow us to stop depending on the hegemonic system. First, by using Faircoin, to create a fair and decentralized economic system. This cryptocurrency has characteristics suitable for it: it is Earth-friendly (99.99% of the new creation is by minting and therefore does not require high energy consumption), it encourages saving, and it’s secure (thanks to the combination of POW and POS, the two most common systems used to generate and validate blocks). In the political and organizational aspects, we will build on the principles and ways already defined by various groups who fight for social change, such as the integral revolution, peer2peer, hacker ethics, free knowledge, degrowth, good living, etc. As for the tools that will allow us to achieve these goals, they include so far: At monetary level: Faircoin: as a store of value and future price reference. Faircredit: an evolved, global mutual credit system as a means of exchange of goods and services, complementing faircoin and thus reducing the need to spend faircoins and enhancing in that way its function as value storage. At resource level: Fairfunds: Funds destined for donations to social and technological change or local community empowerment projects. Fairsaving: Savings service for members who want to use our infrastructure to keep their faircoins. Fairmarket: Virtual Market focused on the marketing and distribution of products and services by Fair.Coop members and open to everyone. Based on a Faircredit and Faircoin payment system. In short, products and services moving all around. Fairbag: Encrypted backup system for user information. Fairfunding: Platforms for collecting donations for Fairfunds. We start off with Coopfunding net. Fair.Network: The community’s social network, through which decisions are made, voting takes place, protocols, tasks, meetings, etc. are shared, exercising then direct and participatory democracy. Fair.Coop Ecosystem (the forest) All of this is like a natural ecosystem based on cooperation and encompassed within the global cooperative Fair.Coop. It is organized into Councils (trunks) and Commissions (branches) which form the trees of our forest. The ones already created by the promoter group are: Ecosystem Which includes various working committees or branches: 1 General 2 Economy 3 Extension Funds 1. Global South Fund 2. Commons Fund 3. Technology Infrastructure Fund Local nodes They will look after Fair.Coop’s territorial expansion, bonding and cooperation with groups running projects, and direct support to empowerment of local initiatives. FairNetwork It’s an open social network that allows all members to collaborate, discuss and decide together. And specifically allows councils and commissions to share collective creation spaces with all members. WHEN? While social collaboration dynamics are already starting on the Fair Network, the economic plan has been divided into 3 phases: Phase 1: Increase the value of the currency based on savings Objective: Increasing participation and generating value with Fair.Coop’s projects and services, and putting collective intelligence to work at sharing knowledge, decision-making and new projects on the FairNetwork. Raising Faircoin demand and price in relation to other currencies (capitalization), to increase value of the funds and interest from real economy in Fairfunds. Enhancing empowerment and development of Global South collectives and Commons-oriented projects, supporting them with technology and sharing of open knowledge. For this we will: Have cooperative actions for Faircoin-raising through donations. Reduce the amount of coins from ethical savings available for sale, as supported by the system in which minting of Faircoin is based (POS) and by the many services created for that matter. Phase 2: Economic activity based on Faircoin Generating commercial interest, especially in ethical, cooperative and sustainable areas, through increased Faircoin capitalization. Building Faircoin trade activity among Fair.Coop members and everyone in general; launching FairCredit and Fairmarket. Phase 3: Consolidation of a fair economic system Expansion of the Fair.Coop ecosystem. Store of value function will allow us to stop depending on fiat currencies. Generate broader cooperation and solidarity dynamics worldwide. This post is also available in: Spanish French German Portuguese
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ About Getfaircoin WHAT IS FAIRCOOP: FairCoop, the Earth cooperative for a fair economyTHE EARTH’S COOPERATIVE FOR A FAIR ECONOMY FairCoop is an open global cooperative, self-organized via the Internet and remaining outside nation-state control. Its aim is to make the transition to a new world by reducing the economic and social inequalities among human beings as much as possible, and at the same time gradually contribute to a new global wealth, accessible to all humankind as commons. FairCoop understands that the transformation to a fairer monetary system is a key element. Therefore, Faircoin was proposed as the cryptocurrency upon which to base its resource-redistribution actions and building of a new global economic system. More information about FairCoop in (currently in English, Spanish, Catalan, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Greek and Chinese). WHAT IS GETFAIRCOIN: is an easy way to buy Faircoin from different national currencies like EUR, USD, SYP, CNY, RUB, GBP, INR, NGN, BRL, MXN, etc with commonly-used payment methods like wire Transfer, credit or debit Card, and now also using Cash, through the physical places set up by local nodes involved in FairCoop. Getfaircoin is backed and managed by FairCoop. HOW IT WORKS: You receive your Faircoins in three simple steps: Choose your payment option (like wire transfer or credit card). Put the amount of money that you want to exchange. This can be done in your local currency or Euros. Choose a place where you want to receive your Faircoin. You have three options: Download your own Faircoin wallet, and copy the address that the wallet gives you. here you can download: Store your Faircoin in the Fairsaving service from FairCoop. See info about Fairsaving here: → Open an account in an exchange (like and give us the Faircoin address that the exchange created for you. Storing your Faircoins in an exchange we don’t recommend but you are free to chose this option. After you have filled in the form and after we’ve received the payment, you will get the accounted amount of Faircoins to your Faircoin address. We will send you a message to notify you about the transaction. Because this is a manual process, there could be a delay of 24 – 48 hours between completion of the payment and receiving your faircoins. HOW PAYMENTS RECEIVED ARE USED: The Euros received by getfaircoin are: Used to cover FairCoop expenses which needs to exchange to Euro (which can be followed here: Saved as reserves to cover the exchanges by producers/merchants in to Euros again. Reinvested to buy Faircoin at the open market. This option is a circular process: – We receive Euros, convert them into Bitcoin and send them to Bittrex. – We are exchanging Bitcoin into Faircoins at Bittrex, and sell them in getfaircoin. Potential profits related to price differences are used to secure future trading risks and to stabilize the price. If these aims are covered growing profits will be reinvested into FairCoop. PAYMENT OPTIONS AND FEES: Getfaircoin charges 1% of your Faircoin order when using transfer or credit card. This amount goes to the Pooled Fund of the FairCoop ecosystem to cover FairCoop expenses. In the case of physical cash exchange in local nodes, the exchange is free (0% fee) and a 1% payment from the pooled fund will be invested to sustain the local nodes. Additional fees for the payment process depend on the chosen payment method. Nowadays credit card payments using Fairbill will have an additional fee of 3.1%+0.30€ for every exchange operation. EXCHANGE RATE: One of the most important questions about Faircoin is how its price is set up. All those who already have experience with cryptocurrencies knows that nowadays there are mainly two ways of trading them: first, through online exchange markets, where you can exchange between cryptocurrencies and second, markets where you exchanging them for fiat currency. Faircoin is currently tradable on Bittrex. Within these exchanges, purchases and sales between the traded currencies define the price of a cryptocurrency, and therefore also facilitates the speculation and volatility that we see today: one of the major handicaps for its widespread adoption. Participation in these sites cannot be avoided, since Faircoin is decentralized and any business can decide to trade it. Nevertheless, we know that the future of Faircoin does not depend on speculation nor volatility. Also, one of the objectives of FairCoop is to sustain the value of the savings of the people involved. Therefore we cannot accept its purchasing power being affected by speculative factors. These reasons drived us to create a unique pricing system that complies with the values and objectives of both FairCoop, the project which is closely linked to Faircoin itself. Therefore we democratically dedided that, in order to combat these issues and bearing in mind that the objective of Faircoin is to be a fair currency that serves the real economy, we were going to set a fixed price in Getfaircoin. Thus anyone who started to use it; both customers and merchants, had a stable reference price: 20 Faircoin = 1 Euro. At that time, we decided to link the reference price to the Euro, because it’s the main monetary area where FairCoop and Faircoin have been established and are most active by now. Anyway, the same could be done in other areas when sufficient need for a direct price stability between their official currency and Faircoin is required. Therefore, in the near future, decisions to exchange to other currencies like the Swiss Franc, the Argentine Peso or the US Dollar could be established; always of course consistent with the principles of FairCoop. Importantly, it should be pointed out that the price in is the minimum that we set. But as the community grows, and Faircoin is getting stronger and increasingly incorporating into real economic activities, its value will grow and so this will be reflected in the price of Faircoin at as well. To see the full statement about the exchange rate: PAYMENT EXAMPLES: For current rate of 1 € = 20 FAIR and a exchange of 100 € Transfer Example: payment method wire transfer (0%) 100 € x 20 FAIR = 2,000 FAIR 1% getfaircoin fee of 2,000 FAIR = 20 FAIR you receive: 1,980 FAIR Credit Card Example: payment method credit card (3.1% + 0.30€) via Fairbill Credit card processor receives 3.1% fee + 0.30€ = 3.40€ fee Getfaircoin receives 96.6 € 96.6 € x 20 FAIR = 1,932 FAIR 1% gefaircoin fee of 1,932 FAIR = 19,3 FAIR you receive: 1.912,7 FAIR
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FairCoin BUMBUM 02/09/2014 MAIN MENU 5 COMMENTS A new world with cryptocurrencies The world of cryptocurrencies started with the enigmatic person or collective Satoshi Nakamoto. His origin or place of residence remains unknown. Everyone talks about him, but nobody really knows him. In 2008 he published his white paper, introducing a disruptive technology that would turn the global monetary system around, and would initiate the fall of the current bank wall. Satoshi not only launched the theory, but also designed it and put it into our hands. The following year he launched a free software application to create the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. Then the race began. Hundreds of coins have been developed from this initial one, each with its own peculiarities, but generally respecting basic features such as blockchains, encryption, pre-coined money supply, etc. We are at a historic moment. Peer society alternatives have been growing fast, and cryptocurrencies provide us with just the tool that was missing to enable us to change the rules of the game. A REVOLUTION OF ECONOMIC, TECHNOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL SYSTEMS IS TAKING OFF. What is a cryptocurrency? It is a digital currency, or virtual money based on a peer-to-peer, decentralized exchange network protected by cryptography. This means that, in the first place, it isn’t a material currency, but rather that everything works virtually from our computers and the Internet. Second, it is protected by encryption, hence the name “cryptocurrency”. This is a way to secure the system and the transactions through mathematical algorithms which convert the information in an encrypted block, only readable with the correct key, with a level of encryption that’s impossible to decipher with today’s known technology. Coins are not actually units as we may think, but pieces of information, specifically they’re exchanges of keys which are recorded on a public accounts book which everyone can see and check, and which is is almost impossible to fake. To put it simply, what actually happens when you give someone else a coin is that you sign a transaction with your private key, transferring a value (“coins”) to another person’s direction. These signatures make up chains that are verified and confirmed by an entire community of people who use their own computers to verify that the transactions are correct. As complex as the system may seem, it is actually very simple, and enough technology has been developed to make a cryptocurrency payment as easy as paying with your code-protected credit card. The innovation and main difference of cryptocurrencies as compared to central money is, in the first place, cryptocurrencies are neither saved nor controlled by any central bank or State. In this system, you own all your money, and the system is secure thanks to peer2peer technology. Secondly, counterfeiting is currently unfeasible. Thus, cryptocurrencies give us immunity to interference and manipulation by central banks and return us our freedom of economic management How are notes and balances secured? Satoshi’s great contribution to humankind is the blockchain. It consists of a p2p program which collects all the transactions done in a period of time in a block and joins them together in “chains”, resulting in something resembling a ledger containing all transactions, which are then distributed and verified to avoid fraud. In order for a block to be added in the chain, it must be submitted to automatized voting among all the computers connected to the net, so they can determine whether the block contains valid information or not. Once the node accepts a block as valid (which means that all transactions contained are true), other nodes confirm its validity by building the next blocks on the same chain. Therefore, each block maintains a mathematical relationship with the previous block and the future one. This whole process has its foundations laid in the mathematical algorithms specially designed for this purpose. The blockchain provides the world’s first decentralized, incorruptible system for registering any financial or legal contract, so it’s already being used for multiple purposes, and new ones will gradually appear. Each computer which downloads the program acts as a notary, and all computers working simultaneously decide according to mathematical laws. How are coins created? The software released for Bitcoin was designed in such a way that only 21 million coins could be created. For Faircoin, there are 50 million coins plus those which are generated through the minting system explained below. There are different ways to create these coins. The most common and widespread methods are POW and POS. Both are designed with a feedback system, ie, in order to get coins from the system, you must contribute to making the system work properly. Let’s take a closer look into the way this functions. POW (Proof Of Work) This is a validation system based on work, also called mining. It is dependent on computing power. Miners are those who participate in the network, contributing with their computer and the energy expenditure derived from mining. Mining itself is performed on different nodes working in unison through the POW infrastructure. The more computing power supplied to the system, the more likely it is for a block to be completed. For each block completed and added to the blockchain, the creator node is awarded a certain amount of coins, in the case of bitcoins, 25BTC. This system values the work of the mining community in completing the blocks, and compensates it with coins. This is the system used for bitcoins and is known as MINING. POS (Proof Of Stake) In this case, the system validation is based on demonstrating that you own the coins by using “money age”. New coins are created once you prove that you have been saving a certain amount for a certain time, and through this saving, you also contribute to the network’s security. This method began with Peercoin and is also currently used in Faircoin. The process is known as MINTING. Both methods are widely used by different cryptocurrencies, separately or as a hybrid. However, POS arose to overcome some disadvantages of POW: on the one hand, there is the problem of energy consumption. As the system has grown, along with the number of transactions, it is increasingly difficult to mine a block and it requires more and more computing power, therefore becoming an ecological and economic issue. On the other hand, since transactions are validated by miners, if 51% of the computing power of mining nodes were to unite, they could seize control of transactions and therefore of the registered coins. This is known as a 51% attack. In opposition to this, POS does not require large energy resources for minting. Anyone, with just a computer and an unlocked wallet, can mint (see specifications below), so it’s a much greener way to maintain the system. Also, the only way a monopoly could arise in the case of POS would be if someone were to own more than 50% of minted coins — which would be meaningless in terms of economic terms for the owner to prejudice their own capital. But neither mining nor minting can truly be considered fair, because both confer an advantage on the already rich. Therefore we decided to create a new version of FairCoin which corrects these issues. This is why we are developing Proof of Cooperation. PoC (Proof of Cooperation) POC is the unique validation system developed and used specially for FairCoin. In contrast to other cryptocurrencies FairCoin does not implement any mining or minting functionality, which are both competitive systems. Block generation is instead performed by so-called certified validation nodes (in short CVN). These nodes cooperate to secure the network. Therefore we call this system proof-of-cooperation (PoC). PoC is an example of a consensus algorithm – which are always required in the P2P network of a crypto currency. Every node in such a network must obey to the same set of rules to maintain the networks integrity. All connected clients have the same data available to verify the state of the network. To run a CVN one needs to undergo certification called “node certificaction procedure” and operated by FairCoop. There is no reward for block creation. Therefore, the money supply is not changed by creating blocks. The mandatory transaction fees go to the respective block creators to compensate them for their efforts in running a CVN. The old version of the FairCoin wallet relied on mining (PoW) and minting (PoS) technology to secure the block chain. Proof-of-cooperation (PoC) is built on the code-base of a recent version of the Bitcoin core client and enables us to benefit from the latest developments made by the dedicated Bitcoin developers. Also the comprehensive infrastructure that already exists around Bitcoin can be adopted for FairCoin with minimal effort. The main advantages of Faircoin 2 are: No more money creation. Faircoin 2, stops creating new coins. Certified nodes don’t need to do that in order to give security to transactions. Instead, Faircoin 2 helps to create the conditions for existing coins to be redistributed to amazing social projects worldwide, thanks to funds like Global South Fund, Commons Fund, Technological Infrastructure Fund and Refugees Fund. Instant confirmations. Technically Faircoin 2 brings us important innovations for making Faircoin an important tool for online and physical payments; one of these is instant confirmations, which brings security to real time exchange relations in multiple situations. Technical environment perfect for Micropayments. The high efficiency level of the Faircoin 2 network, trusted node relations, low energy cost and consequently low fees, make Faircoin the best currency for micropayments, which are very important for many needs like the gift economy and use in poor countries. The PoC innovation finally makes FairCoin fair, secure, and power-saving on the base of cooperation instead of competition. For more technical details please have a look at the white FairCoin2 Paper here: FairCoinFairCoin2_logo Faircoin, the Faircoop ecosystem cryptocurrency FairCoin is the monetary base system for FairCoop. The key purposes of FairCoin is to be used as a tool for economic redistribution, increasing justice, the empowerment of grassroots groups, the transformation of social and economic relations and the creation of commons. How to start with Faircoin? To use Faircoin, you first need a virtual wallet. Wallets are neccesary to keep your coins safe and for making transactions, both to receive and send Faircoins, by just entering a receiver address. There are basically three types of wallets: the official wallet that is on your computer and two more lightweight wallets: Electrum wallet and Android wallet. The latter is for mobile devices. Here you can find a tutorial with info on the different wallets you have and how to install them. It is important to note that any transaction made is impossible to reverse, as it is recorded in the blockchain; therefore, users need to be careful, and also that now you are your own bank – so in the tutorial guides you will find some safety tips that we recommend you to follow in order to avoid the loss of your Faircoins. Buy Faircoins Currently you can buy Faircoins 1.) with fiat currencies on or 2.) with Bitcoins on Because of its simpicity and the direct link to FairCoop we recommand the first option. Furthermore by chosing for your order you support the FairCoop ecosystem. Here is a link to the website with an easy to follow instruction: . For the second option you must sign up with an email and password on the online exchange and send them your Bitcoins. You can buy Bitcoins in a number of places on the Internet. Instead of holding your Faircoins in an exchange like Bittrex it is also recommended to download your own FairCoin wallet to store and self-manage your coins yourself, as well as for security reasons. Here’s the link to the tutorials if you’d like to know more: . We could go on explaining, but the best way to learn is to download the wallet and start experimenting with your Faircoins. This post is also available in: Spanish French Catalan Chinese (Simplified) German Greek Portuguese COMMENTSBACKERS 145.00€ DONATED OF 10,000.00€ GOAL 2 BACKERS CONTRIBUTE NOW Launched: 14/08/2016 Global Share this campaign ABOUT THE AUTHOR Naberpravda Created 1 Campaign • View Profile @revoltistanbul Naberpravda is a media activist that physically participated in the media groups of 15M, #AcampadaSyntagma, Occupy Wall Street, Gezi Uprising and Nuit Debout, besides everyday revolution. She is a guerilla journalist livestreamer, live editor (mixer), videographer, facilitator and organizer. She identifies as an ecologist, anarchist, transfeminist, zen and rastafari cyborg. She is still an editor of and nabermedya. While experiencing Integral Revolution in Catalonia and following the discussions on platform cooperativism, she now dreams of taking part in an Integral Communication Cooperative that would retribute its contributors. ASK QUESTION This post is available in english , turkish , italian, german and french. Lets Create the Integral Communication Cooperative! The world as we know is ending and it should. For creating a sustainable and fair world, we need to organize. Communication is the essence of organization. It is even more important for voluntary and horizontal organizations. We assemble in public spaces, from Tahrir to Indignados, Syntagma to Occupy Wall Street, Gezi Park to Hong Kong to Nuit Debout; to communicate directly, freely and equally. Yet no square is big enough to fit entire populations concerned with our globally common problems. Fortunately, we have the power of internet to connect all our local struggles in a global movement with enough bandwidth that makes synchronous audiovisual communication possible, in other words, live. With the internet of today, we are already at a level of technology that enables us to scale direct democracy globally, allowing assemblies and delegations to be completely transparent and dynamic. It is in all of our hands to use resources efficiently for achieving ecological equilibrium. All of us are responsible with organizing a global revolution. In order for us to succeed, everybody should be able to participate in horizontally distributed modes of communication, which means we must build a truly free and equal global network capable of co-creating a world that we want to live. A collective of volunteers from audiovisol,, nabermedya and many more, are here to facilitate self-education and communal empowerment using available tools adequately. Initial projects are: Campaign for universal media literacy and accessibility, Facilitate actual and virtual interactive workshops to spread the know-how of media production that covers both anonymity and publicity training Share knowledge about open-source technologies ie: using Linux, installing and configuring WordPress, setting up streaming servers and live editing with Open Broadcaster Software Organize people as singular producers (citizen journalists), tactical media teams and guerilla communication hubs Build a platform for this global effort with the corresponding communal media Create channels to curate the actualities of the movement, including 24/7 interactive internet TV and radio in multiple languages Promote sustainable, fair, autonomous and authentic ways of living through extensive media campaigns Facilitate actual and virtual assemblies to manage all these processes Joining the network is free, as in freedom. We provide tutorials for everyone. However, we need donations to be sustainable. Every person who donates a minimum amount (400 faircoins or 20 euros) will gain the right to receive a functional “membership USB stick” that contains Tails OS, which we will configure to automatically plug into our encrypted network, providing members with encrypted instant messaging, encrypted mail, cloud storage space and access to a mesh VPN besides the default secure tools of Tails. This will facilitate many people to break out of censorship and enable them to communicate without being surveilled and exploited. If you want to get a membership stick, please contact Donations will be allocated to setup, maintain and expand this network into a worldwide Integral Communication Cooperative by rewarding volunteers, providing them with tools, covering their expenses and experimenting with new techniques. When we all accomplish our task up to a certain point, we can start touring the world to build physical infrastructure in an effort to create a completely autonomous network, calling for local assemblies, introducing alternative ways of living. Whole process will be completely live and interactive. Revolution will be televised because the television will be revolutionized. Lets communicate with each other to find a better way of living. Let us start now!

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